Exemplo n.º 1
        public IHttpActionResult CustomerShowByPage(ZB_FEED_SALE info)   //当前页码,显示条数
            using (StarOracle db = new StarOracle())
                string company   = info.CUSTOMERValue;                 //公司id
                string startDate = info.startDate.ToShortDateString(); //开始日期
                string endDate   = info.endDate.ToShortDateString();   //结束日期
                int startNUM = info.PageNum * info.ShowNum - info.ShowNum;
                int endNUM   = startNUM + info.ShowNum;
                var sql      = "select  * from (select customer,wgt,rownum rn  from (" +
                               "SELECT  S.CUSTOMER customer, sum(S.WGT) wgt  FROM zb_feed_sale S where S.doc_date between to_date('" + startDate + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd') and to_date('" + endDate + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd')  and  company = '" + company + "' and customer not like '9%' GROUP BY S.CUSTOMER ORDER BY sum(S.WGT) DESC" +
                               ")  )";

                var query = db.ExecuteSqlToList <ZB_FEED_SALE>(sql);
                int num   = query.Count();
                query = query.Where(s => s.RN > startNUM & s.RN <= endNUM).ToList();

                num5customer = "";
                foreach (var user in query)
                    num5customer += "'" + user.CUSTOMER + "',";
                num5customer = (num5customer.Length > 1) ? num5customer.Substring(0, num5customer.Length - 1) : "";

                return(Succeed(query, num, ""));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public IHttpActionResult CustomerShowByCYLPage(ZB_FEED_SALE info)   //当前页码,显示条数
            using (StarOracle db = new StarOracle())
                string company   = info.CUSTOMERValue;                                //公司id
                int    day       = (info.endDate - info.startDate).Days / 2;
                string startDate = info.startDate.ToShortDateString();                //开始日期

                string end     = info.startDate.AddDays(day).ToShortDateString();     //开始日期
                string start   = info.startDate.AddDays(day + 1).ToShortDateString(); //开始日期
                string endDate = info.endDate.ToShortDateString();                    //结束日期
                string srot    = info.Sort;                                           //排序
                int startNUM = info.PageNum * info.ShowNum - info.ShowNum;
                int endNUM   = startNUM + info.ShowNum;
                var sql      = " select   customer, wgt,rn from ( select customer,wgt, px, rownum rn from  (  select nvl(aaa.customer,bbb.customer) customer, nvl(aaa.wgt,0)+nvl(bbb.wgt,0) wgt, nvl(aaa.wgt,0)-nvl(bbb.wgt,0) px  from( (SELECT  S.CUSTOMER customer, sum(S.WGT) wgt  FROM zb_feed_sale S " +
                               " where S.doc_date between to_date('" + startDate + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd') and to_date('" + end + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd') and company = '" + company + "' and customer not like '9%' GROUP BY S.CUSTOMER ORDER BY sum(S.WGT)DESC) aaa full join  (SELECT  S.CUSTOMER customer, sum(S.WGT) wgt  FROM zb_feed_sale S " +
                               " where S.doc_date between to_date('" + start + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd') and to_date('" + endDate + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd')  and  company = '" + company + "' and customer not like '9%' GROUP BY S.CUSTOMER ORDER BY sum(S.WGT) DESC) bbb on (aaa.customer = bbb.customer) " +
                               " ) order by px " + srot + "))";
                var query = db.ExecuteSqlToList <ZB_FEED_SALE>(sql);

                int num = query.Count();
                if (num == 0)
                    return(Succeed(query.ToList(), num, ""));
                    query = query.Where(s => s.RN > startNUM & s.RN <= endNUM).ToList();

                    num5customercy = "";
                    foreach (var user in query)
                        num5customercy += "'" + user.CUSTOMER + "',";
                    num5customercy = (num5customercy.Length > 1) ? num5customercy.Substring(0, num5customercy.Length - 1) : "";

                    var sql1 = " SELECT salesperson,customer,a2.name SalesName  FROM  ( select salesperson,customer,company from ( select ccc.*,row_number() over(partition by  customer order by eff_date desc) cn from ( " +
                               " select aaa.salesperson, aaa.customer, aaa.company, aaa.eff_date, bbb.doc_date, bbb.wgt from zb_feed_salesp_cust aaa join " +
                               " (select * from(select bbb.*, row_number() over(partition by customer, company order by doc_date desc) cn " +
                               " from zb_feed_sale bbb where company = '" + company + "' and customer  in(" + num5customercy + ")) where cn = 1 )   bbb on(aaa.customer = bbb.customer and aaa.company = bbb.company and aaa.eff_date <= bbb.doc_date)  " +
                               " ) ccc) where cn = 1) A1 JOIN  zb_feed_salesperson A2 ON(a1.salesperson = a2.code) and a2.company = '" + company + "'";
                    var result = db.ExecuteSqlToList <ZB_FEED_SALE>(sql1).ToList();

                    foreach (var user in query)
                        for (int j = 0; j < result.Count; j++)
                            if (user.CUSTOMER == result[j].CUSTOMER)
                                user.SalesName = result[j].SalesName;
                    return(Succeed(query, num, ""));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public IHttpActionResult CustomerListZeroCY(ZB_FEED_SALE info)
            using (StarOracle db = new StarOracle())
                string company   = info.CUSTOMERValue;
                string startDate = info.startDate.ToShortDateString();
                string endDate   = info.endDate.ToShortDateString();

                var sqlNum = "select zf.customer customer,zf.doc_date doc_date, zf.company company,sum(zf.wgt) wgt,zc.name CUSTOMERName from zb_feed_sale zf  join zb_feed_customer zc on(zf.customer = zc.code and zf.company=zc.company )" +
                             "where zf.customer in(" + num5customercy + ") and Zf.COMPANY ='" + company + "' and  zf.doc_date between to_date('" + startDate + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd') and to_date('" + endDate + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd') " +
                             "group by  zf.customer,zf.doc_date  ,zf.company,zc.name order by zf.doc_date ";

                List <ZB_FEED_SALE> query = db.ExecuteSqlToList <ZB_FEED_SALE>(sqlNum).ToList();

                List <ZB_FEED_SALE> result = new List <ZB_FEED_SALE>();
                string[]            user   = num5customercy.Split(',');
                for (int i = 0; i < user.Length; i++)
                    for (System.DateTime j = info.startDate; j <= info.endDate; j = j.AddDays(1))
                        ZB_FEED_SALE zbinfo = new ZB_FEED_SALE();
                        zbinfo.CUSTOMER = user[i].Replace("'", "");
                        zbinfo.DOC_DATE = j;
                for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < query.Count; j++)
                        if (result[i].CUSTOMER == query[j].CUSTOMER && result[i].DOC_DATE.ToShortDateString() == query[j].DOC_DATE.ToShortDateString())
                            result[i].CUSTOMER     = query[j].CUSTOMER;
                            result[i].DOC_DATE     = query[j].DOC_DATE;
                            result[i].COMPANY      = query[j].COMPANY;
                            result[i].WGT          = query[j].WGT;
                            result[i].CUSTOMERName = query[j].CUSTOMERName;

                int wgt = (int)query.OrderByDescending(m => m.WGT).First().WGT;
                return(Succeed(result, wgt, ""));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public IHttpActionResult CustomerList(ZB_FEED_SALE info)
            using (StarOracle db = new StarOracle())
                string company   = info.CUSTOMERValue;
                string startDate = info.startDate.ToShortDateString();
                string endDate   = info.endDate.ToShortDateString();
                var    sqlNum    = "select zf.customer customer,zf.doc_date doc_date, zf.company company,sum(zf.wgt) wgt,zc.name CUSTOMERName from zb_feed_sale zf  join zb_feed_customer zc on(zf.customer = zc.code and zf.company=zc.company )" +
                                   "where zf.customer in(select sss from (" +
                                   "SELECT  S.CUSTOMER SSS, sum(S.WGT) WGT  FROM zb_feed_sale S where S.doc_date between to_date('" + startDate + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd') and to_date('" + endDate + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd')  and  company = '" + company + "' and customer not like '9%' GROUP BY S.CUSTOMER ORDER BY sum(S.WGT) DESC" +
                                   ") where rownum < 6) and zf.doc_date between to_date('" + startDate + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd') and to_date('" + endDate + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd') " +
                                   "group by  zf.customer,zf.doc_date  ,zf.company,zc.name order by zf.doc_date ";

                List <ZB_FEED_SALE> query = db.ExecuteSqlToList <ZB_FEED_SALE>(sqlNum).ToList();
Exemplo n.º 5
 public IHttpActionResult CustomerNum5(ZB_FEED_SALE info)
     using (StarOracle db = new StarOracle())
         string company   = info.CUSTOMERValue;
         string startDate = info.startDate.ToShortDateString();
         string endDate   = info.endDate.ToShortDateString();
         var    sqlNum    = "select customer,wgt from (" +
                            "SELECT  S.CUSTOMER customer, sum(S.WGT) wgt  FROM zb_feed_sale S where S.doc_date between to_date('" + startDate + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd') and to_date('" + endDate + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd')  and  company = '" + company + "' and customer not like '9%' GROUP BY S.CUSTOMER ORDER BY sum(S.WGT) DESC" +
                            ") where rownum < 6  ";
         var query = db.ExecuteSqlToList <ZB_FEED_SALE>(sqlNum).ToList();
         num5customer = "";
         foreach (var user in query)
             num5customer += "'" + user.CUSTOMER + "',";
         num5customer = (num5customer.Length > 1) ? num5customer.Substring(0, num5customer.Length - 1) : "";