Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Simple()
            XmlDocument sdoc  = new XmlDocument();
            XmlElement  selem = sdoc.CreateElement(tagname);

            selem.InnerText = content;

            StringBuilder     syndication_string = new StringBuilder();
            XmlWriterSettings settings           = new XmlWriterSettings();
            XmlWriter         syndication        = XmlWriter.Create(syndication_string, settings);

            // Simple tests
            XmlSyndicationContent sxml = new XmlSyndicationContent(type, selem);

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(XmlSyndicationContent), sxml.GetType(), "#S1");
            Assert.AreEqual(type, sxml.Type.ToString(), "#S2");

            // Check correct invalid argument rejection
                sxml.WriteTo(null, "", "");
                Assert.Fail("#S3 Expected an ArgumentNullException to be thrown.");
            catch (ArgumentNullException) { }
                sxml.WriteTo(syndication, "", "");
                Assert.Fail("#S4 Expected an ArgumentException to be thrown.");
            catch (ArgumentException) { }

Exemplo n.º 2
        public void XmlSerializerExtension()
            DateTime date = new DateTime(2007, 5, 22);

            global::System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer xs =
                new global::System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(Content));
            Content item        = new Content();
            string  item_object = "Content";             // tag name for serialized object

            // fill object with some data
            item.author  = author;
            item.comment = comment;
            item.date    = date;

            XmlSyndicationContent se = new XmlSyndicationContent(type, item, xs);

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(XmlSyndicationContent), se.GetType(), "#SE1");
            Assert.AreEqual(type, se.Type.ToString(), "#SE2");
            Assert.AreSame(item, se.Extension.Object, "#SE3");
            Assert.AreEqual(SyndicationElementExtensionKind.XmlSerializer, se.Extension.ExtensionKind, "#SE4");
            Assert.AreSame(xs, se.Extension.ObjectSerializer, "#SE5");

            // Create fake IO using stringbuilders
            StringBuilder object_string      = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder syndication_string = new StringBuilder();

            XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();

            XmlWriter serobj      = XmlWriter.Create(object_string, settings);
            XmlWriter syndication = XmlWriter.Create(syndication_string, settings);

            xs.Serialize(serobj, item);
            se.WriteTo(syndication, documentname, "");


            // Pickout the 'Content' tag from original serialized object and syndicated document
            XmlDocument syndoc = new XmlDocument();
            XmlDocument serdoc = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNodeList synresult = syndoc.GetElementsByTagName(item_object);
            XmlNodeList syntype   = syndoc.GetElementsByTagName(documentname);

            XmlNodeList serresult = serdoc.GetElementsByTagName(item_object);

            // Check document type
            Assert.AreEqual(type, syntype.Item(0).Attributes.GetNamedItem("type").Value.ToString(),
            // Check content
            Assert.AreEqual(serresult.Item(0).OuterXml.ToString(), synresult.Item(0).OuterXml.ToString(),
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void XmlElementExtension()
            XmlDocument xdoc  = new XmlDocument();
            XmlElement  xelem = xdoc.CreateElement(tagname);

            xelem.InnerText = content;

            // Same as Simple tests as setup for XmlElementExtension tests
            XmlSyndicationContent xxml = new XmlSyndicationContent(type, xelem);

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(XmlSyndicationContent), xxml.GetType(), "#XE1");
            Assert.AreEqual(type, xxml.Type.ToString(), "#XE2");
            Assert.AreSame(xelem, xxml.Extension.Object, "#XE3");
            Assert.AreEqual(SyndicationElementExtensionKind.XmlElement, xxml.Extension.ExtensionKind, "#XE4");
            Assert.AreEqual(null, xxml.Extension.ObjectSerializer, "#XE5");

            // Create fake IO using stringbuilders
            StringBuilder element_string     = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder syndication_string = new StringBuilder();

            XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();

            XmlWriter element     = XmlWriter.Create(element_string, settings);
            XmlWriter syndication = XmlWriter.Create(syndication_string, settings);

            // Make sure we get the input data back out
            xxml.WriteTo(syndication, documentname, "");


            // Pickout the 'channel' and 'stuff' tags from original and syndicated document
            XmlDocument syndoc = new XmlDocument();
            XmlDocument eledoc = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNodeList synresult = syndoc.GetElementsByTagName(tagname);
            XmlNodeList syntype   = syndoc.GetElementsByTagName(documentname);

            XmlNodeList eleresult = eledoc.GetElementsByTagName(tagname);

            // Check document type
            Assert.AreEqual(type, syntype.Item(0).Attributes.GetNamedItem("type").Value.ToString(),
            // Check content
            Assert.AreEqual(eleresult.Item(0).OuterXml.ToString(), synresult.Item(0).OuterXml.ToString(),
Exemplo n.º 4
		public void XmlSerializerExtension ()
			DateTime date = new DateTime (2007, 5, 22);

			global::System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer xs =
				new global::System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer (typeof (Content));
			Content item = new Content ();
			string item_object = "Content";  // tag name for serialized object

			// fill object with some data
			item.author = author;
			item.comment = comment;
			item.date = date;

			XmlSyndicationContent se = new XmlSyndicationContent (type,item,xs);

			Assert.AreEqual (typeof (XmlSyndicationContent), se.GetType (), "#SE1");
			Assert.AreEqual (type, se.Type.ToString (), "#SE2");
			Assert.AreSame (item, se.Extension.Object, "#SE3");
			Assert.AreEqual (SyndicationElementExtensionKind.XmlSerializer, se.Extension.ExtensionKind, "#SE4");
			Assert.AreSame (xs, se.Extension.ObjectSerializer, "#SE5");

			// Create fake IO using stringbuilders
			StringBuilder object_string = new StringBuilder ();
			StringBuilder syndication_string = new StringBuilder ();

			XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings ();

			XmlWriter serobj = XmlWriter.Create (object_string, settings);
			XmlWriter syndication = XmlWriter.Create (syndication_string, settings);

			xs.Serialize (serobj, item);
			se.WriteTo (syndication, documentname, "");

			serobj.Close ();
			syndication.Close ();

			// Pickout the 'Content' tag from original serialized object and syndicated document
			XmlDocument syndoc = new XmlDocument ();
			XmlDocument serdoc = new XmlDocument ();

			syndoc.LoadXml (syndication_string.ToString ());
			XmlNodeList synresult = syndoc.GetElementsByTagName (item_object);
			XmlNodeList syntype = syndoc.GetElementsByTagName (documentname);

			serdoc.LoadXml (object_string.ToString ());
			XmlNodeList serresult = serdoc.GetElementsByTagName (item_object);

			// Check document type
			Assert.AreEqual(type, syntype.Item (0).Attributes.GetNamedItem ("type").Value.ToString (),
			// Check content
			Assert.AreEqual (serresult.Item (0).OuterXml.ToString (), synresult.Item (0).OuterXml.ToString (),
Exemplo n.º 5
		public void XmlElementExtension ()
			XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument ();
			XmlElement xelem = xdoc.CreateElement (tagname);
			xelem.InnerText = content;

			// Same as Simple tests as setup for XmlElementExtension tests
			XmlSyndicationContent xxml = new XmlSyndicationContent (type, xelem);

			Assert.AreEqual (typeof (XmlSyndicationContent), xxml.GetType (), "#XE1");
			Assert.AreEqual (type, xxml.Type.ToString (), "#XE2");
			Assert.AreSame (xelem, xxml.Extension.Object, "#XE3");
			Assert.AreEqual (SyndicationElementExtensionKind.XmlElement, xxml.Extension.ExtensionKind, "#XE4");
			Assert.AreEqual (null, xxml.Extension.ObjectSerializer, "#XE5");

			// Create fake IO using stringbuilders
			StringBuilder element_string = new StringBuilder ();
			StringBuilder syndication_string = new StringBuilder ();

			XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings ();

			XmlWriter element = XmlWriter.Create (element_string, settings);
			XmlWriter syndication = XmlWriter.Create (syndication_string, settings);

			// Make sure we get the input data back out
			xelem.WriteTo (element);
			xxml.WriteTo (syndication, documentname, "");

			element.Close ();
			syndication.Close ();

			// Pickout the 'channel' and 'stuff' tags from original and syndicated document
			XmlDocument syndoc = new XmlDocument();
			XmlDocument eledoc = new XmlDocument();

			syndoc.LoadXml (syndication_string.ToString ());
			XmlNodeList synresult = syndoc.GetElementsByTagName (tagname);
			XmlNodeList syntype = syndoc.GetElementsByTagName (documentname);

			eledoc.LoadXml (element_string.ToString ());
			XmlNodeList eleresult = eledoc.GetElementsByTagName (tagname);

			// Check document type
			Assert.AreEqual(type, syntype.Item (0).Attributes.GetNamedItem ("type").Value.ToString (),
			// Check content
			Assert.AreEqual (eleresult.Item (0).OuterXml.ToString (), synresult.Item (0).OuterXml.ToString (),
Exemplo n.º 6
		public void Simple ()
			XmlDocument sdoc = new XmlDocument ();
			XmlElement selem = sdoc.CreateElement (tagname);
			selem.InnerText = content;

			StringBuilder syndication_string = new StringBuilder ();
			XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings ();
			XmlWriter syndication = XmlWriter.Create (syndication_string, settings);

			// Simple tests
			XmlSyndicationContent sxml = new XmlSyndicationContent (type, selem);

			Assert.AreEqual (typeof (XmlSyndicationContent), sxml.GetType (), "#S1");
			Assert.AreEqual (type, sxml.Type.ToString (), "#S2");

			// Check correct invalid argument rejection
				sxml.WriteTo (null, "", "");
				Assert.Fail ("#S3 Expected an ArgumentNullException to be thrown.");
			catch (ArgumentNullException) { }
				sxml.WriteTo (syndication, "", "");
				Assert.Fail ("#S4 Expected an ArgumentException to be thrown.");
			catch (ArgumentException) { }

			syndication.Close ();