Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void InsertTip(Tip tip)
            string sqlStr = "INSERT INTO Tip(user_id, business_id, tipDate, text, numLikes) " +
                            "VALUES ('" + tip.UserID + "', '" + tip.BusinessID + "', current_timestamp, '" + tip.Text + "', " + tip.NumberOfLikes + ");";

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void InsertCheckin(Checkin checkin)
            string sqlStr = "INSERT INTO Checkins(year, month, day, time, business_id) " +
                            "VALUES ('" + checkin.Year + "', '" + checkin.Month + "', '" + checkin.Day + "', '" + checkin.Time + "', '" + checkin.BusinessID + "');";

        public static void GetBusinessAttributes(Action <NpgsqlDataReader> myf, string businessID)
            string sqlStr = "SELECT attribute_name, value " +
                            "FROM businessattributes " +
                            "WHERE business_id = '" + businessID + "'";

            YelpDatabaseQueries.ExecuteQuery(sqlStr, myf);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void GetBusinessIDs(Action <NpgsqlDataReader> myf, string businessName)
            string sqlStr = "SELECT business_id " +
                            "FROM Business " +
                            "WHERE business_name = '" + businessName + "'";

            YelpDatabaseQueries.ExecuteQuery(sqlStr, myf);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void GetUserIDs(Action <NpgsqlDataReader> myf, string username)
            string sqlStr = "SELECT user_id " +
                            "FROM _User " +
                            "WHERE user_name = '" + username + "'";

            YelpDatabaseQueries.ExecuteQuery(sqlStr, myf);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void UpdateUser(string user_id, double lat, double longg)
            string sqlStr = "UPDATE _user " +
                            " SET latitude = :latitude, longitude = :longitude" +
                            " WHERE user_id = '" + user_id + "'";

            YelpDatabaseQueries.ExecuteUserLatLongUpdate(sqlStr, lat, longg);
        public static void GetBusinessCategoriesInSelectedZipcode(Action <NpgsqlDataReader> myf, string selectedState, string selectedCity, string selectedZipcode)
            string sqlStr = "SELECT distinct category_name " +
                            "FROM Business, Categories " +
                            "WHERE state = '" + selectedState + "' AND city = '" + selectedCity + "' AND zipcode = '" + selectedZipcode + "' AND Business.business_id = Categories.business_id ";

            YelpDatabaseQueries.ExecuteQuery(sqlStr, myf);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void GetUserFriends(Action <NpgsqlDataReader> myf, string userID)
            string sqlStr = "SELECT user_name, total_tip_likes, avg_stars, join_date " +
                            " FROM(Select friend_id FROM friends WHERE '" + userID + "' = user_ID) as Temp, _User " +
                            " WHERE Temp.friend_id = _User.user_id";

            YelpDatabaseQueries.ExecuteQuery(sqlStr, myf);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static void GetUser(Action <NpgsqlDataReader> myf, string userID)
            string sqlStr = "SELECT user_id, user_name, join_date, numFans, avg_stars, cool, funny, useful, total_tip_count, total_tip_likes, longitude, latitude " +
                            "FROM _User " +
                            "WHERE user_id = '" + userID + "'";

            YelpDatabaseQueries.ExecuteQuerySingle(sqlStr, myf);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static void GetBusiness(Action <NpgsqlDataReader> myf, string businessID)
            string sqlStr = "SELECT business_id, business_name, address, city, state, zipcode, stars, numCheckins, numTips " +
                            "FROM Business " +
                            "WHERE business_id = '" + businessID + "'";

            YelpDatabaseQueries.ExecuteQuery(sqlStr, myf);
        public static void GetBusinessCategories(Action <NpgsqlDataReader> myf, string businessID)
            string sqlStr = "SELECT category_name " +
                            "FROM Categories " +
                            "WHERE business_id = '" + businessID + "'";

            YelpDatabaseQueries.ExecuteQuery(sqlStr, myf);
        public static void GetDistinctStates(Action <NpgsqlDataReader> myf)
            string sqlStr = "SELECT distinct state " +
                            "FROM business " +
                            "ORDER BY state";

            YelpDatabaseQueries.ExecuteQuery(sqlStr, myf);
        public static void GetBusinessHours(Action <NpgsqlDataReader> myf, string businessID, string dayOfTheWeek)
            string sqlStr = "SELECT open, close " +
                            "FROM Hours " +
                            "WHERE day_of_the_week = '" + dayOfTheWeek + "' AND business_id = '" + businessID + "'";

            YelpDatabaseQueries.ExecuteQuery(sqlStr, myf);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static void LikeTip(Tip tip)
            string sqlStr = "UPDATE tip " +
                            $"SET numlikes = 1 + (SELECT numLikes FROM tip WHERE tip.user_id = '{tip.UserID}' AND tip.business_id = '{tip.BusinessID}' AND tip.tipdate = '{tip.TipDate}') " +
                            $"WHERE tip.user_id = '{tip.UserID}' AND tip.business_id = '{tip.BusinessID}' AND tip.tipdate = '{tip.TipDate}'";

Exemplo n.º 15
        public static void GetBusinessTips(Action <NpgsqlDataReader> myf, string businessID)
            string sqlStr = "SELECT Tip.user_id, Tip.business_id, Tip.tipDate, Tip.text, Tip.numLikes, _User.user_name " +
                            "FROM Tip, _User " +
                            "WHERE Tip.business_id = '" + businessID + "' AND _User.user_id = Tip.user_id " +
                            "ORDER BY Tip.tipDate DESC";

            YelpDatabaseQueries.ExecuteQuery(sqlStr, myf);
        public static void GetZipcodesInSelectedCity(Action <NpgsqlDataReader> myf, string selectedState, string selectedCity)
            string sqlStr = "SELECT distinct zipcode " +
                            "FROM business " +
                            "WHERE state = '" + selectedState + "' AND city = '" + selectedCity + "' " +
                            "ORDER BY zipcode";

            YelpDatabaseQueries.ExecuteQuery(sqlStr, myf);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public static void GetBusinessLatestTips(Action <NpgsqlDataReader> myf, string businessID)
            string sqlStr = "SELECT u.user_name, t.tipDate, t.numLikes, t.text " +
                            "FROM _User as u, Business as b, Tip as t " +
                            "WHERE b.Business_id = '" + businessID + "'" + " AND b.business_id = t.business_id AND u.user_id = t.user_id " +
                            "ORDER BY t.tipDate DESC";

            YelpDatabaseQueries.ExecuteQuery(sqlStr, myf);
        public static void GetCitiesInSelectedState(Action <NpgsqlDataReader> myf, string selectedState)
            string sqlStr = "SELECT distinct city " +
                            "FROM business " +
                            "WHERE state = '" + selectedState + "' " +
                            "ORDER BY city";

            YelpDatabaseQueries.ExecuteQuery(sqlStr, myf);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public static void GetRecentCheckinTimes(Action <NpgsqlDataReader> myf, string businessID)
            string sqlStr = "SELECT month, day, year, time " +
                            "FROM CheckIns " +
                            "WHERE business_id = '" + businessID + "' " +
                            "ORDER BY year DESC, month DESC, day DESC";

            YelpDatabaseQueries.ExecuteQuery(sqlStr, myf);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public static void GetFriendsTips(Action <NpgsqlDataReader> myf, string businessID, string userID)
            string sqlStr = "SELECT Tip.tipDate, Tip.text, _User.user_name " +
                            "FROM Tip, _User " +
                            "WHERE Tip.business_id = '" + businessID + "' AND Tip.user_id IN (SELECT friend_id FROM Friends WHERE Friends.user_id = '" + userID + "') AND _User.user_id = Tip.user_id " +
                            "ORDER BY Tip.tipDate DESC";

            YelpDatabaseQueries.ExecuteQuery(sqlStr, myf);
Exemplo n.º 21
        public static void GetBusinessCheckin(Action <NpgsqlDataReader> myf, string businessID)
            string sqlStr = "SELECT month, count(month) AS numCheckins " +
                            "FROM checkins " +
                            "WHERE business_id = '" + businessID + "' " +
                            "GROUP BY month " +
                            "ORDER BY month ASC";

            YelpDatabaseQueries.ExecuteQuery(sqlStr, myf);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public static void GetUserFriendsLatestTips(Action <NpgsqlDataReader> myf, string userID)
            string sqlStr = "Select a.user_name, business_name, city, c.text, c.tipdate " +
                            " FROM (SELECT user_name, _User.user_id " +
                            " FROM (Select friend_id " +
                            " FROM friends " +
                            "  WHERE '" + userID + "'   = user_ID) as Temp, _User " +
                            " WHERE Temp.friend_id = _User.user_id) as a, (SELECT tip.user_id, tip.business_id, tip.text, tip.tipdate " +
                            " FROM tip, (SELECT tip.user_id, max(tipdate) as maxdate " +
                            " FROM tip " +
                            " GROUP BY user_id) as b " +
                            " WHERE tip.user_ID = b.user_ID AND tip.tipdate = b.maxdate) as c, business " +
                            " WHERE a.user_id = c.user_id AND c.business_id = business.business_ID";

            YelpDatabaseQueries.ExecuteQuery(sqlStr, myf);
        public static void GetBusinesses(Action <NpgsqlDataReader> myf, BusinessSearch businessSearch)
            string sqlStr = "SELECT DISTINCT Business.business_id, Business.business_name, Business.address, Business.city, Business.state, Business.zipcode, Business.longitude, Business.latitude, Business.stars, Business.numCheckins, Business.numTips, ";

            if (businessSearch.CurrentUser != null)
                sqlStr += "Distance(" + businessSearch.CurrentUser.Latitude + ", " + businessSearch.CurrentUser.Longitude + ", Business.latitude, Business.longitude) AS distance ";
                sqlStr += "-1 as distance ";

            sqlStr += "FROM Business";
            int temp = 0;

            foreach (string category in businessSearch.BusinessCategories)
                sqlStr += " JOIN Categories AS Category" + temp + " ON Category" + temp++ + ".business_id = Business.business_id";

            temp = 0;
            foreach (string attribute in businessSearch.BusinessAttributes.Keys)
                sqlStr += " JOIN BusinessAttributes AS Attributes" + temp + " ON Attributes" + temp++ + ".business_id = Business.business_id";

            sqlStr += " WHERE Business.state = '" + businessSearch.State + "' AND Business.city = '" + businessSearch.City + "' AND Business.zipcode = '" + businessSearch.Zipcode + "'";

            temp = 0;
            foreach (string category in businessSearch.BusinessCategories)
                sqlStr += " AND Category" + temp++ + ".category_name = '" + category + "'";

            temp = 0;
            foreach (string attribute in businessSearch.BusinessAttributes.Keys)
                sqlStr += " AND Attributes" + temp + ".attribute_name = '" + attribute + "' AND Attributes" + temp++ + ".value = '";

                string attributeValue = string.Empty;
                switch (attribute)
                case "RestaurantsPriceRange2":
                    if (businessSearch.BusinessAttributes.TryGetValue(attribute, out attributeValue))
                        sqlStr += attributeValue;


                case "WiFi":
                    sqlStr += "free";

                    sqlStr += "True";

                sqlStr += "'";

            sqlStr += " ORDER BY ";

            switch (businessSearch.SortingMethod)
            case "Name (default)":
                sqlStr += "Business.business_name ASC";

            case "Highest Rating":
                sqlStr += "Business.stars DESC";

            case "Most Tips":
                sqlStr += "Business.numTips DESC";

            case "Most Check-ins":
                sqlStr += "Business.numCheckins DESC ";

            case "Nearest":
                if (businessSearch.CurrentUser != null)
                    sqlStr += "distance ASC";
                    sqlStr += "Business.business_name ASC";


            YelpDatabaseQueries.ExecuteQuery(sqlStr, myf);