public static void SpringScanner_RetryGetResourceInfo(object sender, ZkData.CancelEventArgs<ZkData.SpringScanner.CacheItem> e) { if (thisInstance != null) thisInstance.Dispose(); if (rememberedResult != null) { e.Cancel = rememberedResult=="cancel"; return; } thisInstance = new PromptForm(); countDown = new Timer(); countDown.Tick += (s, e1) => { counter++; thisInstance.noButton.Text = "No (" + (30 - counter).ToString() + ")"; if (counter==31) thisInstance.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; }; countDown.Interval = 1000; countDown.Enabled = true; counter = 0; thisInstance.FormClosed += (s, e1) => { countDown.Dispose(); }; thisInstance.detailBox.Visible = true; thisInstance.Text = "New resource found!"; thisInstance.questionText.Text = Environment.NewLine + "Server connection failed. Extract \"" + e.Data.FileName + "\" information manually?"; thisInstance.noButton.Text = "No,Wait"; Program.ToolTip.SetText(thisInstance.okButton, "Perform UnitSync on this file immediately if UnitSync is available"); Program.ToolTip.SetText(thisInstance.noButton, "Reask server for map/mod information after 2 minute"); Program.ToolTip.SetText(thisInstance.rememberChoiceCheckbox, "Remember choice for this session only"); thisInstance.detailText.WordWrap = false; var detailText = "File name: " + e.Data.FileName + Environment.NewLine; detailText = detailText + "MD5: " + e.Data.Md5.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; detailText = detailText + "Internal name: " + e.Data.InternalName + Environment.NewLine; detailText = detailText + "Recommended action: Restore Connection & Wait"; thisInstance.detailText.Text = detailText; thisInstance.ShowDialog(); e.Cancel = (thisInstance.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK); if (thisInstance.rememberChoiceCheckbox.Checked) rememberedResult = e.Cancel ? "cancel" : "ok"; }
public static void SpringScanner_UploadUnitsyncData(object sender, ZkData.CancelEventArgs<ZkData.IResourceInfo> e) { if (thisInstance != null) thisInstance.Dispose(); if (rememberedResult != null) { e.Cancel = rememberedResult == "cancel"; return; } thisInstance = new PromptForm(); countDown = new Timer(); countDown.Tick += (s, e1) => { counter++; thisInstance.okButton.Text = "Ok (" + (30 - counter).ToString() + ")"; if (counter == 31) thisInstance.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }; countDown.Interval = 1000; countDown.Enabled = true; counter = 0; thisInstance.FormClosed += (s, e1) => { countDown.Dispose(); }; thisInstance.detailBox.Visible = true; thisInstance.Text = "New information extracted!"; thisInstance.questionText.Text = Environment.NewLine + "No server data regarding this file hash. Upload \"" + e.Data.Name + "\" information to server?"; thisInstance.okButton.Text = "Ok,Share"; Program.ToolTip.SetText(thisInstance.okButton, "This map/mod will be listed on both ZKL and Springie"); Program.ToolTip.SetText(thisInstance.noButton, "This map/mod will be listed only on this ZKL"); Program.ToolTip.SetText(thisInstance.rememberChoiceCheckbox, "Remember choice for this session only"); thisInstance.detailText.WordWrap = false; var detailText = "Resource name: " + e.Data.Name + Environment.NewLine; detailText = detailText + "Archive name: " + e.Data.ArchiveName + Environment.NewLine; detailText = detailText + "Recommended action: Share multiplayer resource"; thisInstance.detailText.Text = detailText; thisInstance.ShowDialog(); e.Cancel = (thisInstance.DialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel); if (thisInstance.rememberChoiceCheckbox.Checked) rememberedResult = e.Cancel ? "cancel" : "ok"; }
void spring_SpringExited(object sender, ZkData.EventArgs<bool> e) { if (speechSynthesizer!=null) speechSynthesizer.SpeakAsyncCancelAll(); }