Exemplo n.º 1
        public CyPhy.EDAModel BuildCyPhyEDAModel(avm.schematic.eda.EDAModel edaModel, CyPhy.Component comp)
            var rf      = CyPhyClasses.RootFolder.GetRootFolder(CurrentProj);
            var builder = new AVM2CyPhyML.CyPhyMLComponentBuilder(rf);

            CyPhy.EDAModel cyPhyEDAModel = builder.process(edaModel, comp);

            #region layout

            // find the largest current Y value so our new elements are added below the existing design elements
            greatest_current_y = 0;
            foreach (var child in GetCurrentDesignElement().AllChildren)
                foreach (MgaPart item in (child.Impl as MgaFCO).Parts)
                    int    read_x, read_y;
                    string read_str;
                    item.GetGmeAttrs(out read_str, out read_x, out read_y);
                    greatest_current_y = (read_y > greatest_current_y) ? read_y : greatest_current_y;

            // layout CAD model to the "south" of existing elements
            foreach (MgaPart item in (cyPhyEDAModel.Impl as MgaFCO).Parts)
                item.SetGmeAttrs(null, MODEL_START_X, greatest_current_y + MODEL_START_Y);



Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Given an EAGLE device, generate an avm.schematic.eda.EDAModel object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static avm.schematic.eda.EDAModel ConvertEagleDeviceToAvmEdaModel(XmlNode device)
            XmlDocument doc;
            Dictionary <string, XmlNode> packages_Dict;
            Dictionary <string, XmlNode> symbols_Dict;
            XmlNode deviceSet;
            XmlNode library;
            Dictionary <string, XmlNode> gates_Dict;
            String devicePackageName;

            GatherDataFromDocument(device, out doc, out packages_Dict, out symbols_Dict, out deviceSet, out library, out gates_Dict, out devicePackageName);

            // Create a new EDAModel object
            var edaModel = new avm.schematic.eda.EDAModel()
                Device = (device.Attributes["name"] == null)
                            ? ""
                            : device.Attributes["name"].Value,
                Package   = device.Attributes["package"].Value,
                DeviceSet = deviceSet.Attributes["name"].Value,
                Library   = (library.Attributes["name"] == null)
                            ? ""
                            : library.Attributes["name"].Value

            // check for UserValue.
            // If it exists, create a "value" Parameter object inside the schematic model.
            if (deviceSet.Attributes["uservalue"] != null &&
                deviceSet.Attributes["uservalue"].Value == "yes")
                    new avm.schematic.eda.Parameter()
                    Locator = "value",
                    Value   = new avm.Value()
                        DataType = avm.DataTypeEnum.String

            /* Let's paraphrase the Python script.
             * foreach (var conn in device.xpath('connects/connect')
             *   // "gate" attribute of <connect> object ("G$1")
             *   var gate = conn.get('gate')
             *   // "pin" attribute of <connect> object ("P$1")
             *   var pin = conn.get('pin')
             *   // "pad" attribute of <connect> object ("CATHODE")
             *   var pad = conn.get('pad')
             *   // A dictionary with gate name as key, then pin & pad pair as the value
             *   my_gates[gate] = [pin, pad]
             * // Iterate only over the keys of the dict.
             * // That is, only names like "G$1".
             * // (of which there are two)
             * foreach (g in my_gates.keys)
             *   // This will be <gate name="G$1" y="0" x="0" symbol="LED"/>
             *   var gate = gate element from ("gates/gate")
             *   // This will be <symbol name="LED"> and children
             *   var sym = look up "gate.symbol" in ('symbols/symbol'):name
             *   // This will be:
             *      <pin visible="off" name="P$1" y="0" x="0" rot="R90" length="short" direction="pas"/>
             *      <pin visible="off" name="P$2" y="7.62" x="0" rot="R270" length="short" direction="pas"/>
             *   var pins = sym.xpath('pin')
             *   ... layout stuff ...
             *   for pin in pins:
             *     create some pin objects

            // Discover what gates are used
            List <String> gatesUsed = new List <String>();

            foreach (XmlNode conn in device.SelectNodes("*[local-name()='connects']/*[local-name()='connect']"))

            // Iterate over the distinct gates used
            foreach (var connGateName in gatesUsed.Distinct())
                var gateDefinition = gates_Dict[connGateName];
                var gateSymbolName = gateDefinition.Attributes["symbol"].Value;
                var gateSymbol     = symbols_Dict[gateSymbolName];

                foreach (XmlNode pin in gateSymbol.SelectNodes("*[local-name()='pin']"))
                        new avm.schematic.Pin()
                        EDAGate            = connGateName,
                        EDASymbolLocationX = pin.Attributes["x"].Value,
                        EDASymbolLocationY = pin.Attributes["y"].Value,
                        EDASymbolRotation  = (pin.Attributes["rot"] == null)
                                                ? "0"
                                                : pin.Attributes["rot"].Value,
                        Name = pin.Attributes["name"].Value
