Exemplo n.º 1
            public void UpdatePlayerModels(databaseCache cache)
                //First get hand details
                var handDetails = cache.getCurrentHandDetails();

                //If hand id has changed since last time then some reseting is needed
                if (cache.getCurrentHandId() != lastHandIdConsidered)
                    //reset variables
                    lastHandIdConsidered   = cache.getCurrentHandId();
                    wasRaisedPot           = false;
                    wasHandState           = HandState.PreFlop;
                    lastActionIdConsidered = -1;

                    //get keys in players dictionary and players in cache who are sat in
                    //long[] keys = playersOld.Keys.ToArray();
                    long[] satInPlayerIds = cache.getSatInPlayerIds();

                    lastNumberActivePlayers = cache.PlayerIdsStartedHand().Length;

                    //Remove from players all items that don't correspond to sat in players
                    //long[] toRemove = keys.Except(satInPlayerIds).ToArray();

                    //for (byte i = 0; i < toRemove.Length; i++)
                    //    playersOld.Remove(toRemove[i]);

                    //Go through each seat
                    //for (int i = 0; i < satInPlayerIds.Length; i++)
                    //    //Get player id for person in seat
                    //    long pid = satInPlayerIds[i];

                    //    //and the player is not in dictionary add them, otherwise reset their entry
                    //    if (!playersOld.ContainsKey(pid))
                    //        playersOld.Add(pid, new PlayerModel(tableId, lastHandIdConsidered, pid, wrProv));
                    //    else
                    //        playersOld[pid].ResetProbsToDefault(lastHandIdConsidered);

                    //    playersOld[pid].UpdateCardsWinPercentages(new Card[] { }, lastNumberActivePlayers);

                    //get keys in players dictionary and players in cache who are sat in
                    long[] keys = playersNew.Keys.ToArray();

                    //Remove from players all items that don't correspond to sat in players
                    long[] toRemove = keys.Except(satInPlayerIds).ToArray();

                    for (byte i = 0; i < toRemove.Length; i++)

                    //Go through each seat
                    for (int i = 0; i < satInPlayerIds.Length; i++)
                        //Get player id for person in seat
                        long pid = satInPlayerIds[i];

                        //and the player is not in dictionary add them, otherwise reset their entry
                        if (!playersNew.ContainsKey(pid))
                            playersNew.Add(pid, new PlayerModelFixed(tableId, cache.BigBlind, lastHandIdConsidered, pid, wrProv));

                        playersNew[pid].UpdateCardsWinPercentages(new Card[] { }, lastNumberActivePlayers);

                //Setup cards array based on cards that were present at end of last update
                Card[] cards = new Card[0];

                switch (wasHandState)
                case HandState.Flop:
                    cards = new Card[] { (Card)(handDetails.tableCard1), (Card)(handDetails.tableCard2), (Card)(handDetails.tableCard3) };

                case HandState.Turn:
                    cards = new Card[] { (Card)(handDetails.tableCard1), (Card)(handDetails.tableCard2), (Card)(handDetails.tableCard3), (Card)(handDetails.tableCard4) };

                case HandState.River:
                    cards = new Card[] { (Card)(handDetails.tableCard1), (Card)(handDetails.tableCard2), (Card)(handDetails.tableCard3), (Card)(handDetails.tableCard4), (Card)(handDetails.tableCard5) };

                //Get all dealer and betting actions since last update
                var handActions = cache.getHandActions(lastHandIdConsidered);

                handActions =
                    (from a in handActions
                     where a.localIndex > lastActionIdConsidered && (a.actionType == PokerAction.Check ||
                                                                     a.actionType == PokerAction.Call ||
                                                                     a.actionType == PokerAction.Raise ||
                                                                     a.actionType == PokerAction.Fold ||
                                                                     a.actionType == PokerAction.DealFlop ||
                                                                     a.actionType == PokerAction.DealTurn ||
                                                                     a.actionType == PokerAction.DealRiver)
                     orderby a.localIndex
                     select a).ToArray();

                //Get a list of active players by the end of the hand actions above
                var activePlayers = cache.getActivePlayerIds();

                //Now go through each new hand action
                foreach (var handAction in handActions)
                    //if the action is a dealer action then update hand state, change raised pot flag and for each active player update card probs change after deal
                    if (handAction.actionType == PokerAction.DealFlop)
                        wasHandState = HandState.Flop;
                        wasRaisedPot = false;
                        cards        = new Card[] { (Card)(handDetails.tableCard1), (Card)(handDetails.tableCard2), (Card)(handDetails.tableCard3) };

                        foreach (var player in activePlayers)


                    else if (handAction.actionType == PokerAction.DealTurn)
                        wasHandState = HandState.Turn;
                        wasRaisedPot = false;
                        cards        = new Card[] { (Card)(handDetails.tableCard1), (Card)(handDetails.tableCard2), (Card)(handDetails.tableCard3), (Card)(handDetails.tableCard4) };

                        foreach (var player in activePlayers)

                    else if (handAction.actionType == PokerAction.DealRiver)
                        wasHandState = HandState.River;
                        wasRaisedPot = false;
                        cards        = new Card[] { (Card)(handDetails.tableCard1), (Card)(handDetails.tableCard2), (Card)(handDetails.tableCard3), (Card)(handDetails.tableCard4), (Card)(handDetails.tableCard5) };

                        foreach (var player in activePlayers)

                    else if (handAction.actionType == PokerAction.Fold)
                        //if a player has folded set all their probabilities of having cards to zero and reduce number of active players
                        //if (playersOld.ContainsKey(handAction.playerId))
                        //    playersOld[handAction.playerId].SetAllProbsToZeroOnFold();

                        if (playersNew.ContainsKey(handAction.playerId))


                    //otherwise we're dealing with a betting action so they should be in active players
                    if (activePlayers.Contains(handAction.playerId))
                        //Update win percentages and indices in player model and update card probs based on action
                        //playersOld[handAction.playerId].UpdateCardsWinPercentages(cards, lastNumberActivePlayers);
                        playersNew[handAction.playerId].UpdateCardsWinPercentages(cards, lastNumberActivePlayers);

                        decimal ra = 0, ca = 0, pa = 0;
                        double  dd;

                        if (handAction.actionType == PokerAction.Raise)
                            ra = cache.getCurrentRoundLastRaiseAmount(handAction.localIndex + 1L);

                        if (wasRaisedPot)
                            ca = cache.getMinimumPlayAmount(handAction.localIndex) - cache.getPlayerCurrentRoundBetAmount(handAction.playerId, handAction.localIndex);

                        pa = cache.getPotUpToActionId(handAction.localIndex);
                        dd = (cache.getActivePlayerDistanceToDealer(handAction.playerId, handAction.localIndex) - 1.0) / (cache.getActivePositions(handAction.localIndex).Length - 1.0);

                        //playersOld[handAction.playerId].UpdateCardProbsBasedOnAction(handAction.actionType, wasHandState, ca, ra, pa, wasRaisedPot, dd < 0.5);
                        playersNew[handAction.playerId].UpdateCardProbsBasedOnAction(handAction.actionType, wasHandState, ca, ra, pa, wasRaisedPot, dd < 0.5);

                    //Finally if the action was a raise we now have a raised pot
                    if (handAction.actionType == PokerAction.Raise)
                        wasRaisedPot = true;

                //for (int i = 0; i < activePlayers.Length; i++)
                //    playersOld[activePlayers[i]].UpdateCardsWinPercentages(cards, activePlayers.Length);

                for (int i = 0; i < activePlayers.Length; i++)
                    playersNew[activePlayers[i]].UpdateCardsWinPercentages(cards, activePlayers.Length);

                //finally update last action considered and last number players
                if (handActions.Count() > 0)
                    lastActionIdConsidered = handActions.Last().localIndex;

                lastNumberActivePlayers = activePlayers.Length;
Exemplo n.º 2
            public void GetRaiseCallStealAmounts(databaseCache cache, long playerId, out decimal call, out decimal steel, out double probStealSuccess, out double probCallSuccess)
                var playersInHand = cache.getActivePlayerIds();

                call  = decimal.MinValue;
                steel = decimal.MinValue;
                decimal callTemp, stealTemp;
                double  stealProbTemp, callProbTemp;

                probStealSuccess = 0;
                probCallSuccess  = 0;

                HandState stage;
                var       details = cache.getCurrentHandDetails();

                if (details.tableCard1 == 0)
                    stage = HandState.PreFlop;
                else if (details.tableCard4 == 0)
                    stage = HandState.Flop;
                else if (details.tableCard5 == 0)
                    stage = HandState.Turn;
                    stage = HandState.River;

                var     playerCards   = cache.getPlayerHoleCards(playerId);
                decimal minExtraRaise = (cache.getCurrentRoundLastRaiseAmount() == 0 ? cache.BigBlind : cache.getCurrentRoundLastRaiseAmount());
                decimal maxExtraRaise = cache.getPlayerStack(playerId) - cache.getMinimumPlayAmount() + cache.getPlayerCurrentRoundBetAmount(playerId);

                double numberOpponents = cache.getActivePositions().Length - cache.getAllInPositions().Length - 1;

                if (playersInHand.Length > cache.getAllInPositions().Length + 1 && maxExtraRaise > 0)
                    foreach (var player in playersNew)
                        if (player.Key != playerId && playersInHand.Contains(player.Key))
                            if (cache.getAllInPositions().Contains(cache.getPlayerPosition(player.Key)))

                            var dd = (cache.getActivePlayerDistanceToDealer(player.Key) - 1.0) / (cache.getActivePositions().Length - 1.0);

                            player.Value.GetRaiseCallSteal(stage, (Card)playerCards.holeCard1, (Card)playerCards.holeCard2, dd < 0.5,
                                                           details.potValue, minExtraRaise, maxExtraRaise, Math.Pow(0.5, 1.0 / numberOpponents), Math.Pow(0.75, 1.0 / numberOpponents), out callTemp, out stealTemp, out stealProbTemp, out callProbTemp);

                            if (callTemp > call)
                                call            = callTemp;
                                probCallSuccess = callProbTemp;

                            if (stealTemp > steel)
                                steel            = stealTemp;
                                probStealSuccess = stealProbTemp;

                    probStealSuccess = Math.Pow(probStealSuccess, numberOpponents);
                    probCallSuccess  = Math.Pow(probCallSuccess, numberOpponents);
                    call             = minExtraRaise;
                    steel            = minExtraRaise;
                    probStealSuccess = 0;
                    probCallSuccess  = 0;

                decimal currentMinPlayAmount = cache.getMinimumPlayAmount();
                decimal minRaise             = minExtraRaise + currentMinPlayAmount;
                decimal maxRaise             = maxExtraRaise + currentMinPlayAmount;

                call  += currentMinPlayAmount;
                steel += currentMinPlayAmount;

                decimal callChange  = call * 0.2m * (decimal)(wrProv.randomGen.NextDouble() - 0.5);
                decimal stealChange = steel * 0.2m * (decimal)(wrProv.randomGen.NextDouble() - 0.5);

                if (Math.Abs(callChange) < cache.LittleBlind)
                    callChange = cache.LittleBlind * callChange / Math.Abs(callChange);

                if (Math.Abs(stealChange) < cache.LittleBlind)
                    stealChange = cache.LittleBlind * stealChange / Math.Abs(stealChange);

                call += callChange;
                call  = Math.Round(call / cache.LittleBlind, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) * cache.LittleBlind;

                if (call < minRaise)
                    call = minRaise;
                if (call > maxRaise)
                    call = maxRaise;

                steel += stealChange;
                steel  = Math.Round(steel / cache.LittleBlind, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) * cache.LittleBlind;

                if (steel < minRaise)
                    steel = minRaise;
                if (steel > maxRaise)
                    steel = maxRaise;