Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// 删除服务包相关,不能删除时,返回所有不能删除相关对象数量
 /// </summary>
 public bool DeleteServiceBundle(long serviceId, long userId, ref string faileReason)
         var isbDal        = new ivt_service_bundle_dal();
         var thisSerBundle = isbDal.FindNoDeleteById(serviceId);
         if (thisSerBundle == null)
         var conSerList = new ctt_contract_service_dal().getContractByServiceId(thisSerBundle.id);
         if (conSerList != null && conSerList.Count > 0)
             faileReason += $"{conSerList.Count} 合同\n";
         var quoteItemList = new crm_quote_item_dal().GetItemByObjId(thisSerBundle.id);
         if (quoteItemList != null && quoteItemList.Count > 0)
             faileReason += $"{quoteItemList.Count} 报价项\n";
         var labourList = new sdk_work_entry_dal().GetListByService(thisSerBundle.id);
         if (labourList != null && labourList.Count > 0)
             faileReason += $"{labourList.Count} 工时\n";
         var insProList = new crm_installed_product_dal().GetInsListBySerBunId(thisSerBundle.id);
         if (insProList != null && insProList.Count > 0)
             faileReason += $"{insProList.Count} 配置项\n";
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(faileReason))
             var isbsDal = new ivt_service_bundle_service_dal();
             var serList = GetServiceListByServiceBundleId(thisSerBundle.id);
             if (serList != null && serList.Count > 0)
                 serList.ForEach(_ => {
             isbDal.SoftDelete(thisSerBundle, userId);
             OperLogBLL.OperLogDelete <ivt_service_bundle>(thisSerBundle, thisSerBundle.id, userId, DTO.DicEnum.OPER_LOG_OBJ_CATE.IVT_SERVICE_BUNDLE, "删除服务包");
     catch (Exception)
Exemplo n.º 2
 void GetQuoteItem(HttpContext context)
     var quoteItemId = context.Request.QueryString["quoteItemId"];
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(quoteItemId))
         var item = new crm_quote_item_dal().FindNoDeleteById(long.Parse(quoteItemId));
         if (item != null)
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// 批量新增产品相关报价项
 /// </summary>
 public void AddQuoteItemByProduct(HttpContext context, string ids, int quote_id)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids))
         var itemDal    = new crm_quote_item_dal();
         var productIds = ids.Split(new Char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
         foreach (var productId in productIds)
             var product = new ProductBLL().GetProduct(long.Parse(productId));
             if (product != null)
                 crm_quote_item thisQuoteItem = new crm_quote_item()
                     id             = itemDal.GetNextIdCom(),
                     name           = product.name,
                     type_id        = (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.PRODUCT,
                     object_id      = product.id,
                     description    = product.description,
                     unit_price     = product.unit_price,
                     unit_cost      = product.unit_cost,
                     unit_discount  = 0,
                     quantity       = 1,
                     quote_id       = quote_id,
                     period_type_id = product.period_type_id,
                     create_time    = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now),
                     create_user_id = LoginUserId,
                     update_time    = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now),
                     update_user_id = LoginUserId,
                     optional       = 0,
                 new sys_oper_log_dal().Insert(new sys_oper_log()
                     user_cate           = "用户",
                     user_id             = (int)LoginUserId,
                     name                = LoginUser.name,
                     phone               = LoginUser.mobile,
                     oper_time           = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now),
                     oper_object_cate_id = (int)OPER_LOG_OBJ_CATE.QUOTE_ITEM,
                     oper_object_id      = thisQuoteItem.id,// 操作对象id
                     oper_type_id        = (int)OPER_LOG_TYPE.ADD,
                     oper_description    = itemDal.AddValue(thisQuoteItem),
                     remark              = "添加报价项",
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 判断报价是否含有初始费用报价项,有返回,没有返回空
        /// </summary>
        public void ReturnStart(HttpContext context, long quote_id)
            var thisQuoteItem = new crm_quote_item_dal().GetStartItem(quote_id);
            if (thisQuoteItem != null)
                context.Response.Write(new EMT.Tools.Serialize().SerializeJson(thisQuoteItem));

Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 删除报价
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="quote_id"></param>
        /// <param name="user_id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool DeleteQuote(long quote_id, long user_id)
            // todo 报价如果关联了销售订单,则不可删除

            var quote = _dal.GetQuote(quote_id);

            if (quote != null)
                var user = UserInfoBLL.GetUserInfo(user_id);
                if (user != null)
                    quote.delete_user_id = user_id;
                    quote.delete_time    = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now);
                    new sys_oper_log_dal().Insert(new sys_oper_log()
                        user_cate           = "用户",
                        user_id             = (int)user.id,
                        name                = user.name,
                        phone               = user.mobile == null ? "" : user.mobile,
                        oper_time           = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now),
                        oper_object_cate_id = (int)OPER_LOG_OBJ_CATE.QUOTE,
                        oper_object_id      = quote.id,// 操作对象id
                        oper_type_id        = (int)OPER_LOG_TYPE.DELETE,
                        oper_description    = _dal.AddValue(quote),
                        remark              = "删除报价"

                    var quoteItemList = new crm_quote_item_dal().GetQuoteItems(" and quote_id = " + quote.id);   // 删除报价的同时,删除报价下的所有报价项
                    if (quoteItemList != null && quoteItemList.Count > 0)
                        var quoteItemBLL = new QuoteItemBLL();
                        quoteItemList.ForEach(_ =>
                            //_.delete_user_id = user_id;
                            //_.delete_time = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now);
                            quoteItemBLL.DeleteQuoteItem(_.id, user.id);

Exemplo n.º 6
 protected Dictionary <long, string> serviceList = new Dictionary <long, string>();   // 所有的相同的服务
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         var quote_id    = Request.QueryString["quote_id"];
         var contract_id = Request.QueryString["contract_id"];
         if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(quote_id)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contract_id)))
             var itemList   = new crm_quote_item_dal().GetQuoteItems($" and quote_id={quote_id}");
             var conSerList = new ctt_contract_service_dal().GetConSerList(long.Parse(contract_id));
             if (itemList != null && itemList.Count > 0 && conSerList != null && conSerList.Count > 0)
                 conSerList.ForEach(conser =>
                     if (itemList.Any(_ => _.object_id == conser.object_id))
                         if (serviceList.Count > 0)
                             if (!serviceList.Any(ser => ser.Key == conser.object_id)) //
                                 serviceList.Add(conser.object_id, isServiceOrBag(conser.object_id));
                             serviceList.Add(conser.object_id, isServiceOrBag(conser.object_id));
     catch (Exception msg)
Exemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// 判断报价是否包含初始费 并且 合同中是否也有初始费用
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 /// <param name="quote_id"></param>
 /// <param name="contract_id"></param>
 public void CompareSetupFee(HttpContext context, long quote_id, long contract_id)
     var quote = new QuoteBLL().GetQuote(quote_id);
     var contract = new ctt_contract_dal().GetSingleContract(contract_id);
     bool isHasSetupFee = false;
     if (quote != null && contract != null)
         var quoteItemList = new crm_quote_item_dal().GetQuoteItems($" and quote_id = {quote.id}");
         if (quoteItemList != null && quoteItemList.Count > 0)
             var setupFeeItem = quoteItemList.Where(_ => _.type_id == (int)QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.START_COST).ToList();
             if (setupFeeItem != null && setupFeeItem.Count > 0 && contract.setup_fee != null)
                 isHasSetupFee = true;
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// 报价是否可以进行关闭报价操作
        /// </summary>
        public bool CanCloseQuote(long quote_id, out string reason)
            reason = "";
            bool result = true;

                var thisQuote = _dal.FindNoDeleteById(quote_id);
                if (thisQuote != null)
                    if (thisQuote.is_primary_quote != 1)
                        reason = "该报价不是主报价";
                    var thisQuoItemList = new crm_quote_item_dal().GetQuoteItems($"and quote_id = {quote_id}");
                    if (thisQuoItemList != null && thisQuoItemList.Count > 0)
                        var serItemList = thisQuoItemList.Where(_ => _.type_id == (int)EMT.DoneNOW.DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.SERVICE || _.type_id == (int)EMT.DoneNOW.DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.START_COST).ToList();
                        if (serItemList != null && serItemList.Count > 0)
                            reason = "报价中包含服务/包、初始费用等";
                        result = true;
                    reason = "没有找到该报价";
            catch (Exception msg)
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// 判断报价和合同是否有重复的服务
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="quote_id"></param>
        /// <param name="contract_id"></param>
        public void CompareService(HttpContext context, long quote_id, long contract_id)
            var quote = new QuoteBLL().GetQuote(quote_id);
            var conSerList = new ctt_contract_service_dal().GetConSerList(contract_id);
            bool isHasService = false;
            if (quote != null && conSerList != null && conSerList.Count>0)
                var quoteItemList = new crm_quote_item_dal().GetQuoteItems($" and quote_id = {quote.id}");
                if (quoteItemList != null && quoteItemList.Count > 0)
                    var serviceItem = quoteItemList.Where(_ => _.type_id == (int)QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.SERVICE).ToList();
                    if(conSerList.Any(_=> serviceItem.Any(item => item.object_id == _.object_id)))
                        isHasService = true;

Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// 商机计算
        /// </summary>
        private void GetQuoteItemMoney(HttpContext context, long oid)
            var oppo = new crm_opportunity_dal().FindNoDeleteById(oid);

            if (oppo != null)
                // 将一次性,按月,季度,赋值之后 , 需要将配送的金额和折扣的金额 存储之后计算
                var priQuote = new crm_quote_dal().GetPriQuote(oid);
                if (priQuote != null)
                    decimal oneTimeRevenue = 0;
                    decimal oneTimeCost    = 0;
                    decimal monthRevenue   = 0;
                    decimal monthCost      = 0;
                    decimal quarterRevenue = 0;
                    decimal quarterCost    = 0;
                    decimal halfRevenue    = 0;
                    decimal halfCost       = 0;
                    decimal yearRevenue    = 0;
                    decimal yearCost       = 0;
                    decimal shipRevenue    = 0;
                    decimal shipCost       = 0;
                    decimal discount       = 0;

                    var itemList = new crm_quote_item_dal().GetAllQuoteItem(priQuote.id);
                    if (itemList != null && itemList.Count > 0)
                        var thisItem = itemList.Where(_ => _.type_id != (int)EMT.DoneNOW.DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.DISTRIBUTION_EXPENSES && _.optional != 1 && _.type_id != (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.DISCOUNT).ToList();

                        var shipList        = itemList.Where(_ => _.type_id == (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.DISTRIBUTION_EXPENSES && _.optional == 0).ToList(); // 配送类型的报价项
                        var thisOneTimeList = itemList.Where(_ => _.period_type_id == (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_PERIOD_TYPE.ONE_TIME && _.optional == 0 && _.type_id != (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.DISCOUNT && _.type_id != (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.DISTRIBUTION_EXPENSES).ToList();
                        var discountQIList  = itemList.Where(_ => _.type_id == (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.DISCOUNT && _.optional == 0).ToList();
                        if (shipList != null && shipList.Count > 0)
                            var totalPrice = shipList.Sum(_ => (_.unit_discount != null && _.unit_price != null && _.quantity != null) ? (_.unit_price - _.unit_discount) * _.quantity : 0);
                            shipRevenue = (decimal)totalPrice;
                            var totalCost = shipList.Sum(_ => (_.unit_cost != null && _.quantity != null) ? _.unit_cost * _.quantity : 0);
                            shipCost = (decimal)totalCost;
                        if (discountQIList != null && discountQIList.Count > 0)
                            var totalPrice = (discountQIList.Where(_ => _.discount_percent == null).ToList().Sum(_ => (_.unit_discount != null && _.quantity != null) ? _.unit_discount * _.quantity : 0) + (thisOneTimeList != null && thisOneTimeList.Count > 0 ? discountQIList.Where(_ => _.discount_percent != null).ToList().Sum(_ => thisOneTimeList.Sum(one => (one.unit_discount != null && one.unit_price != null && one.quantity != null) ? (one.unit_price - one.unit_discount) * one.quantity : 0) * _.discount_percent * 100 / 100) : 0));
                            discount = (decimal)totalPrice;

                        if (thisItem != null && thisItem.Count > 0)
                            var oneTimeList = thisItem.Where(_ => _.period_type_id == (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_PERIOD_TYPE.ONE_TIME).ToList();
                            var monthList   = thisItem.Where(_ => _.period_type_id == (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_PERIOD_TYPE.MONTH).ToList();
                            var quarterList = thisItem.Where(_ => _.period_type_id == (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_PERIOD_TYPE.QUARTER).ToList();
                            var halfList    = thisItem.Where(_ => _.period_type_id == (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_PERIOD_TYPE.HALFYEAR).ToList();
                            var yearList    = thisItem.Where(_ => _.period_type_id == (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_PERIOD_TYPE.YEAR).ToList();
                            if (oneTimeList != null && oneTimeList.Count > 0)
                                oneTimeRevenue = (decimal)oneTimeList.Sum(_ => (_.unit_price != null && _.quantity != null) ? (((_.unit_price ?? 0) - (_.unit_discount ?? 0)) * _.quantity) : 0);
                                oneTimeCost    = (decimal)oneTimeList.Sum(_ => (_.unit_cost != null && _.quantity != null) ? (_.unit_cost * _.quantity) : 0);
                            if (monthList != null && monthList.Count > 0)
                                monthRevenue = (decimal)monthList.Sum(_ => (_.unit_price != null && _.quantity != null) ? (((_.unit_price ?? 0) - (_.unit_discount ?? 0)) * _.quantity) : 0);
                                monthCost    = (decimal)monthList.Sum(_ => (_.unit_cost != null && _.quantity != null) ? (_.unit_cost * _.quantity) : 0);
                            if (quarterList != null && quarterList.Count > 0)
                                quarterRevenue = (decimal)quarterList.Sum(_ => (_.unit_price != null && _.quantity != null) ? (((_.unit_price ?? 0) - (_.unit_discount ?? 0)) * _.quantity) : 0);
                                quarterCost    = (decimal)quarterList.Sum(_ => (_.unit_cost != null && _.quantity != null) ? (_.unit_cost * _.quantity) : 0);
                            if (halfList != null && halfList.Count > 0)
                                halfRevenue = (decimal)halfList.Sum(_ => (_.unit_price != null && _.quantity != null) ? (((_.unit_price ?? 0) - (_.unit_discount ?? 0)) * _.quantity) : 0);
                                halfCost    = (decimal)halfList.Sum(_ => (_.unit_cost != null && _.quantity != null) ? (_.unit_cost * _.quantity) : 0);
                            if (yearList != null && yearList.Count > 0)
                                yearRevenue = (decimal)yearList.Sum(_ => (_.unit_price != null && _.quantity != null) ? (((_.unit_price ?? 0) - (_.unit_discount ?? 0)) * _.quantity) : 0);
                                yearCost    = (decimal)yearList.Sum(_ => (_.unit_cost != null && _.quantity != null) ? (_.unit_cost * _.quantity) : 0);
                    context.Response.Write(new EMT.Tools.Serialize().SerializeJson(new { oneTimeRevenue = oneTimeRevenue, oneTimeCost = oneTimeCost, monthRevenue = monthRevenue, monthCost = monthCost, quarterRevenue = quarterRevenue, quarterCost = quarterCost, halfRevenue = halfRevenue, halfCost = halfCost, yearRevenue = yearRevenue, yearCost = yearCost, shipRevenue = shipRevenue, shipCost = shipCost, discount = discount }));

            // quoteItemList.Where(_ => _.type_id != (int)EMT.DoneNOW.DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.DISTRIBUTION_EXPENSES && _.optional != 1&&_.type_id != (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.DISCOUNT).ToList();
Exemplo n.º 11
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var quote_id = Request.QueryString["quote_id"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(quote_id))
                quote = new crm_quote_dal().FindNoDeleteById(long.Parse(quote_id));
            if (quote != null)
                // 如何获取到已经生成配置项 的报价项和为生成配置项的报价项

                // 1 获取产品相关报价项
                // 2 根据产品报价项的数量,去获取相应的配置项数量,数量不足时,将剩余的报价项放入展示的报价项中
                // 3 成本同理

                var cqiDal = new crm_quote_item_dal();
                var cipDal = new crm_installed_product_dal();
                #region 获取相应的产品报价项
                var productList = cqiDal.GetItemByType(quote.id, (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.PRODUCT);
                if (productList != null && productList.Count > 0)
                    isShowProduct = true;

                    foreach (var item in productList)
                        if (item.quantity != null && item.quote_id != null)
                            var insProList = cipDal.GetInsProByQuoteId((long)item.id, (long)item.quantity);
                            int num        = (int)item.quantity; // 获取多少次 这个报价项
                            if (insProList != null && insProList.Count > 0)
                                num = (int)item.quantity - insProList.Count;
                                var itemList = cqiDal.GetItemByNum(item.id, insProList.Count);
                                if (itemList != null && itemList.Count > 0)
                            if (num > 0)
                                var itemList = cqiDal.GetItemByNum(item.id, num);
                                if (itemList != null && itemList.Count > 0)

                #region 获取相应的成本报价项
                var chargeList = cqiDal.GetItemByType(quote.id, (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.DEGRESSION);
                if (chargeList != null && chargeList.Count > 0)
                    isShowCharge = true;

                    foreach (var item in chargeList)
                        if (item.quantity != null && item.quote_id != null)
                            var insProList = cipDal.GetInsProByQuoteId((long)item.id, (long)item.quantity);
                            int num        = (int)item.quantity; // 获取多少次 这个报价项
                            if (insProList != null && insProList.Count > 0)
                                num = (int)item.quantity - insProList.Count;
                                var itemList = cqiDal.GetItemByNum(item.id, insProList.Count);
                                if (itemList != null && itemList.Count > 0)
                            if (num > 0)
                                var itemList = cqiDal.GetItemByNum(item.id, num);
                                if (itemList != null && itemList.Count > 0)


                if (!IsPostBack)
                    rbBuyDate.Enabled = false;
Exemplo n.º 12
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                thisBookMark = new IndexBLL().GetSingBook(Request.RawUrl, LoginUserId);
                // quote_group_by

                groupBy.DataTextField  = "show";
                groupBy.DataValueField = "val";
                groupBy.DataSource     = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "quote_group_by").Value;

                isShow      = Request.QueryString["isShow"];
                IssaleOrder = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["isSaleOrder"]);
                var sid = Request.QueryString["sale_order_id"];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sid))
                    sale_order_id = long.Parse(sid);

                var quote_id = Request.QueryString["quote_id"];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(quote_id))
                    quote = new QuoteBLL().GetQuote(Convert.ToInt64(quote_id));

                    if (quote.quote_tmpl_id != null)
                        var sys_quote_temp = new QuoteTemplateBLL().GetQuoteTemplate((long)quote.quote_tmpl_id);
                        if (sys_quote_temp != null)
                            // 获取到该报价的报价模板用于设置税的显示方式和汇总名称
                            show_each_tax_in_tax_group.Value  = sys_quote_temp.show_each_tax_in_tax_group.ToString();
                            show_each_tax_in_tax_period.Value = sys_quote_temp.show_each_tax_in_tax_period.ToString(); // 选中第一个:按照周期分组时起作用,每个周期后显示税 最后的汇总也有税)
                                                                                                                       // var a3 =sys_quote_temp.show_labels_when_grouped;  // 预留字段
                            show_tax_cate.Value             = sys_quote_temp.show_tax_cate.ToString();
                            show_tax_cate_superscript.Value = sys_quote_temp.show_tax_cate_superscript.ToString();
                var opportunity_id = Request.QueryString["opportunity_id"];  // 这里是通过商机查看报价项的情况
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(opportunity_id))
                    var oppoQuoteList = new crm_quote_dal().GetQuoteByWhere($" and opportunity_id = {opportunity_id} ");

                    if (oppoQuoteList != null && oppoQuoteList.Count > 0)
                        quote = oppoQuoteList.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.is_primary_quote == 1);  // 如果该商机下有报价则一定会有主报价

                if (quote != null)
                    quoteItemList = new crm_quote_item_dal().GetQuoteItems($" and quote_id={quote.id} ");
                    // quoteItemList.Sort(SortCycle);  // 自定义排序测试
                    quoteItemList = quoteItemList.OrderBy(_ => SortQuoteItem(_.period_type_id)).ToList();
                    quoteList     = new crm_quote_dal().GetQuoteByWhere($" and opportunity_id = {quote.opportunity_id} ");
                    var primaryQuote = quoteList.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.is_primary_quote == 1);
                    if (primaryQuote != null)
                        var thisQuoteItemList = new crm_quote_item_dal().GetQuoteItems($" and quote_id={primaryQuote.id} ");

                        var thisDiscountQIList   = thisQuoteItemList.Where(_ => _.type_id == (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.DISCOUNT && _.optional == 0).ToList();
                        var thisOneTimeQTList    = thisQuoteItemList.Where(_ => _.period_type_id == (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_PERIOD_TYPE.ONE_TIME && _.optional == 0).ToList();
                        var thisOptionalItemList = thisQuoteItemList.Where(_ => _.optional == 1).ToList();

                        var totalPrice = ((decimal)((thisQuoteItemList.Sum(_ => (_.unit_discount != null && _.unit_price != null && _.quantity != null) ? (_.unit_price - _.unit_discount) * _.quantity : 0) - thisDiscountQIList.Where(_ => _.discount_percent != null).ToList().Sum(_ => (_.unit_discount != null && _.quantity != null) ? _.unit_discount * _.quantity : 0) - (thisOneTimeQTList != null && thisOneTimeQTList.Count > 0 ? thisDiscountQIList.Where(_ => _.discount_percent != null).ToList().Sum(_ => thisOneTimeQTList.Sum(one => (one.unit_discount != null && one.unit_price != null && one.quantity != null) ? (one.unit_price - one.unit_discount) * one.quantity : 0) * _.discount_percent) : 0)))).ToString("#0.00");
                        primaryQuote.name = "PRIMARY:" + primaryQuote.name + "(" + totalPrice + ")";

                    #region // 为报价下拉框赋值
                    quoteDropList.DataValueField = "id";
                    quoteDropList.DataTextField  = "name";
                    quoteDropList.DataSource     = quoteList;
                    quoteDropList.SelectedValue = quote.id.ToString();
                    if (quoteItemList != null && quoteItemList.Count > 0)
                        // 用户需要添加折扣类型的报价项,然后可以针对付费周期类型为一次性的报价项进行折扣
                        // 折扣只针对一次性周期的报价项折扣
                        oneTimeList = quoteItemList.Where(_ => _.period_type_id == (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_PERIOD_TYPE.ONE_TIME && _.optional == 0 && _.type_id != (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.DISCOUNT && _.type_id != (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.DISTRIBUTION_EXPENSES).ToList();

                        discountQIList = quoteItemList.Where(_ => _.type_id == (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.DISCOUNT && _.optional == 0).ToList();

                        //  获取到可选的报价项,
                        optionalItemList = quoteItemList.Where(_ => _.optional == 1).ToList();   // 获取到可选的报价项
                        // optionalItemList.Sort();

                        // &&optionalItemList.Any(op=>op.id!=_.id)&&oneTimeList.Any(one=>one.id!=_.id)  满足多个报价项过滤条件的,选择其中的一个
                        distributionList = quoteItemList.Where(_ => _.type_id == (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.DISTRIBUTION_EXPENSES && _.optional == 0).ToList();   // 配送类型的报价项

                        // 配送,一次性,可选的配置项独立显示,所以在这里分离出来,传到前台后单独处理

                        //  获取到筛选后报价项列表方便分组管理  筛选后的列表不包括可选,一次性的折扣和配送
                        var screenList = quoteItemList.Where(_ => _.type_id != (int)EMT.DoneNOW.DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.DISTRIBUTION_EXPENSES && _.optional != 1 && _.type_id != (int)DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.DISCOUNT).ToList();

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["group_by"]))
                            groupByType = Request.QueryString["group_by"];
                            if (quote.group_by_id != null)
                                groupByType = ((long)quote.group_by_id).ToString();
                        //  groupByType = ?((long)quote.group_by_id).ToString():Request.QueryString["group_by"];
                        if (groupByType == ((int)EMT.DoneNOW.DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_GROUP_BY.CYCLE).ToString())                                                                      // 按周期分组
                            groupList = screenList.GroupBy(_ => _.period_type_id == null ? "" : _.period_type_id.ToString()).ToDictionary(_ => (object)_.Key, _ => _.ToList()); // as Dictionary<long?,
                            new QuoteBLL().UpdateGroup(quote.id, (int)QUOTE_GROUP_BY.CYCLE, GetLoginUserId());
                            groupBy.SelectedValue = ((int)QUOTE_GROUP_BY.CYCLE).ToString();
                        else if (groupByType == ((int)QUOTE_GROUP_BY.PRODUCT).ToString())  // 按产品分组
                            groupList = screenList.GroupBy(_ => _.object_id == null ? "" : ReturnProductID((long)_.object_id)).ToDictionary(_ => (object)_.Key, _ => _.ToList());
                            new QuoteBLL().UpdateGroup(quote.id, (int)QUOTE_GROUP_BY.PRODUCT, GetLoginUserId());
                            groupBy.SelectedValue = ((int)QUOTE_GROUP_BY.PRODUCT).ToString();
                        else if (groupByType == ((int)QUOTE_GROUP_BY.CYCLE_PRODUCT).ToString())   // 按周期产品分组
                            new QuoteBLL().UpdateGroup(quote.id, (int)QUOTE_GROUP_BY.CYCLE_PRODUCT, GetLoginUserId());
                            groupBy.SelectedValue = ((int)QUOTE_GROUP_BY.CYCLE_PRODUCT).ToString();
                            doubleGroupList       = screenList.GroupBy(d => d.period_type_id == null ? "" : d.period_type_id.ToString()).ToDictionary(_ => (object)_.Key, _ => _.ToList().GroupBy(d => d.object_id == null ? "" : ReturnProductID((long)d.object_id)).ToDictionary(d => (object)d.Key, d => d.ToList()));
                        else if (groupByType == ((int)QUOTE_GROUP_BY.PRODUCT_CYCLE).ToString()) // 按产品周期分组
                            new QuoteBLL().UpdateGroup(quote.id, (int)QUOTE_GROUP_BY.PRODUCT_CYCLE, GetLoginUserId());
                            groupBy.SelectedValue = ((int)QUOTE_GROUP_BY.PRODUCT_CYCLE).ToString();
                            doubleGroupList       = screenList.GroupBy(_ => _.object_id == null ? "" : ReturnProductID((long)_.object_id)).ToDictionary(_ => (object)_.Key, _ => _.ToList().GroupBy(d => d.period_type_id == null ? "" : d.period_type_id.ToString()).ToDictionary(d => (object)d.Key, d => d.ToList()));
                        else // 不分组
                            new QuoteBLL().UpdateGroup(quote.id, (int)QUOTE_GROUP_BY.NO, GetLoginUserId());
                            groupBy.SelectedValue = ((int)QUOTE_GROUP_BY.NO).ToString();
                        //switch (groupByType)
                        //    case "cycle":
                        //        // 按照周期分组
                        //        break;
                        //    case "product":
                        //        break;
                        //    default:
                        //        groupByType = "no";
                        //        break;
                        // ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "提示信息", "<script> $(\"#groupBy\").val('"+groupBy+"')</script>");
                        if (discountQIList != null && discountQIList.Count > 0)
                            discountQIList.ForEach(_ => { if (_.discount_percent != null)
                                                              _.discount_percent = _.discount_percent / 100;
            catch (Exception)