Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor attempts to automatically detect an ANT USB device and open a connection to it
        /// </summary>
        public ANTFS_ClientChannel(IANT_Channel channel_)
                channel = channel_;

                // Create the ANT-FS client object
                if (ANTFSClient_New(ref unmanagedClientPtr) == 0)
                    throw new ANTFS_Exception("Unable to initialize ANT-FS Client");

                if (ANTFSClient_Init(unmanagedClientPtr, channel.getUnmgdFramer(), channel.getChannelNum()) == 0)
                    throw new ANTFS_Exception("Unable to initialize client");

                rawChannelResponseHandler += new dRawChannelResponseHandler((msg, size) => ANTFSClient_ProcessMessage(unmanagedClientPtr, ref msg, size));
                deviceNotificationHandler += new dDeviceNotificationHandler(channel_DeviceNotification);

                channel.rawChannelResponse += rawChannelResponseHandler;
                channel.DeviceNotification += deviceNotificationHandler;

                // Setup thread to handle responses from the ANT-FS library
                bResponseThreadExit         = false;
                ResponseThread              = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ResponseThreadHandler));
                ResponseThread.Name         = "ANT-FS Client Response Thread";
                ResponseThread.IsBackground = true; // Make this a background thread so it will terminate when main program closes

                bInitialized = true;
            catch (Exception)    // Catch so we can cleanup
                throw;   // Forward the error to the caller
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates ANT-FS object, response thread, and allocates unmanaged buffer for use with library
        /// </summary>
        public ANTFS_HostChannel(IANT_Channel channel_)
                channel = channel_;

                // Create the ANT-FS host object
                if (ANTFSHost_New(ref unmanagedHostPtr) == 0)
                    throw new ANTFS_Exception("Unable to initialize ANT-FS Host");

                if (ANTFSHost_Init(unmanagedHostPtr, channel.getUnmgdFramer(), channel.getChannelNum()) == 0)
                    throw new ANTFS_Exception("Unable to initialize host");

                bInitialized = true;

                rawChannelResponseHandler = new dRawChannelResponseHandler( ( msg, size ) => ANTFSHost_ProcessMessage( unmanagedHostPtr, ref msg, size ) );
                deviceNotificationHandler = new dDeviceNotificationHandler( channel_DeviceNotification );

                channel.rawChannelResponse += rawChannelResponseHandler;
                channel.DeviceNotification += deviceNotificationHandler;

                // Allocate buffer to hold authentication response in native heap
                    this.unmanagedAuthBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Byte.MaxValue);
                    this.unmanagedAuthSize = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(1);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new ANTFS_Exception("Unable to initialize ANT-FS Host: " + ex.Message);

                // Setup thread to handle responses from the ANT-FS library
                bResponseThreadExit = false;
                ResponseThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ResponseThreadHandler));
                ResponseThread.Name = "ANT-FS Host Response Thread";
                ResponseThread.IsBackground = true; // Make this a background thread so it will terminate when main program closes          
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor attempts to automatically detect an ANT USB device and open a connection to it
        /// </summary>
        public ANTFS_ClientChannel(IANT_Channel channel_)
                channel = channel_;
                // Create the ANT-FS client object
                if (ANTFSClient_New(ref unmanagedClientPtr) == 0)
                    throw new ANTFS_Exception("Unable to initialize ANT-FS Client");

                if (ANTFSClient_Init(unmanagedClientPtr, channel.getUnmgdFramer(), channel.getChannelNum()) == 0)
                    throw new ANTFS_Exception("Unable to initialize client");

                rawChannelResponseHandler += new dRawChannelResponseHandler((msg,size) => ANTFSClient_ProcessMessage(unmanagedClientPtr, ref msg,size));
                deviceNotificationHandler += new dDeviceNotificationHandler(channel_DeviceNotification);

                channel.rawChannelResponse += rawChannelResponseHandler;
                channel.DeviceNotification += deviceNotificationHandler;

                // Setup thread to handle responses from the ANT-FS library
                bResponseThreadExit = false;
                ResponseThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ResponseThreadHandler));
                ResponseThread.Name = "ANT-FS Client Response Thread";
                ResponseThread.IsBackground = true; // Make this a background thread so it will terminate when main program closes          

                bInitialized = true;
            catch (Exception)    // Catch so we can cleanup
                throw;   // Forward the error to the caller