Exemplo n.º 1
        private void ExtractCoeffs()
            FileStream fsRead = null;

            try {
                char[]   separator1     = { '>' };
                char[]   separator2     = { '<' };
                char[]   emptySeparator = { ' ' };
                char[]   separators     = { '>', '<' };
                string[] subStrs;
                string[] subSubStrs;
                string   formula;
                string   name;
                string   htmlTaggedName;
                string   casRegestryNo;
                double   a, b, c, d = 1, e = 1, f, g, bp = 1;
                double   molarWeight, freezingPoint, boilingPoint, criticalT, criticalP, criticalV, criticalComp, accentricF;
                molarWeight = freezingPoint = boilingPoint = criticalT = criticalP = criticalV = criticalComp = accentricF = -2147483D;
                double        minTemp = 1, maxTemp = 1;
                StringBuilder sb;
                CriticalPropsAndAccentricFactor criticalProps;
                Substance               substance;
                YawsGasCpCorrelation    gasCpCorrelation;
                YawsLiquidCpCorrelation liquidCpCorrelation;
                YawsSolidCpCorrelation  solidCpCorrelation;
                YawsGasThermalConductivityCorrelation    gasKCorrelation;
                YawsLiquidThermalConductivityCorrelation liquidKCorrelation;
                YawsGasViscosityCorrelation        gasViscCorrelation;
                YawsLiquidViscosityCorrelation     liquidViscCorrelation;
                YawsLiquidDensityCorrelation       liquidDensityCorrelation;
                YawsEvaporationHeatCorrelation     evapHeatCorrelation;
                YawsVaporPressureCorrelation       vapPressureCorrelation;
                YawsSurfaceTensionCorrelation      surfaceTensionCorrelation;
                YawsEnthalpyOfFormationCorrelation enthalpyOfFormationCorrelation;

                string       line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6, line7, line8, line9, line10, line11, lineTemp;
                string       tmpStrOld = "";
                string       tmpStr;
                int          number;
                StreamReader reader;

                foreach (object fullFileName in listBoxFiles.Items)
                    fsRead = new FileStream((string)fullFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    reader = new StreamReader(fsRead);
                    line1  = reader.ReadLine();
                    while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                        line2 = reader.ReadLine();
                        if (line1.Contains("<TD class=BorderHelper>") && line2.Contains("<TD class=BorderHelper noWrap>"))
                            substanceFormula = new SubstanceFormula();

                            subStrs = line1.Split(separator1);
                            sb      = new StringBuilder();
                            for (int i = 1; i < subStrs.Length - 1; i++)
                                subSubStrs = subStrs[i].Split(separator2);
                                tmpStr = subSubStrs[0];
                                if (char.IsDigit(tmpStr[0]))
                                    number = int.Parse(tmpStr);
                                    substanceFormula.AddElement(tmpStrOld, number);
                                    if (!tmpStr.Equals(" "))
                                        tmpStr = Parse(tmpStr.TrimEnd());
                                    if (i == (subStrs.Length - 2) && !tmpStr.Equals(" ") && !tmpStr.Equals(""))
                                        substanceFormula.AddElement(tmpStr, 1);
                                tmpStrOld = tmpStr;
                            formula = sb.ToString();

                            if (!line2.Contains("</TD>"))
                                lineTemp = reader.ReadLine();
                                lineTemp = lineTemp.TrimStart();
                                if (!lineTemp.StartsWith("</TD>"))
                                    line2 = line2 + " " + lineTemp;
                                    line2 = line2 + lineTemp;
                            htmlTaggedName = line2;

                            if (!(line2.Contains("<I>") || line2.Contains("</SPAN>")))
                                subStrs = line2.Split(separators);
                                name    = subStrs[2];
                                subStrs = line2.Split(separators);
                                sb      = new StringBuilder();
                                for (int i = 2; i < subStrs.Length; i++)
                                    if (!(subStrs[i].Equals("") || subStrs[i].Equals("I") || subStrs[i].Equals("/I") ||
                                          subStrs[i].Equals("SPAN class=Greek") || subStrs[i].Equals("/SPAN") ||
                                name = sb.ToString();
                            name = name.TrimEnd(emptySeparator);

                            line3   = reader.ReadLine();
                            subStrs = line3.Split(separators);
                            if (subStrs[2].Contains("&"))
                                casRegestryNo = "";
                                casRegestryNo = subStrs[2];

                            line4   = reader.ReadLine();
                            subStrs = line4.Split(separators);
                            a       = double.Parse(subStrs[2]);
                            if (thermProp == ThermProp.CriticalProp)
                                molarWeight = a;

                            line5   = reader.ReadLine();
                            subStrs = line5.Split(separators);
                            if (subStrs[2].Contains("&"))
                                b = -2147483D;
                                b = double.Parse(subStrs[2]);
                            if (thermProp == ThermProp.CriticalProp)
                                freezingPoint = b;

                            line6   = reader.ReadLine();
                            subStrs = line6.Split(separators);
                            if (subStrs[2].Contains("&"))
                                c = -2147483D;;
                                c = double.Parse(subStrs[2]);
                            if (thermProp == ThermProp.CriticalProp)
                                boilingPoint = c;

                            line7   = reader.ReadLine();
                            subStrs = line7.Split(separators);
                            if (subStrs[2].Contains("&"))
                                d = -2147483D;
                                d = double.Parse(subStrs[2]);
                            if (thermProp == ThermProp.SolidCp || thermProp == ThermProp.EvapHeat ||
                                thermProp == ThermProp.GasVisc || thermProp == ThermProp.GasK ||
                                thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidK || thermProp == ThermProp.SurfaceTension ||
                                thermProp == ThermProp.EnthalpyOfFormation)
                                minTemp = d;
                            else if (thermProp == ThermProp.CriticalProp)
                                criticalT = d;

                            line8   = reader.ReadLine();
                            subStrs = line8.Split(separators);
                            if (subStrs[2].Contains("&"))
                                e = -2147483D;
                                e = double.Parse(subStrs[2]);

                            if (thermProp == ThermProp.SolidCp || thermProp == ThermProp.EvapHeat ||
                                thermProp == ThermProp.GasVisc || thermProp == ThermProp.GasK ||
                                thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidK || thermProp == ThermProp.SurfaceTension ||
                                thermProp == ThermProp.EnthalpyOfFormation)
                                maxTemp = e;
                            else if (thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidCp || thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidDensity || thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidVisc)
                                minTemp = e;
                            else if (thermProp == ThermProp.CriticalProp)
                                criticalP = 1.0e5 * e;//convert from bar to Pa.sec

                            if (thermProp == ThermProp.EvapHeat || thermProp == ThermProp.CriticalProp ||
                                thermProp == ThermProp.GasCp || thermProp == ThermProp.VapPressure ||
                                thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidCp || thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidDensity ||
                                thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidVisc)
                                line9   = reader.ReadLine();
                                subStrs = line9.Split(separators);
                                if (!subStrs[2].Contains("&"))
                                    f = double.Parse(subStrs[2]);
                                    f = -2147483D;

                                if (thermProp == ThermProp.EvapHeat)
                                    bp = f;
                                else if (thermProp == ThermProp.CriticalProp)
                                    criticalV = f * 1.0e-6;        //convert from cm3/mol to m3/mol
                                    line9     = reader.ReadLine(); //skip critical density
                                else if (thermProp == ThermProp.GasCp || thermProp == ThermProp.VapPressure)
                                    minTemp = f;
                                else if (thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidCp || thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidDensity || thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidVisc)
                                    maxTemp = f;

                            if (thermProp == ThermProp.CriticalProp || thermProp == ThermProp.GasCp ||
                                thermProp == ThermProp.VapPressure)
                                line10  = reader.ReadLine();
                                subStrs = line10.Split(separators);
                                if (!subStrs[2].Contains("&"))
                                    g = double.Parse(subStrs[2]);
                                    g = -2147483D;

                                if (thermProp == ThermProp.CriticalProp)
                                    criticalComp = g;
                                else if (thermProp == ThermProp.GasCp || thermProp == ThermProp.VapPressure)
                                    maxTemp = g;

                            if (thermProp == ThermProp.CriticalProp)
                                line11  = reader.ReadLine();
                                subStrs = line11.Split(separators);
                                if (!subStrs[2].Contains("&"))
                                    accentricF = double.Parse(subStrs[2]);
                                    accentricF = -2147483D;

                            if (thermProp == ThermProp.CriticalProp)
                                criticalProps = new CriticalPropsAndAccentricFactor(freezingPoint, boilingPoint, criticalT, criticalP, criticalV, criticalComp, accentricF);
                                substance     = new Substance(name, htmlTaggedName, substanceType, casRegestryNo, substanceFormula, molarWeight, criticalProps);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermProp.GasCp)
                                gasCpCorrelation = new YawsGasCpCorrelation(name, a, b, c, d, e, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidCp)
                                liquidCpCorrelation = new YawsLiquidCpCorrelation(name, a, b, c, d, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermProp.SolidCp)
                                solidCpCorrelation = new YawsSolidCpCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermProp.EvapHeat)
                                evapHeatCorrelation = new YawsEvaporationHeatCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermProp.VapPressure)
                                vapPressureCorrelation = new YawsVaporPressureCorrelation(name, a, b, c, d, e, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidDensity)
                                liquidDensityCorrelation = new YawsLiquidDensityCorrelation(name, a, b, c, d, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermProp.GasVisc)
                                gasViscCorrelation = new YawsGasViscosityCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidVisc)
                                liquidViscCorrelation = new YawsLiquidViscosityCorrelation(name, a, b, c, d, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermProp.GasK)
                                gasKCorrelation = new YawsGasThermalConductivityCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidK)
                                liquidKCorrelation = new YawsLiquidThermalConductivityCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermProp.SurfaceTension)
                                surfaceTensionCorrelation = new YawsSurfaceTensionCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermProp.EnthalpyOfFormation)
                                enthalpyOfFormationCorrelation = new YawsEnthalpyOfFormationCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp);
                        line1 = line2;
            catch (Exception ex) {
                Console.WriteLine("The process failed: {0}", ex.ToString());
            finally {
                if (fsRead != null)

            if (substanceType == SubstanceType.Inorganic && thermProp == ThermProp.CriticalProp)
            else if (substanceType == SubstanceType.Organic && thermProp == ThermProp.EnthalpyOfFormation)
            else if (substanceType == SubstanceType.Inorganic)
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void ExtractCoeffs()
            FileStream fsRead = null;

            try {
                //char[] separator1 = { '>' };
                //string[] separator1 = { "</td>" };
                //char[] emptySeparator = { ' ' };
                //char[] separators = { '>', '<' };
                string[] separatorsStr1 = { "</td>" };
                string[] separatorsStr2 = { "<i>", "</i>" };
                //string[] subStrs;
                //string formula;
                string name;
                string casRegestryNo;
                double a, b, c, d = 1, e = 1;
                double molarWeight, criticalRho, criticalT, criticalP, criticalV, criticalComp, accentricF;
                molarWeight = criticalRho = criticalT = criticalP = criticalV = criticalComp = accentricF = -2147483D;
                double minTemp = 1, maxTemp = 1;
                //StringBuilder sb;
                CriticalPropsAndAcentricFactor criticalProps;
                Substance               substance;
                YawsGasCpCorrelation    gasCpCorrelation;
                YawsLiquidCpCorrelation liquidCpCorrelation;
                YawsSolidCpCorrelation  solidCpCorrelation;
                YawsGasThermalConductivityCorrelation    gasKCorrelation;
                YawsLiquidThermalConductivityCorrelation liquidKCorrelation;
                YawsGasViscosityCorrelation        gasViscCorrelation;
                YawsLiquidViscosityCorrelation     liquidViscCorrelation;
                YawsLiquidDensityCorrelation       liquidDensityCorrelation;
                YawsEvaporationHeatCorrelation     evapHeatCorrelation;
                YawsVaporPressureCorrelation       vapPressureCorrelation;
                YawsSurfaceTensionCorrelation      surfaceTensionCorrelation;
                YawsEnthalpyOfFormationCorrelation enthalpyOfFormationCorrelation;

                substanceList               = new ArrayList();
                gasCpCorrList               = new ArrayList();
                liquidCpCorrList            = new ArrayList();
                solidCpCorrList             = new ArrayList();
                evapHeatCorrList            = new ArrayList();
                vapPressureCorrList         = new ArrayList();
                liquidDensityCorrList       = new ArrayList();
                gasKCorrList                = new ArrayList();
                liquidKCorrList             = new ArrayList();
                gasViscCorrList             = new ArrayList();
                liquidViscCorrList          = new ArrayList();
                surfaceTensionCorrList      = new ArrayList();
                enthalpyOfFormationCorrList = new ArrayList();

                string line1, line2, lineTemp;
                //string elementStr;
                //string tmpStr;
                //int elementCount;
                int fileNo      = 0;
                int substanceNo = 0;

                int          counter;
                int          totalCounter = 0;
                StreamReader reader;

                foreach (object fullFileName in listBoxFiles.Items)
                    counter = 0;
                    fsRead  = new FileStream((string)fullFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    reader  = new StreamReader(fsRead);
                    line1   = reader.ReadLine();
                    while (!reader.EndOfStream && counter < 50)
                        line2 = reader.ReadLine();
                        name  = "";
                        if (thermProp != ThermPropType.CriticalProp)
                            if (line1.Contains("<a border"))

                                name = MainFormYaws.ExtractName(line2, separatorsStr1, separatorsStr2);

                                lineTemp = reader.ReadLine();
                                lineTemp = reader.ReadLine();
                                lineTemp = reader.ReadLine();

                                lineTemp = reader.ReadLine();
                                a        = MainFormYaws.ExtractValue(lineTemp, separatorsStr1);
                                if (a == -2147483D)

                                lineTemp = reader.ReadLine();
                                b        = MainFormYaws.ExtractValue(lineTemp, separatorsStr1);

                                lineTemp = reader.ReadLine();
                                c        = MainFormYaws.ExtractValue(lineTemp, separatorsStr1);

                                if (thermProp == ThermPropType.GasCp || thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidCp ||
                                    thermProp == ThermPropType.VapPressure || thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidDensity ||
                                    thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidDensity || thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidVisc)
                                    lineTemp = reader.ReadLine();
                                    d        = MainFormYaws.ExtractValue(lineTemp, separatorsStr1);

                                if (thermProp == ThermPropType.GasCp || thermProp == ThermPropType.VapPressure)
                                    lineTemp = reader.ReadLine();
                                    e        = MainFormYaws.ExtractValue(lineTemp, separatorsStr1);

                                lineTemp = reader.ReadLine();
                                minTemp  = MainFormYaws.ExtractValue(lineTemp, separatorsStr1);

                                lineTemp = reader.ReadLine();
                                maxTemp  = MainFormYaws.ExtractValue(lineTemp, separatorsStr1);

                                if (thermProp == ThermPropType.GasCp)
                                    gasCpCorrelation = new YawsGasCpCorrelation(name, a, b, c, d, e, minTemp, maxTemp);
                                else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidCp)
                                    liquidCpCorrelation = new YawsLiquidCpCorrelation(name, a, b, c, d, minTemp, maxTemp);
                                else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.SolidCp)
                                    solidCpCorrelation = new YawsSolidCpCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp);
                                else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.EvapHeat)
                                    evapHeatCorrelation = new YawsEvaporationHeatCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp);
                                else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.VapPressure)
                                    vapPressureCorrelation = new YawsVaporPressureCorrelation(name, a, b, c, d, e, minTemp, maxTemp);
                                else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidDensity)
                                    liquidDensityCorrelation = new YawsLiquidDensityCorrelation(name, a, b, c, d, minTemp, maxTemp);
                                else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.GasVisc)
                                    gasViscCorrelation = new YawsGasViscosityCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp);
                                else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidVisc)
                                    liquidViscCorrelation = new YawsLiquidViscosityCorrelation(name, a, b, c, d, minTemp, maxTemp);
                                else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.GasK)
                                    gasKCorrelation = new YawsGasThermalConductivityCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp);
                                else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidK)
                                    liquidKCorrelation = new YawsLiquidThermalConductivityCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp);
                                else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.SurfaceTension)
                                    surfaceTensionCorrelation = new YawsSurfaceTensionCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp);
                                else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.EnthalpyOfFormation)
                                    enthalpyOfFormationCorrelation = new YawsEnthalpyOfFormationCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp);

                            line1 = line2;
                            substanceNo = totalCounter + counter + 1;
                            if ((line1.StartsWith(substanceNo.ToString() + "</td><td  align=") ||
                                 //since there is a duplicate for No. 3976 this condition must be added to handle it
                                 line1.StartsWith((substanceNo - 1).ToString() + "</td><td  align=")) && counter < 50)

                                name = MainFormYaws.ExtractName(line2, separatorsStr1, separatorsStr2);

                                lineTemp = reader.ReadLine();
                                //if (lineTemp.StartsWith("&nbsp")) {
                                //   casRegestryNo = "";
                                //else {
                                //   subStrs = lineTemp.Trim().Split(separatorsStr1, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                //   casRegestryNo = subStrs[0].Trim();
                                casRegestryNo = MainFormYaws.ExtractCasNo(lineTemp, separatorsStr1);

                                lineTemp         = reader.ReadLine();
                                substanceFormula = ExtractSubstanceFormula(lineTemp);

                                //for debugging use only
                                //formula = sb.ToString();

                                lineTemp    = reader.ReadLine();
                                molarWeight = MainFormYaws.ExtractValue(lineTemp, separatorsStr1);

                                lineTemp  = reader.ReadLine();
                                criticalT = MainFormYaws.ExtractValue(lineTemp, separatorsStr1);

                                lineTemp  = reader.ReadLine();
                                criticalP = MainFormYaws.ExtractValue(lineTemp, separatorsStr1);

                                lineTemp  = reader.ReadLine();
                                criticalV = MainFormYaws.ExtractValue(lineTemp, separatorsStr1);

                                lineTemp = reader.ReadLine(); //skip critical density since it can be obtained from critical volume and molar weight
                                //subStrs = lineTemp.Trim().Split(separators);
                                //criticalRho = double.Parse(subStrs[0]);

                                lineTemp     = reader.ReadLine();
                                criticalComp = MainFormYaws.ExtractValue(lineTemp, separatorsStr1);

                                lineTemp   = reader.ReadLine();
                                accentricF = MainFormYaws.ExtractValue(lineTemp, separatorsStr1);

                                criticalProps = new CriticalPropsAndAcentricFactor(criticalT, criticalP, criticalV, criticalComp, accentricF);
                                substance     = new Substance(name, substanceType, casRegestryNo, substanceFormula, molarWeight, criticalProps);

                            line1 = line2;

                    totalCounter = totalCounter + counter;

            catch (Exception ex) {
                Console.WriteLine("The process failed: {0}", ex.ToString());
            finally {
                if (fsRead != null)

            if (thermProp == ThermPropType.CriticalProp)
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void ExtractCoeffs()
            FileStream fsRead = null;

            try {
                //char[] separator1 = { '>' };
                //char[] separator2 = { '<' };
                //char[] emptySeparator = { ' ' };
                //char[] separators = { '>', '<' };
                string[] separatorsStr1 = { "<TD class=BorderHelper noWrap>", "</TD>" };
                string[] separatorsStr2 = { "<I>", "</I>" };
                string[] separatorsStr3 = { "<TD class=BorderHelper>", "</TD>" };
                string[] separatorsStr4 = { "<SUB>", "</SUB>" };

                //string[] subStrs;
                //string[] subSubStrs;
                //string formula;
                //StringBuilder sb;
                string name;
                //string htmlTaggedName;
                string casRegestryNo;
                double a, b, c, d = 1, e = 1, f, g; //, bp = 1;
                double molarWeight, freezingPoint, boilingPoint, criticalT, criticalP, criticalV, criticalComp, acentricF;
                molarWeight = freezingPoint = boilingPoint = criticalT = criticalP = criticalV = criticalComp = acentricF = -2147483D;
                double minTemp = 1, maxTemp = 1;
                CriticalPropsAndAcentricFactor criticalProps;
                Substance               substance;
                YawsGasCpCorrelation    gasCpCorrelation;
                YawsLiquidCpCorrelation liquidCpCorrelation;
                YawsSolidCpCorrelation  solidCpCorrelation;
                YawsGasThermalConductivityCorrelation    gasKCorrelation;
                YawsLiquidThermalConductivityCorrelation liquidKCorrelation;
                YawsGasViscosityCorrelation        gasViscCorrelation;
                YawsLiquidViscosityCorrelation     liquidViscCorrelation;
                YawsLiquidDensityCorrelation       liquidDensityCorrelation;
                YawsEvaporationHeatCorrelation     evapHeatCorrelation;
                YawsVaporPressureCorrelation       vapPressureCorrelation;
                YawsSurfaceTensionCorrelation      surfaceTensionCorrelation;
                YawsEnthalpyOfFormationCorrelation enthalpyOfFormationCorrelation;

                //string line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6, line7, line8, line9, line10, line11, lineTemp;
                string line1, line2, line3, lineTemp;
                //string tmpStrOld = "";
                //string tmpStr;
                //string elementStr;
                //int elementCount;
                //bool isLine3ExtensionOfLine2;
                StreamReader reader;

                foreach (object fullFileName in listBoxFiles.Items)
                    fsRead = new FileStream((string)fullFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    reader = new StreamReader(fsRead);
                    line1  = reader.ReadLine();
                    while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                        line2 = reader.ReadLine();
                        if (line2.StartsWith("<TD class=BorderHelper noWrap>") && !line2.EndsWith("</TD>"))
                            line2 += reader.ReadLine();
                        if (line1.Contains("<TD class=BorderHelper>") && line2.Contains("<TD class=BorderHelper noWrap>"))
                            ExtractFormula(line1, separatorsStr3, separatorsStr4);

                            name = ExtractName(line2, separatorsStr1, separatorsStr2);

                            line3         = reader.ReadLine();
                            casRegestryNo = ExtractCasNo(line3, separatorsStr3);

                            lineTemp = reader.ReadLine();
                            a        = ExtractValue(lineTemp, separatorsStr3);
                            if (thermProp == ThermPropType.CriticalProp)
                                molarWeight = a;

                            lineTemp = reader.ReadLine();
                            b        = ExtractValue(lineTemp, separatorsStr3);

                            if (thermProp == ThermPropType.CriticalProp)
                                freezingPoint = b;

                            lineTemp = reader.ReadLine();
                            c        = ExtractValue(lineTemp, separatorsStr3);

                            if (thermProp == ThermPropType.CriticalProp)
                                boilingPoint = c;

                            lineTemp = reader.ReadLine();
                            d        = ExtractValue(lineTemp, separatorsStr3);
                            if (thermProp == ThermPropType.SolidCp || thermProp == ThermPropType.EvapHeat ||
                                thermProp == ThermPropType.GasVisc || thermProp == ThermPropType.GasK ||
                                thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidK || thermProp == ThermPropType.SurfaceTension ||
                                thermProp == ThermPropType.EnthalpyOfFormation)
                                minTemp = d;
                            else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.CriticalProp)
                                criticalT = d;

                            lineTemp = reader.ReadLine();
                            e        = ExtractValue(lineTemp, separatorsStr3);
                            if (thermProp == ThermPropType.SolidCp || thermProp == ThermPropType.EvapHeat ||
                                thermProp == ThermPropType.GasVisc || thermProp == ThermPropType.GasK ||
                                thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidK || thermProp == ThermPropType.SurfaceTension ||
                                thermProp == ThermPropType.EnthalpyOfFormation)
                                maxTemp = e;
                            else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidCp || thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidDensity || thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidVisc)
                                minTemp = e;
                            else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.CriticalProp)
                                criticalP = 1.0e5 * e;//convert from bar to Pa

                            if (thermProp == ThermPropType.EvapHeat || thermProp == ThermPropType.CriticalProp ||
                                thermProp == ThermPropType.GasCp || thermProp == ThermPropType.VapPressure ||
                                thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidCp || thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidDensity ||
                                thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidVisc)
                                lineTemp = reader.ReadLine();
                                f        = ExtractValue(lineTemp, separatorsStr3);

                                //if (thermProp == ThermProp.EvapHeat) {
                                //   bp = f;
                                if (thermProp == ThermPropType.CriticalProp)
                                    criticalV = f * 1.0e-6;        //convert from cm3/mol to m3/mol
                                    lineTemp  = reader.ReadLine(); //skip critical density
                                else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.GasCp || thermProp == ThermPropType.VapPressure)
                                    minTemp = f;
                                else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidCp || thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidDensity || thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidVisc)
                                    maxTemp = f;

                            if (thermProp == ThermPropType.CriticalProp || thermProp == ThermPropType.GasCp ||
                                thermProp == ThermPropType.VapPressure)
                                lineTemp = reader.ReadLine();
                                g        = ExtractValue(lineTemp, separatorsStr3);

                                if (thermProp == ThermPropType.CriticalProp)
                                    criticalComp = g;
                                else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.GasCp || thermProp == ThermPropType.VapPressure)
                                    maxTemp = g;

                            if (thermProp == ThermPropType.CriticalProp)
                                lineTemp  = reader.ReadLine();
                                acentricF = ExtractValue(lineTemp, separatorsStr3);

                            if (thermProp == ThermPropType.CriticalProp)
                                criticalProps = new CriticalPropsAndAcentricFactor(freezingPoint, boilingPoint, criticalT, criticalP, criticalV, criticalComp, acentricF);
                                substance     = new Substance(name, substanceType, casRegestryNo, substanceFormula, molarWeight, criticalProps);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.GasCp)
                                gasCpCorrelation = new YawsGasCpCorrelation(name, a, b, c, d, e, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidCp)
                                liquidCpCorrelation = new YawsLiquidCpCorrelation(name, a, b, c, d, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.SolidCp)
                                solidCpCorrelation = new YawsSolidCpCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.EvapHeat)
                                evapHeatCorrelation = new YawsEvaporationHeatCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.VapPressure)
                                vapPressureCorrelation = new YawsVaporPressureCorrelation(name, a, b, c, d, e, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidDensity)
                                liquidDensityCorrelation = new YawsLiquidDensityCorrelation(name, a, b, c, d, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.GasVisc)
                                gasViscCorrelation = new YawsGasViscosityCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidVisc)
                                liquidViscCorrelation = new YawsLiquidViscosityCorrelation(name, a, b, c, d, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.GasK)
                                gasKCorrelation = new YawsGasThermalConductivityCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.LiquidK)
                                liquidKCorrelation = new YawsLiquidThermalConductivityCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.SurfaceTension)
                                surfaceTensionCorrelation = new YawsSurfaceTensionCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp);
                            else if (thermProp == ThermPropType.EnthalpyOfFormation)
                                enthalpyOfFormationCorrelation = new YawsEnthalpyOfFormationCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp);
                        line1 = line2;
            catch (Exception ex) {
                Console.WriteLine("The process failed: {0}", ex.ToString());
            finally {
                if (fsRead != null)

            if (substanceType == SubstanceType.Inorganic && thermProp == ThermPropType.CriticalProp)
            else if (substanceType == SubstanceType.Organic && thermProp == ThermPropType.EnthalpyOfFormation)
            else if (substanceType == SubstanceType.Inorganic)