internal static string GenerateCode(string[] DocXsds, string DocTypeName, string DocRev, params string[] AdditionalRootNames) { string cSharpNameSpace = RuntimeTypeNamer.CalcCSharpFullname(DocTypeName, DocRev, AdditionalRootNames); string myclasses_cs = new Xsd().ImportSchemasAsClasses( DocXsds, cSharpNameSpace, CodeGenerationOptions.GenerateOrder | CodeGenerationOptions.GenerateProperties, new StringCollection()); return(CustomizeXsdToCSharpOutput(DocTypeName, myclasses_cs)); }
public Xsd Procesar(XmlDocument documento) { var xsdModel = new Xsd { Nodos = new List <Xsd.Nodo>() }; foreach (XmlElement nodoElemento in documento.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) { if (nodoElemento.LocalName == "element") { var readXsd = new ReadXsd(); xsdModel.Nodos.Add(readXsd.Nodo(nodoElemento, documento)); } } return(xsdModel); }
private IO2Assessment createO2AssessmentFromCodeCrawlerObject(Xsd.DocumentElement codeCrawlerObject, String fileName) { var o2Assessment = new O2Assessment(); = "CodeCrawler Import of: " + fileName; foreach(var threat in codeCrawlerObject.ThreatList) { var o2Finding = new O2Finding { vulnName = threat.Threat, vulnType = threat.Threat, context = threat.Description, severity = threat.Level, confidence = 2, lineNumber = threat.Line, file = fileName }; o2Finding.text.Add(threat.Description); o2Assessment.o2Findings.Add(o2Finding); } return o2Assessment; }
private bool TryGetLiteral <T>(T obj, out INode literal) { literal = null; var value = obj.ToString(); Iri dataType; if (obj is string) { literal = new LiteralNode(value); } else if (Xsd.TryGetDataType(obj.GetType(), out dataType)) { literal = new LiteralNode(value, dataType); } else { return(false); } return(true); }
public bool TryGetValue(out object obj) { return(Xsd.TryGetValueFromString(this.Value, this.DataType, out obj)); }
private IO2Assessment createO2AssessmentFromFindBugsObject(Xsd.BugCollection findBugsObject, String fileName) { var o2Assessment = new O2Assessment(); = "FindBugs Import of: " + fileName; foreach (var bug in findBugsObject.BugInstance) { var o2Finding = new O2Finding { vulnName = bug.type, vulnType = bug.category + "." + bug.abbrev, severity = bug.priority, confidence = 2 }; // o2Finding.text.Add(threat.Description); foreach (var item in bug.Items) { var o2Trace = new O2Trace(); switch (item.GetType().Name) { case "BugCollectionBugInstanceClass": var clazz = (BugCollectionBugInstanceClass) item; o2Trace.signature = "Class: " + clazz.classname; o2Trace.context = "Class: " + clazz.role; o2Trace.file = tryToResolveFullFilePath(clazz.SourceLine.sourcepath, findBugsObject); o2Trace.lineNumber = 0; break; case "BugCollectionBugInstanceSourceLine": var sourceLine = (BugCollectionBugInstanceSourceLine)item; o2Trace.signature = "SourceLine: " + sourceLine.sourcefile + " on line " + sourceLine.start; o2Trace.file = tryToResolveFullFilePath(sourceLine.sourcepath , findBugsObject); o2Trace.lineNumber = sourceLine.start; break; case "BugCollectionBugInstanceMethod": var method = (BugCollectionBugInstanceMethod)item; o2Trace.signature = "Method: + " + method.signature; o2Trace.file = tryToResolveFullFilePath(method.SourceLine.sourcepath, findBugsObject); o2Trace.lineNumber = method.SourceLine.start; break; case "BugCollectionBugInstanceClassSourceLine": o2Trace.signature = "ClassSourceLine"; break; case "BugCollectionBugInstanceField": o2Trace.signature = "Field"; break; case "BugCollectionBugInstanceFieldSourceLine": o2Trace.signature = "FieldSourceLine"; break; case "BugCollectionBugInstanceMethodSourceLine": o2Trace.signature = "MethodSourceLine"; break; case "BugCollectionBugInstanceInt": o2Trace.signature = "Int"; break; case "BugCollectionBugInstanceLocalVariable": o2Trace.signature = "LocalVariable"; break; case "BugCollectionBugInstanceString": o2Trace.signature = "String"; break; case "BugCollectionBugInstanceProperty": o2Trace.signature = "Property"; break; case "BugCollectionBugInstanceType": o2Trace.signature = "Type"; break; case "BugCollectionBugInstanceTypeSourceLine": o2Trace.signature = "TypeSourceLine"; break; case "Object": // ignore it break; default: o2Trace.signature = item.GetType().Name; break; } o2Finding.o2Traces.Add(o2Trace); } o2Assessment.o2Findings.Add(o2Finding); } return o2Assessment; }
/// <summary> /// Scans AppDomain for classes implementing the IDocModel & performs all transformations needed to represent them as /// BaseDoc to be served. /// </summary> /// <param name="DocTypeName"> /// Processes only the given DocTypeName the IDocModel represents. If a IDocModel can not be /// located through out the AppDomain nothing will be processed & no IDocRev will be imported. If no DocTypeName is /// specified all IDocModel located will be processed. /// </param> public static List <ImporterLightDoc> ReadIDocModelCSharpCode() { List <ImporterLightDoc> List_ImporterLightDoc = new List <ImporterLightDoc>(); //TODO:Validate POCO utilizes correct title-case underscore separated labeling practices //TODO:add a placeholder file describing what goes in the given DocTypeName's form root directory var IDocModelItems = AppDomain .CurrentDomain .GetAssemblies() .SelectMany(a => a.GetTypes()) .Distinct() .Where(typ => (typ.GetInterfaces().Any(i => i == typeof(IDocModel)))) .Select(type => new { type, DirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(FilesystemTemplateController.GetDocDirectoryPath(type.Name)).mkdir(), myschemaXsd = XsdExporter.ExportSchemas( type.Assembly, new List <string> { type.Name }, RuntimeTypeNamer.CalcSchemaUri(type.Name)).First() }); foreach (var docTypeDirectoryInfo in IDocModelItems) { string filepath = string.Format(@"{0}{1}", docTypeDirectoryInfo.DirectoryInfo.FullName, Runtime.MYSCHEMA_XSD_FILE_NAME); // always (over)write the xsd as this will always be generated by and for Rudine.Core regardless of the IDocInterpreter that is handling // compare the existing xsd on disk with the one generated here (excluding the "rolling" namespace) to see if anything has changed if ( !File.Exists(filepath) || RuntimeTypeNamer.VALID_CSHARP_NAMESPACE_PART_MATCH.Replace(docTypeDirectoryInfo.myschemaXsd, string.Empty) != RuntimeTypeNamer.VALID_CSHARP_NAMESPACE_PART_MATCH.Replace(File.ReadAllText(filepath), string.Empty) ) { File.WriteAllText(string.Format(@"{0}{1}", docTypeDirectoryInfo.DirectoryInfo.FullName, Runtime.MYSCHEMA_XSD_FILE_NAME), docTypeDirectoryInfo.myschemaXsd); } // create placeholder App_Code\DocTypeName.c_ files for developer to get started with myschema.xsd generation via cSharp file editing & thus auto translating string App_Code_Directory_Fullname = RequestPaths.GetPhysicalApplicationPath(Resources.App_Code_DirectoryPath); if (Directory.Exists(App_Code_Directory_Fullname)) { Tasker.StartNewTask(() => { foreach (string DocTypeName in DocExchange.DocTypeDirectories()) { if (!IDocModelItems.Any(m => m.DirectoryInfo.Name.Equals(DocTypeName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))) { string cSharpCodeFileName = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}.c_", App_Code_Directory_Fullname, DocTypeName); string xsdFileName = RequestPaths.GetPhysicalApplicationPath("doc", DocTypeName, Runtime.MYSCHEMA_XSD_FILE_NAME); string xsd = File.ReadAllText(xsdFileName); string myclasses_cs = new Xsd().ImportSchemasAsClasses( new[] { xsd }, null, CodeGenerationOptions.GenerateOrder | CodeGenerationOptions.GenerateProperties, new StringCollection()); if (!File.Exists(cSharpCodeFileName) || File.ReadAllText(cSharpCodeFileName) != myclasses_cs) { File.WriteAllText(cSharpCodeFileName, myclasses_cs); File.SetAttributes(cSharpCodeFileName, FileAttributes.Hidden); } } } return(true); }); } } return(List_ImporterLightDoc); }