private void CreateYear_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Define local variables
            string yearToCreate = "Year_" + YearToCreateTextBox.Text;

            //Create the createYearCommandText - Creates a Year_selectedYear table in the database
            string createClientYearCommandText = "CREATE TABLE " + yearToCreate + " (Box_Number INTEGER, Client_ID INTEGER, Assigned_Status TEXT)";

            //Create the Year_yearToCreate table in the database

            //Create the createDelivererYearCommandText - Creates a Year_yearToCreate_Deliverers table in the database
            string createDelivererYearCommandText = "CREATE TABLE " + yearToCreate + "_Deliverers" + " (Deliverer_ID INTEGER, Clients TEXT)";

            //Create the Year_yearToCreate_Deliverers table in the database

            //Create the createFoodYearCommandText - Creates a Year_selectedYear_Food table in the database
            string createFoodYearCommandText = "CREATE TABLE " + yearToCreate + "_Food" + " (Food_Name TEXT, Food_Number_To_Put_In_Box INTEGER)";

            //Create the Year_yearToCreate_Food table in the database

            //Update the YearsListBox
            YearsListBox.SelectedItem = yearToCreate;

            //Create insertStatusYearCommand to insert and initialize yearToCreate_Status's yearToCreate Record database item
            string insertStatusYearCommand = "INSERT INTO Status (Year_ID, " +
                                             "Step_1_Year_Created_In_Database, " +
                                             "Step_2_Clients_Imported, " +
                                             "Step_2_a_Check_For_Client_Duplicates, " +
                                             "Step_3_Green_Cards_Generated, " +
                                             "Step_4_Deliverers_Imported, " +
                                             "Step_5_Clients_Assigned_To_Deliverers, " +
                                             "Step_6_Generated_Deliverer_Maps, " +
                                             "Step_7_Day_Of_Event, " +
                                             "Step_7_a_Generate_Unassigned_Clients_Map, " +
                                             "Step_7_b_Generate_Client_Lists, " +
                                             "Step_7_c_Generate_Food_Signs, " +
                                             "Step_7_d_Generate_Box_Labels) " +
                                             "VALUES ('" + yearToCreate + "', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0')";

            //insert and initialize yearToCreate_Status's yearToCreate Record database item

            //Update Main.mSelectedYearStatus
            Main.mSelectedYearStatus[(int)Main.mSelectedYearStatusEnum.Step_1_Year_Created_In_Database] = true;
        public WindowSelectYear()

            //Define local variables
            DataTable userTables = null;

            // We only want user tables, not system tables
            string[] restrictions = new string[4];
            restrictions[3] = "Table";

            //See if we have an Access database
            if (Main.mChristmasBasketsAccessDatabase != null)
                // Get list of user tables
                userTables = Main.mChristmasBasketsAccessDatabase.GetSchema("Tables", restrictions);

            // Add list of table names to listBox
            for (int i = 0; i < userTables.Rows.Count; i++)
                //Only add the Tables formatted as Year_
                if (userTables.Rows[i][2].ToString().Contains("Year_") && (!userTables.Rows[i][2].ToString().Contains("Deliverers") && !userTables.Rows[i][2].ToString().Contains("Food")))

            //Highlight the selected item if it exists already
            if (Main.mSelectedYear != "NONE")
                // Find the string in ListBox2.
                int index = YearsListBox.Items.IndexOf(Main.mSelectedYear);

                // If the item was  found in ListBoxOfYears select it in ListBoxOfYears.
                if (index != -1)
                    YearsListBox.SelectedIndex = index;