Exemplo n.º 1
		public static void btTransformAabb( btIVector3 localAabbMin, btIVector3 localAabbMax, double margin, ref btTransform trans, out btVector3 aabbMinOut, out btVector3 aabbMaxOut )
			Debug.Assert( localAabbMin.X <= localAabbMax.X );
			Debug.Assert( localAabbMin.Y <= localAabbMax.Y );
			Debug.Assert( localAabbMin.Z <= localAabbMax.Z );
			btVector3 tmp;
			localAabbMax.Sub( localAabbMin, out tmp );
			btVector3 localHalfExtents; tmp.Mult( (double)( 0.5 ), out localHalfExtents );
			btVector3 localCenter = localHalfExtents;
			btVector3.Zero.Mult( margin, out tmp );
			localHalfExtents.Add( ref tmp, out localHalfExtents );
			//localHalfExtents += btVector3( margin, margin, margin );

			btMatrix3x3 abs_b; trans.m_basis.absolute( out abs_b );
			btVector3 center; trans.Apply( ref localCenter, out center );
			btVector3 extent; localHalfExtents.dot3( ref abs_b.m_el0, ref abs_b.m_el1, ref abs_b.m_el2, out extent );
			center.Sub( ref extent, out aabbMinOut );
			center.Add( ref extent, out aabbMaxOut );
Exemplo n.º 2
		public void setOrigin( btIVector3 origin )
			origin.Copy( out m_origin );
Exemplo n.º 3
		public void Apply( btIVector3 v, out btVector3 result )
			result.x = m_el0.dot( v );
			result.y = m_el1.dot( v );
			result.z = m_el2.dot( v );
			result.w = 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
		public void setInterpolate3( btIVector3 v0, btIVector3 v1, double rt )
			double s = 1.0 - rt;
			x = s * v0.X + rt * v1.X;
			y = s * v0.Y + rt * v1.Y;
			z = s * v0.Z + rt * v1.Z;
			w = 0;
			//don't do the unused w component
			//		m_co[3] = s  v0[3] + rt  v1[3];
Exemplo n.º 5
		/*@brief Return the transform of the vector */
#if InterfacesDidntSuck
		public void Apply( btIVector3 x, out btVector3 result )
			btVector3 tmp;
			x.dot3( ref m_basis, out tmp );
			tmp.Add( ref m_origin, out result );
Exemplo n.º 6
		public static void setInterpolate3( out btVector3 result, btIVector3 v0, btIVector3 v1, double rt )
			double s = 1.0 - rt;
			result.x = s * v0.X + rt * v1.X;
			result.y = s * v0.Y + rt * v1.Y;
			result.z = s * v0.Z + rt * v1.Z;
			result.w = 0;
			//don't do the unused w component
			//		m_co[3] = s  v0[3] + rt  v1[3];
Exemplo n.º 7
		public double dot( btIVector3 v )
			return x * v.X +
					y * v.Y +
					z * v.Z;
Exemplo n.º 8
		public void Sub( btIVector3 b, out btVector3 result )
			result.x = x - b.X;
			result.y = y - b.Y;
			result.z = z - b.Z;
			result.w = w - b.W;
Exemplo n.º 9
		public void AddScale( btIVector3 b, double s, out btVector3 result )
			result.x = x + b[0] * s;
			result.y = y + b[1] * s;
			result.z = z + b[2] * s;
			result.w = w + b[3] * s;
Exemplo n.º 10
		public void Add( btIVector3 b, out btVector3 result )
			result.x = x + b.X;
			result.y = y + b.Y;
			result.z = z + b.Z;
			result.w = w + b.W;