Exemplo n.º 1
        public bool Import(string sUserID, string sTaskIDs, ref string sErr)
            string sSQL = "";

            dataAccess.acTransaction oTrans = new dataAccess.acTransaction(ref sErr);

            //we're doing this in a loop
            //why?  because each row may have different import requirements
            //(overwrite, new version, etc.)

            //Now we are adding different import types not necessarily tied to task/proc.
            //for now we're still just doing it all here until there's a good reason to split it out

            if (sTaskIDs.Length > 0)
                sSQL = "select task_id, task_code, task_name, import_mode from import_task" +
                       " where user_id = '" + sUserID + "'" +
                       " and task_id in (" + sTaskIDs + ")";

                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                if (!dc.sqlGetDataTable(ref dt, sSQL, ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                        string sTaskID     = dr["task_id"].ToString();
                        string sNewTaskID  = dr["task_id"].ToString();
                        string sTaskCode   = dr["task_code"].ToString();
                        string sImportMode = dr["import_mode"].ToString();
                        string sOTID       = "";
                        int    iCount      = 0;

                        switch (sImportMode)
                        case "New":
                            //just jam in the new row, IF there are no GUID conflicts.

                            //~~~ NEW tasks get manipulated.
                            //* MIGHT have their ID changed if there's a collision
                            //* WILL have the original_task_id reset
                            //* WILL have the version reset to 1.000
                            //* WILL be loaded as 'Development' status
                            //* WILL be the default version

                            //check ID
                            oTrans.Command.CommandText = "select count(*) from task" +
                                                         " where task_id = '" + sTaskID + "'";
                            if (!oTrans.ExecGetSingleInteger(ref iCount, ref sErr))
                                throw new Exception("Unable to check for GUID conflicts.<br />" + sErr);

                            //if there's a GUID conflict then just generate a new guid for this task.
                            if (iCount > 0)
                                sNewTaskID = ui.NewGUID();

                            //check the steps to see if there are any GUID conflicts
                            //and repair them if necessary
                            if (!ReIDSteps(ref oTrans, sUserID, sTaskID, ref sErr))
                                throw new Exception("Unable to issue new Step GUIDs.<br />" + sErr);

                            //insert the manipulated TASK
                            oTrans.Command.CommandText = "insert into task" +
                                                         " (task_id, original_task_id, version," +
                                                         " task_name, task_code, task_desc, task_status," +
                                                         " use_connector_system, default_version," +
                                                         " concurrent_instances, queue_depth, parameter_xml, created_dt)" +
                                                         " select" +
                                                         " '" + sNewTaskID + "', '" + sNewTaskID + "', 1.000," +
                                                         " task_name, task_code, task_desc, 'Development'," +
                                                         " use_connector_system, 1," +
                                                         " concurrent_instances, queue_depth, parameter_xml, created_dt" +
                                                         " from import_task" +
                                                         " where user_id = '" + sUserID + "'" +
                                                         " and task_id = '" + sTaskID + "'";
                            if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                                throw new Exception(sErr);

                            ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Task, sNewTaskID, dr["task_code"].ToString() + " - " + dr["task_name"].ToString(), "New - Created via Import");


                        case "New Version":
                            //if it's a new version, we need to make sure the "original_task_id"
                            //is correct in the target database.
                            //(no guarantee the original_id in the source db is correct.)

                            //just jam in the new row, IF there are no GUID conflicts.

                            //~~~ NEW VERSION tasks get manipulated.
                            //* MIGHT have their ID changed if there's a collision
                            //* MIGHT have the original_task_id reset (to match the target)
                            //* WILL have the version reset to the user selection
                            //* WILL be loaded as 'Development' status
                            //* WILL NOT be the default version

                            //check ID
                            oTrans.Command.CommandText = "select count(*) from task" +
                                                         " where task_id = '" + sTaskID + "'";
                            if (!oTrans.ExecGetSingleInteger(ref iCount, ref sErr))
                                throw new Exception("Unable to check for GUID conflicts.<br />" + sErr);

                            //if there's a GUID conflict then just generate a new guid for this task.
                            //and re-id the steps
                            if (iCount > 0)
                                sNewTaskID = ui.NewGUID();

                            //check the steps to see if there are any GUID conflicts
                            //and repair them if necessary
                            if (!ReIDSteps(ref oTrans, sUserID, sTaskID, ref sErr))
                                throw new Exception("Unable to issue new Step GUIDs.<br />" + sErr);

                            //NOW, we need to make sure this task is connected to it's family
                            //we do this by ensuring the original_task_id matches.

                            //BUT, we got here by assuming the task_code was the key.
                            //so... find the original_task_id for this task_code
                            oTrans.Command.CommandText = "select original_task_id" +
                                                         " from task where task_code = '" + sTaskCode + "' limit 1";
                            if (!oTrans.ExecGetSingleString(ref sOTID, ref sErr))
                                throw new Exception("Unable to get original task ID for [" + sTaskCode + "].<br />" + sErr);

                            //insert the manipulated TASK
                            oTrans.Command.CommandText = "insert into task" +
                                                         " (task_id, original_task_id, version," +
                                                         " task_name, task_code, task_desc, task_status," +
                                                         " use_connector_system, default_version," +
                                                         " concurrent_instances, queue_depth, parameter_xml, created_dt)" +
                                                         " select" +
                                                         " '" + sNewTaskID + "', '" + sOTID + "', version," +
                                                         " task_name, task_code, task_desc, 'Development'," +
                                                         " use_connector_system, 0," +
                                                         " concurrent_instances, queue_depth, parameter_xml, created_dt" +
                                                         " from import_task" +
                                                         " where user_id = '" + sUserID + "'" +
                                                         " and task_id = '" + sTaskID + "'";

                            if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                                throw new Exception(sErr);

                            ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Task, sNewTaskID, dr["task_code"].ToString() + " - " + dr["task_name"].ToString(), "New Version - Created via Import");

                         * Note: I stopped here because I'm not convinced that "Overwrite" is a safe or useful
                         * feature.
                         * So, we'll come back to it if needed.
                         * Be aware, this was pseudocode... it never worked, was just placeholder stuff and ideas.

                        //case "Overwrite":
                        //    //stomp it, but make sure to set the task_id/original_task_id
                        //    //to match in the target db.
                        //    //just because the code matches doesn't mean the ID's do.

                        //    //we can just UPDATE the task row

                        //    //DON'T FORGET to DELETE the existing steps and codeblocks

                        //    //we need to make sure the "original_task_id"
                        //    //is correct in the target database.
                        //    //(no guarantee the original_id in the source db is correct.)

                        //    //~~~ OVERWRITE tasks get manipulated.
                        //    //* MIGHT have their ID changed to match the code/version being imported
                        //    //* MIGHT have the original_task_id reset (to match the target)
                        //    //* WILL have the version reset to the user selection
                        //    //* WILL be loaded as 'Development' status
                        //    //* MIGHT be the default version (not gonna update that value)

                        //    //NOW, we need to make sure this task is connected to it's family
                        //    //we do this by ensuring the original_task_id matches.

                        //    //BUT, we got here by assuming the task_code was the key.
                        //    //so... find the task AND original_task_id for this task_code
                        //    oTrans.Command.CommandText = "select top 1 task_id" +
                        //        " from task where task_code = '" + sTaskCode + "'";
                        //    if (!oTrans.ExecGetSingleString(ref sNewTaskID, ref sErr))
                        //        throw new Exception("Unable to get task ID for [" + sTaskCode + "].<br />" + sErr);
                        //    oTrans.Command.CommandText = "select top 1 original_task_id" +
                        //        " from task where task_code = '" + sTaskCode + "'";
                        //    if (!oTrans.ExecGetSingleString(ref sOTID, ref sErr))
                        //        throw new Exception("Unable to get original task ID for [" + sTaskCode + "].<br />" + sErr);

                        //    //get a datareader on the import_task row
                        //    sSQL = "select task_desc, manual_or_digital, use_connector_system," +
                        //        " concurrent_instances, queue_depth, parameter_xml, created_dt" +
                        //        " from import_task" +
                        //        " where user_id = '" + sUserID + "'" +
                        //        " and task_id = '" + sTaskID + "'";
                        //    OdbcDataReader drTaskRow = null;
                        //    if (!dc.sqlGetDataReader(ref drTaskRow, sSQL, ref sErr)) return false;

                        //    if (drTaskRow.HasRows)
                        //    {
                        //        //insert the manipulated TASK
                        //        //THIS WAS NEVER TESTED
                        //        oTrans.Command.CommandText = "update task" +
                        //            " set task_desc = ''," +
                        //            " manual_or_digital = ''," +
                        //            " use_connector_system = ''," +
                        //            " concurrent_instances = ''," +
                        //            " queue_depth = ''," +
                        //            " parameter_xml = ''," +
                        //            " created_dt = ''" +
                        //            " select" +
                        //            " '" + sNewTaskID + "', '" + sOTID + "', version," +
                        //            " task_name, task_code, task_desc, 'Development', manual_or_digital," +
                        //            " use_connector_system, 0," +
                        //            " concurrent_instances, queue_depth, parameter_xml, created_dt" +
                        //            " from import_task" +
                        //            " where user_id = '" + sUserID + "'" +
                        //            " and task_id = '" + sTaskID + "'";

                        //        if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                        //            throw new Exception(sErr);
                        //    }

                        //    ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Task, sNewTaskID, dr["task_code"].ToString() + " - " + dr["task_name"].ToString(), "Overwritten by Import");

                        //    break;

                        //CODEBLOCKS AND STEPS can be done here... they are just inserted
                        // (because they were manipulated already if needed)

                        oTrans.Command.CommandText = "insert into task_codeblock" +
                                                     " (task_id, codeblock_name)" +
                                                     " select" +
                                                     " '" + sNewTaskID + "', codeblock_name" +
                                                     " from import_task_codeblock" +
                                                     " where user_id = '" + sUserID + "'" +
                                                     " and task_id = '" + sTaskID + "'";
                        if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                            throw new Exception(sErr);

                        oTrans.Command.CommandText = "insert into task_step" +
                                                     " (step_id, task_id, codeblock_name, step_order, commented," +
                                                     " locked, function_name, function_xml, step_desc, output_parse_type," +
                                                     " output_row_delimiter, output_column_delimiter, variable_xml)" +
                                                     " select" +
                                                     " step_id, '" + sNewTaskID + "', codeblock_name, step_order, commented," +
                                                     " locked, function_name, function_xml, step_desc, output_parse_type," +
                                                     " output_row_delimiter, output_column_delimiter, variable_xml" +
                                                     " from import_task_step" +
                                                     " where user_id = '" + sUserID + "'" +
                                                     " and task_id = '" + sTaskID + "'";
                        if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                            throw new Exception(sErr);
                    sErr = "No Task import items were found.";

                //whack those rows from the import table.
                //why?  their disposition has now changed, and we don't wanna accidentally reload them.
                //or add confusion to the user.
                oTrans.Command.CommandText = "delete from import_task where user_id = '" + sUserID + "' and task_id in (" + sTaskIDs + ")";
                if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

                oTrans.Command.CommandText = "delete from import_task_codeblock where user_id = '" + sUserID + "' and task_id in (" + sTaskIDs + ")";
                if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

                oTrans.Command.CommandText = "delete from import_task_step where user_id = '" + sUserID + "' and task_id in (" + sTaskIDs + ")";
                if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

            //all done with everything... close it out

Exemplo n.º 2
        public bool Import(string sUserID, string sTaskIDs, ref string sErr)
            string sSQL = "";

            dataAccess.acTransaction oTrans = new dataAccess.acTransaction(ref sErr);

            //we're doing this in a loop
            //why?  because each row may have different import requirements
            //(overwrite, new version, etc.)

            //Now we are adding different import types not necessarily tied to task/proc.
            //for now we're still just doing it all here until there's a good reason to split it out

            if (sTaskIDs.Length > 0)
                sSQL = "select task_id, task_code, task_name, import_mode from import_task" +
                    " where user_id = '" + sUserID + "'" +
                    " and task_id in (" + sTaskIDs + ")";

                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                if (!dc.sqlGetDataTable(ref dt, sSQL, ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                        string sTaskID = dr["task_id"].ToString();
                        string sNewTaskID = dr["task_id"].ToString();
                        string sTaskCode = dr["task_code"].ToString();
                        string sImportMode = dr["import_mode"].ToString();
                        string sOTID = "";
                        int iCount = 0;

                        switch (sImportMode)
                            case "New":
                                //just jam in the new row, IF there are no GUID conflicts.

                                //~~~ NEW tasks get manipulated.
                                //* MIGHT have their ID changed if there's a collision
                                //* WILL have the original_task_id reset
                                //* WILL have the version reset to 1.000
                                //* WILL be loaded as 'Development' status
                                //* WILL be the default version

                                //check ID
                                oTrans.Command.CommandText = "select count(*) from task" +
                                    " where task_id = '" + sTaskID + "'";
                                if (!oTrans.ExecGetSingleInteger(ref iCount, ref sErr))
                                    throw new Exception("Unable to check for GUID conflicts.<br />" + sErr);

                                //if there's a GUID conflict then just generate a new guid for this task.
                                if (iCount > 0)
                                    sNewTaskID = ui.NewGUID();

                                //check the steps to see if there are any GUID conflicts
                                //and repair them if necessary
                                if (!ReIDSteps(ref oTrans, sUserID, sTaskID, ref sErr))
                                    throw new Exception("Unable to issue new Step GUIDs.<br />" + sErr);

                                //insert the manipulated TASK
                                oTrans.Command.CommandText = "insert into task" +
                                    " (task_id, original_task_id, version," +
                                    " task_name, task_code, task_desc, task_status," +
                                    " use_connector_system, default_version," +
                                    " concurrent_instances, queue_depth, parameter_xml, created_dt)" +
                                    " select" +
                                    " '" + sNewTaskID + "', '" + sNewTaskID + "', 1.000," +
                                    " task_name, task_code, task_desc, 'Development'," +
                                    " use_connector_system, 1," +
                                    " concurrent_instances, queue_depth, parameter_xml, created_dt" +
                                    " from import_task" +
                                    " where user_id = '" + sUserID + "'" +
                                    " and task_id = '" + sTaskID + "'";
                                if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                                    throw new Exception(sErr);

                                ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Task, sNewTaskID, dr["task_code"].ToString() + " - " + dr["task_name"].ToString(), "New - Created via Import");


                            case "New Version":
                                //if it's a new version, we need to make sure the "original_task_id"
                                //is correct in the target database.
                                //(no guarantee the original_id in the source db is correct.)

                                //just jam in the new row, IF there are no GUID conflicts.

                                //~~~ NEW VERSION tasks get manipulated.
                                //* MIGHT have their ID changed if there's a collision
                                //* MIGHT have the original_task_id reset (to match the target)
                                //* WILL have the version reset to the user selection
                                //* WILL be loaded as 'Development' status
                                //* WILL NOT be the default version

                                //check ID
                                oTrans.Command.CommandText = "select count(*) from task" +
                                    " where task_id = '" + sTaskID + "'";
                                if (!oTrans.ExecGetSingleInteger(ref iCount, ref sErr))
                                    throw new Exception("Unable to check for GUID conflicts.<br />" + sErr);

                                //if there's a GUID conflict then just generate a new guid for this task.
                                //and re-id the steps
                                if (iCount > 0)
                                    sNewTaskID = ui.NewGUID();

                                //check the steps to see if there are any GUID conflicts
                                //and repair them if necessary
                                if (!ReIDSteps(ref oTrans, sUserID, sTaskID, ref sErr))
                                    throw new Exception("Unable to issue new Step GUIDs.<br />" + sErr);

                                //NOW, we need to make sure this task is connected to it's family
                                //we do this by ensuring the original_task_id matches.

                                //BUT, we got here by assuming the task_code was the key.
                                //so... find the original_task_id for this task_code
                                oTrans.Command.CommandText = "select original_task_id" +
                                    " from task where task_code = '" + sTaskCode + "' limit 1";
                                if (!oTrans.ExecGetSingleString(ref sOTID, ref sErr))
                                    throw new Exception("Unable to get original task ID for [" + sTaskCode + "].<br />" + sErr);

                                //insert the manipulated TASK
                                oTrans.Command.CommandText = "insert into task" +
                                    " (task_id, original_task_id, version," +
                                    " task_name, task_code, task_desc, task_status," +
                                    " use_connector_system, default_version," +
                                    " concurrent_instances, queue_depth, parameter_xml, created_dt)" +
                                    " select" +
                                    " '" + sNewTaskID + "', '" + sOTID + "', version," +
                                    " task_name, task_code, task_desc, 'Development'," +
                                    " use_connector_system, 0," +
                                    " concurrent_instances, queue_depth, parameter_xml, created_dt" +
                                    " from import_task" +
                                    " where user_id = '" + sUserID + "'" +
                                    " and task_id = '" + sTaskID + "'";

                                if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                                    throw new Exception(sErr);

                                ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Task, sNewTaskID, dr["task_code"].ToString() + " - " + dr["task_name"].ToString(), "New Version - Created via Import");

                             Note: I stopped here because I'm not convinced that "Overwrite" is a safe or useful

                             So, we'll come back to it if needed.

                             Be aware, this was pseudocode... it never worked, was just placeholder stuff and ideas.

                            //case "Overwrite":
                            //    //stomp it, but make sure to set the task_id/original_task_id
                            //    //to match in the target db.
                            //    //just because the code matches doesn't mean the ID's do.

                            //    //we can just UPDATE the task row

                            //    //DON'T FORGET to DELETE the existing steps and codeblocks

                            //    //we need to make sure the "original_task_id"
                            //    //is correct in the target database.
                            //    //(no guarantee the original_id in the source db is correct.)

                            //    //~~~ OVERWRITE tasks get manipulated.
                            //    //* MIGHT have their ID changed to match the code/version being imported
                            //    //* MIGHT have the original_task_id reset (to match the target)
                            //    //* WILL have the version reset to the user selection
                            //    //* WILL be loaded as 'Development' status
                            //    //* MIGHT be the default version (not gonna update that value)

                            //    //NOW, we need to make sure this task is connected to it's family
                            //    //we do this by ensuring the original_task_id matches.

                            //    //BUT, we got here by assuming the task_code was the key.
                            //    //so... find the task AND original_task_id for this task_code
                            //    oTrans.Command.CommandText = "select top 1 task_id" +
                            //        " from task where task_code = '" + sTaskCode + "'";
                            //    if (!oTrans.ExecGetSingleString(ref sNewTaskID, ref sErr))
                            //        throw new Exception("Unable to get task ID for [" + sTaskCode + "].<br />" + sErr);
                            //    oTrans.Command.CommandText = "select top 1 original_task_id" +
                            //        " from task where task_code = '" + sTaskCode + "'";
                            //    if (!oTrans.ExecGetSingleString(ref sOTID, ref sErr))
                            //        throw new Exception("Unable to get original task ID for [" + sTaskCode + "].<br />" + sErr);

                            //    //get a datareader on the import_task row
                            //    sSQL = "select task_desc, manual_or_digital, use_connector_system," +
                            //        " concurrent_instances, queue_depth, parameter_xml, created_dt" +
                            //        " from import_task" +
                            //        " where user_id = '" + sUserID + "'" +
                            //        " and task_id = '" + sTaskID + "'";
                            //    OdbcDataReader drTaskRow = null;
                            //    if (!dc.sqlGetDataReader(ref drTaskRow, sSQL, ref sErr)) return false;

                            //    if (drTaskRow.HasRows)
                            //    {
                            //        //insert the manipulated TASK
                            //        //THIS WAS NEVER TESTED
                            //        oTrans.Command.CommandText = "update task" +
                            //            " set task_desc = ''," +
                            //            " manual_or_digital = ''," +
                            //            " use_connector_system = ''," +
                            //            " concurrent_instances = ''," +
                            //            " queue_depth = ''," +
                            //            " parameter_xml = ''," +
                            //            " created_dt = ''" +
                            //            " select" +
                            //            " '" + sNewTaskID + "', '" + sOTID + "', version," +
                            //            " task_name, task_code, task_desc, 'Development', manual_or_digital," +
                            //            " use_connector_system, 0," +
                            //            " concurrent_instances, queue_depth, parameter_xml, created_dt" +
                            //            " from import_task" +
                            //            " where user_id = '" + sUserID + "'" +
                            //            " and task_id = '" + sTaskID + "'";

                            //        if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                            //            throw new Exception(sErr);
                            //    }

                            //    ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Task, sNewTaskID, dr["task_code"].ToString() + " - " + dr["task_name"].ToString(), "Overwritten by Import");

                            //    break;

                        //CODEBLOCKS AND STEPS can be done here... they are just inserted
                        // (because they were manipulated already if needed)

                        oTrans.Command.CommandText = "insert into task_codeblock" +
                            " (task_id, codeblock_name)" +
                            " select" +
                            " '" + sNewTaskID + "', codeblock_name" +
                            " from import_task_codeblock" +
                            " where user_id = '" + sUserID + "'" +
                            " and task_id = '" + sTaskID + "'";
                        if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                            throw new Exception(sErr);

                        oTrans.Command.CommandText = "insert into task_step" +
                            " (step_id, task_id, codeblock_name, step_order, commented," +
                            " locked, function_name, function_xml, step_desc, output_parse_type," +
                            " output_row_delimiter, output_column_delimiter, variable_xml)" +
                            " select" +
                            " step_id, '" + sNewTaskID + "', codeblock_name, step_order, commented," +
                            " locked, function_name, function_xml, step_desc, output_parse_type," +
                            " output_row_delimiter, output_column_delimiter, variable_xml" +
                            " from import_task_step" +
                            " where user_id = '" + sUserID + "'" +
                            " and task_id = '" + sTaskID + "'";
                        if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                            throw new Exception(sErr);

                    sErr = "No Task import items were found.";
                    return false;

                //whack those rows from the import table.
                //why?  their disposition has now changed, and we don't wanna accidentally reload them.
                //or add confusion to the user.
                oTrans.Command.CommandText = "delete from import_task where user_id = '" + sUserID + "' and task_id in (" + sTaskIDs + ")";
                if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

                oTrans.Command.CommandText = "delete from import_task_codeblock where user_id = '" + sUserID + "' and task_id in (" + sTaskIDs + ")";
                if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

                oTrans.Command.CommandText = "delete from import_task_step where user_id = '" + sUserID + "' and task_id in (" + sTaskIDs + ")";
                if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

            //all done with everything... close it out

            return true;