void LoadCustomer()
        clsCustomer obj = new clsCustomer();

        obj.Op = 3;
        DataTable dt = obj.CustomerMaster(obj).Tables[0];

        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
            if (dt.Rows[i]["Logo"].ToString() != "")
                dt.Rows[i]["Logo"] = "~/" + dt.Rows[i]["Logo"].ToString();
        grdCustomer.DataSource = dt;
        if (grdCustomer.Rows.Count > 0)
            lblError.Text = "";
            lblError.Text = "No Records found";
    protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        clsCustomer obj = new clsCustomer();

        obj.ID = Convert.ToInt32(hdEID.Value);
        obj.Op = 2;
        msg.Text            = "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Deleted');</script>";
        pnlUpdate.Visible   = false;
        pnlExisting.Visible = true;
    protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        clsCustomer obj = new clsCustomer();

        obj.ID      = Convert.ToInt32(hdEID.Value);
        obj.Name    = txtEName.Text;
        obj.Address = txtEAddress.Text;
        obj.Phone   = txtEPhone.Text;
        obj.Email   = txtEEmail.Text;
        obj.Logo    = UpdateImage();
        obj.Op      = 5;
        msg.Text            = "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Updated');</script>";
        pnlUpdate.Visible   = false;
        pnlExisting.Visible = true;
    protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        clsCustomer obj = new clsCustomer();

        obj.Name    = txtName.Text;
        obj.Address = txtAddress.Text;
        obj.Phone   = txtPhone.Text;
        obj.Email   = txtEmail.Text;
        obj.Logo    = UploadImage();
        obj.Op      = 1;
        msg.Text = "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Saved');</script>";
        txtName.Text        = "";
        txtAddress.Text     = "";
        txtEmail.Text       = "";
        txtPhone.Text       = "";
        pnlExisting.Visible = true;
    void LoadOrder()
        clsIndent      obIndent      = new clsIndent();
        clsCustomer    obCustomer    = new clsCustomer();
        clsSite        obSite        = new clsSite();
        clsIndentItems obIndentItems = new clsIndentItems();
        clsUser        obU           = new clsUser();
        clsCompany     obC           = new clsCompany();
        DataTable      dtCustomer;

        //Company Detail
        obC.Op = 3;
        DataTable dtCompany = obC.CompanyMster(obC).Tables[0];

        //Indent detail
        obIndent.ID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ID"]);
        obIndent.Op = 4;
        DataTable dtIndent = obIndent.IndentMaster(obIndent).Tables[0];

        //User Detail
        obU.Op = 5;
        obU.ID = Convert.ToInt32(dtIndent.Rows[0]["Indentor"]);
        DataTable dtIndentor = obU.UserMaster(obU).Tables[0];

        obU.ID = Convert.ToInt32(dtIndent.Rows[0]["ApprovedBy"]);
        DataTable dtApprovedBy = obU.UserMaster(obU).Tables[0];

        //Customer Detail
        if (Convert.ToInt32(dtIndent.Rows[0]["OrderFrom"]) == 1)
            //Site Detail
            obSite.Op  = 5;
            obSite.ID  = Convert.ToInt32(dtIndent.Rows[0]["OrderFromID"]);
            dtCustomer = obSite.SiteMaster(obSite).Tables[0];
            //Customer Detail
            obCustomer.ID = Convert.ToInt32(dtIndent.Rows[0]["OrderFromID"]);
            obCustomer.Op = 4;
            dtCustomer    = obCustomer.CustomerMaster(obCustomer).Tables[0];
        //Indent Items
        obIndentItems.IndentID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ID"]);
        obIndentItems.Op       = 2;
        DataTable      dtIndentItems = obIndentItems.IndentItemMaster(obIndentItems).Tables[0];
        LiteralControl lc            = new LiteralControl();

        lc.Text = "";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<div class='row'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<div class='col-lg-12'><center><h3>" + dtCompany.Rows[0]["Name"] + "</h3></center></div>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<div class='col-lg-12'><center>Project Name: " + dtIndent.Rows[0]["ProjectNo"] + "</center></div>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<div class='col-lg-12'><center>Job No: " + dtIndent.Rows[0]["JobNo"] + "</center></div>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<div class='col-lg-12'><center><h3><u>INDENT FORM</u></h3></center></div>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<div class='col-lg-9'>Ref No:" + dtIndent.Rows[0]["RefNo"] + "</div>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<div class='col-lg-3'>Date:" + Convert.ToDateTime(dtIndent.Rows[0]["IndentDate"]).ToShortDateString() + "</div>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<div class='col-lg-12' style='height:50px'></div>";

        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<div class='col-lg-12' style='height:500px'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<table width='100%' border='1' align='center'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td>Serial No</td><td>Part No</td><td>Particular Description</td><td>Current Stock</td><td>Quantity</td><td>Remarks</td></tr>";
        int i = 0;

        foreach (DataRow drItems in dtIndentItems.Rows)
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + i.ToString() + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + drItems["PartNo"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + drItems["Particular"].ToString().Replace("\n", "<br>") + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + drItems["CurrentStock"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + drItems["Quantity"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + drItems["Remarks"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "</tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</table>";

        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</div>";

        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<div class='col-lg-12'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<table width='100%' border='1' align='center'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr height='100' align='center'><td>";

        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<img src='../" + dtIndentor.Rows[0]["Signature"] + "' height='50' width='120'/>";

        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<br>Indentor: " + dtIndentor.Rows[0]["Name"] + "</td>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>";
        if (dtApprovedBy.Rows.Count > 0)
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<img src='../" + dtApprovedBy.Rows[0]["Signature"] + "' height='50' width='120'/>";

            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<br>Approved By: " + dtApprovedBy.Rows[0]["Name"];
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</td></tr></table>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</div>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</div>";
        Label lb = new Label();

        lb.Text = lc.ToString();
        if (dtApprovedBy.Rows.Count == 0)
            pnlApprove.Visible = true;
            pnlApprove.Visible = false;
    void LoadOrderForPDF()
        clsIndent      obIndent      = new clsIndent();
        clsCustomer    obCustomer    = new clsCustomer();
        clsSite        obSite        = new clsSite();
        clsIndentItems obIndentItems = new clsIndentItems();
        clsUser        obU           = new clsUser();
        clsCompany     obC           = new clsCompany();
        DataTable      dtCustomer;

        //Company Detail
        obC.Op = 3;
        DataTable dtCompany = obC.CompanyMster(obC).Tables[0];

        //Indent detail
        obIndent.ID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ID"]);
        obIndent.Op = 4;
        DataTable dtIndent = obIndent.IndentMaster(obIndent).Tables[0];

        //User Detail
        obU.Op = 5;
        obU.ID = Convert.ToInt32(dtIndent.Rows[0]["Indentor"]);
        DataTable dtIndentor = obU.UserMaster(obU).Tables[0];

        obU.ID = Convert.ToInt32(dtIndent.Rows[0]["ApprovedBy"]);
        DataTable dtApprovedBy = obU.UserMaster(obU).Tables[0];

        //Customer Detail
        if (Convert.ToInt32(dtIndent.Rows[0]["OrderFrom"]) == 1)
            //Site Detail
            obSite.Op  = 5;
            obSite.ID  = Convert.ToInt32(dtIndent.Rows[0]["OrderFromID"]);
            dtCustomer = obSite.SiteMaster(obSite).Tables[0];
            //Customer Detail
            obCustomer.ID = Convert.ToInt32(dtIndent.Rows[0]["OrderFromID"]);
            obCustomer.Op = 4;
            dtCustomer    = obCustomer.CustomerMaster(obCustomer).Tables[0];
        //Indent Items
        obIndentItems.IndentID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ID"]);
        obIndentItems.Op       = 2;
        DataTable      dtIndentItems = obIndentItems.IndentItemMaster(obIndentItems).Tables[0];
        LiteralControl lc            = new LiteralControl();

        lc.Text = "";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<table width='100%'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='12' align='center'><h3>" + dtCompany.Rows[0]["Name"] + "</h3></td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='12' align='center'>Project Name: " + dtIndent.Rows[0]["ProjectNo"] + "</h3></td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='12' align='center'>Job No: " + dtIndent.Rows[0]["JobNo"] + "</h3></td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='12' align='center'><h3><u>INDENT FORM</u></h3></td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='9' align='left'>Ref No:" + dtIndent.Rows[0]["RefNo"] + "</td>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td colspan='3' align='right'>Date:" + Convert.ToDateTime(dtIndent.Rows[0]["IndentDate"]).ToShortDateString() + "</td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='12' style='height:50'></td></tr>";

        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='12'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<table width='100%' border='1' align='center'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='1' align='center'>Serial No</td><td colspan='2' align='left'>Part No</td><td colspan='4' align='left'>Particular Description</td><td colspan='1' align='center'>Current Stock</td><td colspan='1' align='center'>Quantity</td><td colspan='3' align='left'>Remarks</td></tr>";
        int i = 0;

        foreach (DataRow drItems in dtIndentItems.Rows)
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td colspan='1' align='center'>" + i.ToString() + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td colspan='2' align='left'>" + drItems["PartNo"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td colspan='4' align='left'>" + drItems["Particular"].ToString().Replace("\n", "<br>") + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td colspan='1' align='center'>" + drItems["CurrentStock"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td colspan='1' align='center'>" + drItems["Quantity"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td colspan='3' align='left'>" + drItems["Remarks"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "</tr>";
        if (i < 20)
            i = 20 - i;
            while (i > 0)
                lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr border='0'><td colspan='12' border='0'><br></td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</table>";

        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</td></tr>";

        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='12'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<table width='100%' border='1' align='center'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr height='100'><td align='center'>";

            if (dtIndentor.Rows[0]["Signature"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                lc.Text = lc.Text + "<img src='" + MapPath("~/" + dtIndentor.Rows[0]["Signature"]) + "' height='50' width='120'/>";

            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<br>Indentor: " + dtIndentor.Rows[0]["Name"] + "</td>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td align='center'>";
        if (dtApprovedBy.Rows.Count > 0)
                if (dtApprovedBy.Rows[0]["Signature"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    lc.Text = lc.Text + "<img src='" + MapPath("~/" + dtApprovedBy.Rows[0]["Signature"]) + "' height='50' width='120'/>";
                lc.Text = lc.Text + "<br>Approved By: " + dtApprovedBy.Rows[0]["Name"];
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</td></tr></table>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</table>";
        Label lb = new Label();

        lb.Text = lc.ToString();
    void LoadOrderForPDF()
        clsIndent        obIndent   = new clsIndent();
        clsCustomer      obCustomer = new clsCustomer();
        clsSite          obSite     = new clsSite();
        clsPurchaseOrder obPO       = new clsPurchaseOrder();
        clsPOParticulars obPOP      = new clsPOParticulars();
        clsPOTerms       obPOT      = new clsPOTerms();
        clsUser          obU        = new clsUser();
        clsCompany       obC        = new clsCompany();
        clsSiteMachines  obSM       = new clsSiteMachines();
        DataTable        dtCustomer;

        //Company Detail
        obC.Op = 3;
        DataTable dtCompany = obC.CompanyMster(obC).Tables[0];

        //Purchase Order Detail
        obPO.Op = 3;
        obPO.ID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ID"]);
        DataTable dtPO = obPO.PurchaseOrderMaster(obPO).Tables[0];

        //Indent detail
        obIndent.RefNo = dtPO.Rows[0]["IndentRefNo"].ToString();
        obIndent.Op    = 8;
        DataTable dtIndent = obIndent.IndentMaster(obIndent).Tables[0];

        //Purchase Order Particulars
        obPOP.POID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ID"]);
        obPOP.Op   = 2;
        DataTable dtPOItems = obPOP.POParticularsMaster(obPOP).Tables[0];

        //Purchase Order terms
        obPOT.POID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ID"]);
        obPOT.Op   = 3;
        DataTable dtPOTerms = obPOT.POTermsMaster(obPOT).Tables[0];

        //User Detail
        obU.Op = 5;
        obU.ID = Convert.ToInt32(dtPO.Rows[0]["PreparedBy"]);
        DataTable dtPreparedBy = obU.UserMaster(obU).Tables[0];

        obU.ID = Convert.ToInt32(dtPO.Rows[0]["CheckedBy"]);
        DataTable dtCheckedBy = obU.UserMaster(obU).Tables[0];

        //Site Detail
        obSite.Op  = 5;
        obSite.ID  = Convert.ToInt32(dtPO.Rows[0]["SiteID"]);
        dtCustomer = obSite.SiteMaster(obSite).Tables[0];

        //Machine Detail
        obSM.Op = 5;
        obSM.ID = Convert.ToInt32(dtPO.Rows[0]["SiteMachineID"]);
        DataTable dtSM = obSM.SiteMachines(obSM).Tables[0];
        //Machine Detail
        //Purchase Order To detail//
        clsCustomer ObPOTo = new clsCustomer();

        ObPOTo.Op = 4;
        ObPOTo.ID = Convert.ToInt32(dtPO.Rows[0]["POTo"]);
        DataTable dtPOTo = ObPOTo.CustomerMaster(ObPOTo).Tables[0];
        //Purchase order to detail//
        LiteralControl lc = new LiteralControl();

        lc.Text = "<div style='width:100%; margin:50 padding:50;'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<table width='100%' style='font-size:8'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td align='left' colspan='9'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<h5>" + dtCompany.Rows[0]["Name"] + "<br>" + dtCompany.Rows[0]["Address"].ToString().Replace("\n", "<br>") + "</h5>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<h6>TIN:" + dtCompany.Rows[0]["Tin"] + "<br>CST:" + dtCompany.Rows[0]["Cst"] + "</h6>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</td>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td align='right' colspan='3'>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<img src='" + MapPath("~/" + dtCompany.Rows[0]["Logo"]) + "' height='100' width='100' />";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<img src='" + MapPath("~/" + dtCompany.Rows[0]["Logo"]) + "' height='100' width='100' />";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</td></tr>";

        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td align='center' colspan='12'><h5><b>Purchase Order</b></h5></td></tr>";

        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td align='left' colspan='6'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "PO Ref No: " + dtPO.Rows[0]["PORefNo"] + "<br />";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "To,<br />";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + dtCustomer.Rows[0]["Name"] + "<br>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + dtCustomer.Rows[0]["Location"] + "<br>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + dtCustomer.Rows[0]["Address"].ToString().Replace("\n", "<br>") + "<br>";
        if (dtCustomer.Rows[0]["PhoneNo"].ToString() != "")
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "Phone No:" + dtCustomer.Rows[0]["PhoneNo"] + "<br>";
        if (dtCustomer.Rows[0]["Email"].ToString() != "")
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "Email ID:" + dtCustomer.Rows[0]["Email"] + "<br>";
        if (dtPOTo.Rows.Count > 0)
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<b>Purchase Order To,</b><br>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + dtPOTo.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString() + "<br>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "Phone No:" + dtPOTo.Rows[0]["Phone"].ToString() + "<br>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + dtPOTo.Rows[0]["Address"].ToString().Replace("\n", "<br>");

        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</td>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td align='right' colspan='6'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "Date:" + Convert.ToDateTime(dtPO.Rows[0]["PODate"]).ToShortDateString();
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='12'><br></td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='4'>Machine: " + dtSM.Rows[0]["Machine"] + "</td><td colspan='4'>Log No: " + dtSM.Rows[0]["SerialNo"] + "</td><td colspan='4'>Registration No: " + dtSM.Rows[0]["RegistrationNo"] + "</td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='12'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<table width='100%' align='center' border='1'><tr align='left'><td colspan='6'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "Quotation No:" + dtPO.Rows[0]["QuotationNo"] + "<br />";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "Date:" + Convert.ToDateTime(dtPO.Rows[0]["QuotationDate"]).ToShortDateString();
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</td>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td colspan='6'>";
        if (dtIndent.Rows.Count > 0)
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "Indent Date:" + Convert.ToDateTime(dtIndent.Rows[0]["IndentDate"]).ToShortDateString();
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</td>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</tr></table></td></tr>";

        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td align='left' colspan='12'>Subject:" + dtPO.Rows[0]["Subject"] + "</td></tr>";

        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td align='left' colspan='12'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + txtMessage.Text.Replace("\n", "<br>");
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</table>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<table width='100%' style='font-size:8' border='1'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr align='left'><td>SL</td><td>Part No</td><td colspan='2'>Item</td><td>Stock</td><td>Qty</td><td>UOM</td><td>Rate</td><td>Tax</td><td>Amount</td><td colspan='2'>Remarks</td></tr>";
        int i = 0;

        foreach (DataRow drItems in dtPOItems.Rows)
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr align='left'><td>" + i.ToString() + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + drItems["PartNo"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td colspan='2'>" + drItems["Item"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + drItems["CurrentStock"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + drItems["Qty"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + drItems["UGM"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + drItems["Rate"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + drItems["Tax"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + drItems["Amount"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td colspan='2'>" + drItems["Remark"] + "</td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</table>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<table width='100%' style='font-size:8'>";

        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</table>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<table width='100%' style='font-size:8'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='12'><h6>Summery</h6></td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='8' align='right'>Total Amount</td><td></td><td align='right' colspan='3'>" + dtPO.Rows[0]["TotalAmount"] + "/- INR</td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='8' align='right'>" + dtPO.Rows[0]["TaxName"] + "</td><td></td><td align='right' colspan='3'>" + (Convert.ToDouble(dtPO.Rows[0]["TotalAmount"]) * Convert.ToDouble(dtPO.Rows[0]["TaxPercentage"]) / 100).ToString() + "/- INR</td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='8' align='right'>Discount " + dtPO.Rows[0]["DiscountPercentage"] + "%</td><td></td><td align='right' colspan='3'>" + (Convert.ToDouble(dtPO.Rows[0]["TotalAmount"]) * Convert.ToDouble(dtPO.Rows[0]["DiscountPercentage"]) / 100).ToString() + "/-INR</td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='8' align='right'>Net Payable</td><td></td><td align='right' colspan='3'>" + dtPO.Rows[0]["NetPayable"] + "/-INR</td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</table>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<table width='100%' style='font-size:8' border='1'>";

        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='12' align='left'><h6><i>Terms & Conditions:</i></h6></td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</table>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<table width='100%' style='font-size:8' border='1'>";
        foreach (DataRow drTerms in dtPOTerms.Rows)
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr align='left'><td colspan='3'>" + drTerms["Heading"] + "</td><td colspan='9'>" + drTerms["Detail"] + "</td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</table>";

        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<table width='100%' style='font-size:8'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='12' align='center'><br><br></td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr height='100'><td colspan='4'>";

        if (dtPreparedBy.Rows[0]["Signature"].ToString().Trim() != "")
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<img src='" + MapPath("~/" + dtPreparedBy.Rows[0]["Signature"]) + "' height='50' width='120'/>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<br>Prepared By</td>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td colspan='4' align='center'>";
        if (dtCheckedBy.Rows[0]["Signature"].ToString().Trim() != "")
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<img src='" + MapPath("~/" + dtCheckedBy.Rows[0]["Signature"]) + "' height='50' width='120'/>";

        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<br>Checked By</td>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td colspan='4' align='right'>Authorized Signatory<br /><br /><br />" + dtCompany.Rows[0]["Name"] + "</td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</table>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</div>";
        Label lb = new Label();

        lb.Text = lc.ToString();