}// end of PekinPrintData private static void PrintData() { object locker = new object(); FldValue = FormatSpaces("", "R", 3); //Title FldValue += FormatSpaces(FName.Replace("?", ""), "R", 15); //FName FldValue += FormatSpaces(MidIni.Replace("?", ""), "R", 1); // Middle Initial FldValue += FormatSpaces(LName.Replace("?", ""), "R", 20); //LName FldValue += FormatSpaces("", "R", 4); // Post Name FldValue += FormatSpaces(UniqID.Replace("?", ""), "R", 12); //UniqID //FldValue += FormatSpaces(" ", "R", 2);//Sequence Number FldValue += FormatSpaces(SequenceNo.Replace("?", "00"), "R", 2); //Sequence Number Healthsprings doesn't have deps. FldValue += FormatSpaces(SSN.Replace("?", ""), "R", 9); //SSN FldValue += FormatSpaces(Regex.Replace(Addr1, "[?]", ""), "R", 33); //Addr1 I can add more special chars, no commas between. FldValue += FormatSpaces(Regex.Replace(Addr2, "[?]", ""), "R", 33); //Addr2 FldValue += FormatSpaces(Regex.Replace(City, "[?]", ""), "R", 21); //City FldValue += FormatSpaces(Regex.Replace(State, "[?]", ""), "R", 2); //State if (HPS) { FldValue += FormatHPSZip(Zip.Replace("?", ""), "R", 9);//Zip } else { FldValue += FormatSpaces(Zip.Replace("?", ""), "R", 5);//Zip } if (!HPS && !PEK) { FldValue += FormatSpaces(Zip4.Replace("?", ""), "R", 4); //Zip4 } FldValue += FormatSpaces(HomePhone, "R", 10); //Homephone FldValue += FormatSpaces(" ", "R", 10); // worksphone FldValue += FormatSpaces(" ", "R", 2); // Coverage if (HPS) { FldValue += FormatSpaces(GroupCode.Replace("?", ""), "R", 12);// GroupCode } else { FldValue += FormatSpaces("HLTHSPRNG", "R", 12); // GroupCode } FldValue += FormatSpaces(TermDate, "R", 8); //TermDate FldValue += FormatSpaces(EffDate, "R", 8); //EffDate FldValue += FormatSpaces(DOB, "R", 8); //DOB if (HPS) { FldValue += FormatSpaces(Relation.Replace("?", ""), "R", 1);//Relation } else { FldValue += FormatSpaces(" ", "R", 1); //Relation } FldValue += FormatSpaces(" ", "R", 1); //StudentStatus if (HPS) { FldValue += FormatSpaces(PaidThruDT, "R", 8);// PaidThruDate for HPS } else { FldValue += FormatSpaces(" ", "R", 4); // Plan for Healthsprings } FldValue += FormatSpaces(Gender.Replace("?", ""), "R", 1); //Gender try { if (File.Exists(OutputStream)) { using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(OutputStream)) { if (LName != "") { sw.WriteLine(FldValue); } sw.Flush(); } } else { using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(OutputStream)) { if (LName != "") { sw.WriteLine(FldValue); } sw.Flush(); } } }// end try catch (IOException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } FName = ""; LName = ""; MidIni = ""; UniqID = ""; SSN = ""; Addr1 = ""; Addr2 = ""; City = ""; State = ""; Zip = " "; Zip4 = " "; HomePhone = ""; GroupCode = ""; TermDate = ""; EffDate = ""; PaidThruDT = ""; DOB = ""; Relation = ""; Gender = ""; }// end of PrintData
public override int GetHashCode() => Zip5.GetHashCode() ^ Zip4.GetHashCode();