Exemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult List(int?p)
            int   DoctorId = int.Parse(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["UserId"].Value);
            Pager pager    = new Pager();

            pager.table = "CMSYuyue";

            pager.strwhere   = " YuyueDoctorId=" + DoctorId;
            pager.PageSize   = 10;
            pager.PageNo     = p ?? 1;
            pager.FieldKey   = "YuyueId";
            pager.FiledOrder = "YuyueDateTime Desc";
            pager            = CMSService.SelectAll("Yuyue", pager);

            List <YuyueDto> list = new List <YuyueDto>();

            foreach (DataRow dr in pager.EntityDataTable.Rows)
                YuyueDto dto = YuyueMapping.getDTO(dr);
            pager.Entity = list.AsQueryable();

            ViewBag.PageNo      = p ?? 1;
            ViewBag.PageCount   = pager.PageCount;
            ViewBag.RecordCount = pager.Amount;
            ViewBag.Message     = pager.Amount;

Exemplo n.º 2
        // GET: /Yuyue/
        public ActionResult Index(int?p, int?id)
            Pager pager = new Pager();

            pager.table    = "CMSYuyue";
            pager.strwhere = "1=1";
            if (id != 0)
                pager.strwhere = pager.strwhere + "YuyueDoctorId=" + id;
            // pager.strwhere = "YuyueCustomerId=" + id;
            pager.PageSize   = 10;
            pager.PageNo     = p ?? 1;
            pager.FieldKey   = "YuyueId";
            pager.FiledOrder = "YuyueDateTime Desc";
            pager            = CMSService.SelectAll("Yuyue", pager);

            List <YuyueDto> list = new List <YuyueDto>();

            foreach (DataRow dr in pager.EntityDataTable.Rows)
                YuyueDto dto = YuyueMapping.getDTO(dr);
            pager.Entity = list.AsQueryable();

            ViewBag.PageNo       = p ?? 1;
            ViewBag.PageCount    = pager.PageCount;
            ViewBag.RecordCount  = pager.Amount;
            ViewBag.Message      = pager.Amount;
            ViewBag.CustomerId   = id;
            ViewBag.CustomerName = MyService.CustomerIdToName("CustomerId=" + id);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public SqlParameter[] JsonStringToSqlParameter(string jsonString)
            SqlParameter[] arParames = new SqlParameter[6];
            YuyueDto       yuyueDto  = JsonHelper.JsonDeserializeBySingleData <YuyueDto>(jsonString);

            arParames[0]       = new SqlParameter("@YuyueId", SqlDbType.Int);
            arParames[0].Value = yuyueDto.YuyueId;

            arParames[1]       = new SqlParameter("@YuyueDoctorId", SqlDbType.Int);
            arParames[1].Value = yuyueDto.YuyueDoctorId;

            arParames[2]       = new SqlParameter("@YuyueCustomerId", SqlDbType.Int);
            arParames[2].Value = yuyueDto.YuyueCustomerId;

            arParames[3]       = new SqlParameter("@YuyueDescription", SqlDbType.Text);
            arParames[3].Value = yuyueDto.YuyueDescription;

            arParames[4]       = new SqlParameter("@YuyueDateTime", SqlDbType.DateTime);
            arParames[4].Value = yuyueDto.YuyueDateTime;

            arParames[5]       = new SqlParameter("@YuyueStatus", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
            arParames[5].Value = yuyueDto.YuyueStatus;

Exemplo n.º 4
        public ActionResult ListByDay(int?p, int?theday)
            int   DoctorId = int.Parse(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["UserId"].Value);
            Pager pager    = new Pager();

            pager.table = "CMSYuyue";

            DateTime today     = System.DateTime.Now.Date;
            DateTime yesterday = today.AddDays(-1);
            DateTime tomorrow  = today.AddDays(1);

            if (theday == 0)
                ViewBag.Title  = "今日预约";
                pager.strwhere = " YuyueDoctorId=" + DoctorId + " and " + "datediff(day,'" + today + "',YuyueDateTime) =0";
            if (theday == 1)
                ViewBag.Title  = "昨日预约";
                pager.strwhere = " YuyueDoctorId=" + DoctorId + " and " + "datediff(day,'" + yesterday + "',YuyueDateTime) =0";
            if (theday == 2)
                ViewBag.Title  = "明日预约";
                pager.strwhere = " YuyueDoctorId=" + DoctorId + " and " + "datediff(day,'" + tomorrow + "',YuyueDateTime) =0";
            if (theday == 3)
                ViewBag.Title  = "全部待诊预约";
                pager.strwhere = " YuyueDoctorId=" + DoctorId + " and " + "datediff(day,'" + yesterday + "',YuyueDateTime) >0";

            // pager.strwhere = " YuyueDoctorId=" + DoctorId;
            pager.PageSize   = 10;
            pager.PageNo     = p ?? 1;
            pager.FieldKey   = "YuyueId";
            pager.FiledOrder = "YuyueDateTime Desc";
            pager            = CMSService.SelectAll("Yuyue", pager);

            List <YuyueDto> list = new List <YuyueDto>();

            foreach (DataRow dr in pager.EntityDataTable.Rows)
                YuyueDto dto = YuyueMapping.getDTO(dr);
            pager.Entity = list.AsQueryable();

            ViewBag.PageNo      = p ?? 1;
            ViewBag.PageCount   = pager.PageCount;
            ViewBag.RecordCount = pager.Amount;
            ViewBag.Message     = pager.Amount;

Exemplo n.º 5
        public static YuyueDto getDTO(DataRow dr)
            YuyueDto yuyueDto = new YuyueDto();

            yuyueDto.YuyueId          = int.Parse(dr["YuyueId"].ToString());
            yuyueDto.YuyueCustomerId  = int.Parse(dr["YuyueCustomerId"].ToString());
            yuyueDto.YuyueDoctorId    = int.Parse(dr["YuyueDoctorId"].ToString());
            yuyueDto.YuyueDateTime    = DateTime.Parse(dr["YuyueDateTime"].ToString());
            yuyueDto.YuyueStatus      = dr["YuyueStatus"].ToString();
            yuyueDto.YuyueDescription = dr["YuyueDescription"].ToString();

Exemplo n.º 6
        public ActionResult Create(YuyueAddViewModel model)
                YuyueDto dto = new YuyueDto();
                dto.YuyueCustomerId  = model.YuyueCustomerId;
                dto.YuyueDoctorId    = model.YuyueDoctorId;
                dto.YuyueDateTime    = model.YuyueTime;
                dto.YuyueDescription = model.YuyueDescription;
                dto.YuyueStatus      = "待诊";

                string  JsonString = JsonHelper.JsonSerializerBySingleData(dto);
                Message msg        = CMSService.Insert("Yuyue", JsonString);

                return(RedirectTo("/Yuyue/Index/0", msg.MessageInfo));
                Message msg = new Message();
                msg.MessageInfo = "预约出问题了";
                return(RedirectTo("/Yuyue/Create/" + model.YuyueCustomerId, msg.MessageInfo));