private async void _mainEngine_OnYoutubeChatterClientMessageRecieved(YoutubeVideoManager manager, YoutubeChatterClientMessageType messageType)
            // populates the media information if it's not populated and the tracker send the video id in the url
            await manager.PopulateMediaInfo();

            Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)async delegate
                // show YesNow Dialog Asking user if he want download the rest of the video or not
                await _showDownloadAskingDialog(manager);
        private async void Instance_OnNewVideoLastPacketRecieved(YoutubeVideoManager manager)
            // populates the media information if it's not populated and the tracker send the video id in the url
            await manager.PopulateMediaInfo();

            Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)async delegate
                // show YesNow Dialog Asking user if he want download the rest of the video or not
                await _showDownloadAskingDialog(manager);
        private async Task _showDownloadAskingDialog(YoutubeVideoManager manager)
            // making sure the video info is populated
            if (manager.Video.VideoInfo is null)
                YTrackLogger.Log($"Starting to download the rest of {manager.Video.VideoFingerPrint} before the info was populated ... ignoring download");

            var thumbnail = await Common.FetchThumbnail(manager.Video.VideoInfo.ThumbnailUrl);

            var thumbBytes = Helpers.Misc.ToImage(thumbnail.thumbnailBytes);

            // check if video is currently saved in database
            // if so .. I won't display store notification dialog
            if (_videosIds.Contains(manager.Video.VideoInfo.Id))

            // check if the current video download dialog is already shown before
            if (_alreadyDownloadDialogedVideos.Contains(manager.Video.VideoInfo.Id))

            var dialog = new NotificationYNDialog(manager.Video.VideoInfo.Title, thumbBytes);
            NotificationContainerWindow notificationWindow = new NotificationContainerWindow(dialog);


            dialog.OnDialogResultAvailable += (sender, dialogResult) =>
                // add to already dialog list ... to make sure the dialog doesn't show for the same video twice

                if (dialogResult == NotificationDialogResult.Yes || ((dialogResult == NotificationDialogResult.NotChoosen) && Settings.Default.KeepIncompleteCaptureByDefault))
        private void _startDownloadingVideo(YoutubeVideoManager manager)
            if (!Directory.Exists(Settings.Default.OutputDirectory))
                Settings.Default.OutputDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonVideos);

            string outputPath = Path.Combine(Settings.Default.OutputDirectory, Helpers.Misc.RemoveIllegalPathChars(manager.Video.VideoInfo.Title));

            new Thread(async() =>
                    await manager.DownloadAndMultiplix(outputPath);
                catch (Exception e)
                    YTrackLogger.Log("Exception Occured while Downloading and muxing : " + e.Message + "\n\n" + e.StackTrace);
                    NotificationProvider.Instance.ShowMessageNotification("Capture Failed", "Error While Downloading The Rest Of The Video", NotificationMessageType.Error, this.Dispatcher);
        private async void _mainEngine_OnNewYoutubeStored(YoutubeVideoManager manager, string path)
            var video = await _storeVideo(manager.Video.VideoInfo, path);
