        protected void btnAdminLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Connecting to the Database.
            using (DefaultConnection1 db = new DefaultConnection1())
                //Creating user in memory.
                admin_users objI = new admin_users();

                //First get the salt value for this username
                String username = txtUsernameLogin.Text;

                objI = (from em in db.admin_users
                        where em.admin_username == username
                        select em).FirstOrDefault();

                //Did the username match?
                if (objI != null)
                    //Grabing salt.
                    String salt = objI.admin_salt;

                    //Salt and hash the plan text password.
                    String password      = txtPasswordLogin.Text;
                    String pass_and_salt = password + salt;

                    // Create a new instance of the hash crypto service provider.
                    HashAlgorithm hashAlg = new SHA256CryptoServiceProvider();

                    // Convert the data to hash to an array of Bytes.
                    byte[] bytValue = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pass_and_salt);

                    // Compute the Hash. This returns an array of Bytes.
                    byte[] bytHash = hashAlg.ComputeHash(bytValue);

                    // Optionally, represent the hash value as a base64-encoded string,
                    // For example, if you need to display the value or transmit it over a network.
                    string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytHash);

                    //Check if the password that was just salted and hashed matches the password in the database.
                    if (objI.admin_password == base64)
                        //Checking if the password was the same, Showing a valid login.
                        lblSubmitLoginMessage.Text = "Valid Login";

                        //Store the indentity in the session object.
                        Session["admin_user_id"] = objI.admin_user_id;

                        //Rediect to logged in homepage.
                        lblSubmitLoginMessageError.Text = "Invaild Login, the Email or Password may be wrong.";
Exemplo n.º 2
         * Name:         protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         * Description:  Called to authenticate the admin credentials and redirects to admin default page if theyre correct.
         * Arguments:    sender: Object being sent. Not currently used.
         *               e:      Any events being sent. Not currently used.
         * Return:       Nothing being returned.
         * Author:       Johnathan Falbo
         * Date:         16/04/2015
         * */
        protected void Authenticate_Login(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string username = usernameTextBox.Text;
            string password = passwordTextBox.Text;

            SearchEntities db = new SearchEntities();

            admin_users adminUsr = new admin_users();

            adminUsr.username = usernameTextBox.Text;
            adminUsr.password = passwordTextBox.Text;

            List <admin_users> adminList = db.admin_users.ToList <admin_users>();
            admin_users        tempAdmin;
            admin_users        tempAdmin2 = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < adminList.Count; i++)
                tempAdmin = adminList.ElementAt <admin_users>(i);
                if (Encryption.Decrypt(tempAdmin.username) == usernameTextBox.Text)
                    tempAdmin2 = tempAdmin;

            if (tempAdmin2 != null)
                if (Encryption.Decrypt(tempAdmin2.password) == Encryption.GetSHA256Hash(passwordTextBox.Text))
                    messageLabel1.Text = "authenticated";
                    AdminObject aO = new AdminObject();
                    Session["Admin"] = aO;
                    messageLabel1.Text = "authentication failed";

            //string enusr = Encryption.Encrypt(usernameTextBox.Text);
            //string enusr = Encryption.GetSHA256Hash(usernameTextBox.Text);

            //messageLabel1.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(enusr);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public ActionResult Index(admin_users u)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         using (AdminContext ac = new AdminContext())
             var v = ac.admin_users.Where(a => a.email.Equals(u.email) && a.password.Equals(u.password)).SingleOrDefault();
             if (v != null)
                 Session["id"] = u.id;
                 ViewBag.Message = "Invalid Credentials.";
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected void btnAdminSignUp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Connect to the Database.
            using (DefaultConnection1 db = new DefaultConnection1())
                //Creating a new user.
                admin_users objI = new admin_users();

                //Fill the properties from the form inputs.
                objI.admin_username = txtUsernameSignUp.Text;

                //Salt and Hash the plan text Password.
                String password      = txtPasswordSignUp.Text;
                String salt          = CreateSalt(8);
                String pass_and_salt = password + salt;

                // Create a new instance of the hash crypto service provider.
                HashAlgorithm hashAlg = new SHA256CryptoServiceProvider();

                // Convert the data to hash to an array of Bytes.
                byte[] bytValue = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pass_and_salt);

                // Compute the Hash. This returns an array of Bytes.
                byte[] bytHash = hashAlg.ComputeHash(bytValue);

                // Optionally, represent the hash value as a base64-encoded string,
                // For example, if you need to display the value or transmit it over a network.
                string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytHash);

                //Filling the properties of password to Database.
                objI.admin_password = base64;
                objI.admin_salt     = salt;

                //Saving information into Database.