Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 添加案件信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string AddData()
            string ajmc   = Request.Form.Get("txt_ajmc");
            string lbmc   = Request.Form.Get("txt_lbmc");
            string xyr    = Request.Form.Get("txt_xyr");
            string sfzh   = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form.Get("txt_sfzh")) ? "" : Request.Form.Get("txt_sfzh"));
            string taryxx = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form.Get("txt_taryxx")) ? "" : Request.Form.Get("txt_taryxx"));
            string ajlb   = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form.Get("txt_ajlb")) ? "" : Request.Form.Get("txt_ajlb"));

            string ajbh    = Request.Form.Get("txt_ajbh");                                                            //案件编号
            string lasj    = Request.Form.Get("txt_lasj");                                                            //立案时间
            string jasj    = Request.Form.Get("txt_jasj");                                                            //结案时间
            string ladw    = Request.Form.Get("txt_ladw_val");                                                        //立卷单位
            string ladw_mc = Request.Form.Get("txt_ladw");                                                            //立卷单位名称
            string ljr     = Request.Form.Get("txt_lar_val");                                                         //立卷人
            string ljr_mc  = Request.Form.Get("txt_lar");                                                             //立卷人名称
            string shr     = Request.Form.Get("txt_shr");                                                             //审核人
            string zjs     = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form.Get("txt_zjs")) ? "0" : Request.Form.Get("txt_zjs")); //本案共卷
            string djj     = Request.Form.Get("txt_djj");                                                             //第几卷
            string djy     = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form.Get("txt_djy")) ? "0" : Request.Form.Get("txt_djy")); //第几页
            string wsbh    = Request.Form.Get("wsbh_hidd");
            string wsmc    = Request.Form.Get("txt_wsbh");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ajbh))
                return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, "必须填写案件编号", null));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ajmc))
                return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, "必须填写案件名称", null));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ajlb))
                return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, "必须填写案件类别", null));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lasj))
                return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, "必须选择立案时间", null));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ladw))
                return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, "必须选择立卷单位", null));

            EDRS.BLL.YX_DZJZ_JZJBXX jbxxbll = new YX_DZJZ_JZJBXX(Request);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ajbh))
                string where = string.Empty;
                object[] param = null;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wsbh))
                    where = " and ajbh = :ajbh and (wsbh is null or wsbh='') and SFSC='N'";
                    param = new object[] { ajbh };
                    where = " and ajbh = :ajbh and wsbh=:wsbh and SFSC='N'";
                    param = new object[] { ajbh, wsbh };

                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wsbh))
                //where = " and ajbh like :ajbh and wsbh=:wsbh and SFSC='N'";
                //param = new object[] { ajbh + "%", wsbh };
                //   where = " and ajbh like :ajbh and SFSC='N'";
                //   param = new object[] { ajbh + "%" };
                //  List<EDRS.Model.YX_DZJZ_JZJBXX> list = jbxxbll.GetModelList(where, param);

                //  int dataCount = jbxxbll.GetRecordCount(where, param);
                //if (dataCount > 0)
                //    return ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, "案件【" + ajbh + "】已存在,请不要重复添加!", null);

                DataSet ds = jbxxbll.GetList(where, param);
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    //for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    //    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["DWBM"].ToString() == UserInfo.DWBM)
                    //    {
                    return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, "案件【" + ajbh + "】已存在,请不要重复添加,或者选择其它文书号!", null));
                    //    }
                    //ajbh += "_"+UserInfo.DWBM;

            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wsbh))
            //    List<EDRS.Model.YX_DZJZ_JZJBXX> list = jbxxbll.GetModelList(" and wsbh=:wsbh and SFSC='N'", new object[] { wsbh });

            //    if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
            //    {
            //        return ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, "文书编号【" + wsbh + "】已存在,请不要重复添加!", null);
            //    }

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ajmc) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ajlb))//&& !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ajbh)
                //EDRS.BLL.XT_DM_AJLBBM ajlbbmBll = new XT_DM_AJLBBM(Request);
                //EDRS.Model.XT_DM_AJLBBM ajlbModel = ajlbbmBll.GetModel(ajlb);

                //if (ajlbModel != null)
                //    lbjc = ajlbModel.AJSLJC;
                //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lbjc))
                //    lbjc = lbmc;
                string         bmsahName = ajlb + "[" + DateTime.Now.Year + "]" + UserInfo.DWBM;
                string         num       = "00001号";
                TYYW_GG_AJJBXX jzajxx    = new TYYW_GG_AJJBXX(this.Request);
                DataSet        ds        = jzajxx.GetListByPage(" and bmsah like '" + bmsahName + "%'", "bmsah desc", 1, 1, null);
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count == 1 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1)
                    num = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["bmsah"].ToString().Replace(bmsahName, "").Replace("号", "");
                    num = (Convert.ToInt32(num) + 1).ToString().PadLeft(5, '0') + "号";

                EDRS.Model.TYYW_GG_AJJBXX model = new EDRS.Model.TYYW_GG_AJJBXX();
                model.BMSAH    = bmsahName + num;
                model.TYSAH    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper().Replace("-", "");
                model.SFSC     = "N";
                model.SFYGXTSJ = "N";

                model.FQDWBM  = Convert.ToDecimal(UserInfo.DWBM.Substring(0, 4));
                model.FQL     = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
                model.CJSJ    = DateTime.Now;
                model.ZHXGSJ  = DateTime.Now;
                model.SLRQ    = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lasj)? DateTime.Now : Convert.ToDateTime(lasj));// DateTime.Now;
                model.AJMC    = ajmc;
                model.AJLB_BM = ajlb;
                model.AJLB_MC = lbmc;
                model.XYR     = xyr;
                model.SFZH    = sfzh;
                model.TARYXX  = taryxx;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jasj))
                    model.BJRQ = Convert.ToDateTime(jasj);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ladw) && ladw != "null")
                    model.CBDW_BM = ladw;
                    model.CBDW_MC = ladw_mc;
                    model.CBDW_BM = UserInfo.DWBM;
                    model.CBDW_MC = UserInfo.DWMC;
                model.CBR   = ljr_mc;
                model.CBRGH = ljr;

                //2016-6-6 增字段
                model.SHR  = shr;                    //审核人
                model.SHSJ = DateTime.Now;           //审核时间
                model.ZJS  = Convert.ToDecimal(zjs); //总卷数
                model.DJJ  = djj;                    //第几卷
                model.ZYS  = Convert.ToDecimal(djy); //总页数

                if (jzajxx.Add(model))
                    string count = "0";

                    count = jbxxbll.GetRecordCount("", null).ToString();
                    count = count.PadLeft(5, '0');

                    EDRS.Model.YX_DZJZ_JZJBXX jbxxmodel = new EDRS.Model.YX_DZJZ_JZJBXX();
                    jbxxmodel.JZBH        = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");
                    jbxxmodel.SFSC        = "N";
                    jbxxmodel.CJSJ        = DateTime.Now;
                    jbxxmodel.ZHXGSJ      = DateTime.Now;
                    jbxxmodel.FQDWBM      = 0;
                    jbxxmodel.FQL         = "";
                    jbxxmodel.DWBM        = model.CBDW_BM;
                    jbxxmodel.BMSAH       = model.BMSAH;
                    jbxxmodel.TYSAH       = UserInfo.DWBM + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMM") + jbxxbll.GetRecordCount("", null) + count;
                    jbxxmodel.JZMC        = ajmc;
                    jbxxmodel.JZLJ        = "";
                    jbxxmodel.JZSCSJ      = DateTime.Now;
                    jbxxmodel.JZSCRGH     = UserInfo.GH;
                    jbxxmodel.JZSCRXM     = UserInfo.MC;
                    jbxxmodel.JZMS        = "";
                    jbxxmodel.JZXGH       = "0";
                    jbxxmodel.SFKYGX      = "";
                    jbxxmodel.GXYWBMJH    = "";
                    jbxxmodel.MRSFGKPZ    = "";
                    jbxxmodel.Accomplices = taryxx;
                    jbxxmodel.Ajmb_bm     = ajlb;
                    jbxxmodel.Ajmb_mc     = lbmc;
                    jbxxmodel.Idnumber    = sfzh;
                    jbxxmodel.Isrecord    = "0";
                    jbxxmodel.Suspectname = xyr;
                    jbxxmodel.WSBH        = wsbh;
                    jbxxmodel.AJBH        = ajbh;
                    jbxxmodel.WSMC        = wsmc;
                    jbxxmodel.ZZZT        = "-1";

                    if (jbxxbll.Add(jbxxmodel))
                        OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.案件卷宗制作Web, "添加" + ((VersionName)0).ToString() + "成功", model.BMSAH, UserInfo, UserRole, this.Request);
                        return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.win, "添加" + ((VersionName)0).ToString() + "成功", null));
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.案件卷宗制作Web, "添加" + ((VersionName)0).ToString() + "失败", model.BMSAH, UserInfo, UserRole, this.Request);
                return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, "添加" + ((VersionName)0).ToString() + "失败", null));
            return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, "请将" + ((VersionName)0).ToString() + "信息填写完整", null));
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 手动报送
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string SetBs()
            string AJBH = Request.Form["AJBH"];
            string WSBH = Request.Form["WSBH"];
            string ZZZT = Request.Form["ZZZT"];
            string Str  = "";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AJBH) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(WSBH) || ZZZT != "6")
                string bmsahs = GetText();
                if (bmsahs.IndexOf(WSBH) > -1)
                    Str = "{\"Stat\":1,\"Msg\":\"报送通知失败,上一次报送通知尚未处理,请不要重复通知\",\"Data\":\"\"}";
                    OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗OCR及打包状态, "接收到报送通知失败:上一次报送通知尚未处理,不重复接收。[案件编号=" + AJBH + ",文书编号=" + WSBH + "]", "|" + AJBH + "|" + WSBH, null, null, this.Context.Request);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bmsahs))
                        bmsahs += ",";
                    bmsahs += WSBH;
                    EDRS.BLL.YX_DZJZ_JZJBXX bll = new YX_DZJZ_JZJBXX(this.Context.Request);
                    DataSet ds = bll.GetList(" AND WSBH=:WSBH", new object[] { WSBH });
                    if (ds == null || ds.Tables.Count == 0 || ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
                        Str = "{\"Stat\":1,\"Msg\":\"报送通知失败,无对应案件信息\",\"Data\":\"\"}";

                        OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗OCR及打包状态, "不接收的案件报送通知:不存在对应文书编号的案件。[案件编号=" + AJBH + ",文书编号=" + WSBH + "]", "|" + AJBH + "|" + WSBH, null, null, this.Context.Request);
                        string jzbh = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["JZBH"].ToString();
                        EDRS.Model.YX_DZJZ_JZJBXX jz = bll.GetModel(jzbh);
                        if (jz == null)
                            Str = "{\"Stat\":1,\"Msg\":\"报送通知失败,无对应案件信息\",\"Data\":\"\"}";
                            OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗OCR及打包状态, "不接收的案件报送通知:不存在对应文书编号的案件。[案件编号=" + AJBH + ",文书编号=" + WSBH + "]", "|" + AJBH + "|" + WSBH, null, null, this.Context.Request);
                            //if (jz.ZZZT == "4" || jz.ZZZT == "5")
                            Str = "{\"Stat\":0,\"Msg\":\"报送通知成功\"}";
                            OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗OCR及打包状态, "接收到报送通知成功:[案件编号=" + AJBH + ",文书编号=" + WSBH + "]", "|" + AJBH + "|" + WSBH, null, null, this.Context.Request);

                            //    Str = "{\"Stat\":1,\"Msg\":\"报送通知失败,当前报送案件尚未审核通过\",\"Data\":\"\"}";
                            //    OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗OCR及打包状态, "接收到报送通知成功:[案件编号=" + AJBH + ",文书编号=" + WSBH + "]", "|" + AJBH + "|" + WSBH, null, null, this.Context.Request);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Str = "{\"Stat\":1,\"Msg\":\"接收报送通知失败:错误信息请查看系统日志!\",\"Data\":\"\"}";
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.卷宗OCR及打包状态, "接收到报送通知失败:处理报送数据时发生系统错误,详情查看日志。[案件编号=" + AJBH + ",文书编号=" + WSBH + "]", "|" + AJBH + "|" + WSBH, null, null, this.Context.Request);
                EDRS.Common.LogHelper.LogError(this.Context.Request, "Exception", ex.Message, "public void SetBs(string AJBH, string WSBH)", "WebUI.MakeCheck", "");