Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary><p>Measures the preferred width of each child, including its margins.</p>
        ///     </summary>
        /// <param name="widthMeasureSpec">the width constraint imposed by our parent</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// an array of integers corresponding to the width of each cell, or
        /// column, in this row
        /// <hide></hide>
        /// </returns>
        internal virtual int[] getColumnsWidths(int widthMeasureSpec)
            int numColumns = getVirtualChildCount();

            if (mColumnWidths == null || numColumns != mColumnWidths.Length)
                mColumnWidths = new int[numColumns];
            int[] columnWidths = mColumnWidths;
                for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++)
                    android.view.View child = getVirtualChildAt(i);
                    if (child != null && child.getVisibility() != GONE)
                        android.widget.TableRow.LayoutParams layoutParams = (android.widget.TableRow.LayoutParams
                        if (layoutParams.span == 1)
                            int spec;
                            switch (layoutParams.width)
                            case android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT:
                                spec = getChildMeasureSpec(widthMeasureSpec, 0, android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams

                            case android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT:
                                spec = android.view.View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, android.view.View.MeasureSpec

                                spec = android.view.View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(layoutParams.width, android.view.View
                            child.measure(spec, spec);
                            int width = child.getMeasuredWidth() + layoutParams.leftMargin + layoutParams.rightMargin;
                            columnWidths[i] = width;
                            columnWidths[i] = 0;
                        columnWidths[i] = 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
 internal override int getChildrenSkipCount(android.view.View child, int index)
     android.widget.TableRow.LayoutParams layoutParams = (android.widget.TableRow.LayoutParams
     // when the span is 1 (default), we need to skip 0 child
     return(layoutParams.span - 1);
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void mapIndexAndColumns()
     if (mColumnToChildIndex == null)
         int virtualCount = 0;
         int count        = getChildCount();
         mColumnToChildIndex = new android.util.SparseIntArray();
         android.util.SparseIntArray columnToChild = mColumnToChildIndex;
             for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                 android.view.View child = getChildAt(i);
                 android.widget.TableRow.LayoutParams layoutParams = (android.widget.TableRow.LayoutParams
                 if (layoutParams.column >= virtualCount)
                     virtualCount = layoutParams.column;
                     for (int j = 0; j < layoutParams.span; j++)
                         columnToChild.put(virtualCount++, i);
         mNumColumns = virtualCount;
Exemplo n.º 4
        internal override void measureChildBeforeLayout(android.view.View child, int childIndex
                                                        , int widthMeasureSpec, int totalWidth, int heightMeasureSpec, int totalHeight)
            if (mConstrainedColumnWidths != null)
                android.widget.TableRow.LayoutParams lp = (android.widget.TableRow.LayoutParams)child
                int   measureMode             = android.view.View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY;
                int   columnWidth             = 0;
                int   span                    = lp.span;
                int[] constrainedColumnWidths = mConstrainedColumnWidths;
                    for (int i = 0; i < span; i++)
                        columnWidth += constrainedColumnWidths[childIndex + i];
                int  gravity             = lp.gravity;
                bool isHorizontalGravity = android.view.Gravity.isHorizontal(gravity);
                if (isHorizontalGravity)
                    measureMode = android.view.View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST;
                // no need to care about padding here,
                // ViewGroup.getChildMeasureSpec() would get rid of it anyway
                // because of the EXACTLY measure spec we use
                int childWidthMeasureSpec = android.view.View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(System.Math.Max
                                                                                              (0, columnWidth - lp.leftMargin - lp.rightMargin), measureMode);
                int childHeightMeasureSpec = getChildMeasureSpec(heightMeasureSpec, mPaddingTop +
                                                                 mPaddingBottom + lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin + totalHeight, lp.height);
                child.measure(childWidthMeasureSpec, childHeightMeasureSpec);
                if (isHorizontalGravity)
                    int childWidth = child.getMeasuredWidth();
                    lp.mOffset[android.widget.TableRow.LayoutParams.LOCATION_NEXT] = columnWidth - childWidth;
                    int layoutDirection = getResolvedLayoutDirection();
                    int absoluteGravity = android.view.Gravity.getAbsoluteGravity(gravity, layoutDirection
                    switch (absoluteGravity & android.view.Gravity.HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK)
                    case android.view.Gravity.LEFT:
                        // don't offset on X axis

                    case android.view.Gravity.RIGHT:
                        lp.mOffset[android.widget.TableRow.LayoutParams.LOCATION] = lp.mOffset[android.widget.TableRow

                    case android.view.Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL:
                        lp.mOffset[android.widget.TableRow.LayoutParams.LOCATION] = lp.mOffset[android.widget.TableRow
                                                                                               .LayoutParams.LOCATION_NEXT] / 2;
                    lp.mOffset[android.widget.TableRow.LayoutParams.LOCATION] = lp.mOffset[android.widget.TableRow
                                                                                           .LayoutParams.LOCATION_NEXT] = 0;
                // fail silently when column widths are not available
                base.measureChildBeforeLayout(child, childIndex, widthMeasureSpec, totalWidth, heightMeasureSpec
                                              , totalHeight);