Exemplo n.º 1
    protected void divComp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string x, y, q, w;

        x = TextBox4.Text;
        y = TextBox5.Text;
        q = TextBox7.Text;
        w = TextBox8.Text;

        object[] newobj = new object[2];
        newobj[0] = new cFloat(Convert.ToSingle(x), Convert.ToSingle(y));
        newobj[1] = new cFloat(Convert.ToSingle(q), Convert.ToSingle(w));

        Type       classtype    = assem.GetType("ComplexCalc");
        Object     obj          = Activator.CreateInstance(classtype);
        MethodInfo myMethodInfo = classtype.GetMethod("divide");

        object[] mParam = new object[] { newobj[0], newobj[1] };
        cFloat   flOut  = (cFloat)myMethodInfo.Invoke(obj, mParam);

        float realfl = flOut.getReal();
        float imfl   = flOut.getImg();

        TextBox6.Text = realfl.ToString();
        TextBox9.Text = imfl.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void invokeComplex(string operation)
            Type typeC = DLL.GetType("ComplexMath");
            // complex num 1
            float r1 = Convert.ToSingle(Real1.Text);
            float i1 = Convert.ToSingle(Complex1.Text);
            float r2 = Convert.ToSingle(Real2.Text);
            float i2 = Convert.ToSingle(Complex2.Text);

            var arg1 = new cFloat(r1, i1);
            var arg2 = new cFloat(r2, i2);

            // clear text boxes here.
            Object     obj    = Activator.CreateInstance(typeC);
            MethodInfo method = typeC.GetMethod(operation);
            var        result = method.Invoke(obj, new object[] { arg1, arg2 });
            Type       typeD  = DLL.GetType("cFloat");

            Result2.Text = Convert.ToString(typeD.GetMethod("getReal").Invoke(result, new object[] {}));
            Result3.Text = Convert.ToString(typeD.GetMethod("getImg").Invoke(result, new object[] { }));

            /*if (result.GetType() == typeof(cFloat)){
             *  cFloat meta = result.
             * }
             * //Result2.Text = Convert.ToString(method.Invoke(obj, new object[] { arg1, arg2 }));
             * method = */
Exemplo n.º 3

    public cFloat divide(cFloat c1, cFloat c2){
      Complex comp1 = new Complex(c1.getReal(), c1.getImg());
      Complex comp2 = new Complex(c2.getReal(), c1.getImg());
      Complex comp3 = comp1 / comp2;

      return new cFloat((float)comp3.Real, (float)comp3.Imaginary);
Exemplo n.º 4
  // Returns the result of multiplying cFloat number a and b.
  public cFloat multiply(cFloat a, cFloat b)
    float p1 = a.getReal() * b.getReal();
    float p2 = a.getReal() * b.getImg();
    float p3 = a.getImg() * b.getReal();
    float p4 = a.getImg() * b.getImg();

    return new cFloat(p1 + p4, p2 + p3);
Exemplo n.º 5
    public cFloat divide(cFloat a, cFloat b)
        float real, imag;

        real = a.getReal() / b.getReal();
        imag = a.getImg() / b.getImg();
        cFloat c = new cFloat(real, imag);

Exemplo n.º 6
    public cFloat subtract(cFloat a, cFloat b)
        float real, imag;

        real = a.getReal() - b.getReal();
        imag = a.getImg() - b.getImg();
        cFloat c = new cFloat(real, imag);

Exemplo n.º 7
    public cFloat multiply(cFloat a, cFloat b)
        float real, imag;

        real = a.getReal() * b.getReal();
        imag = a.getImg() * b.getImg();
        cFloat c = new cFloat(real, imag);

Exemplo n.º 8
 public cFloat subtract(cFloat c1, cFloat c2)
     return(new cFloat(c1.getReal() - c2.getReal(), c1.getImg() - c2.getImg()));
Exemplo n.º 9

    public cFloat multiply(cFloat c1, cFloat c2){
      return new cFloat(((c1.getReal()*c2.getReal())-(c1.getImg()*c2.getImg()))
Exemplo n.º 10

    public cFloat subtract(cFloat c1, cFloat c2){
      return new cFloat((c1.getReal() - c2.getReal()),
                        (c1.getImg() - c2.getImg()));
Exemplo n.º 11
 public cFloat add(cFloat c1, cFloat c2){
   return new cFloat((c1.getReal() + c2.getReal()),
                     (c1.getImg() + c2.getImg()));
Exemplo n.º 12
 // Returns the result of subtracting cFloat number b from a.
 public cFloat subtract(cFloat a, cFloat b)
   return new cFloat(a.getReal() - b.getReal(), a.getImg() - b.getImg());
Exemplo n.º 13
 // Returns the result of adding Complex number a to b.
 public cFloat add(cFloat a, cFloat b)
   return new cFloat(a.getReal() + b.getReal(), a.getImg() + b.getImg());
Exemplo n.º 14
 // Returns the result of dividing cFloat number b from a.
 public cFloat divide(cFloat a, cFloat b)
   return new cFloat(a.getReal() / b.getReal(), a.getImg() / b.getImg());
Exemplo n.º 15
        private void Calculate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Button b = (Button)sender;

            if (b.Name == "SinT")
                SimpleCalc s = new SimpleCalc();
                    Result.Text = "Result: " + s.sin(Convert.ToSingle(Num1.Text));
                catch (FormatException)
                    Result.Text = "Please Enter Valid Numbers";
            else if (b.Name == "CosT")
                SimpleCalc s = new SimpleCalc();
                    Result.Text = "Result: " + s.cos(Convert.ToSingle(Num1.Text));
                catch (FormatException)
                    Result.Text = "Please Enter Valid Numbers";
            else if (b.Name == "TanT")
                SimpleCalc s = new SimpleCalc();
                    Result.Text = "Result: " + s.tan(Convert.ToSingle(Num1.Text));
                catch (FormatException)
                    Result.Text = "Please Enter Valid Numbers";
            else if (b.Name == "SimplePlus")
                SimpleCalc s = new SimpleCalc();
                    SimpleResult.Text = "Result: " + s.add(Convert.ToSingle(SimpleNum1.Text), Convert.ToSingle(SimpleNum2.Text));
                catch (FormatException)
                    SimpleResult.Text = "Please Enter Valid Numbers";
            else if (b.Name == "SimpleMinus")
                SimpleCalc s = new SimpleCalc();
                    SimpleResult.Text = "Result: " + s.subtract(Convert.ToSingle(SimpleNum1.Text), Convert.ToSingle(SimpleNum2.Text));
                catch (FormatException)
                    SimpleResult.Text = "Please Enter Valid Numbers";
            else if (b.Name == "SimpleMultiply")
                SimpleCalc s = new SimpleCalc();
                    SimpleResult.Text = "Result: " + s.multiply(Convert.ToSingle(SimpleNum1.Text), Convert.ToSingle(SimpleNum2.Text));
                catch (FormatException)
                    SimpleResult.Text = "Please Enter Valid Numbers";
            else if (b.Name == "SimpleDivide")
                SimpleCalc s = new SimpleCalc();
                    SimpleResult.Text = "Result: " + s.divide(Convert.ToSingle(SimpleNum1.Text), Convert.ToSingle(SimpleNum2.Text));
                catch (FormatException)
                    SimpleResult.Text = "Please Enter Valid Numbers";
            else if (b.Name == "SimplePower")
                SimpleCalc s = new SimpleCalc();
                    SimpleResult.Text = "Result: " + s.pow(Convert.ToSingle(SimpleNum1.Text), Convert.ToSingle(SimpleNum2.Text));
                catch (FormatException)
                    SimpleResult.Text = "Please Enter Valid Numbers";
            else if (b.Name == "SimpleModulous")
                SimpleCalc s = new SimpleCalc();
                    SimpleResult.Text = "Result: " + s.mod(Convert.ToSingle(SimpleNum1.Text), Convert.ToSingle(SimpleNum2.Text));
                catch (FormatException)
                    SimpleResult.Text = "Please Enter Valid Numbers";
            else if (b.Name == "ComplexPlus")
                ComplexCalc c = new ComplexCalc();
                    cFloat num1 = new cFloat(Convert.ToSingle(ComplexReal1.Text), Convert.ToSingle(ComplexImg1.Text));
                    cFloat num2 = new cFloat(Convert.ToSingle(ComplexReal2.Text), Convert.ToSingle(ComplexImg2.Text));
                    cFloat res  = c.add(num1, num2);
                    ComplexResult.Text = "Result: (" + res.getReal() + "," + res.getImg() + ")";
                catch (FormatException)
                    ComplexResult.Text = "Please Enter Valid Numbers";
            else if (b.Name == "ComplexMinus")
                ComplexCalc c = new ComplexCalc();
                    cFloat num1 = new cFloat(Convert.ToSingle(ComplexReal1.Text), Convert.ToSingle(ComplexImg1.Text));
                    cFloat num2 = new cFloat(Convert.ToSingle(ComplexReal2.Text), Convert.ToSingle(ComplexImg2.Text));
                    cFloat res  = c.subtract(num1, num2);
                    ComplexResult.Text = "Result: (" + res.getReal() + "," + res.getImg() + ")";
                catch (FormatException)
                    ComplexResult.Text = "Please Enter Valid Numbers";
            else if (b.Name == "ComplexMultiply")
                ComplexCalc c = new ComplexCalc();
                    cFloat num1 = new cFloat(Convert.ToSingle(ComplexReal1.Text), Convert.ToSingle(ComplexImg1.Text));
                    cFloat num2 = new cFloat(Convert.ToSingle(ComplexReal2.Text), Convert.ToSingle(ComplexImg2.Text));
                    cFloat res  = c.multiply(num1, num2);
                    ComplexResult.Text = "Result: (" + res.getReal() + "," + res.getImg() + ")";
                catch (FormatException)
                    ComplexResult.Text = "Please Enter Valid Numbers";
            else if (b.Name == "ComplexDivide")
                ComplexCalc c = new ComplexCalc();
                    cFloat num1 = new cFloat(Convert.ToSingle(ComplexReal1.Text), Convert.ToSingle(ComplexImg1.Text));
                    cFloat num2 = new cFloat(Convert.ToSingle(ComplexReal2.Text), Convert.ToSingle(ComplexImg2.Text));
                    cFloat res  = c.divide(num1, num2);
                    ComplexResult.Text = "Result: (" + res.getReal() + "," + res.getImg() + ")";
                catch (FormatException)
                    ComplexResult.Text = "Please Enter Valid Numbers";
Exemplo n.º 16
 public cFloat add(cFloat c1, cFloat c2)
     return(new cFloat(c1.getReal() + c2.getReal(), c1.getImg() + c2.getImg()));
Exemplo n.º 17
 public cFloat divide(cFloat c1, cFloat c2)
     return(new cFloat(Convert.ToSingle((c1.getReal() * c2.getReal()) + (c1.getImg() * c2.getImg()) / Convert.ToSingle((c2.getReal() * c2.getReal()) + (c2.getImg() * c2.getImg()))),
                       (Convert.ToSingle((c1.getImg() * c2.getReal()) - (c1.getReal() * c2.getImg())) / Convert.ToSingle((c2.getReal() * c2.getReal()) + (c2.getImg() * c2.getImg())))));
Exemplo n.º 18
 public cFloat multiply(cFloat c1, cFloat c2)
     return(new cFloat(((c1.getReal() * c2.getReal()) - (c1.getImg() * c2.getImg())),
                       ((c1.getReal() * c2.getImg()) + (c1.getImg() * c2.getReal()))));