Exemplo n.º 1
        public Value CalculateFormula(string formula)
            AntlrInputStream  input  = new AntlrInputStream(formula); //2. parse is to AntlrIS
            calculatorLexer   lexer  = new calculatorLexer(input);    //3. lexer created from AntlrIS
            CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);  //4. want to save tokens from the lexer
            calculatorParser  parser = new calculatorParser(tokens);  //5. feed these tokens from lexer when creating the parser
            IParseTree        tree   = parser.block();                //6. run parser using parser.prog() and save output in IParseTree
            //Console.WriteLine(tree.ToStringTree(parser));           //7.
            CalcVisitor visitor = new CalcVisitor();                  //8. CalcVisitor will do the evaluations
            Value       ret     = visitor.Visit(tree.GetChild(0));

            //Console.WriteLine(ret);             //z. CalcVisitor performs the actual evaluations + then write output
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            StreamReader      inputStream = new StreamReader(Console.OpenStandardInput()); //1. type in our expressions
            AntlrInputStream  input       = new AntlrInputStream(inputStream.ReadLine());  //2. parse is to AntlrIS
            calculatorLexer   lexer       = new calculatorLexer(input);                    //3. lexer created from AntlrIS
            CommonTokenStream tokens      = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);                  //4. want to save tokens from the lexer
            calculatorParser  parser      = new calculatorParser(tokens);                  //5. feed these tokens from lexer when creating the parser
            IParseTree        tree        = parser.block();                                //6. run parser using parser.prog() and save output in IParseTree
            //Console.WriteLine(tree.ToStringTree(parser));           //7.
            CalcVisitor visitor = new CalcVisitor();                                       //8. CalcVisitor will do the evaluations

            //Console.WriteLine("Tree: " + visitor.Visit(tree.GetChild(0)));             //z. CalcVisitor performs the actual evaluations + then write output
            //dont dropout before i can see return