Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///  获取科室下专科病历表单(数据检索用)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p_strDeptID"></param>
        /// <param name="p_objFormInfoArr"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public long m_lngIMR_NewGetFormInfo(/*string p_strDeptID,*/ out iCareData.clsInpatMedRec_Type[] p_objFormInfoArr)
            p_objFormInfoArr = null;
            DataTable dtResult;

            clsRecordSearchService m_objService =

            long lngRes = 0;

                lngRes = m_objService.m_lngIMR_GetFormInfo(clsLoginContext.s_ObjLoginContext.m_ObjPrincial /*,p_strDeptID*/, out dtResult);
            if (lngRes <= 0 || dtResult.Rows.Count == 0)

            p_objFormInfoArr = new iCareData.clsInpatMedRec_Type[dtResult.Rows.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < dtResult.Rows.Count; i++)
                p_objFormInfoArr[i]               = new iCareData.clsInpatMedRec_Type();
                p_objFormInfoArr[i].m_strTypeID   = dtResult.Rows[i]["TYPEID"].ToString();
                p_objFormInfoArr[i].m_strTypeName = dtResult.Rows[i]["TYPENAME"].ToString();
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取专科病历表单(新专科病历用)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p_strDeptID">科室ID</param>
        /// <param name="p_objFormInfoArr"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public long m_lngIMR_GetFormInfo(string p_strDeptID, out clsFormInfo[] p_objFormInfoArr)
            p_objFormInfoArr = null;
            DataTable dtResult;
            string    strSearchInfoSql = null;

            if (com.digitalwave.Emr.StaticObject.clsEMR_StaticObject.s_StrCurrentHospitalNO == "440104001")
                strSearchInfoSql = @"select distinct PBI.FirstName,PBI.Sex,DATEDIFF(year, convert(datetime,PBI.Birth,120), getdate()) as Age,
						b.InPatientID,b.InPatientDate,b.OpenDate,EBI_Record.FirstName as CreateUserName,
						b.OpenDate as CreateDate,a.CreateUserID
						from InpatMedRec a inner join InpatMedRec_Item b
						on a.TypeID = b.TypeID
						and a.InPatientID = b.InPatientID
						and a.InPatientDate = b.InpatientDate
						and a.OpenDate = b.OpenDate
						inner join PatientBaseInfo PBI
						on a.InPatientID = PBI.InPatientID
						inner join EmployeeBaseInfo EBI_Record
						on a.CreateUserID = EBI_Record.EmployeeID
						inner join Dept_Employee DE
						on a.CreateUserID = DE.EmployeeID and DE.EndDate = $NULLDate$
						where a.Status = 0
						and a.TypeID = $TypeID$
						and DE.DeptID = $DeptID$
						and "                        ;
                strSearchInfoSql = @"select distinct PBI.FirstName,PBI.Sex,to_number(To_Char(sysdate,'YYYY'))-to_number(To_Char(PBI.Birth,'YYYY')) as Age,
					b.InPatientID,b.InPatientDate,b.OpenDate,EBI_Record.FirstName as CreateUserName,
					b.OpenDate as CreateDate,a.CreateUserID
					from InpatMedRec a inner join InpatMedRec_Item b
					on a.TypeID = b.TypeID
					and a.InPatientID = b.InPatientID
					and a.InPatientDate = b.InpatientDate
					and a.OpenDate = b.OpenDate
					inner join PatientBaseInfo PBI
					on a.InPatientID = PBI.InPatientID
					inner join EmployeeBaseInfo EBI_Record
					on a.CreateUserID = EBI_Record.EmployeeID
					inner join Dept_Employee DE
					on a.CreateUserID = DE.EmployeeID and DE.EndDate = $NULLDate$
					where a.Status = 0
					and a.TypeID = $TypeID$
					and DE.DeptID = $DeptID$
					and "                    ;

            clsRecordSearchService m_objService =

            long lngRes = 0;

                lngRes = m_objService.m_lngIMR_GetFormInfo(clsLoginContext.s_ObjLoginContext.m_ObjPrincial, out dtResult);
            if (lngRes <= 0 || dtResult.Rows.Count == 0)

            p_objFormInfoArr = new clsFormInfo[dtResult.Rows.Count];
            DataRow objRow = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < dtResult.Rows.Count; i++)
                clsFormInfo objFormInfo = new clsFormInfo();
                objRow = dtResult.Rows[i];
                objFormInfo.m_strFormID         = objRow["TYPEID"].ToString();
                objFormInfo.m_strFormName       = objRow["TYPENAME"].ToString();
                objFormInfo.m_strSearchInfoType = "AND";
                objFormInfo.m_strMainSearchInfo = strSearchInfoSql;
                p_objFormInfoArr[i]             = objFormInfo;