Exemplo n.º 1
         * Create an archive input stream from an input stream, autodetecting
         * the archive type from the first few bytes of the stream. The InputStream
         * must support marks, like BufferedInputStream.
         * @param in the input stream
         * @return the archive input stream
         * @throws ArchiveException if the archiver name is not known
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the stream is null or does not support mark
        public ArchiveInputStream createArchiveInputStream(java.io.InputStream inJ)
        //throws ArchiveException
            if (inJ == null)
                throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("Stream must not be null.");

            if (!inJ.markSupported())
                throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("Mark is not supported.");

            byte[] signature = new byte[12];
            try {
                int signatureLength = inJ.read(signature);
                if (ZipArchiveInputStream.matches(signature, signatureLength))
                    return(new ZipArchiveInputStream(inJ));
                else if (JarArchiveInputStream.matches(signature, signatureLength))
                    return(new JarArchiveInputStream(inJ));
                else if (ArArchiveInputStream.matches(signature, signatureLength))
                    return(new ArArchiveInputStream(inJ));
                else if (CpioArchiveInputStream.matches(signature, signatureLength))
                    return(new CpioArchiveInputStream(inJ));
                // Tar needs a bigger buffer to check the signature; read the first block
                byte[] tarheader = new byte[512];
                signatureLength = inJ.read(tarheader);
                if (TarArchiveInputStream.matches(tarheader, signatureLength))
                    return(new TarArchiveInputStream(inJ));
            } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
                throw new ArchiveException("Could not use reset and mark operations.", e);

            throw new ArchiveException("No Archiver found for the stream signature");
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Checks if the signature matches what is expected for a jar file
  * (in this case it is the same as for a zip file).
  * @param signature
  *            the bytes to check
  * @param length
  *            the number of bytes to check
  * @return true, if this stream is a jar archive stream, false otherwise
 public new static bool matches(byte[] signature, int length)
     return(ZipArchiveInputStream.matches(signature, length));