Exemplo n.º 1
 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     using (addexpense rr = new addexpense())
Exemplo n.º 2
        private async void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
                ActiveIn.IsRunning = true;

                //    var jsoncategoryArray = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Expenses);
                if (CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected)
                    addexpense expense = new addexpense
                        date      = DatePicker.Date.ToShortDateString(),
                        statement = Statmententry.Text,
                        user_id   = 3,
                        amount    = double.Parse(amountentry.Text)
                    var nsAPI = RestService.For <IUpdateService>("https://ittezanmobilepos.com");
                        var data = await nsAPI.addexpense(expense);

                        if (data.success == true)
                            ActiveIn.IsRunning = false;
                            await DisplayAlert(AppResources.Alert, AppResources.ExpnseAdded, AppResources.Ok);

                            await Navigation.PopAsync();
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        ActiveIn.IsRunning = false;
                        await DisplayAlert(AppResources.Alert, AppResources.ConnectionNotAvailable, AppResources.Ok);

                        //     var data = await nsAPI.AddClientError(client);
                        // await Navigation.PushPopupAsync(new ClientAdded(data));
                        //  Emailentry.Focus();
                    addexpense expense = new addexpense
                        date      = DatePicker.Date.ToShortDateString(),
                        statement = Statmententry.Text,
                        user_id   = 3,
                        amount    = double.Parse(amountentry.Text)
                    var dbpath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), "MyDb.db");
                    var db     = new SQLiteConnection(dbpath);
                    var info   = db.GetTableInfo("addexpense");
                    if (!info.Any())
                        db.CreateTable <addexpense>();
                    await DisplayAlert(AppResources.Alert, AppResources.ExpnseAdded, AppResources.Ok);

                    var info2 = db.GetTableInfo("Box");
                    if (!info.Any())
                        db.CreateTable <Box>();

                    ActiveIn.IsRunning = false;
                    var boxs = (db.Table <Box>().ToList());

                    if (boxs.Count != 0)
                        box = db.Get <Box>(0);
                        var disc_expenses = Preferences.Get("disc_expenses", 0);
                        if (disc_expenses == 1)
                            box.balance = (Convert.ToDouble(box.balance) - expense.amount).ToString("0.00");
            catch (ValidationApiException validationException)
                ActiveIn.IsRunning = false;
                await DisplayAlert(AppResources.Alert, AppResources.ConnectionNotAvailable, AppResources.Ok);

                // handle validation here by using validationException.Content,
                // which is type of ProblemDetails according to RFC 7807
            catch (ApiException exception)
                ActiveIn.IsRunning = false;
                await DisplayAlert(AppResources.Alert, AppResources.ConnectionNotAvailable, AppResources.Ok);

                // other exception handling