Exemplo n.º 1
            public List <TCP> Parse_TCPPage(string URL, string imageRoot = @"H:\SiteParse\TheClassic")
                List <TCP> Films = new List <TCP>();

                string        xpath       = "/html/body/div[3]/div/div[2]/div[4]/ul";
                string        html        = ahk.Download_HTML(URL);
                List <string> resultLines = xml.Parse_HTML_XML(html, xpath); // extract sections of text from html xml

                foreach (string line in resultLines)                         // pull segments of page (20 total)
                    TCP Film = new TCP();

                    List <string> ImageLinks = new List <string>();

                    //string FilmURL = ""; string CoverURL = ""; string Title = ""; List<string> ImageLinks = new List<string>();
                    //string VidID = "";

                    string        seg = line.Replace("\">", "\">\n");
                    List <string> newLines = lst.Text_To_List(seg); bool TitleFound = false;
                    foreach (string newline in newLines)
                        //FILM URL
                        string videoURLCheck = "thumb-video-link\" href=\"/videos";
                        if (newline.Contains(videoURLCheck))
                            string videoURL = newline.Replace("<a class=\"thumb-video-link\" href=\"", "");
                            videoURL     = videoURL.Replace("/\">", "");
                            Film.FilmURL = "https://theclassicporn.com" + videoURL; // + @"\";
                                                                                    //ahk.MsgBox("FilmURL: " + FilmURL);

                        // VIDEO ID
                        if (newline.Contains("covers.jpg"))
                            List <string> items = ahk.StringSplit_List(newline, "/");
                            foreach (string item in items)
                                if (!item.Contains("covers.jpg"))
                                    Film.VideoID = item;
                                if (item.Contains("covers.jpg"))

                        // VIDEO COVER URL
                        if (newline.Contains("covers.jpg"))
                            List <string> items = ahk.StringSplit_List(newline, "\"");
                            foreach (string item in items)
                                if (item.Contains("covers.jpg"))
                                    Film.CoverURL = item; break;

                        // VIDEO TITLE
                        if (newline.Contains("class=\"link-blue link-no-border\""))
                            TitleFound = true; continue;
                        if (TitleFound)
                            Film.FilmName = newline.Replace("</a>", "");
                            TitleFound = false;

                        if (newline.Contains(".jpg") && !newline.Contains("covers.jpg"))
                            string ImageLine = newline.Replace("\" alt=\"\">", "");
                            ImageLine = ImageLine.Replace("<img class=\"screen-thumb\" src=\"", "");

                    string links = "";
                    if (imageRoot != "")
                        string saveDir = imageRoot + "\\" + Film.VideoID;

                        // download film images to dirs sorted by VidID
                        foreach (string image in ImageLinks)
                            string fileName = ahk.StringSplit(image, "/", 0, true);
                            ahk.Download_File(image, saveDir + "\\" + fileName);

                            if (links == "")
                                links = image;
                                links = links + "\n" + image;

                        // download film cover
                        if (Film.CoverURL != null)
                            string filename = ahk.StringSplit(Film.CoverURL, "/", 0, true);
                            ahk.Download_File(Film.CoverURL, saveDir + "\\" + filename);
                        // add image links to string list
                        foreach (string image in ImageLinks)
                            if (links == "")
                                links = image;
                                links = links + "\n" + image;

                    Film.ImageLinks = links;
                    Film.ImgLinks   = ImageLinks;

                    bool added = TCP_UpdateInsert(Film);

Exemplo n.º 2
            //_Parse.XML xml = new _Parse.XML();
            //_AHK ahk = new _AHK();
            //_Database.SQL sql = new _Database.SQL();
            //_Lists lst = new _Lists();
            //_Parse prs = new _Parse();
            ////_Images img = new _Images();
            //_TelerikLib.RadProgress pro = new _TelerikLib.RadProgress();
            //_TelerikLib tel = new _TelerikLib();
            ////_Apps.Chrome cr = new _Apps.Chrome();
            //sharpAHK_Dev._Threads thr = new sharpAHK_Dev._Threads();
            //_TelerikLib.RadTree tree = new _TelerikLib.RadTree();
            //IAFD iafd = new IAFD();
            //_Web.ADBSites.PBBForum pbb = new _Web.ADBSites.PBBForum();
            //_Web.ADBSites.PRNWForum prnw = new _Web.ADBSites.PRNWForum();


            public void Download_Site(int startPage = 1, int LastPage = 230, bool SkipExisting = true, RadProgressBar Bar = null, RadProgressBar Bar2 = null, bool NewThread = true)
                _AHK   ahk = new _AHK();
                _Lists lst = new _Lists();

                _Sites.RapidGator       rg  = new _Sites.RapidGator();
                _TelerikLib.RadProgress pro = new _TelerikLib.RadProgress();

                if (NewThread)
                    Thread newThread = new Thread(() => Download_Site(startPage, LastPage, SkipExisting, Bar, Bar2, false)); // Function To Execute
                    newThread.IsBackground = true;
                    int pageNum = startPage;
                        int           postNum = 0;
                        string        html    = ahk.Download_HTML("http://pornchil.com/page/" + pageNum + "/");
                        List <string> lines   = lst.Text_To_List(html, true, true, false);

                        if (Bar != null)
                            pro.SetupProgressBar(Bar, 10);
                        }                                                    // # of posts/page

                        foreach (string line in lines)
                            if (line.Contains("<h1 class=\"entry-title\"><a href="))
                                PrnChill chill = new PrnChill();

                                string Line = line.Replace("<h1 class=\"entry-title\"><a href=\"", "");
                                chill.PostURL  = ahk.StringSplit(Line, "\"", 0);
                                chill.PostName = ahk.StringSplit(Line, ">", 1);
                                chill.PostName = ahk.StringSplit(chill.PostName, "<", 0);

                                if (SkipExisting)
                                    if (AlreadyParsed(chill.PostURL))
                                    }                                                // check to see if this post already has an entry, if so skip

                                if (Bar != null)
                                    postNum++; pro.UpdateProgress(Bar, postNum + "/10");
                                }                                                                          // # of posts remaining

                                string        postHTML = ahk.Download_HTML(chill.PostURL);
                                List <string> links    = rg.Regex_RGLinks(postHTML);

                                if (links.Count > 0)
                                    if (Bar != null)
                                        pro.ProgressText(Bar, postNum + "/10 | Verifying Links");
                                    }                                                                                           // # of posts remaining

                                    List <_Sites.RapidGator.RGInfo> checkedLinks = rg.RapidGator_BatchCheck(links, true, Bar2); // batch check list of rg links

                                    string rglinks = ""; int goodLinkCount = 0;
                                    foreach (_Sites.RapidGator.RGInfo link in checkedLinks)
                                        if (rglinks == "")
                                            rglinks = link.FileURL + "|" + link.FileSize; goodLinkCount++;
                                            rglinks = rglinks + "\n" + link.FileURL + "|" + link.FileSize; goodLinkCount++;

                                    chill.Links     = rglinks; // online rg links with  filepath|filesize return
                                    chill.LinkCount = goodLinkCount;

                                    chill.LinkCheckDate = DateTime.Now.ToString();

                                chill.InCollection = "false";

                                List <string> images = rg.JpgImageLinks(postHTML);

                                if (Bar != null)
                                    pro.ProgressText(Bar, postNum + "/10 | Downloading Images (" + images.Count + ")");
                                }                                                                                                         // # of posts remaining

                                if (images.Count > 0)
                                    // create save dir
                                    string saveDir = ahk.AppDir() + "\\PrnChillPosts";
                                    saveDir = saveDir + "\\" + chill.PostName;

                                    chill.ImageDir = saveDir;

                                    int imgNum = 1;
                                    foreach (string image in images)
                                        ahk.Download_File(image, saveDir + "\\" + imgNum + ".jpg", true); imgNum++;


                    } while (pageNum <= LastPage);