// Update is called once per frame void Update() { //ゾンビの増殖 zombies = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("zombie"); if (zombies.Length < 4) { Instantiate(zombie, new Vector3(Random.Range(-stageWidth / 2, stageWidth / 2), 0, Random.Range(-stageHeight / 2, stageHeight / 2)), Quaternion.identity); } //HPが0になった時 if (PlayerHP <= 0) { print("YouDied"); //プレイヤーのHPがゼロの時に表示 panel.SetActive(true); messeage.SetActive(true); ResetMessage.SetActive(true); YourScore.SetActive(true); YourScore1.text = "Your Score:" + score; ////GameControllerクラスにあるクラスメソッド・FixedCameraを呼び出す。 GyroScript.FixedCamera(); //タイトルへ戻るメソッドの呼び出し Invoke("ReturnTitle", 5.0f); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { stageWidth = stage.GetComponent <Renderer> ().bounds.size.x; stageHeight = stage.GetComponent <Renderer> ().bounds.size.z; YourScore1 = YourScore.GetComponent <Text> (); }
private void Desk_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { YourScore.Hide(); OpponentsScore.Hide(); MainButton.Width = 140; MainButton.Text = "Connect to server"; }
private void GenerateCards() { YourScore.Show(); YourScore.Text = "Your Score: 0"; OpponentsScore.Show(); OpponentsScore.Text = "Opponent's Score: 0"; _opponentPic = new PictureBox { Name = "Opponent's Card", Image = Resources.card_back_blue, Location = new Point(Width - 125, 10), Size = new Size(100, 114), SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage }; Controls.Add(_opponentPic); Point nextLocation = new Point(10, 134); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { PictureBox currentPic = new PictureBox { Name = "picDynamic" + i, Image = Resources.card_back_red, Location = nextLocation, Size = new Size(100, 114), SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage }; currentPic.Click += (sender, e) => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_drawnCard)) { return; } // Generate a random card _drawnCard = RandomCard(); currentPic.Name = _drawnCard; currentPic.Image = (Image)Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(FileNameByCard(currentPic.Name)); _amountOfOpenedCards++; // Send the Generated card BeginSend("1" + currentPic.Name); // Receive an answer BeginRead(); // Remove click event handler FieldInfo currentPicFieldInfo = typeof(Control).GetField("EventClick", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); object obj = currentPicFieldInfo?.GetValue(currentPic); PropertyInfo currentPicPropertyInfo = currentPic.GetType().GetProperty("Events", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); EventHandlerList list = (EventHandlerList)currentPicPropertyInfo?.GetValue(currentPic, null); list?.RemoveHandler(obj, list[obj]); }; Controls.Add(currentPic); nextLocation.X += currentPic.Size.Width + 10; MainButton.Text = "Forfiet"; } }
private void ScoreWindow_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { YourScore.AppendText(" " + score.ToString()); using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(path)) { int count = 0; string s = ""; while ((s = sr.ReadLine()) != null && count < 8) { TextBoxNumbers.AppendText(s); TextBoxNumbers.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); count++; } } }
public static void Draw(SpriteBatch a_SpriteBatch) { if (YourScore != null) { a_SpriteBatch.DrawString(LargeFont, YourScore.DisplayScore(), YOUR_SCORE_LOCATION, Color.Purple); if (YourScore.SnakePlayer.IsDead) { a_SpriteBatch.DrawString(LargeFont, YourScore.DisplayDead(), YOUR_SCORE_LOCATION + new Vector2(0, spacing * 2.0f), Color.Purple); } } for (int loop = 0; loop < PlayerScores.Count; loop++) { a_SpriteBatch.DrawString(SmallFont, PlayerScores[loop].DisplayScore(), SCOREBOARD_LOCATION + new Vector2(0, loop * spacing), Color.Purple); } }