Exemplo n.º 1
    void Awake()
        //Find the agent movement controller attached
        _agentPathfinder = GetComponent<AIPath>();

        //When an agent spawns, he should start by wandering
        aState = agentState.Wandering;

        //When an agent spawns, start updating his hunger level
Exemplo n.º 2
    void Start()
        aiFollow = GetComponent <AIFollow_07>();

        wanderWaypoints = new List <Vector3>();

        while (wanderWaypoints.Count < wanderListSize)
            wanderWaypoints.Add(new Vector3(Random.Range(0, 160), 0, Random.Range(0, 120)));

        workWaypointIndex   = 0;
        wanderWaypointIndex = 0;

        assignedTarget = false;

        //When an agent spawns, he should start by wandering
        aState = agentState.Wandering;
Exemplo n.º 3
    //IEnumerator AgentHunger() {
    void AgentHunger()
            if (hungerValue > 0)

                //yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.0f);


            if (hungerValue <= hungerSearch)
                aState = agentState.Hungry;
                //_agentController.hungry = true;
                //gameObject.GetComponent<TestMovement>().hungry = true;

            if(hungerValue < 100){
                //yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.0f);

        if (hungerValue == 100){

            feeding = false;

        if (hungerValue == 0) {
Exemplo n.º 4
 void OnGUI()
     if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10,30, 100, 20),"Work")) {
         aState = agentState.Working;
Exemplo n.º 5
    void Awake()
        //Find the agent movement controller attached
        _agentPathfinder = GetComponent<AgentPathfinder>();

        WorkWaypoint = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("WorkWaypoint");

        //When an agent spawns, he should start by wandering
        aState = agentState.Default;

        //When an agent spawns, start updating his hunger level
    public void TargetReached()
        if (aState == agentState.Wandering){

            wanderWaypointIndex = Random.Range(0, wanderWaypoints.Count);
            aiFollow.target = wanderWaypoints[wanderWaypointIndex];

        }   else if (aState == agentState.Working){

            //workWaypointIndex = Random.Range(0, workWaypoints.Count);
            aiFollow.target = workWaypoints[workWaypointIndex].transform.position;

        }   else if (aState == agentState.Hungry){

            //Reset hunger level or start replenishing
            //Todo slowly start decreasing hunger value

            isHungry = false;

            //Give the agent 10% of the current food stored
            //Todo need to figureout a beter method for this algorithm
            foodStored = 0.10f * gameController.food;
            gameController.food -= foodStored;

            if (foodStored > 0) {
                hungerValue = 0;
            else {
                //The agent is now starving!
                Debug.Log("Agent is starving!");

            //Tell the agent that they current have food and should not starve
            hasFood = true;

            //Todo need to check if there is actually food available for the agent to feed on
            //ADD HERE

            //Go back to previous task
            aState = currentState;

            //Need to Update the wait length to take into account the % of hunger missing (Higher hunger missing = longer wait time)


         * if State1
         * 	do this
         * if State2
         * 	do this
         * if State3
         * 	do this
         * if State4
         * 	do this
    void Update()
        if (health <= 0) {

        switch (aState) {

            case agentState.Wandering:
                //Save the current state
                currentState = aState;
                //Set the current target to move towards
                aiFollow.target = wanderWaypoints[wanderWaypointIndex];

                //remove this agent from all worker lists
                //Todo do this with a function call

            case agentState.Hungry:

                aiFollow.target = storageWaypoints[storageWaypointIndex].transform.position;

                //remove this agent from all worker lists
                //Todo do this with a function call
                populateList = false;

            case agentState.Working:
                currentState = aState;
                //Agent can be assigned various jobs each with their own behaviour
                switch (jobState) {
                    case jobSubState.Farmer:

                        //Set the agent to move towards the farm waypoints
                        aiFollow.target = workWaypoints[workWaypointIndex].transform.position;

                        //Add the agent to the list of farmers
                        //Todo: Should update this to a function which when called takes a passed value of the substate and adds this agent to the correct list
                        if (!gameController.farmerList.Contains(this.gameObject))
                            //populateList = true;
                    case jobSubState.Medic:

                        aiFollow.target = workWaypoints[workWaypointIndex].transform.position;


                    case jobSubState.WaterPurifier:

                        aiFollow.target = workWaypoints[workWaypointIndex].transform.position;


                    case jobSubState.PowerWorker:

                        aiFollow.target = workWaypoints[workWaypointIndex].transform.position;

                        if (!populateList) {
                            populateList = true;

                    case jobSubState.Default:

                        print("Default reached in Working SubState in AgentLogic_07 Update");




            case agentState.Default:

                print("Default reached in AgentLogic_07 Update");


    void Start()
        //Init the agent's hunger value to 0 when spawned (they shouldnt be hungry at start)
        hungerValue = 0;
        //Init the agent's health to 100 when spawned (they should be perfectly healthy)
        health = 100;

        aiFollow = GetComponent<AIFollow_AlphaDemo>();
        wanderWaypoints = new List<Vector3>();

        //Populate the following waypoints when an agent is spawned
        while (wanderWaypoints.Count < wanderListSize) {
            wanderWaypoints.Add(new Vector3(Random.Range(0, 160), 0, Random.Range(0, 120)));

        //Get all storage waypoints when the agent is spawned, agent should know a known food source at spawn
        storageWaypoints = new List<GameObject>(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("StorageWaypoint"));

        gameController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent<GameController>();

        //init all waypoint index's to 0 and set the storage waypoint indext to a random value within the scope of the storage list
        workWaypointIndex = 0;
        wanderWaypointIndex = 0;
        storageWaypointIndex = Random.Range(0, storageWaypoints.Count);

        //Agent should  have no current assigned target
        assignedTarget = false;

        //Agent should not have populated any worker lists
        populateList = false;

        //When an agent spawns, he should start by wandering
        aState = agentState.Hungry;

        //Once everything has been set, begin consuming resources
    //When the agent's hunger % reaches a critial amount, then switch the current state of the agent to hunger state (search for food)
    void ConsumeResource()
        //Todo: need to update this function to take into account the current food the agent has collected...
        //ie. once they collect 100 food ONLY start increasing the hungerValue once he has finished feeding on that 100 food
        if (hungerValue >= 100)

        switch (hasFood) {
            case true:

                //Check that there still is food stored
                if (foodStored > 0) {
                    //if yes then decrease the amount of food stored on the agent and increase their health

                    if (health > 100){
                        //Increase the missing health of the agent when eating food
                    else {
                        //Do nothing

                else {
                    //if there is no more food stored on the agent, then start starving the agent
                    foodStored = 0;
                    hasFood = false;

            case false:
                //check if the agent's hunger% has reached 25%, otherwise keep increasing the hungerValue
                //Todo update this if statement to check boolean, boolean set based on probability

                if (hungerValue >= 100){
                    hungerValue = 100;
                } else {
                    //Increase the current hunger value of the agent by 1
                //Bool set if true then change state to hungry
                if (isHungry) {
                    //if yes then set the agent's state to hungry, but first save the previous state..
                    //so the agent may return to it after feeding

                    aState = agentState.Hungry;
                else {

                    //Todo: need to incorporate a probability factor that is affected by the current hunger value %, higher % = higher probablility to change Astate to hungry

                    //Throw a series of dice at each milestone 25,50,75% hunger, if any dice roll true, then move to the food source
                    switch (hungerValue) {
                        case 25:

                            //if the agent reaches 25% hunger throw a dice with 10% probability of success
                            isHungry = Choose(10);

                        case 50:
                            for (amount = 0; amount < 3; amount++)
                                if (!isHungry) {
                                    //if the agent reaches 50% hunger throw a dice with 35% probability of success
                                    isHungry = Choose(10);

                        case 75:
                            for (amount = 0; amount < 6; amount++)
                                if (!isHungry) {
                                    //if the agent reaches 75% hunger throw a dice with 65% probability of success
                                    isHungry = Choose(10);

                        case 100:
                           // isHungry = Choose(101);

                Debug.Log("Default reached in AgentLogic_07 - ConsumeResource function");
Exemplo n.º 10
    void Start()
        _audioController = FindObjectOfType<AudioController> ().gameObject.GetComponent<AudioController> ();
        //_GUIController_SettlerInfo = GameObject.Find ("Folk_Female_Agent").GetComponent<GUIController_SettlerInfo> ();
        if (newAgent) {

            Debug.Log("NEW AGENT AS BEEN Triggered");

            malePortraitIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range (0, 12);
            femalePortraitIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range (0, 6);

            genderArray = new string[2] {

            maleFirstNameArray = new string[32] {

            femaleFirstNameArray = new string[32] {

            lastNameArray = new string[35] {

            //Create Random Variables
            randomFirstName = UnityEngine.Random.Range (0, 32);
            randomLastName = UnityEngine.Random.Range (0, 35);
            randomGender = Random.Range (0, (genderArray.Length));

            wait = Random.Range(1.0f, 3.0f);

            //Assigns random names and photos according to gender
            //Variable firstLastName outputs first and last name. variable settlerNameAndRole outputs name, what settler is currently doing, and their assigned role
            if (gender == "Male"){
                firstLastName = (maleFirstNameArray[randomFirstName] + " " + lastNameArray[randomLastName]);
                portraitIndex = malePortraitIndex;
            else {
                firstLastName = (femaleFirstNameArray[randomFirstName] + " " + lastNameArray[randomLastName]);
                portraitIndex = femalePortraitIndex;

            //Init the agent's hunger value to 0 when spawned (they shouldnt be hungry at start)
            hungerValue = 0;
            //Init the agent's health to 100 when spawned (they should be perfectly healthy)
            health = 100;
            //Init the agent's happyness to 100 when spawned (they should be perfectly happy)
            moraleLevel = 100;
            //Init the agent's perception to 10% when spawned (this is the standard starting value for all agents)
            perception = 10;

            //When the agent spawns, there is a 50% chance to spawn idle or wander

        aiFollow = GetComponent<AIFollow_07> ();
        wanderWaypoints = new List<Vector3> ();

        //Populate the following waypoints when an agent is spawned
        while (wanderWaypoints.Count < wanderListSize) {
            wanderWaypoints.Add (new Vector3 (Random.Range (-30, 35), 0, Random.Range (-40, 10)));

        //Get all storage waypoints when the agent is spawned, agent should know a known food source at spawn
        storageWaypoints = new List<GameObject> (GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("StorageWaypoint"));

        agentAnim = GetComponent<Animator>();

        gameController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("GameController").GetComponent<GameController> ();

        //init all waypoint index's to 0 and set the storage waypoint indext to a random value within the scope of the storage list
        workWaypointIndex = 0;
        wanderWaypointIndex = 0;
        storageWaypointIndex = Random.Range (0, storageWaypoints.Count);

        //Agent should  have no current assigned target
        assignedTarget = false;

        //Agent should not have populated any worker lists
        populateList = false;

        if (aState == null){
            //When an agent spawns, he should start by wandering if there is no starting state
            aState = agentState.Wandering;

        if(aState != agentState.Working) {
        //if (jobState == jobSubState.Default) {
            //When the agent spawns, there is a 50% chance to spawn idle or wander

        //Once everything has been set, begin consuming resources
Exemplo n.º 11
    void LateUpdate()
        if (hungerValue > 75 && !canCallHungerNotification) {
            canCallHungerNotification = true; // set this to true so that you don't spam the notification panel
            gameController.notificationController.CreateNewNotification (firstLastName + " is getting hungry");
        } else if (hungerValue < 75) {
            canCallHungerNotification = false; // if agent hunger is back below 75 reset the boolean so the notification can be called again later.
                                                // this would probably be better served by a time buffer or something but this conditional statement will do for now
        if (aState == agentState.Working) {
            settlerNameAndRole = firstLastName + " the " + jobState + " (" + aState + ")";
        else {
            //Resetting random name and attributes
            settlerNameAndRole = firstLastName + " (" + aState + ")";

        //Check if the agent has run out of health
        if (health <= 0 && isDead == false)
            _audioController.playAudioClipOnce (10, Vector3.zero, 500); //play Sound
            //Stop the agent from moving
            aState = agentState.Dead;
            //Play a death animation
            agentAnim.SetBool("Idle", false);
            agentAnim.SetBool("Working", false);
            agentAnim.SetBool("Walking", false);

            gameController.population.Remove (this.gameObject);
            health = 0;
            //Ensure the agent only triggers this logic once
            isDead = true;

        switch (aState)
            case agentState.Idle:
                //Save the current state
                currentState = aState;

                agentAnim.SetBool("Walking", false);
                agentAnim.SetBool("Idle", true);

                if (!gameController.unAssignedPopulation.Contains(this.gameObject)) {
                //yield return new WaitForSeconds(3.0f);

                if (wait > 0)
                    wait -= Time.deltaTime;
                    //print("wait" + wait);

                else {
                    wait = Random.Range(3, 10);
            case agentState.Wandering:
                //Save the current state
                currentState = aState;

                agentAnim.SetBool("Walking", true);
                agentAnim.SetBool("Idle", false);
                agentAnim.SetBool("Working", false);
                //Set the current target to move towards
                aiFollow.target = wanderWaypoints[wanderWaypointIndex];

                if (!gameController.unAssignedPopulation.Contains(this.gameObject)) {

                //remove this agent from all worker lists
                //Todo do this with a function call

            case agentState.Hungry:

                agentAnim.SetBool("Idle", false);
                agentAnim.SetBool("Working", false);
                if (!isDead)
                    aiFollow.canMove = true;
                    aiFollow.target = storageWaypoints[storageWaypointIndex].transform.position;
                else {
                    aState = agentState.Dead;
                //remove this agent from all worker lists
                //Todo do this with a function call
                populateList = false;

            case agentState.Injured:
                agentAnim.SetBool("Idle", false);
                agentAnim.SetBool("Working", false);

                aiFollow.target = storageWaypoints[storageWaypointIndex].transform.position;

            case agentState.Dead:
                currentState = aState;
                agentAnim.SetBool("Idle", false);
                agentAnim.SetBool("Working", false);
                agentAnim.SetBool("Walking", false);

            case agentState.Working:
                currentState = aState;
                agentAnim.SetBool("Idle", false);
                //Agent can be assigned various jobs each with their own behaviour
                switch (jobState)
                    case jobSubState.Farmer:

                //Set the agent to move towards the farm waypoints
                        aiFollow.target = workWaypoints[workWaypointIndex].transform.position;
                        if (workerPathCompleted ) {
                            aiFollow.target = workWaypoints[workWaypointIndex].transform.position;
                            agentAnim.SetBool("Walking", true);
                            agentAnim.SetBool("Idle", false);
                            agentAnim.SetBool("Working", false);
                            workerPathCompleted = false;
                        //Add the agent to the list of farmers
                        //Todo: Should update this to a function which when called takes a passed value of the substate and adds this agent to the correct list
                        if (!gameController.farmerList.Contains(this.gameObject))
                            //populateList = true;
                    case jobSubState.Medic:

                        aiFollow.target = workWaypoints[workWaypointIndex].transform.position;
                        if (workerPathCompleted)
                            aiFollow.target = workWaypoints[workWaypointIndex].transform.position;
                            agentAnim.SetBool("Walking", true);
                            agentAnim.SetBool("Idle", false);
                            agentAnim.SetBool("Working", false);
                            workerPathCompleted = false;


                    case jobSubState.Hydrologist:

                        aiFollow.target = workWaypoints[workWaypointIndex].transform.position;
                        if (workerPathCompleted)
                            aiFollow.target = workWaypoints[workWaypointIndex].transform.position;
                            agentAnim.SetBool("Walking", true);
                            agentAnim.SetBool("Idle", false);
                            agentAnim.SetBool("Working", false);
                            workerPathCompleted = false;
                        if (!gameController.waterWorkerList.Contains(this.gameObject))
                            //populateList = true;

                    case jobSubState.PowerWorker:
                        aiFollow.target = workWaypoints[workWaypointIndex].transform.position;
                        if (workerPathCompleted)
                            aiFollow.target = workWaypoints[workWaypointIndex].transform.position;
                            agentAnim.SetBool("Walking", true);
                            agentAnim.SetBool("Idle", false);
                            agentAnim.SetBool("Working", false);
                            workerPathCompleted = false;

                        if (!populateList)
                            populateList = true;

                    case jobSubState.Trainee:

                        aiFollow.target = workWaypoints[workWaypointIndex].transform.position;
                        if (workerPathCompleted)
                            aiFollow.target = workWaypoints[workWaypointIndex].transform.position;
                            agentAnim.SetBool("Walking", true);
                            agentAnim.SetBool("Idle", false);
                            agentAnim.SetBool("Working", false);
                            workerPathCompleted = false;

                        if (!populateList)
                            populateList = true;

                    case jobSubState.Default:

                        print("Default reached in Working SubState in AgentLogic_07 Update");



            case agentState.Default:

                print("Default reached in AgentLogic_07 Update");

Exemplo n.º 12
    //When the agent's hunger % reaches a critial amount, then switch the current state of the agent to hunger state (search for food)
    void ConsumeResource()
        //Todo: need to update this function to take into account the current food the agent has collected...
        //ie. once they collect 100 food ONLY start increasing the hungerValue once he has finished feeding on that 100 food
        if (hungerValue >= 100 && health >= 0) {

        if (hasFood) {
            if (health < ( 100 - ( 5 * (int)consumeRate)) ) {
                //Increase the missing health of the agent when eating food
                //Now based on double what ever the agent's consumption rate

                health += (5 * (int)consumeRate);
            } else {
                health = 100;
        /*if (health > 100) {
            health = 100;
            /*switch (hasFood)
                case true:

                    //Check that there still is food stored
                    if (foodStored > 0)
                        //if yes then decrease the amount of food stored on the agent and increase their health

                        //InvokeRepeating("ReduceFoodInventory", 1, 10);

                        if (health < 100)
                            //Increase the missing health of the agent when eating food
                            //Now based on double what ever the agent's consumption rate
                            health += (2 * (int)consumeRate);
                            //Do nothing

                        //if there is no more food stored on the agent, then start starving the agent
                        foodStored = 0;
                        hasFood = false;

                case false:*/
            //check if the agent's hunger% has reached 25%, otherwise keep increasing the hungerValue
            //Todo update this if statement to check boolean, boolean set based on probability
            if (!hasFood) {
                if (hungerValue >= 100)
                    hungerValue = 100;
                    //Increase the current hunger value of the agent by 1
                //Bool set if true then change state to hungry
                if (isHungry)
                    //if yes then set the agent's state to hungry, but first save the previous state..
                    //so the agent may return to it after feeding

                    aState = agentState.Hungry;
                    //Todo: need to incorporate a probability factor that is affected by the current hunger value %, higher % = higher probablility to change Astate to hungry

                    //Throw a series of dice at each milestone 25,50,75% hunger, if any dice roll true, then move to the food source
                    switch (hungerValue)
                        case 25:

                            if (!isDead)
                                //Play hunger animation
                                //Pause the ai pathfinding to play an animation, pass anim state name

                                //if the agent reaches 25% hunger throw a dice with 10% probability of success
                                isHungry = Choose(perception);

                        case 50:
                            if (!isDead)
                                //Play hunger animation
                                //Pause the ai pathfinding to play an animation, pass anim state name
                                for (amount = 0; amount < 3; amount++)
                                    if (!isHungry)
                                        //if the agent reaches 50% hunger throw a dice with 35% probability of success
                                        isHungry = Choose(perception);

                        case 75:
                            if (!isDead)
                                //Play hunger animation
                                //Pause the ai pathfinding to play an animation, pass anim state name
                                for (amount = 0; amount < 6; amount++)
                                    if (!isHungry)
                                        //if the agent reaches 75% hunger throw a dice with 65% probability of success
                                        isHungry = Choose(perception);

                        case 100:
                            if (!isDead)
                            // isHungry = Choose(101);

                Debug.Log("Default reached in AgentLogic_07 - ConsumeResource function");
Exemplo n.º 13
    //When the agent's hunger % reaches a critial amount, then switch the current state of the agent to hunger state (search for food)
    void CheckIfInjured()
        //Todo: need to update this function to take into account the current food the agent has collected...
        //ie. once they collect 100 food ONLY start increasing the hungerValue once he has finished feeding on that 100 food

        if (!isDead)
            if (isInjured)
                //if yes then set the agent's state to hungry, but first save the previous state..
                //so the agent may return to it after feeding

                aState = agentState.Injured;
                //Todo: need to incorporate a probability factor that is affected by the current hunger value %, higher % = higher probablility to change Astate to hungry

                //Throw a series of dice at each milestone 25,50,75% hunger, if any dice roll true, then move to the food source
                switch (health)
                    case 75:

                        if (!isDead)
                            //Play hunger animation
                            //Pause the ai pathfinding to play an animation, pass anim state name

                            //if the agent reaches 25% hunger throw a dice with 10% probability of success
                            isInjured = Choose(perception);

                    case 50:
                        if (!isDead)
                            //Play hunger animation
                            //Pause the ai pathfinding to play an animation, pass anim state name
                            for (amount = 0; amount < 3; amount++)
                                if (!isInjured)
                                    //if the agent reaches 50% hunger throw a dice with 35% probability of success
                                    isInjured = Choose(perception);

                    case 25:
                        if (!isDead)
                            //Play hunger animation
                            //Pause the ai pathfinding to play an animation, pass anim state name
                            for (amount = 0; amount < 6; amount++)
                                if (!isInjured)
                                    //if the agent reaches 75% hunger throw a dice with 65% probability of success
                                    isInjured = Choose(perception);

                    case 5:
                        if (!isDead)
                        // isHungry = Choose(101);

Exemplo n.º 14
    public void TargetReached()
        if (aState == agentState.Wandering){

            //50% chance when target is reached, to stop and idle or find a new target
            if (Choose(50.0f)){
                aState = agentState.Idle;
                wanderWaypointIndex = Random.Range(0, wanderWaypoints.Count);
                aiFollow.target = wanderWaypoints[wanderWaypointIndex];

        }   else if (aState == agentState.Working){

            //workWaypointIndex = Random.Range(0, workWaypoints.Count);
            //if (currentlyWorking == true)
            //currentlyWorking = false;
            //else {
            //workWaypointIndex = Random.Range(0, workWaypoints.Count);
            //aiFollow.target = workWaypoints[workWaypointIndex].transform.position;
            // currentlyWorking = true;

            if (workWait > 0)
                workWait -= Time.deltaTime;
                agentAnim.SetBool("Walking", false);
                agentAnim.SetBool("Working", true);

                Vector3 targetPostition = new Vector3(workWaypoints[workWaypointIndex].transform.parent.parent.gameObject.transform.position.x,

                aiFollow.canMove = false;
                workerPathCompleted = false;
                //print("workWait: " + workWait);
            else {
                workWaypointIndex = Random.Range(0, workWaypoints.Count);
                aiFollow.target = workWaypoints[workWaypointIndex].transform.position;
                aiFollow.canMove = true;
                workWait = 2.0f;
                workerPathCompleted = true;

        }   else if (aState == agentState.Hungry){

            //Reset hunger level or start replenishing
            //Todo slowly start decreasing hunger value

            isHungry = false;

            //Give the agent 10% of the current food stored
            //Todo need to figureout a beter method for this algorithm
            if (gameController.food > 0) {
                //foodStored = gameController.food/10;

                foodStored = 5; /// Making Hunger a Flat rate for testing - Tyler
                if( gameController.food < foodStored ){
                    foodStored = gameController.food;
                gameController.food -= foodStored;
            else {
                Debug.Log(gameObject.name + " tried to collect food, but none was found.");

            if (foodStored > 0) {
                hungerValue = 0;
            else {
                //The agent is now starving!
                Debug.Log("Agent is starving!");

            //Tell the agent that they current have food and should not starve
            hasFood = true;

            //Todo need to check if there is actually food available for the agent to feed on
            //ADD HERE

            //Go back to previous task
            aState = currentState;

            //Need to Update the wait length to take into account the % of hunger missing (Higher hunger missing = longer wait time)

        else if (aState == agentState.Injured) {

            //Reset health level or start replenishing
            //Todo slowly start decreasing health value

            isHungry = false;

            Apply healing algorithm here
            if (gameController.food > 0) {
                foodStored = gameController.food / 10;
                gameController.food -= foodStored;
            else {
                Debug.Log(gameObject.name + " tried to collect food, but none was found.");

            //Go back to previous task
            aState = currentState;


         * if State1
         * 	do this
         * if State2
         * 	do this
         * if State3
         * 	do this
         * if State4
         * 	do this
Exemplo n.º 15
    //Choose between idle or wander with a given chance
    agentState WanderOrIdle(float chance)
        if (Choose(chance))
            return aState = agentState.Idle;
            return aState = agentState.Wandering;

Exemplo n.º 16
    void Update()
        switch (aState) {
        case agentState.Wandering:
            aState = agentState.Wandering;
        case agentState.Hungry:

            if(!feeding && hungerValue <= hungerSearch){
                _agentController.hungry = true;


        case agentState.Working:

            if(hasFinished2 == false){
                _agentController.target = WorkWaypoint.transform.position;
                hasFinished2 = true;
                aState = agentState.Working;

            if(transform.position == WorkWaypoint.transform.position)
            //aState = agentState.Working;

        case agentState.Default:
            print("Default reached in AgentFSM Update");
Exemplo n.º 17
    void Start()
        aiFollow = GetComponent<AIFollow_07>();

        wanderWaypoints = new List<Vector3>();

        while (wanderWaypoints.Count < wanderListSize) {
            wanderWaypoints.Add(new Vector3(Random.Range(0, 160), 0, Random.Range(0, 120)));

        workWaypointIndex = 0;
        wanderWaypointIndex = 0;

        assignedTarget = false;

        //When an agent spawns, he should start by wandering
        aState = agentState.Wandering;
Exemplo n.º 18
    void Start()
        aiFollow = GetComponent<AIFollow>();

        workWaypoints = new List<GameObject>(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("WorkWaypoint"));
        wanderWaypoints = new List<Vector3>();

        while (wanderWaypoints.Count < wanderListSize) {
            wanderWaypoints.Add(new Vector3(Random.Range(-50, 50), 0, Random.Range(-50, 50)));

        workWaypointIndex = 0;
        wanderWaypointIndex = 0;
        assignedTarget = false;

        //When an agent spawns, he should start by wandering
        aState = agentState.Wandering;