Exemplo n.º 1
    // Method that loads one layer
    void LoadLevelFromString(int layer, string content)
        // Split our layer on rows by the new lines (\n)
        List <string> lines = new List <string>(content.Split('\n'));
        // Place each block in order in the correct x and y position
        levelInfo data = new levelInfo();

        data.dataLst = new List <List <blockInfo> >();
        for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++)
            string[] blockIDs = lines[i].Split(',');
            //	Debug.Log(">>>>>>>>>>>>level lines i:"+i+"  "+lines[i]);
            List <blockInfo> rowdata = new List <blockInfo>();
            bool haveData = false;
            for (int j = 0; j < blockIDs.Length - 1; j++)
                blockInfo colData = new blockInfo();
                if (blockIDs[j] != "EMPTY")
                    //Debug.Log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>blockIDs:"+j+"  "+blockIDs[j]);
                    // 名字|分数|角度|类型
                    string[] temp = blockIDs[j].Split('|');
                    colData.row = j;
                    colData.col = lines.Count - i - 1;
                    if (temp[1] != "")
                        colData.score = int.Parse(temp[1]);
                    colData.angle = float.Parse(temp[2]);
                    colData.type  = int.Parse(temp[3]);
                    haveData      = true;
                    colData.type = -1;
            if (haveData)
                data.maxRow = i + 1;

        allData[curLevel] = data;
Exemplo n.º 2
    // Find adjacent blocks information like indices for above below left right
    public blockInfo GetBlocks(int row, int col)
        blockInfo blocks; int n;

        blocks = new blockInfo();
        if (row == 2 && col == 2)
        //get adjacent elements for left right above below
        if (row == 0)
            n = layout[row].Length;
            if (col != 0)
                blocks.left           = new mapKey();
                blocks.left.xPosition = row;
                blocks.left.yPosition = col - 1;
            if (col != n - 1)
                blocks.right           = new mapKey();
                blocks.right.xPosition = row;
                blocks.right.yPosition = col + 1;
            if (row != layout.Length - 1)
                if (layout[row + 1].Length > col)
                    blocks.below           = new mapKey();
                    blocks.below.xPosition = row + 1;
                    blocks.below.yPosition = col;
        else if (row == layout.Length - 1)
            if (col != 0)
                blocks.left           = new mapKey();
                blocks.left.xPosition = row;
                blocks.left.yPosition = col - 1;
            if (col != layout[row].Length - 1)
                blocks.right           = new mapKey();
                blocks.right.xPosition = row;
                blocks.right.yPosition = col + 1;
            if (row != 0)
                if (layout[row - 1].Length > col)
                    blocks.above           = new mapKey();
                    blocks.above.xPosition = row - 1;
                    blocks.above.yPosition = col;
            if (col != 0)
                blocks.left           = new mapKey();
                blocks.left.xPosition = row;
                blocks.left.yPosition = col - 1;
            if (col != layout[row].Length - 1)
                blocks.right           = new mapKey();
                blocks.right.xPosition = row;
                blocks.right.yPosition = col + 1;
            if (row != 0)
                if (layout[row - 1].Length > col)
                    blocks.above           = new mapKey();
                    blocks.above.xPosition = row - 1;
                    blocks.above.yPosition = col;
            if (row != layout.Length)
                if (layout[row + 1].Length > col)
                    blocks.below           = new mapKey();
                    blocks.below.xPosition = row + 1;
                    blocks.below.yPosition = col;
Exemplo n.º 3
    // Find largest contiguous blocks
    public void FindBlocks()
        /* IMPLEMENT ME -- See README-Instructions */
        /*********** Algorithm to get blocks following the BFS approach *******************/
        storage = new Dictionary <char, List <List <mapKey> > >();
        Queue <mapKey> Qpieces;

        bool[][] visited = new bool[layout.Length][]; //keep track of visited pieces to avoid duplicates and infinite loops
        for (int i = 0; i < visited.Length; i++)      // loop to initialize all visited pieces false
            visited[i] = new bool[layout[i].Length];
            for (int j = 0; j < layout[i].Length; j++)
                visited[i][j] = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < layout.Length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < layout[i].Length; j++)
                if (visited[i][j] == false && layout[i][j].type != ' ')                   //if piece is not space and not visisted
                    if (!storage.ContainsKey(layout[i][j].type))                          //check for valid entry ie if the entry exists
                        List <List <mapKey> > positionList = new List <List <mapKey> >(); // a new list structure for each entry
                        storage.Add(layout[i][j].type, positionList);
                    mapKey key = new mapKey();
                    key.xPosition = i;
                    key.yPosition = j;     // make key object for current entry's position indices
                    Qpieces       = new Queue <mapKey>();
                    List <mapKey> mapList = new List <mapKey>();
                    //loop to get all adjacent pieces of the current key; left; right; above; below;
                    while (Qpieces.Count != 0)     // enqueue all adjacent pieces when the type is same; and dequeue untill adjacent pieces are not visited
                        mapKey mkey = new mapKey();
                        mkey = Qpieces.Dequeue();
                        if (visited[mkey.xPosition][mkey.yPosition] == false)
                            blockInfo blocks = GetBlocks(mkey.xPosition, mkey.yPosition);
                            if (blocks.left != null && layout[blocks.left.xPosition][blocks.left.yPosition].type == layout[mkey.xPosition][mkey.yPosition].type)
                            if (blocks.right != null && layout[blocks.right.xPosition][blocks.right.yPosition].type == layout[mkey.xPosition][mkey.yPosition].type)
                            if (blocks.above != null && layout[blocks.above.xPosition][blocks.above.yPosition].type == layout[mkey.xPosition][mkey.yPosition].type)
                            if (blocks.below != null && layout[blocks.below.xPosition][blocks.below.yPosition].type == layout[mkey.xPosition][mkey.yPosition].type)
                            visited[mkey.xPosition][mkey.yPosition] = true;