Exemplo n.º 1
 public global_settings_class()
     this.color                = new color_settings_class();
     this.color_scheme         = true;
     this.toggle_text_short    = true;
     this.tooltip_text_long    = true;
     this.tooltip_mode         = 2;
     this.restrict_resolutions = true;
     this.video_help           = true;
     this.view_only_output     = true;
     this.save_global_timer    = (float)5;
     this.download_foldout     = true;
     this.download_display     = true;
     this.download_foldout2    = true;
     this.download_display2    = true;
     this.update               = new string[]
         "Don't check",
         "Download and notify",
         "Download,import and notify",
         "Download and import automatically"
     this.button_export         = true;
     this.button_measure        = true;
     this.button_capture        = true;
     this.button_tools          = true;
     this.button_tiles          = true;
     this.button_node           = true;
     this.button_world          = true;
     this.example_display       = true;
     this.example_resolution    = 3;
     this.example_tiles         = 2;
     this.example_terrain_old1  = -1;
     this.example_tree_active   = true;
     this.example_grass_active  = true;
     this.example_object_active = true;
     this.example_buttons       = 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public settings_class()
     this.example_display = true;
     this.cull_optimizer = true;
     this.area_max = new Rect((float)-256, (float)-256, (float)512, (float)512);
     this.color = new color_settings_class();
     this.color_scheme_display_foldout = true;
     this.remarks = true;
     this.tips = true;
     this.tip_local_area_foldout = true;
     this.prelayers_linked = -1;
     this.filters_linked = -1;
     this.subfilters_linked = -1;
     this.update = new string[]
         "Don't check for updates",
         "Notify updates",
         "Download updates and notify",
         "Download updates,import and notify",
         "Download updates and import automatically"
     this.grass_density = (float)32;
     this.smooth_angle = 1;
     this.resolution_density = true;
     this.resolution_density_min = 128;
     this.run_in_background = true;
     this.global_height_strength = (float)1;
     this.global_degree_strength = (float)1;
     this.colormap_auto_search = new auto_search_class();
     this.normalmap_auto_search = new auto_search_class();
     this.colormap_assign = true;
     this.display_mix_curves = true;
     this.display_log = true;
     this.filter_select_text = true;
     this.tabs = true;
     this.showTerrains = true;
     this.terrain_settings_foldout = true;
     this.editor_basemap_distance_max = 1000000;
     this.editor_detail_distance_max = 2000;
     this.editor_tree_distance_max = 50000;
     this.editor_fade_length_max = 400;
     this.editor_mesh_trees_max = 1000;
     this.runtime_basemap_distance_max = 1000000;
     this.runtime_detail_distance_max = 2000;
     this.runtime_tree_distance_max = 50000;
     this.runtime_fade_length_max = 400;
     this.runtime_mesh_trees_max = 1000;
     this.terrain_tiles_max = 5;
     this.settings_editor = true;
     this.color_splatPrototypes = new splatPrototype_class[3];
     this.splat_apply_all = true;
     this.stitch_splatmap = true;
     this.raw_search_pattern = "_x%x_y%y";
     this.raw_search_filename = "tile";
     this.raw_search_extension = ".raw";
     this.treemap = new List<tree_map_class>();
     this.grassmap = new List<grass_map_class>();
     this.mesh_path = string.Empty;
     this.load_colormap = true;
     this.load_normalmap = true;
     this.load_treemap = true;
     this.load_controlmap = true;
     this.load_bumpglobal = true;
     this.load_layers = true;
     this.load_layers_settings = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public global_settings_tc()
     this.examples = new string[]
         "Procedural Mountains",
         "Procedural Canyons",
         "Procedural Plateaus",
         "Procedural Islands",
         "Island Example"
     this.layer_count                      = true;
     this.placed_count                     = true;
     this.display_project                  = true;
     this.tabs                             = true;
     this.color_scheme                     = true;
     this.color_layout                     = new color_settings_class();
     this.display_mix_curves               = true;
     this.filter_select_text               = true;
     this.object_fast                      = true;
     this.preview_texture                  = true;
     this.preview_texture_buffer           = 100;
     this.preview_colors                   = true;
     this.preview_texture_resolution       = 128;
     this.preview_texture_resolution1      = 128;
     this.preview_quick_resolution_min     = 16;
     this.preview_splat_brightness         = (float)1;
     this.preview_texture_dock             = true;
     this.preview_target_frame             = 30;
     this.splat_colors                     = new List <Color>();
     this.splat_custom_texture_resolution  = 128;
     this.splat_custom_texture_resolution1 = 128;
     this.tree_colors                      = new List <Color>();
     this.grass_colors                     = new List <Color>();
     this.object_colors                    = new List <Color>();
     this.toggle_text_short                = true;
     this.tooltip_text_long                = true;
     this.tooltip_mode                     = 2;
     this.video_help                       = true;
     this.run_in_background                = true;
     this.display_bar_auto_generate        = true;
     this.auto_speed                       = true;
     this.target_frame                     = 40;
     this.auto_save                        = true;
     this.auto_save_tc_instances           = 2;
     this.auto_save_scene_instances        = 2;
     this.auto_save_tc                     = true;
     this.auto_save_tc_list                = new List <string>();
     this.auto_save_scene                  = true;
     this.auto_save_scene_list             = new List <string>();
     this.auto_save_timer                  = (float)10;
     this.auto_save_on_play                = true;
     this.terrain_tiles_max                = 15;
     this.auto_search_list                 = new List <auto_search_class>();
     this.map                = new map_class();
     this.select_window      = new select_window_class();
     this.preview_window     = new List <int>();
     this.PI                 = 3.14159274f;
     this.map_latlong        = new latlong_class();
     this.map_latlong_center = new latlong_class();
     this.map_zoom           = 17;
     this.settings           = new global_settings_class();
     this.minLatitude        = (double)-85.05113f;
     this.maxLatitude        = (double)85.05113f;
     this.minLongitude       = (double)-180;
     this.maxLongitude       = (double)180;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public settings_class()
     this.example_display = true;
     this.cull_optimizer  = true;
     this.area_max        = new Rect((float)-256, (float)-256, (float)512, (float)512);
     this.color           = new color_settings_class();
     this.color_scheme_display_foldout = true;
     this.remarks = true;
     this.tips    = true;
     this.tip_local_area_foldout = true;
     this.prelayers_linked       = -1;
     this.filters_linked         = -1;
     this.subfilters_linked      = -1;
     this.update = new string[]
         "Don't check for updates",
         "Notify updates",
         "Download updates and notify",
         "Download updates,import and notify",
         "Download updates and import automatically"
     this.grass_density          = (float)32;
     this.smooth_angle           = 1;
     this.resolution_density     = true;
     this.resolution_density_min = 128;
     this.run_in_background      = true;
     this.global_height_strength = (float)1;
     this.global_degree_strength = (float)1;
     this.colormap_auto_search   = new auto_search_class();
     this.normalmap_auto_search  = new auto_search_class();
     this.colormap_assign        = true;
     this.display_mix_curves     = true;
     this.display_log            = true;
     this.filter_select_text     = true;
     this.tabs                         = true;
     this.showTerrains                 = true;
     this.terrain_settings_foldout     = true;
     this.editor_basemap_distance_max  = 1000000;
     this.editor_detail_distance_max   = 2000;
     this.editor_tree_distance_max     = 50000;
     this.editor_fade_length_max       = 400;
     this.editor_mesh_trees_max        = 1000;
     this.runtime_basemap_distance_max = 1000000;
     this.runtime_detail_distance_max  = 2000;
     this.runtime_tree_distance_max    = 50000;
     this.runtime_fade_length_max      = 400;
     this.runtime_mesh_trees_max       = 1000;
     this.terrain_tiles_max            = 5;
     this.settings_editor              = true;
     this.color_splatPrototypes        = new splatPrototype_class[3];
     this.splat_apply_all              = true;
     this.stitch_splatmap              = true;
     this.raw_search_pattern           = "_x%x_y%y";
     this.raw_search_filename          = "tile";
     this.raw_search_extension         = ".raw";
     this.treemap                      = new List <tree_map_class>();
     this.grassmap                     = new List <grass_map_class>();
     this.mesh_path                    = string.Empty;
     this.load_colormap                = true;
     this.load_normalmap               = true;
     this.load_treemap                 = true;
     this.load_controlmap              = true;
     this.load_bumpglobal              = true;
     this.load_layers                  = true;
     this.load_layers_settings         = true;