public Zipcode[] getCitiesInState(string stateAbbr) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stateAbbr)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Must supply a state abbreviation"); } string statement = "SELECT ZIPCode,CityName,StateName,StateAbbr FROM ZIPCodes " + "WHERE StateAbbr = @STATEABBR " + "AND CityType<>'N' AND ZipType<>'U' AND ZipType<>'M' ORDER BY CityName,ZIPCode;"; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(statement); SqlParameter stateAbbrParam = new SqlParameter("@STATEABBR", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 2); stateAbbrParam.Value = stateAbbr.ToUpper(); command.Parameters.Add(stateAbbrParam); DataTable results = query(command); if (results == null || results.Rows == null || results.Rows.Count == 0) { return null; } Zipcode[] zips = new Zipcode[results.Rows.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < results.Rows.Count; i++) { zips[i] = new Zipcode( results.Rows[i]["ZIPCode"] as string, results.Rows[i]["CityName"] as string, results.Rows[i]["StateName"] as string, results.Rows[i]["StateAbbr"] as string); } return zips; }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { id = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"]); using (CCSEntities db = new CCSEntities()) { a = (from ag in db.Agencies where ag.AgencyID == id select ag).First(); //Update simple fields if(txtAgencyName.Text != "") a.AgencyName = txtAgencyName.Text; if (txtStreet1.Text != "") a.Address.StreetAddress1 = txtStreet1.Text; if (txtStreet2.Text != "") a.Address.StreetAddress2 = txtStreet2.Text; a.Address.StateID = (short)ddlState.SelectedIndex; string zip = txtZip.Text; string city = txtCity.Text; //does new zip already exist? if ((from z in db.Zipcodes where z.ZipCode1 == zip select z).Count() > 0) { //zip already exists, use existing zip a.Address.ZipID = (from z in db.Zipcodes where z.ZipCode1 == zip select z.ZipID).First(); } else { //create new zip Zipcode z = new Zipcode(); z.ZipCode1 = zip; db.Zipcodes.Add(z); a.Address.Zipcode = z; } //Does new city already exist? if ((from c in db.Cities where c.CityName == city select c).Count() > 0) { //zip already exists, use existing zip a.Address.City = (from c in db.Cities where c.CityName == city select c).First(); } else { //create new zip City c = new City(); c.CityName = city; db.Cities.Add(c); a.Address.City = c; } db.SaveChanges(); saved.Visible = true; } }
public void Validate_NullCode_ReturnFalse() { //arrange var zipcode = new Zipcode() { Code = null, }; var zipcodeValidator = new ZipcodeValidator(); //act var validationResponse = zipcodeValidator.Validate(zipcode); //assert Assert.IsFalse(validationResponse.IsValid); Assert.IsNotNull(validationResponse.Message); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (CardNumber.Length != 0) { hash ^= CardNumber.GetHashCode(); } if (Cvc.Length != 0) { hash ^= Cvc.GetHashCode(); } if (ExpiryMonth != 0) { hash ^= ExpiryMonth.GetHashCode(); } if (FourDigitExpiryYear != 0) { hash ^= FourDigitExpiryYear.GetHashCode(); } if (Zipcode.Length != 0) { hash ^= Zipcode.GetHashCode(); } if (CardholderName.Length != 0) { hash ^= CardholderName.GetHashCode(); } if (IsVirtualCard != false) { hash ^= IsVirtualCard.GetHashCode(); } if (virtualCardLimit_ != null) { hash ^= VirtualCardLimit.GetHashCode(); } if (virtualCardAvailableOn_ != null) { hash ^= VirtualCardAvailableOn.GetHashCode(); } if (virtualCardExpiresOn_ != null) { hash ^= VirtualCardExpiresOn.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
public void Remove(Zipcode zipcode) { using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(DataSettings.CONNECTION_STRING)) { connection.Open(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("DELETE FROM [dbo].[zipcode]"); sb.Append("WHERE [ZipCodeID] = " + zipcode.ZipCodeID); String sql = sb.ToString(); using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection)) { command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } }
public async Task GetWeatherInfoForZipcodeAsync_ReturnsWeather() { //arrange var mockHttpClientFactory = new Mock <IHttpClientFactory>(); mockHttpClientFactory.Setup(f => f.CreateClient("openweather")).Returns(_weatherHttpClient); var client = new OpenWeatherApiClient(mockHttpClientFactory.Object); var zipcode = new Zipcode("97219"); //act ApiResponse <WeatherInfo> apiResponse = await client.GetWeatherInfoForZipcodeAsync(zipcode); //assert Assert.IsNotNull(apiResponse.Data); Assert.IsTrue(apiResponse.IsSuccess); StringAssert.AreEqualIgnoringCase("Portland", apiResponse.Data.City); Assert.IsNotNull(apiResponse.Data.TempKelvin); }
public static Zipcode GetCSZ(int z) { Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); DbCommand cw = db.GetStoredProcCommand("sp_NCIPL_GetCSZ"); db.AddInParameter(cw, "zip", DbType.String, z.ToString()); using (System.Data.IDataReader dr = db.ExecuteReader(cw)) { Zipcode k = new Zipcode(); if (dr.Read()) { //k.zip5=z; k.City = dr["City"].ToString(); k.State = dr["State"].ToString(); k.Zip4 = dr["zip4"].ToString(); } return(k); //May or may not have real values at this point...thats ok. } }
private void BindBillingInfo(Person p) { txt2name.Text = p.Fullname; txt2org.Text = p.Organization; txt2addr1.Text = p.Addr1; txt2addr2.Text = p.Addr2; txt2phone.Text = p.Phone; txt2email.Text = p.Email; txt2zip5.Text = p.Zip5; txt2zip4.Text = p.Zip4; txt2city.Text = p.City; txt2state.Text = p.State; foreach (KVPair city in Zipcode.GetCities(Convert.ToInt32(p.Zip5))) { drpcity2.Items.Add(new ListItem(city.Key, city.Key)); } drpcity2.SelectedValue = p.City; }
protected override async Task Handle(SaveZipcodeCommand command) { var city = _cityRepository.GetByAltId(command.CityAltId); if (city != null) { var zipcode = new Zipcode { AltId = Guid.NewGuid(), Postalcode = command.Zipcode, Region = command.Region, CityId = city.Id, ModifiedBy = command.ModifiedBy, CreatedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow, IsEnabled = true }; _zipcodeRepository.Save(zipcode); } }
private void BindShippingInfo(Person p) { txtname.Text = p.Fullname; txtorg.Text = p.Organization; txtaddr1.Text = p.Addr1; txtaddr2.Text = p.Addr2; txtphone.Text = p.Phone; txtemail.Text = p.Email; txtzip5.Text = p.Zip5; txtzip4.Text = p.Zip4; txtcity.Text = p.City; txtstate.Text = p.State; foreach (KVPair city in Zipcode.GetCities(Convert.ToInt32(p.Zip5))) { drpcity2.Items.Add(new ListItem(city.Key, city.Key)); } drpcity2.SelectedValue = billto.City; //txtcity.Visible = true; //drpcity.Visible = false; }
public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext) { // Validation 1 : Zip code has to be between if (Address2 == Address1) { yield return(new ValidationResult("Address2 cannot be same as Address 1")); } if (State != null && State.Split(' ').Length > 2) { yield return(new ValidationResult("Enter 2 digit State code ")); } if (Zipcode != null && Zipcode.Split(' ').Length < 5) { } else { yield return(new ValidationResult("Enter a 5 digit Zipcode")); } //throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Get([FromQuery] Zipcode zipcode) { var apiResponse = new ApiResponse <CayuseZipcodeInfo>(); try { apiResponse = await _zipcodeInfoProcessor.GenerateZipcodeInfoAsync(zipcode); if (apiResponse.IsValidationError) { return(BadRequest(apiResponse)); } } catch (Exception e) { return(StatusCode(500)); //todo log exception } return(new JsonResult(apiResponse)); }
public void BarDelete() { //Setup ManagerController mc = new ManagerController(); Manager manager = new Manager("TestName", "TestPhonenumber", "TestEmail", "TestUsername", null); Manager m = mc.CreateManager(manager, "TestPassword"); Country country = LocationDB.Instance.getCountryById(1); if (country is null) { Assert.Fail("Country is null"); } Zipcode zip = LocationDB.Instance.findZipById(1); Address a = new Address("TestVej", zip); zip.Country = country; a.Zipcode = zip; Bar bar = new Bar { Address = a, Email = "TestBarEmail", Name = "TestBarName", PhoneNumber = "TestBarP", Username = "******" }; Bar expected = controller.Create(bar, m.Id, "TestPassword"); //Act bool isSuccess = controller.Delete(expected.ID); //Assert 1 Bar notFound = controller.Find(expected.ID); Assert.IsNull(notFound); //Assert 2 Assert.AreEqual(isSuccess, true, "The method returns an unexpected value"); }
static void CreateZipcode() { Console.Write("Please enter a new zipcode: "); int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int zipcode); Console.Write("Please enter a city: "); string city = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Please enter a state (MI): "); string state = Console.ReadLine(); using (var ctx = new Context()) { var zip = new Zipcode { Zip = zipcode, City = city, State = state }; ctx.Zipcodes.Add(zip); ctx.SaveChanges(); } }
protected override async Task Handle(SaveAddressCommand command) { var user = _userRepository.GetByAltId(command.UserAltId); var zipcode = _zipcodeRepository.GetByZipcode(command.Zipcode.ToString()); if (zipcode == null) { var zipCode = new Zipcode { AltId = Guid.NewGuid(), Postalcode = command.Zipcode.ToString(), IsEnabled = true }; _zipcodeRepository.Save(zipCode); zipcode = _zipcodeRepository.GetByZipcode(command.Zipcode.ToString()); } if (user != null && zipcode != null) { var addressDetail = new UserAddressDetail { UserId = user.Id, AltId = Guid.NewGuid(), FirstName = command.FirstName, LastName = command.LastName, PhoneCode = command.PhoneCode, PhoneNumber = command.PhoneNumber, AddressLine1 = command.AddressLine1, Zipcode = zipcode.Id, AddressTypeId = command.AddressTypeId, ModifiedBy = command.ModifiedBy, IsEnabled = true, CityId = null }; _userAddressDetailRepository.Save(addressDetail); } }
public void Update(Zipcode zipcode) { using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(DataSettings.CONNECTION_STRING)) { connection.Open(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("UPDATE [dbo].[zipcode]"); sb.Append("SET [ZipCode] = @param1, [City] = @param2, [State] = @param3, [Business] = @param4"); sb.Append(" WHERE [ZipCodeID] = " + zipcode.ZipCodeID); String sql = sb.ToString(); using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection)) { command.Parameters.Add("@param1", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 11).Value = (object)zipcode.ZipCode ?? DBNull.Value; command.Parameters.Add("@param2", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = (object)zipcode.City ?? DBNull.Value; command.Parameters.Add("@param3", SqlDbType.NVarChar, int.MaxValue).Value = (object)zipcode.State ?? DBNull.Value; command.Parameters.Add("@param4", SqlDbType.NVarChar, int.MaxValue).Value = (object)zipcode.Business ?? DBNull.Value; command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } }
public void Insert(Zipcode zipcode) { using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(DataSettings.CONNECTION_STRING)) { connection.Open(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("INSERT INTO [dbo].[zipcode]([ZipCode],[City],[State],[Business])"); string values = "VALUES(@param1, @param2, @param3, @param4)"; sb.Append(values); String sql = sb.ToString(); using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection)) { command.Parameters.Add("@param1", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 11).Value = (object)zipcode.ZipCode ?? DBNull.Value; command.Parameters.Add("@param2", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = (object)zipcode.City ?? DBNull.Value; command.Parameters.Add("@param3", SqlDbType.NVarChar, int.MaxValue).Value = (object)zipcode.State ?? DBNull.Value; command.Parameters.Add("@param4", SqlDbType.NVarChar, int.MaxValue).Value = (object)zipcode.Business ?? DBNull.Value; command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } }
public void BarrUpdateName() { //Setup //setup ManagerController mc = new ManagerController(); Manager manager = new Manager("TestName", "TestPhonenumber", "TestEmail", "TestUsername", null); Manager m = mc.CreateManager(manager, "TestPassword"); Country country = LocationDB.Instance.getCountryById(1); if (country is null) { Assert.Fail("Country is null"); } Zipcode zip = LocationDB.Instance.findZipById(1); Address a = new Address("TestVej", zip); zip.Country = country; a.Zipcode = zip; Bar bar = new Bar { Address = a, Email = "TestBarEmail", Name = "TestBarName", PhoneNumber = "TestBarP", Username = "******" }; Bar expected = controller.Create(bar, m.Id, "TestPassword"); expected.Name = "TestNameUpdated"; //Act controller.Update(expected.ID, expected.Name, a, expected.PhoneNumber, expected.Email, expected.Username); Bar actual = controller.Find(expected.ID); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "Bar name was not updated correctly"); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if Forecast instances are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Instance of Forecast to be compared</param> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool Equals(Forecast other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return (( Zipcode == other.Zipcode || Zipcode != null && Zipcode.Equals(other.Zipcode) ) && ( Day == other.Day || Day != null && Day.Equals(other.Day) ) && ( High == other.High || High != null && High.Equals(other.High) ) && ( Low == other.Low || Low != null && Low.Equals(other.Low) ) && ( Detail == other.Detail || Detail != null && Detail.Equals(other.Detail) )); }
//***EAC update count, shipcosts etc protected void BindTotals(string state) { if (Zipcode.isXPO(state)) { HideBillingItems(); } else { ShowBillingItems(); } //Display the master page tabs GlobalUtils.Utils UtilMethod = new GlobalUtils.Utils(); if (Session["NCIPL_Pubs"] != null) { Master.LiteralText = UtilMethod.GetTabHtmlMarkUp(Session["NCIPL_Qtys"].ToString(), ""); } else { Master.LiteralText = UtilMethod.GetTabHtmlMarkUp("", ""); } UtilMethod = null; }
protected void Zip_Changed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtzip5.Text.Length == 5) { //***EAC HITT 7460 drpcity.Items.Clear(); txtstate.Text = ""; try { foreach (KVPair city in Zipcode.GetCities(Convert.ToInt32(txtzip5.Text))) { drpcity.Items.Add(new ListItem(city.Key, city.Key)); txtstate.Text = city.Val; //doesn't hurt to do this n times } txtcity.Visible = true; //**just in case the line below throws an error drpcity.Visible = false; //**just in case the line below throws an error txtcity.Text = drpcity.Items[0].Text; if (drpcity.Items.Count <= 1) { txtcity.Visible = true; drpcity.Visible = false; lbltxtcity.AssociatedControlID = "txtcity"; } else { txtcity.Visible = false; drpcity.Visible = true; lbltxtcity.AssociatedControlID = "drpcity"; } BindTotals(txtstate.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.Message); } } }
protected void BillZip_Changed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txt2zip5.Text.Length == 5) { //***EAC HITT 7460 drpcity2.Items.Clear(); txt2state.Text = ""; try { foreach (KVPair city in Zipcode.GetCities(Convert.ToInt32(txt2zip5.Text))) { drpcity2.Items.Add(new ListItem(city.Key, city.Key)); txt2state.Text = city.Val; //doesn't hurt to do this n times } txt2city.Visible = true; //**just in case the line below throws an error drpcity2.Visible = false; //**just in case the line below throws an error txt2city.Text = drpcity2.Items[0].Text; if (drpcity2.Items.Count <= 1) { txt2city.Visible = true; drpcity2.Visible = false; lbltxt2city.AssociatedControlID = "txt2city"; } else { txt2city.Visible = false; drpcity2.Visible = true; lbltxt2city.AssociatedControlID = "drpcity2"; } } catch { } } //Zipcode z = Zipcode.GetCSZ(Int32.Parse(txt2zip5.Text)); //txt2city.Text = z.City; //txt2state.Text = z.State; }
//***************************** insertZipIfNotExist **************************************// private void insertZipIfNotExist() { try { Zipcode zp = new Zipcode(); Zipcode result = lookupZipcode(); //the zipcode doesn't exist already. Add it to the database. if (result == null) { using (CCSEntities db = new CCSEntities()) { zp.ZipCode1 = txtZip.Text.ToString(); db.Zipcodes.Add(zp); db.SaveChanges(); } //end of db connection } } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) { } catch (Exception ex) { LogError.logError(ex); Response.Redirect("../errorpages/error.aspx"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Utils.ValidateRedirect().Length > 0) //Important check { Response.Redirect(Utils.ValidateRedirect(), true); } if (this.shoppingcart == null || this.shoppingcart.Count < 1) { //***EAC I need a shopping cart at this point ResetSessions(); Response.Redirect("home.aspx?missingcart=true", true); } IsOrderIntl = Utils.IsOrderInternational(); //NCIPLex - International or domestic if (!IsPostBack) { steps1.Activate("cell3"); this.shoppingcartV2 = VirtualizedCart(this.shoppingcart); if ( == null) { = new CreditCard(); } = this.shoppingcartV2.Cost; //assume cart exists...if not error handler will take care of it for (int i = DateTime.Now.Year; i < DateTime.Now.Year + 9; i++) { drpyr.Items.Add(new ListItem(i.ToString(), i.ToString().Substring(2))); } ddlIntlCountry.DataSource = NCIPLex.DAL.SQLDataAccess.GetKVPairStr("SP_NCIPLex_GetCountry"); ddlIntlCountry.DataTextField = "Val"; //ddlIntlCountry.DataValueField = "Key"; ddlIntlCountry.DataValueField = "Val"; ddlIntlCountry.DataBind(); ddlIntlCountry.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("[Select from the list]", "")); if (this.shipto != null) { #region Restore ship vals try { txtzip5.Text = shipto.Zip5; txtzip4.Text = shipto.Zip4; txtcity.Text = shipto.City; txtstate.Text = shipto.State; //foreach (KVPair city in Zipcode.GetCities(Convert.ToInt32(shipto.Zip5))) // drpcity.Items.Add(new ListItem(city.Key, city.Key)); //drpcity.SelectedValue = shipto.City; txtcity.Text = shipto.City; txtcity.Visible = true; drpcity.Visible = false; txtname.Text = shipto.Fullname; txtorg.Text = shipto.Organization; txtaddr1.Text = shipto.Addr1; txtaddr2.Text = shipto.Addr2; txtphone.Text = shipto.Phone; txtemail.Text = shipto.Email; if (IsOrderIntl) { txtIntlZip.Text = shipto.Zip5; txtIntlState.Text = shipto.State; //txtIntlCountry.Text = shipto.Country; ddlIntlCountry.SelectedValue = shipto.Country; } } catch (Exception) { } #endregion } if (this.billto != null) { #region Restore bill vals try { txt2zip5.Text = billto.Zip5; txt2zip4.Text = billto.Zip4; txt2city.Text = billto.City; txt2state.Text = billto.State; foreach (KVPair city in Zipcode.GetCities(Convert.ToInt32(billto.Zip5))) { drpcity2.Items.Add(new ListItem(city.Key, city.Key)); } drpcity2.SelectedValue = billto.City; txt2name.Text = billto.Fullname; txt2org.Text = billto.Organization; txt2addr1.Text = billto.Addr1; txt2addr2.Text = billto.Addr2; txt2phone.Text = billto.Phone; txt2email.Text = billto.Email; } catch (Exception) { } #endregion } //JPJ 03-10-11 NCIPLex does not accept credit card orders //if ( != null && > 0.0) //{ // Label1.Text = "Shipping & Payment"; // pnlPaymentInfo.Visible = true; // #region Restor CC field values // drpcard.SelectedValue = cc.Company; // txtccnum.Text = cc.CCnum; // txtcvv2.Text = cc.CVV2; // drpmonth.SelectedValue = cc.ExpMon; // drpyr.SelectedValue = cc.ExpYr; // lblCost.Text ="c"); // #endregion //} //else //{ Label1.Text = "Shipping"; pnlPaymentInfo.Visible = false; pnlBIllingInfo.Visible = false; chkSameaddress.Visible = false; lblBill.Visible = false; lblShip.Visible = false; rowIntlCountry.Visible = false; //} if (IsOrderIntl) { lbltxtzip5.Visible = false; txtzip5.Visible = false; lbltxtzip4.Visible = false; txtzip4.Visible = false; lbltxtstate.Visible = false; txtstate.Visible = false; txtphone.ToolTip = ""; RegularExpressionValidator3.Visible = false; RegularExpressionValidator6.Visible = false; RequiredFieldValidator13.Visible = false; RegularExpressionValidator5.Visible = false; RequiredFieldValidator6.Visible = false; lblIntltxtzip.Visible = true; txtIntlZip.Visible = true; lbltxtIntlState.Visible = true; txtIntlState.Visible = true; rowIntlCountry.Visible = true; divlblCountry.Visible = true; lbltxtIntlCountry.Visible = true; divtxtCountry.Visible = true; //txtIntlCountry.Visible = true; ddlIntlCountry.Visible = true; RequiredFieldIntlZip.Visible = true; RequiredFieldIntlCountry.Visible = true; } } //Display the master page tabs GlobalUtils.Utils UtilMethod = new GlobalUtils.Utils(); if (Session["NCIPLEX_Pubs"] != null) { Master.LiteralText = UtilMethod.GetTabHtmlMarkUp(Session["NCIPLEX_Qtys"].ToString(), ""); } else { Master.LiteralText = UtilMethod.GetTabHtmlMarkUp("", ""); } UtilMethod = null; }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region Toggle Billing Validators if (chkSameaddress.Checked) { RequiredFieldValidator9.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator10.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator11.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator12.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator14.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator16.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator17.Enabled = false; RegularExpressionValidator2.Enabled = false; RegularExpressionValidator4.Enabled = false; } else { RequiredFieldValidator9.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator10.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator11.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator12.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator14.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator16.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator17.Enabled = true; RegularExpressionValidator2.Enabled = true; RegularExpressionValidator4.Enabled = true; } #endregion if (Page.IsValid) { //*** EAC We passed .Net validation so now just //*** validate the lengths so AppScan doesn't get angry if (txtzip5.Text.Length + txtzip4.Text.Length + txtcity.Text.Length + txtstate.Text.Length + txtname.Text.Length + txtorg.Text.Length + txtaddr1.Text.Length + txtaddr2.Text.Length + txtphone.Text.Length + txtemail.Text.Length > 220) { throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Shipping object is too big")); } if (txt2zip5.Text.Length + txt2zip4.Text.Length + txt2city.Text.Length + txt2state.Text.Length + txt2name.Text.Length + txt2org.Text.Length + txt2addr1.Text.Length + txt2addr2.Text.Length + txt2phone.Text.Length + txt2email.Text.Length > 220) { throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Billing object is too big")); } //***EAC At this point, data looks clean this.shipto = new Person(1, txtname.Text, txtorg.Text, txtemail.Text, txtaddr1.Text, txtaddr2.Text, (txtcity.Visible == true ? txtcity.Text : drpcity.SelectedValue), txtstate.Text, txtzip5.Text, txtzip4.Text, txtphone.Text); // = new CreditCard(drpcard.SelectedValue, txtccnum.Text, drpmonth.SelectedValue, drpyr.SelectedValue, txtcvv2.Text,, drpcard.SelectedValue ); if (chkSameaddress.Checked) { this.billto = this.shipto; } else { this.billto = new Person(1, txt2name.Text, txt2org.Text, txt2email.Text, txt2addr1.Text, txt2addr2.Text, (txt2city.Visible == true ? txt2city.Text : drpcity2.SelectedValue), txt2state.Text, txt2zip5.Text, txt2zip4.Text, txt2phone.Text); } if (!UserExists(txtUserName.Text.ToString())) { //*** Update PubEnt Registration table bool retSaveRegistration = DAL.DAL.SaveRegistration(txtUserName.Text, shipto, billto, -1); //***EAC typeofcustomerid is now ignored if (retSaveRegistration) { //*** Create user in GUAM try { new UserServiceClient().Using(client => { ReturnObject ro; //*** Add a new user ro = client.AddUser(txtUserName.Text.ToString()); if (ro.ReturnCode != 0) { RemoveUser(); lblGuamMsg.Text = ro.DefaultErrorMessage; lblGuamMsg.Visible = true; } else { lblGuamMsg.Text = ""; lblGuamMsg.Visible = false; //*** Set User Email ro = client.SetUserMetaData(txtUserName.Text.ToString(), "Email", txtUserName.Text.ToString()); //*** Generate Password ro = client.GeneratePassword(txtUserName.Text.ToString()); string newpwd = ro.ReturnValue.ToString(); //*** Assign Password ro = client.AssignPassword(txtUserName.Text.ToString(), newpwd); //*** Set questions and answer UserQuestion[] questions_answer = new UserQuestion[1]; questions_answer[0] = new UserQuestion(); questions_answer[0].QuestionText = ddlQuestions.SelectedItem.Text; questions_answer[0].Answer = txtAnswer.Text; ro = client.SetUserQuestionsAndAnswers(txtUserName.Text.ToString(), questions_answer); //*** Add User to Role ro = client.AddUserToRole(txtUserName.Text.ToString(), "NCIPL_PUBLIC"); //*** Registration Complete divUserReg.Visible = false; divUserRegConfirmation.Visible = true; lblRegUserName.Text = txtUserName.Text; lblRegPassword.Text = newpwd; if (Zipcode.isXPO(txtstate.Text)) { lblXPO.Text = "Please note: We will provide free shipping via U.S. Postal Service for orders up to " + PubEnt.GlobalUtils.Const.XPOMaxQuantity.ToString() + " items to your location. We are sorry we cannot send orders of more than " + PubEnt.GlobalUtils.Const.XPOMaxQuantity.ToString() + " items or send items via FedEx or UPS to your shipping address."; } Session["NCIPL_User"] = txtUserName.Text; } }); } catch { RemoveUser(); divUserRegConfirmation.Visible = false; lblGuamMsg.Text = GuamErrorMsg; lblGuamMsg.Visible = true; } } else { divUserRegConfirmation.Visible = false; lblGuamMsg.Text = PubEntErrorMsg; lblGuamMsg.Visible = true; } } else { divUserRegConfirmation.Visible = false; lblGuamMsg.Text = "You already have an account with us. Please login with your username and password or select the option to reset your password."; lblGuamMsg.Visible = true; } } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region Toggle Billing Validators if (chkSameaddress.Checked) { RequiredFieldValidator9.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator10.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator11.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator12.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator14.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator16.Enabled = false; RequiredFieldValidator17.Enabled = false; RegularExpressionValidator2.Enabled = false; RegularExpressionValidator4.Enabled = false; } else { RequiredFieldValidator9.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator10.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator11.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator12.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator14.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator16.Enabled = true; RequiredFieldValidator17.Enabled = true; RegularExpressionValidator2.Enabled = true; RegularExpressionValidator4.Enabled = true; } #endregion if (Page.IsValid) { //*** EAC We passed .Net validation so now just //*** validate the lengths so AppScan doesn't get angry if (txtzip5.Text.Length + txtzip4.Text.Length + txtcity.Text.Length + txtstate.Text.Length + txtname.Text.Length + txtorg.Text.Length + txtaddr1.Text.Length + txtaddr2.Text.Length + txtphone.Text.Length + txtemail.Text.Length > 220) { throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Shipping object is too big")); } if (txt2zip5.Text.Length + txt2zip4.Text.Length + txt2city.Text.Length + txt2state.Text.Length + txt2name.Text.Length + txt2org.Text.Length + txt2addr1.Text.Length + txt2addr2.Text.Length + txt2phone.Text.Length + txt2email.Text.Length > 220) { throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Billing object is too big")); } //***EAC At this point, data looks clean this.shipto = new Person(1, txtname.Text, txtorg.Text, txtemail.Text, txtaddr1.Text, txtaddr2.Text, (txtcity.Visible == true ? txtcity.Text : drpcity.SelectedValue), txtstate.Text, txtzip5.Text, txtzip4.Text, txtphone.Text); // = new CreditCard(drpcard.SelectedValue, txtccnum.Text, drpmonth.SelectedValue, drpyr.SelectedValue, txtcvv2.Text,, drpcard.SelectedValue ); if (chkSameaddress.Checked) { this.billto = this.shipto; } else { this.billto = new Person(1, txt2name.Text, txt2org.Text, txt2email.Text, txt2addr1.Text, txt2addr2.Text, (txt2city.Visible == true ? txt2city.Text : drpcity2.SelectedValue), txt2state.Text, txt2zip5.Text, txt2zip4.Text, txt2phone.Text); } //*** Update PubEnt Registration table bool retSaveRegistration = DAL.DAL.UpdateRegistration(Session["NCIPL_User"].ToString(), shipto, billto); if (retSaveRegistration) { //*** Update Registration Complete divUserReg.Visible = false; divUserRegConfirmation.Visible = true; if (Zipcode.isXPO(txtstate.Text)) { lblXPO.Text = "Please note: We will provide free shipping via U.S. Postal Service for orders up to " + PubEnt.GlobalUtils.Const.XPOMaxQuantity.ToString() + " items to your location. We are sorry we cannot send orders of more than " + PubEnt.GlobalUtils.Const.XPOMaxQuantity.ToString() + " items or send items via FedEx or UPS to your shipping address."; } } else { divUserRegConfirmation.Visible = false; lblGuamMsg.Text = PubEntErrorMsg; lblGuamMsg.Visible = true; } } }
public SavedEventQueryResult Handle(SavedEventQuery query) { var eventDataModel = _eventRepository.GetByAltId(query.Id); var eventModel = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <Contracts.Models.Event>(eventDataModel); var placeVisitDuration = _placeVisitDurationRepository.GetBySingleEventId(eventModel.Id); var galleryImageResponse = _eventGalleryImageRepository.GetByEventId(eventModel.Id); var galleryImageModel = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <IEnumerable <EventGalleryImage> >(galleryImageResponse); var eventcatmapresponse = _eventCategoryMappingRepository.GetByEventId(eventModel.Id); var eventcatmap = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <IEnumerable <EventCategoryMapping> >(eventcatmapresponse); var eventsiteidresponse = _eventSiteIdMappingRepository.GetByEventId(eventModel.Id); var eventsitemap = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <EventSiteIdMapping>(eventsiteidresponse); var eventlearnmoreresponse = _eventLearnMoreAttributeRepository.GetByEventId(eventModel.Id); var eventlearnmore = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <IEnumerable <EventLearnMoreAttribute> >(eventlearnmoreresponse); var eventamenityresponse = _eventAmenityRepository.GetByEventId(eventModel.Id); var eventamenity = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <IEnumerable <EventAmenity> >(eventamenityresponse); var eventdetailresponse = _eventDetailRepository.GetSubeventByEventId(eventModel.Id).FirstOrDefault(); var eventdetail = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <EventDetail>(eventdetailresponse); var eventTags = _eventTagMappingRepository.GetByEventId(eventModel.Id); Country countrydetail = new Country(); City citydetail = new City(); State statedetail = new State(); Zipcode zipcodeDetail = new Zipcode(); Venue venuedetail = new Venue(); if (eventdetail != null) { var venuedetailresponse = _venueRepository.GetByVenueId(eventdetail.VenueId); venuedetail = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <Venue>(venuedetailresponse); if (venuedetail != null) { var citydetailresponse = _cityRepository.GetByCityId(venuedetail.CityId); citydetail = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <City>(citydetailresponse); var Zip = _zipcodeRepository.GetAllByCityId(citydetail.Id).FirstOrDefault(); zipcodeDetail = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <Zipcode>(Zip); } if (citydetail != null) { var statedetailresponse = _stateRepository.GetByStateId(citydetail.StateId); statedetail = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <State>(statedetailresponse); } if (statedetail != null) { var countrydetailresponse = _countryRepository.GetByCountryId(statedetail.CountryId); countrydetail = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <Country>(countrydetailresponse); } } var features = Enum.GetValues(typeof(LearnMoreFeatures)); var resultdata = new SavedEventQueryResult(); resultdata.Country = countrydetail.Name; resultdata.City = citydetail.Name; resultdata.Address1 = venuedetail.AddressLineOne; resultdata.Address2 = venuedetail.AddressLineTwo; resultdata.State = statedetail.Name; resultdata.Lat = ((venuedetail.Latitude != null && venuedetail.Latitude != "" && venuedetail.Latitude != "NaN") ? venuedetail.Latitude : "18.5204"); resultdata.Long = ((venuedetail.Longitude != null && venuedetail.Longitude != "" && venuedetail.Latitude != "NaN") ? venuedetail.Longitude : "73.8567"); List <string> amenityids = new List <string>(); if (zipcodeDetail != null) { if (zipcodeDetail.Id != 0) { resultdata.Zip = zipcodeDetail.Postalcode; } } foreach (var ea in eventamenity) { amenityids.Add((ea.AmenityId).ToString()); } if (placeVisitDuration != null) { var data = placeVisitDuration.TimeDuration.Split("-"); if (data.Length >= 2) { resultdata.HourTimeDuration = placeVisitDuration.TimeDuration; resultdata.MinuteTimeDuration = ""; } } resultdata.AmenityId = string.Join(",", amenityids); //resultdata.AmenityId = string.Join(",", amenityids); var archdesc = eventlearnmore.FirstOrDefault(p => p.LearnMoreFeatureId == LearnMoreFeatures.ArchitecturalDetail); if (archdesc != null) { resultdata.Archdetail = archdesc.Description; resultdata.ArchdetailId = archdesc.Id; } var highlightdesc = eventlearnmore.FirstOrDefault(p => p.LearnMoreFeatureId == LearnMoreFeatures.HighlightNugget); if (highlightdesc != null) { resultdata.Highlights = highlightdesc.Description; resultdata.HighlightsId = highlightdesc.Id; } var historydesc = eventlearnmore.FirstOrDefault(p => p.LearnMoreFeatureId == LearnMoreFeatures.History); if (historydesc != null) { resultdata.History = historydesc.Description; resultdata.HistoryId = historydesc.Id; } var immersdesc = eventlearnmore.FirstOrDefault(p => p.LearnMoreFeatureId == LearnMoreFeatures.ImmersiveExperience); if (immersdesc != null) { resultdata.Immersiveexperience = immersdesc.Description; resultdata.ImmersiveexperienceId = immersdesc.Id; } var tilesImages = ""; var galleryImages = galleryImageModel.Where(p => p.Name.Contains("gallery")); var tilesSliderImages = galleryImageModel.Where(p => p.Name.Contains("Tiles")); var descPageImages = galleryImageModel.Where(p => p.Name.Contains("DescBanner")); var inventoryPageImages = galleryImageModel.Where(p => p.Name.Contains("InventoryBanner")); var placeMapImages = galleryImageModel.Where(p => p.Name.Contains("placemapImages")); var timelineImages = galleryImageModel.Where(p => p.Name.Contains("timelineImages")); var immersiveImages = galleryImageModel.Where(p => p.Name.Contains("immersiveImages")); var architecturalImages = galleryImageModel.Where(p => p.Name.Contains("archdetailImages")); var galleryImagesList = ""; var tilesSliderImagesList = ""; var descPageList = ""; var inventoryPageList = ""; var plaeMapImagesList = ""; var timelineImagesList = ""; var immerseImagesList = ""; var archImagesList = ""; foreach (EventGalleryImage eventGalleryImage in galleryImages) { galleryImagesList += eventGalleryImage.Name + ","; } foreach (EventGalleryImage eventGalleryImage in tilesSliderImages) { tilesSliderImagesList += eventGalleryImage.Name + ","; } foreach (EventGalleryImage eventGalleryImage in descPageImages) { descPageList += eventGalleryImage.Name + ","; } foreach (EventGalleryImage eventGalleryImage in inventoryPageImages) { inventoryPageList += eventGalleryImage.Name + ","; } foreach (EventGalleryImage eventGalleryImage in placeMapImages) { plaeMapImagesList += eventGalleryImage.Name + ","; } foreach (EventGalleryImage eventGalleryImage in timelineImages) { timelineImagesList += eventGalleryImage.Name + ","; } foreach (EventGalleryImage eventGalleryImage in immersiveImages) { immerseImagesList += eventGalleryImage.Name + ","; } foreach (EventGalleryImage eventGalleryImage in galleryImages) { archImagesList += eventGalleryImage.Name + ","; } resultdata.GalleryImages = galleryImagesList; resultdata.TilesSliderImages = tilesSliderImagesList; resultdata.DescpagebannerImage = descPageList; resultdata.InventorypagebannerImage = inventoryPageList; resultdata.PlacemapImages = plaeMapImagesList; resultdata.TimelineImages = timelineImagesList; resultdata.ImmersiveexpImages = immerseImagesList; resultdata.ArchdetailImages = archImagesList; resultdata.Description = eventModel.Description; resultdata.Id = eventModel.Id; resultdata.AltId = eventModel.AltId; resultdata.Location = eventModel.Name; List <int> subcatids = new List <int>(); List <int> tags = new List <int>(); int categoryId = eventModel.EventCategoryId; foreach (var cat in eventcatmap) { categoryId = cat.EventCategoryId; subcatids.Add(cat.EventCategoryId); } foreach (var tag in eventTags) { tags.Add((int)tag.TagId); } var category = _eventCategoryRepository.Get(categoryId); resultdata.Subcategoryid = string.Join(",", subcatids); resultdata.TagIds = string.Join(",", tags); resultdata.Categoryid = category.EventCategoryId; //resultdata.Subcategoryid = subcatids.FirstOrDefault(); /*var categorymapobj = eventcatmap.FirstOrDefault(); * if (categorymapobj != null) * { * resultdata.Categoryid = eventModel.EventCategoryId; * }*/ resultdata.Metadescription = eventModel.MetaDetails; if (resultdata.Metadescription != null) { string[] metas = resultdata.Metadescription.Split(new string[] { "<br/>" }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (metas.Length == 3) { resultdata.Metatitle = metas[0].Split("title")[1].Replace(">", "").Replace("</", ""); resultdata.Metadescription = metas[1].Split("content=")[1].Replace(">", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace("</", ""); resultdata.Metatags = metas[2].Split("content=")[1].Replace(">", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace("</", ""); } } resultdata.PlaceName = venuedetail.Name; //resultdata.Subcategoryid = eventcatmap.Select(p => p.EventCategoryId).FirstOrDefault(); //resultdata.Subcategoryid = string.Join(",", eventcatmap.Count() > 0 ? eventcatmap.Select(p => p.EventCategoryId).ToList() : new List<int>()); resultdata.Title = eventModel.Name; var eventHostMappings = _eventHostMappingRepository.GetAllByEventId(eventModel.Id); resultdata.EventHostMappings = eventHostMappings.ToList(); return(resultdata); }
public ActionResult ViewAccProfile() { int account_id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["Account_Id"].ToString()); var account = db.Accounts.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Account_Id == account_id); if (account == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } var account_interest = db.AccountInterests.Where(x => x.Account_Id.Equals(account.Account_Id)).SingleOrDefault(); if (account_interest == null) { account_interest = new AccountInterest(); } List <string> interest_arrs = load_interest(account_interest); ViewBag.InterestSelected = interest_arrs; AccountQuota account_quota = db.AccountQuotas.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Account_Id == account_id); Quota quota = new Quota(); if (account_quota == null) { account_quota = new AccountQuota(); } else { quota = account_quota.Quota; } string district = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(account.AreaCode)) { Zipcode zipcode = db.Zipcodes.SingleOrDefault(x => x.AreaCode.Equals(account.AreaCode)); if (zipcode != null) { district = zipcode.District; } } ViewBag.Quota_Freq_Val = Convert.ToInt16(quota.Quota_Freq_Val); ViewBag.Quota_Dur_Val = Convert.ToInt16(quota.Quota_Dur_Val); if (quota.Quota_Cd != null) { if (quota.Quota_Cd.Equals("Q0001")) { ViewBag.Score = 3; } else { if (quota.Quota_Cd.Equals("Q0002")) { ViewBag.Score = 6; } else { if (quota.Quota_Cd.Equals("Q0003")) { ViewBag.Score = 8; } else { ViewBag.Score = 0; } } } } ViewBag.District = district; Hashtable quotas = new Hashtable(); quotas["low"] = new Hashtable(); quotas["medium"] = new Hashtable(); quotas["high"] = new Hashtable(); IEnumerable <Quota> base_quotas = db.Quotas.Where(x => x.Quota_Type_Cd.Equals("B")).OrderBy(x => x.Quota_Cd); int q_count = 1; foreach (var q in base_quotas) { switch (q_count) { case 1: quotas["low"] = q; break; case 2: quotas["medium"] = q; break; case 3: quotas["high"] = q; break; default: break; } q_count += 1; } ViewBag.Quotas = quotas; init_dropdown(account); ViewBag.ViewProfile = "true"; return(View(account)); }
public void AddZipcode(Zipcode zipcode) { _context.Zipcode.Add(zipcode); _context.SaveChanges(); }
public void barCreateStock() { IngredientController ingredientController = new IngredientController(); DrinkController drinkController = new DrinkController(); //setup Ingredient vodka = new Ingredient { Name = "TestVodka", Measurable = true, Alch = 37.5 }; Ingredient juice = new Ingredient { Name = "TestJuice", Measurable = false, Alch = 0 }; vodka = ingredientController.Create(vodka); juice = ingredientController.Create(juice); ManagerController mc = new ManagerController(); Manager manager = new Manager("TestName", "TestPhonenumber", "TestEmail", "TestUsername", null); Manager m = mc.CreateManager(manager, "TestPassword"); Country country = LocationDB.Instance.getCountryById(1); if (country is null) { Assert.Fail("Country is null"); } Zipcode zip = LocationDB.Instance.findZipById(1); Address a = new Address("TestVej", zip); zip.Country = country; a.Zipcode = zip; Bar bar = new Bar { Address = a, Email = "TestBarEmail", Name = "TestBarName", PhoneNumber = "TestBarP", Username = "******" }; Bar Createdbar = controller.Create(bar, m.Id, "TestPassword"); ICollection <Measurement> measurements = new DrinkController().FindAllMeasurements(); var allStocks = controller.GetAllStocks(bar.ID); int precount = allStocks.Count; int preVodkaStockCount = allStocks.Where(e => e.Ingredient.Equals(vodka)).Count(); int preJuiceStockCount = allStocks.Where(e => e.Ingredient.Equals(juice)).Count(); //act controller.CreateStock(Createdbar.ID, 20, vodka, measurements.FirstOrDefault().Id); preVodkaStockCount++; //Just creted one vodka. so we increment precount++; // Just created one more stock in the DB so we increment controller.CreateStock(Createdbar.ID, 20, juice, null); precount++; //Just created one juice, so we increment preJuiceStockCount++; // Just craeted one juice so we increment List <Stock> stocksFound = controller.GetAllStocks(bar.ID); //assert bool success = (stocksFound.Where(e => e.Ingredient.Equals(vodka))).Count() == preVodkaStockCount && stocksFound.Count() == precount; Assert.IsTrue(success, "Stock measurable was not created successfully"); int actual = stocksFound.Where(e => e.Ingredient.Equals(juice)).Count(); success = (actual == preJuiceStockCount && stocksFound.Count() == precount); Assert.IsTrue(success, "Stock not mreasurable was not created successfully"); }
protected override async Task <ICommandResult> Handle(PaymentCommand query) { var transaction = _transactionRepository.Get(query.TransactionId); var currency = _currencyTypeRepository.Get(transaction.CurrencyId); User user = _userRepository.GetByEmail(transaction.EmailId); UserCardDetail userCardDetail = _userCardDetailRepository.GetByUserCardNumber(query.PaymentCard.CardNumber, user.Id); if (userCardDetail == null) { UserCardDetail obj = new UserCardDetail { UserId = user.Id, AltId = new Guid(), NameOnCard = query.PaymentCard.NameOnCard ?? string.Empty, CardNumber = query.PaymentCard.CardNumber ?? string.Empty, ExpiryMonth = query.PaymentCard.ExpiryMonth, ExpiryYear = query.PaymentCard.ExpiryYear, CardTypeId = query.PaymentCard.CardType }; userCardDetail = _userCardDetailRepository.Save(obj); } try { if (query.BillingAddress != null) { if (query.BillingAddress.Zipcode == null) { query.BillingAddress.Zipcode = "110016"; } var zipcode = _zipcodeRepository.GetByZipcode(query.BillingAddress.Zipcode.ToString()); if (zipcode == null) { var city = _cityRepository.GetByName(query.BillingAddress.City); var zipCode = new Zipcode { AltId = Guid.NewGuid(), Postalcode = query.BillingAddress.Zipcode.ToString(), CityId = city != null ? city.Id : 0, IsEnabled = true }; _zipcodeRepository.Save(zipCode); zipcode = _zipcodeRepository.GetByZipcode(query.BillingAddress.Zipcode.ToString()); } if (user != null && zipcode != null) { var addressDetail = new UserAddressDetail { UserId = user.Id, AltId = Guid.NewGuid(), FirstName = user.FirstName, LastName = user.LastName, PhoneCode = user.PhoneCode, PhoneNumber = user.PhoneNumber, AddressLine1 = query.BillingAddress.Address, Zipcode = zipcode.Id, AddressTypeId = AddressTypes.Billing, IsEnabled = true }; _userAddressDetailRepository.Save(addressDetail); } } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Log(Logging.Enums.LogCategory.Error, ex); } if (query.PaymentGateway != null) { List <FIL.Contracts.DataModels.TransactionDetail> transactionDetails = _transactionDetailRepository.GetByTransactionId(transaction.Id).ToList(); if (transactionDetails.Any()) { List <FIL.Contracts.DataModels.TransactionSeatDetail> transactionSeatDetails = _transactionSeatDetailRepository.GetByTransactionDetailIds(transactionDetails.Select(s => s.Id)).ToList(); if (transactionSeatDetails != null) { var matchSeatTicketDetail = _matchSeatTicketDetailRepository.GetByMatchSeatTicketDetailIds(transactionSeatDetails.Select(s => s.MatchSeatTicketDetailId)).ToList(); if (matchSeatTicketDetail != null && matchSeatTicketDetail.Any()) { return(new PaymentCommandResult { TransactionAltId = transaction.AltId, PaymentResponse = new PaymentResponse { Success = false, PaymentGatewayError = PaymentGatewayError.Unknown } }); } } } } if (query.PaymentGateway == PaymentGateway.Stripe) { bool isIntentConfirm = false; if (query.PaymentCard.NameOnCard != null) { isIntentConfirm = query.PaymentCard.NameOnCard.Equals("intent", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); } var paymentResponse = await _stripeCharger.Charge(new StripeCharge { TransactionId = transaction.Id, Currency = currency.Code, Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(transaction.NetTicketAmount), UserCardDetailId = userCardDetail.Id, Token = query.Token, ChannelId = query.ChannelId, IsIntentConfirm = isIntentConfirm }); return(new PaymentCommandResult { TransactionAltId = transaction.AltId, PaymentResponse = paymentResponse }); } if (query.PaymentGateway != null && query.PaymentGateway == PaymentGateway.NabTransact) { var paymentHtmlPostResponse = await _nabTransactCharger.Charge(new NabTransactCharge { TransactionId = transaction.Id, Currency = currency.Code, Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(transaction.NetTicketAmount), UserCardDetailId = userCardDetail.Id, PaymentCard = new FIL.Contracts.Models.PaymentChargers.PaymentCard { CardNumber = query.PaymentCard.CardNumber, NameOnCard = query.PaymentCard.NameOnCard, Cvv = query.PaymentCard.Cvv, ExpiryMonth = query.PaymentCard.ExpiryMonth, ExpiryYear = query.PaymentCard.ExpiryYear, CardType = query.PaymentCard.CardType }, BillingAddress = new FIL.Contracts.Models.PaymentChargers.BillingAddress { FirstName = user.FirstName, LastName = user.LastName, PhoneCode = user.PhoneCode, PhoneNumber = user.PhoneNumber, Email = user.Email, AddressLine1 = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.BillingAddress.Address) ? query.BillingAddress.Address : "Zoonga", Zipcode = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.BillingAddress.Zipcode.ToString()) ? query.BillingAddress.Zipcode.ToString() : "3032", City = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.BillingAddress.City) ? query.BillingAddress.City : "Delhi", State = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.BillingAddress.State) ? query.BillingAddress.State : "Delhi", Country = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.BillingAddress.Country) ? query.BillingAddress.Country : "India" }, PaymentOption = PaymentOptions.CreditCard, User = new FIL.Contracts.Models.User { Email = user.Email }, //IPAddress = ipDetail.IPAddress }); return(new PaymentCommandResult { TransactionAltId = transaction.AltId, PaymentHtmlPostResponse = paymentHtmlPostResponse }); } if (PaymentOptions.CreditCard == query.PaymentOption || PaymentOptions.DebitCard == query.PaymentOption) { IHdfcEnrollmentResponse hdfcEnrollmentResponse = _hdfcChargerResolver.HdfcEnrollmentVerification(new HdfcCharge { TransactionId = transaction.Id, Currency = currency.Code, Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(transaction.NetTicketAmount), UserCardDetailId = userCardDetail.Id, PaymentCard = new FIL.Contracts.Models.PaymentChargers.PaymentCard { CardNumber = query.PaymentCard.CardNumber, NameOnCard = query.PaymentCard.NameOnCard, Cvv = query.PaymentCard.Cvv, ExpiryMonth = query.PaymentCard.ExpiryMonth, ExpiryYear = query.PaymentCard.ExpiryYear, CardType = query.PaymentCard.CardType } }); if (hdfcEnrollmentResponse.PaymentGatewayError == PaymentGatewayError.None) { if (hdfcEnrollmentResponse.HdfcEnrolledCharge.Result.ToString() == "ENROLLED") { var paymentHtmlPostResponse = await _hdfcPaymentHtmlPostCharger.Charge(hdfcEnrollmentResponse.HdfcEnrolledCharge); return(new PaymentCommandResult { TransactionAltId = transaction.AltId, PaymentHtmlPostResponse = paymentHtmlPostResponse }); } if (hdfcEnrollmentResponse.HdfcEnrolledCharge.Result.ToString() == "NOT ENROLLED") { var paymentResponse = await _hdfcCharger.Charge(new HdfcCharge { TransactionId = transaction.Id, Currency = currency.Code, Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(transaction.NetTicketAmount), UserCardDetailId = userCardDetail.Id, PaymentCard = new FIL.Contracts.Models.PaymentChargers.PaymentCard { CardNumber = query.PaymentCard.CardNumber, NameOnCard = query.PaymentCard.NameOnCard, Cvv = query.PaymentCard.Cvv, ExpiryMonth = query.PaymentCard.ExpiryMonth, ExpiryYear = query.PaymentCard.ExpiryYear, CardType = query.PaymentCard.CardType } }); return(new PaymentCommandResult { TransactionAltId = transaction.AltId, PaymentResponse = paymentResponse }); } } return(new PaymentCommandResult { TransactionAltId = transaction.AltId, PaymentResponse = new PaymentResponse { Success = false, PaymentGatewayError = hdfcEnrollmentResponse.PaymentGatewayError } }); } if (PaymentOptions.NetBanking == query.PaymentOption || PaymentOptions.CashCard == query.PaymentOption) { var paymentHtmlPostResponse = await _ccavenuePaymentHtmlPostCharger.Charge(new CcavenueCharge { TransactionId = transaction.Id, Currency = currency.Code, Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(transaction.NetTicketAmount), UserCardDetailId = userCardDetail.Id, PaymentCard = new FIL.Contracts.Models.PaymentChargers.PaymentCard { CardNumber = query.PaymentCard.CardNumber, NameOnCard = query.PaymentCard.NameOnCard, Cvv = query.PaymentCard.Cvv, ExpiryMonth = query.PaymentCard.ExpiryMonth, ExpiryYear = query.PaymentCard.ExpiryYear, CardType = query.PaymentCard.CardType }, PaymentOption = (PaymentOptions)query.PaymentOption, BillingAddress = new FIL.Contracts.Models.PaymentChargers.BillingAddress { FirstName = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(transaction.FirstName) ? transaction.FirstName : "Zoonga", LastName = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(transaction.LastName) ? transaction.LastName : "Zoonga", PhoneCode = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(transaction.PhoneCode) ? transaction.PhoneCode : "91", PhoneNumber = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(transaction.PhoneNumber) ? transaction.PhoneNumber : "9899704772", Email = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(transaction.EmailId) ? transaction.EmailId : "*****@*****.**", //FirstName = "Gaurav", //LastName = "Bhardwaj", //PhoneCode = "91", //PhoneNumber = "9899704772", //Email = "*****@*****.**", AddressLine1 = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.BillingAddress.Address) ? query.BillingAddress.Address : "Zoonga", Zipcode = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.BillingAddress.Zipcode.ToString()) ? query.BillingAddress.Zipcode.ToString() : "110016", City = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.BillingAddress.City) ? query.BillingAddress.City : "Delhi", State = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.BillingAddress.State) ? query.BillingAddress.State : "Delhi", Country = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.BillingAddress.Country) ? query.BillingAddress.Country : "India" }, BankAltId = query.BankAltId, CardAltId = query.CardAltId, ChannelId = query.ChannelId, }); return(new PaymentCommandResult { TransactionAltId = transaction.AltId, PaymentHtmlPostResponse = paymentHtmlPostResponse }); } return(new PaymentCommandResult { TransactionAltId = transaction.AltId, PaymentResponse = new PaymentResponse { Success = false, PaymentGatewayError = PaymentGatewayError.Unknown } }); }
private void FillDataToTheDataBase() { #region Make bar BarController bc = new BarController(); ManagerController mc = new ManagerController(); Manager manager = new Manager("TestName", "TestPhonenumber", "TestEmail", "TestUsername", null); Manager m = mc.CreateManager(manager, "TestPassword"); Country country = LocationDB.Instance.getCountryById(1); if (country is null) { Assert.Fail("Country is null"); } Zipcode zip = LocationDB.Instance.findZipById(1); Address a = new Address("TestVej", zip); zip.Country = country; a.Zipcode = zip; Bar bar = new Bar { Address = a, Email = "TestBarEmail", Name = "TestBarName", PhoneNumber = "TestBarP", Username = "******" }; = bc.Create(bar, m.Id, "TestPassword"); #endregion IngredientController ingredientController = new IngredientController(); List <Drink> drinks = new List <Drink>(); Ingredient vodka = new Ingredient { Name = "TestVodka", Measurable = true, Alch = 37.5 }; Ingredient juice = new Ingredient { Name = "TestJuice", Measurable = true, Alch = 0 }; TestVodkaIngre = ingredientController.Create(vodka); TestJuiceIngre = ingredientController.Create(juice); quantifiedIngredientVodka = new QuantifiedIngredient { Quantity = 6, Ingredient = ingredientController.Find("TestVodka").First(), //We would like it to throw an exception here, as it's a test Measurement = ingredientController.FindMeasurement("cl") }; quantifiedIngredientJuice = new QuantifiedIngredient { Quantity = 2, Ingredient = ingredientController.Find("TestJuice").First(), //We would like it to throw an exception here, as it's a test Measurement = ingredientController.FindMeasurement("cl") }; Drink drinkVodkaJuice = new Drink { Recipe = "TestVodkaJuiceRecipe", Names = new List <string>() { "TestName1", "TestName2" }, Ingredients = new List <QuantifiedIngredient>() { quantifiedIngredientJuice, quantifiedIngredientVodka } }; Drink drinkVodka = new Drink { Recipe = "TestVodkaRecipe", Names = new List <string>() { "TestNameVodka" }, Ingredients = new List <QuantifiedIngredient>() { quantifiedIngredientVodka } }; Drink drinkJuice = new Drink { Recipe = "TestJuiceRecipe", Id = 3, Names = new List <string>() { "TestJuice", "TestAppelsinjuice" }, Ingredients = new List <QuantifiedIngredient>() { quantifiedIngredientJuice } }; TestVodka = controller.Create(drinkVodka); TestJuice = controller.Create(drinkJuice); TestVodkaJuice = controller.Create(drinkVodkaJuice); }
public Zipcode SelectOne(int id) { Zipcode selectedZip = _zipcodes.Where(z => z.ZipCodeID == id).FirstOrDefault(); return(selectedZip); }