/*REMINDER: (declared above)
     * private Rectangle cBallHitBox;
     * private Circle cBall;
     * private Circle cBallNext;*/

    void UpdateCbNextAndHitbox()
        yNext = cBall.center.y * cb.damp + cb.viy * Time.deltaTime;
        if (cBall.center.y > 8.3f)
            wind = cloud.getWind();                        //when the cannonball is above the stonehedge
            wind = 0;
        // viyNext = cb.viy - cb.gravity * Time.deltaTime; //i dont think i need this
        xNext = cBall.center.x * cb.damp + cb.vix * Time.deltaTime + wind * Time.deltaTime;

        //update cBallNext
        cBallNext.setCenter(new Vector2(xNext, yNext));

        Vector2 centerToNext = new Vector2(cBallNext.center.x - cBall.center.x, cBallNext.center.y - cBall.center.y);
        Vector2 norm         = new Vector2(centerToNext.y, -centerToNext.x); //centerToNext and norm are perpendicular, aka centerToNext dot norm = 0


        //four corners of rectangle hit box
        Vector2 a = new Vector2(cBall.center.x - radius * norm.x, cBall.center.y - radius * norm.y);
        Vector2 b = new Vector2(cBall.center.x + radius * norm.x, cBall.center.y + radius * norm.y);
        Vector2 c = new Vector2(cBallNext.center.x + radius * norm.x, cBallNext.center.y + radius * norm.y);
        Vector2 d = new Vector2(cBallNext.center.x - radius * norm.x, cBallNext.center.y - radius * norm.y);

        //update hitbox
        cBallHitBox.setCorners(a, b, c, d);
    public void MoveCannonball()
        y = y * damp + viy * Time.deltaTime;

        if (y > 8.3f)
            wind = cloud.getWind();           //when the cannonball is above the stonehedge
            wind = 0;

        viy -= gravity * Time.deltaTime;
        x    = x * damp + vix * Time.deltaTime + wind * Time.deltaTime;

        transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, 1);