Exemplo n.º 1
    public void PlaceRoom(Vector2 location, csDungeonRoom room, csDungeon dungeon)
        // Offset the room origin to the new location

        // Loop for each cell in the room
        foreach (Vector2 roomLocation in room.CellLocations)
            // Translate the room cell location to its location in the dungeon
            Vector2 dungeonLocation = new Vector2(location.x + roomLocation.x, location.y + roomLocation.y);
            dungeon[dungeonLocation].NorthSide = room[roomLocation].NorthSide;
            dungeon[dungeonLocation].SouthSide = room[roomLocation].SouthSide;
            dungeon[dungeonLocation].WestSide  = room[roomLocation].WestSide;
            dungeon[dungeonLocation].EastSide  = room[roomLocation].EastSide;

            // Create room walls on map (either side of the wall)
            if ((roomLocation.x == 0) && (dungeon.HasAdjacentCellInDirection(dungeonLocation, csDungeonCell.DirectionType.West)))
                dungeon.CreateWall(dungeonLocation, csDungeonCell.DirectionType.West);
            if ((roomLocation.x == room.Width - 1) && (dungeon.HasAdjacentCellInDirection(dungeonLocation, csDungeonCell.DirectionType.East)))
                dungeon.CreateWall(dungeonLocation, csDungeonCell.DirectionType.East);
            if ((roomLocation.y == 0) && (dungeon.HasAdjacentCellInDirection(dungeonLocation, csDungeonCell.DirectionType.North)))
                dungeon.CreateWall(dungeonLocation, csDungeonCell.DirectionType.North);
            if ((roomLocation.y == room.Height - 1) && (dungeon.HasAdjacentCellInDirection(dungeonLocation, csDungeonCell.DirectionType.South)))
                dungeon.CreateWall(dungeonLocation, csDungeonCell.DirectionType.South);

Exemplo n.º 2
    public void SparsifyMaze(csDungeon dungeon)
        // Calculate the number of cells to remove as a percentage of the total number of cells in the dungeon
        int noOfDeadEndCellsToRemove = (int)Math.Ceiling(((double)sparsenessModifier / 100) * (dungeon.Width * dungeon.Height));

        IEnumerator <Vector2> enumerator = dungeon.DeadEndCellLocations.GetEnumerator();

        for (int i = 0; i < noOfDeadEndCellsToRemove; i++)
            if (!enumerator.MoveNext())                                    // Check if there is another item in our enumerator
                enumerator = dungeon.DeadEndCellLocations.GetEnumerator(); // Get a new enumerator
                if (!enumerator.MoveNext())
                    break;                                 // No new items exist so break out of loop

            Vector2 point = enumerator.Current;
            dungeon.CreateWall(point, dungeon[point].CalculateDeadEndCorridorDirection());
            dungeon[point].IsCorridor = false;