public Util(Core RennderCore) { R = RennderCore; Str = new Str(R); Xml = new Xml(); Serializer = new Serializer(R); }
public static Xml createMessage(string type) { Xml ret = new Xml("msg"); ret.root.attribute("type").set(type); return ret; }
static internal PipeLaunchOptions CreateFromXml(Xml.LaunchOptions.PipeLaunchOptions source) { var options = new PipeLaunchOptions(RequireAttribute(source.PipePath, "PipePath"), source.PipeArguments); options.InitializeCommonOptions(source); return options; }
public static byte[] Build(Xml.FileGroupXml group, string spriteFile) { var bmps = group.Files.Select(x => new System.Drawing.Bitmap(x.Path)); var maxWidth = bmps.Max(x => x.Width); var totalHeight = bmps.Sum(x => x.Height); int top = 0; using (var sprite = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(maxWidth, totalHeight)) using (var mem = new System.IO.MemoryStream()) using (var g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(sprite)) { foreach (var bmp in bmps) { using (bmp) { g.DrawImage(bmp, new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, top, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Pixel); top += bmp.Height; } } sprite.Save(mem, GetFormat(spriteFile) ?? System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); return mem.ToArray(); } }
public NuGetDependency(Xml.NuGet.NuSpec.Dependency dependency) : this() { Dependency = dependency; _uiName.Text = Dependency.Id; _uiVersion.Text = Dependency.Version; _uiOriginalFramework.Text = Dependency.OriginalTargetFramework; }
public IEnumerable<Xml.IQueryableNode> FollowingSiblings(Xml.IQueryableNode node) { var result = node.FollowingSibling(); while (result != null) { yield return result; result = result.FollowingSibling(); } }
public static ReadOnlyCollection<LaunchCommand> CreateCollectionFromXml(Xml.LaunchOptions.Command[] source) { LaunchCommand[] commandArray = source?.Select(x => new LaunchCommand(x.Value, x.Description, x.IgnoreFailures)).ToArray(); if (commandArray == null) { commandArray = new LaunchCommand[0]; } return new ReadOnlyCollection<LaunchCommand>(commandArray); }
internal void WriteSvg(Xml.SvgWriter w) { w.WriteStartElement("pressure"); w.WriteAttributeString("midiChannel", _midiChannel.ToString()); if(_inputControls != null) { _inputControls.WriteSvg(w); } w.WriteEndElement(); // trkOff }
public void Xml_CData_AddsCDataNode() { var xml = new Xml(); xml.Tag("tag", Xml.Fragment(() => { xml.CData("content"); xml.Tag("hello", "world"); })); Assert.Equal("<tag><![CDATA[content]]><hello>world</hello></tag>", xml); }
public Xml() { if (instance != null) { return; } else { instance = this; } }
public void Initialize(Xml.XAccessor x) { string strHostType = x.GetStringValue(CLASS); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strHostType)) ExceptionHelper.ThrowPolicyInitNullError(this.GetType(), CLASS); Type hostType = Reflector.LoadType(strHostType); string memberName = x.GetStringValue(MEMBER); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(memberName)) ExceptionHelper.ThrowPolicyInitNullError(this.GetType(), MEMBER); IReflector r = Reflector.Bind(hostType, ReflectorPolicy.TypePublic); _instance = r.GetPropertyOrFieldValue(memberName, false); }
internal void WriteSvg(Xml.SvgWriter w) { w.WriteStartElement("pressures"); if(_inputControls != null) { _inputControls.WriteSvg(w); } Debug.Assert(_pressures != null && _pressures.Count > 0); foreach(Pressure pressure in _pressures) { pressure.WriteSvg(w); } w.WriteEndElement(); // pressures }
internal void WriteSvg(Xml.SvgWriter w) { w.WriteStartElement("trkOffs"); if(_inputControls != null) { _inputControls.WriteSvg(w); } Debug.Assert(_trkOffs != null && _trkOffs.Count > 0); foreach(TrkOff trkOff in _trkOffs) { trkOff.WriteSvg(w); } w.WriteEndElement(); // trkOffs }
/// <summary> /// This function only writes TrkRefs that refer to Trks stored in external VoiceDefs. /// Note that successive Trks in the same VoiceDef may, in principle, contain common IUniqueDefs... /// SVG files contain voice definitions that contain MidiChordDefs and restDefs, but no Trks. /// </summary> /// <param name="w"></param> internal void WriteSvg(Xml.SvgWriter w) { w.WriteStartElement("seq"); if(TrkOptions != null) { TrkOptions.WriteSvg(w, false); } Debug.Assert(TrkRefs != null && TrkRefs.Count > 0); foreach(TrkRef trkRef in TrkRefs) { trkRef.WriteSvg(w); } w.WriteEndElement(); // seq }
/// <inheritdoc /> public IEnumerable<IAnalysisLogDiff> DiffReturnValues(Xml.Value oldValue, Xml.Value newValue) { // If both values are not null... IEnumerable<IAnalysisLogDiff> list; if (oldValue != null && newValue != null) { if (!newValue.IsComparableTo(oldValue)) { var msg = string.Format( "Items are incompatible for comparison! oldObject.Item.Type => {0}, newObject.Item.Type => {1}", oldValue.UnderlyingType, newValue.UnderlyingType); throw new ArgumentException(msg); } if (newValue.IsPrimtive && oldValue.IsPrimtive && !newValue.AsPrimitive.Equals(oldValue.AsPrimitive)) { list = new IAnalysisLogDiff[] { new ReturnValueAnalysisLogDiff(oldValue.AsPrimitive.Value, newValue.AsPrimitive.Value, newValue.AsPrimitive.FullName) }; } else if (newValue.IsObject && oldValue.IsObject) { list = this.DiffObjects(oldValue.AsObject, newValue.AsObject); } else { // No diff. list = Enumerable.Empty<IAnalysisLogDiff>(); } } else if (oldValue == null && newValue == null) { // No diff. list = Enumerable.Empty<IAnalysisLogDiff>(); } else { // Either the old or new value is null. Not sure what happened here--should be impossible. var msg = string.Format( "The {0} return value was null! This indicates an analysis log file corruption. Terminating analysis!", oldValue == null ? "old" : "current"); throw new ArgumentException(msg); } return list; }
protected ElementBase(Xml.ElementGroup node) { if ("&#x")) { string[] val =[] {';'}, 2, StringSplitOptions.None); var c = (char) int.Parse(val[0].Substring(3), NumberStyles.HexNumber, null); = c + val[1]; } else { =; } this.repeat = node.repeat; this.optional = node.optional; this.desc = node.desc; }
public IEnumerable<Xml.IQueryableNode> Parents(Xml.IQueryableNode node) { var curr = node; var result = node.Parent(); while (result != null) { if (string.Compare(curr.Name.LocalName, "tr", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 && string.Compare(result.Name.LocalName, "table", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { yield return new TbodyNode(curr); } yield return result; curr = result; result = result.Parent(); } var html = new HtmlNode(); switch (curr.Name.LocalName.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "html": // do nothing break; case "body": case "head": yield return html; break; case "title": case "base": case "link": case "style": case "meta": case "script": case "noscript": case "command": yield return new HeadNode(curr, null, html); yield return html; break; default: yield return new BodyNode(curr, null, html); yield return html; break; } }
public NuGetDependencyGroup(Xml.NuGet.NuSpec.Group dependencyGroup) : this() { Group = dependencyGroup; _uiTargetFramework.Text = Group.TargetFramework; foreach (Xml.NuGet.NuSpec.Dependency dependency in dependencyGroup.Dependencies) { _uiDependencies.Items.Add(new NuGetDependency(dependency) { OnRemoveFromDependencyGroup = OnDependencyRemovedFromGroup }); } _uiItemsCount.Text = _uiDependencies.Items.Count.ToString(); Refresh(); }
protected override bool HandleElement(Xml.XmlReader reader) { if (base.HandleElement(reader)) { return true; } else if (CanHandleElement(reader, XmlConstants.ValueAnnotation)) { // EF does not support this EDM 3.0 element, so ignore it. SkipElement(reader); return true; } else if (CanHandleElement(reader, XmlConstants.TypeAnnotation)) { // EF does not support this EDM 3.0 element, so ignore it. SkipElement(reader); return true; } return false; }
public SubrecordStructure(Xml.Subrecord node) : base(node) { this.notininfo = node.notininfo; this.size = node.size; this.Condition = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.condition)) ? (CondType) Enum.Parse(typeof (CondType), node.condition, true) : CondType.None; this.CondID = node.condid; this.CondOperand = node.condvalue; this.UseHexEditor = node.usehexeditor; // if (optional && repeat) // { // throw new RecordXmlException("repeat and optional must both have the same value if they are non zero"); // } this.elementTree = GetElementTree(node.Items).ToArray(); this.elements = GetElementArray(elementTree).ToArray(); this.ContainsConditionals = this.elements.Count(x => x.CondID != 0) > 0; }
private void GuardarXml(Alumno al, bool condicion) { Xml <Alumno> inst = new Xml <Alumno>(); string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); if (condicion) { path += "\\SegundoParcialUtn\\JardinUtn\\Serializaciones\\APROBADOS"; path += $"\\{al.Apellido}_{al.Nombre}_{DateTime.Now.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy")}.xml"; try { inst.Guardar(path, al); } catch (GuardarLogsException) { Texto.Guardar(pathLogs + "\\SegundoParcialUtn\\JardinUtn\\Logs.txt", $"El Archivo XML no fue encontrado. De todas maneras se creo el archivo y se guardaron los datos del Alumno {al.Nombre} {al.Apellido}"); } } else { path += "\\SegundoParcialUtn\\JardinUtn\\Serializaciones\\DESAPROBADOS"; path += $"\\{al.Apellido}_{al.Nombre}_{DateTime.Now.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy")}.xml"; try { inst.Guardar(path, al); } catch (GuardarLogsException) { Texto.Guardar(pathLogs + "\\SegundoParcialUtn\\JardinUtn\\Logs.txt", $"El Archivo XML no fue encontrado. De todas maneras se creo el archivo y se guardaron los datos del Alumno {al.Nombre} {al.Apellido}"); } } }
public void Load(byte[] data, RpfFileEntry entry) { RpfFileEntry = entry; Name = entry.Name; FilePath = Name; if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".meta")) { string xml = TextUtil.GetUTF8Text(data); XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); xmldoc.LoadXml(xml); ResidentTxd = Xml.GetChildInnerText(xmldoc.SelectSingleNode("CVehicleModelInfo__InitDataList"), "residentTxd"); LoadInitDatas(xmldoc); LoadTxdRelationships(xmldoc); Loaded = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves the time of the XMPP entity with the specified JID. /// </summary> /// <param name="jid">The JID of the XMPP entity to retrieve the time /// for.</param> /// <returns>The time of the XMPP entity with the specified JID.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The jid parameter /// is null.</exception> /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">The XMPP entity with /// the specified JID does not support the 'Entity Time' XMPP extension.</exception> /// <exception cref="XmppErrorException">The server returned an XMPP error code. /// Use the Error property of the XmppErrorException to obtain the specific /// error condition.</exception> /// <exception cref="XmppException">The server returned invalid data or another /// unspecified XMPP error occurred.</exception> public async Task <DateTime> GetTime(Jid jid) { jid.ThrowIfNull("jid"); if (!await ecapa.Supports(jid, Extension.EntityTime)) { throw new NotSupportedException("The XMPP entity does not support " + "the 'Entity Time' extension."); } Iq iq = await im.IqRequest(IqType.Get, jid, im.Jid, Xml.Element("time", "urn:xmpp:time")); if (iq.Type == IqType.Error) { throw Util.ExceptionFromError(iq, "The time could not be retrieved."); } var time = iq.Data["time"]; if (time == null || time["tzo"] == null || time["utc"] == null) { throw new XmppException("Erroneous IQ response."); } string tzo = time["tzo"].InnerText; string utc = time["utc"].InnerText; // Try to parse utc into datetime, tzo into timespan. try { DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(utc).ToUniversalTime(); TimeSpan sp = TimeSpan.Parse(tzo.TrimStart('+')); return(dt.Add(sp)); } catch (FormatException e) { throw new XmppException("Invalid tzo or utc value.", e); } }
public static int Write <T>(T obj, FileType?outputType = FileType.CSV) { var queue = ObjectProcessing.ObjectQueue; queue.Enqueue(obj); int count = 0; while (queue.Count > 0) { count++; var(Name, Body) = ObjectProcessing.GetInformation(queue.Dequeue()); switch (outputType) { case FileType.CSV: Csv.WriteFile(Name, Body); break; case FileType.Excel: Excel.WriteFile(Name, Body); break; case FileType.Json: Json.WriteFile(Name, Body); break; case FileType.XML: Xml.WriteFile(Name, Body); break; default: break; } ; } return(count); }
void InstantiateVideoObject(XElement info, TrackableBehaviour tb, out UnityEngine.Object asset) { asset = planePrefab; CustomTrackableEventHandler cte = tb.gameObject.GetComponent <CustomTrackableEventHandler> (); cte.videoPath = GetAssetsPath(Xml.Attribute(info, "videosrc"), true); GameObject obj = InstantiateObject(tb, asset); bool showBg = Xml.Boolean(info, "showbg", false); if (showBg) { GameObject videoPlane = obj.GetChildByName("plane"); Vector3 scale = videoPlane.transform.localScale; ImageTargetBehaviour itg = (ImageTargetBehaviour)tb; Vector3 size = itg.GetSize(); Logger.Log(size.ToString(), "blue"); float imageTargetRatio = size.x / size.y; if (imageTargetRatio > 1) { obj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1 / imageTargetRatio); } else { obj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(imageTargetRatio, 1, 1); } float ratio = Xml.Float(info, "ratio", 1); if (ratio > size.x / size.y) { videoPlane.transform.localScale = scale.SetZ(scale.z * size.x / size.y / ratio); } else { videoPlane.transform.localScale = scale.SetX(scale.x * size.y / size.x * ratio); } } }
[Test] public void Xml_Values() { Xml xml = new Xml(); Assert.AreEqual("", xml.DocumentContent, "V1"); Assert.AreEqual(null, xml.Document, "V2"); Assert.AreEqual("", xml.DocumentSource, "V3"); Assert.AreEqual(null, xml.Transform, "V4"); Assert.AreEqual(null, xml.TransformArgumentList, "V5"); Assert.AreEqual("", xml.TransformSource, "V6"); // Check that assignments to null, are mapped back into "" xml.DocumentContent = null; Assert.AreEqual("", xml.DocumentContent, "V7"); xml.TransformSource = null; Assert.AreEqual("", xml.TransformSource, "V8"); Assert.AreEqual(null, xml.Transform, "V9"); Assert.AreEqual(false, xml.EnableTheming, "EnableTheming"); Assert.AreEqual(String.Empty, xml.SkinID, "SkinID"); Assert.AreEqual(null, xml.XPathNavigator, "XPathNavigator"); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TvCardDVBS"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="device">The device.</param> public TvCardDVBS(DsDevice device) : base(device) { _cardType = CardType.DvbS; try { _configFilesDir = PathManager.GetDataPath; _configFile = _configFilesDir + "\\dish.xml"; if (File.Exists(_configFile)) { Log.Log.WriteFile("TvCardDVBS: dish Config: loading {0}", _configFile); } else { Log.Log.Debug("TvCardDVBS: dish Config: file not found, {0}", _configFile); } Xml xmlreader = new Xml(_configFile); { _postDiSEqWait = xmlreader.GetValueAsInt("General", "WaitAfterDiSEqC", 10); if (_postDiSEqWait < 10) { _postDiSEqWait = 10; } if (_postDiSEqWait > 30000) { _postDiSEqWait = 30000; } } Log.Log.WriteFile("TvCardDVBS: WaitAfterDiSEqC setting {0} ms", _postDiSEqWait); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Log.Write(ex); } }
private void _vista_UsuarioDeseaObtenerIndicesDeBodega(object sender, Argumentos.InventarioInactivoArgumento e) { try { var arg = new InventarioInactivoArgumento { Login = InteraccionConUsuarioServicio.ObtenerUsuario() , WarehouseXml = Xml.ConvertListToXml(_vista.Bodegas.Where(b => b.IS_SELECTED).ToList()) , ZoneXml = Xml.ConvertListToXml(new List <Zona>()) , MaterialXml = Xml.ConvertListToXml(_vista.Materiales.Where(m => m.IS_SELECTED).ToList()) , DateWarehouseIndices = e.DateWarehouseIndices }; _vista.IndicesDeBodegas = IndiceBodegaServicio.ObtenerIndicesBodegas(arg); } catch (Exception ex) { InteraccionConUsuarioServicio.Mensaje(ex.Message); } }
public void Test_Embedded4() { var resource = Xml.Embedded("hasResourceIncludes.xml"); var interpreter = new XmlInterpreter(resource); var kernel = new DefaultKernel(); var resourceSubSystem = kernel.GetSubSystem(SubSystemConstants.ResourceKey) as IResourceSubSystem; var processor = new XmlProcessor(null, resourceSubSystem); var assemRes = resource as AssemblyResource; Assert.IsNotNull(assemRes); var doc = new XmlDocument(); using (var stream = resource.GetStreamReader()) { doc.Load(stream); } var engine = new DefaultXmlProcessorEngine(null, resourceSubSystem); engine.PushResource(resource); Assert.AreEqual(doc.DocumentElement.InnerText, ""); var element = processor.Process(doc.DocumentElement); engine.PopResource(); }
/// <summary> /// Returns an enumerable collection of blocked contacts. /// </summary> /// <returns>An enumerable collection of JIDs which are on the client's /// blocklist.</returns> /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">The XMPP entity with /// the specified JID does not support the 'Blocking Command' XMPP /// extension.</exception> /// <exception cref="XmppErrorException">The server returned an XMPP error code. /// Use the Error property of the XmppErrorException to obtain the specific /// error condition.</exception> /// <exception cref="XmppException">The server returned invalid data or another /// unspecified XMPP error occurred.</exception> public IEnumerable <Jid> GetBlocklist() { // Probe for server support. if (!ecapa.Supports(im.Jid.Domain, Extension.BlockingCommand)) { throw new NotSupportedException("The server does not support " + "the 'Blocking Command' extension."); } Iq iq = im.IqRequest(IqType.Get, null, im.Jid, Xml.Element("blocklist", "urn:xmpp:blocking")); if (iq.Type == IqType.Error) { throw Util.ExceptionFromError(iq, "The blocklist could not be retrieved."); } ISet <Jid> set = new HashSet <Jid>(); var list = iq.Data["blocklist"]; if (list == null || list.NamespaceURI != "urn:xmpp:blocking") { throw new XmppException("Erroneous server response."); } foreach (XmlElement item in list.GetElementsByTagName("item")) { try { string jid = item.GetAttribute("jid"); set.Add(jid); } catch (FormatException e) { throw new XmppException("Encountered an invalid JID.", e); } } return(set); }
public Task LeaveRoom(Jid mucService, string roomName, string status = "") { mucService.ThrowIfNull("mucService"); roomName.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty("roomName"); const string ns = ""; var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); var roomJid = new Jid(mucService.Domain, roomName, im.Jid.Node); m_pendingRoomLeaves[roomJid.ToString().ToLower()] = tcs; XmlElement payload = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(status)) { payload = Xml.Element("status", ns).Text(status); } im.SendPresence(new Presence(roomJid, im.Jid, PresenceType.Unavailable, null, null, payload)); return(tcs.Task); }
IEnumerator OnItemClickHandler(SelectionItem item) { string name =; Logger.Log(name + " clicked"); okCancelPanel.Reset(); Enabled = false; configLoader = new ConfigLoader(); //configLoader.loadedHandler = FileLoaded; configLoader.progressHandler = FileProgressing; configLoader.okCancelPanel = okCancelPanel; yield return(configLoader.LoadConfig(name + "/config.xml")); progressPanel.Hide(); Enabled = true; if (!configLoader.forceBreak && !okCancelPanel.isCancel) { Hashtable arg = new Hashtable(); arg.Add("type", item.type); arg.Add("name", name); arg.Add("data", Xml.GetChildByAttribute(layout.Element("items"), "title", name)); SceneManagerExtension.LoadScene("Scan", arg); } }
/* * private void UpdateCount() * { * Regex re = new Regex("\\[\\d*\\]"); #if DEBUG * Console.WriteLine(count); #endif * Recall_Text.Text = re.Replace(Recall_Text.Text, "["+Convert.ToString(Math.Ceiling(count / 8))+"]"); * } * * public void ModifyRecallCount() * { * Recall_Text.Dispatcher.Invoke( * System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal, * new TextChanger(UpdateCount)); * }*/ public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); //ShortCut.init_shortcut("MoRecall"); Xml.init_xml(); CheckUpdate.init_checkUpdate(); init_minimize(); if (Xml.CheckXml()) { Xml.antiRElement["PortText"] = Xml.QueryXml("PortText"); Xml.antiRElement["PortText_Copy"] = Xml.QueryXml("PortText_Copy"); Xml.antiRElement["QQPath"] = Xml.QueryXml("QQPath"); Xml.antiRElement["TIMPath"] = Xml.QueryXml("TIMPath"); //Xml.antiRElement["NewUser"] = Xml.QueryXml("NewUser"); Xml.antiRElement["Mode"] = Xml.QueryXml("Mode"); PortText.Text = Xml.antiRElement["PortText"]; PortText_Copy.Text = Xml.antiRElement["PortText_Copy"]; } else { Xml.CreateXml(Xml.antiRElement); } Loaded += MainWindow_Loaded; this.jc.Foreground = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Black; this.jc.IsEnabled = true; //if (Xml.antiRElement["NewUser"] == "new") //{ this.Descript_text.Content = "一个不修改文件的防撤回工具"; // } //else //{ // this.Descript_text.Content = "你好新用户"; //} ModeCheck(); }
/// <summary> /// Queries the XMPP entity with the JID in the specified RoomInfo for item information. /// </summary> /// <param name="room">Holds the JID of the XMPP entity to query.</param> /// <returns>A more detailed description of the specified room.</returns> private RoomInfoExtended QueryRoom(Jid room) { room.ThrowIfNull("roomInfo"); Iq iq = im.IqRequest(IqType.Get, room, im.Jid, Xml.Element("query", MucNs.NsRequestInfo)); if (iq.Type != IqType.Result) { throw new NotSupportedException("Could not query features: " + iq); } // Parse the result. var query = iq.Data["query"]; if (query == null || query.NamespaceURI != MucNs.NsRequestInfo) { throw new NotSupportedException("Erroneous response: " + iq); } Identity id = ParseIdentity(query); IEnumerable <DataField> features = ParseFields(query, "feature"); IEnumerable <DataField> fields = ParseFields(query, "field"); return(new RoomInfoExtended(room, id.Name, features, fields)); }
private string[] GetStringArray(XmlNode node, string childName, char delimiter) { var ldastr = Xml.GetChildInnerText(node, childName); var ldarr = ldastr?.Split(delimiter); if (ldarr == null) { return(null); } getStringArrayList.Clear(); foreach (var ldstr in ldarr) { var ldt = ldstr?.Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ldt)) { getStringArrayList.Add(ldt); } } if (getStringArrayList.Count == 0) { return(null); } return(getStringArrayList.ToArray()); }
public void ParseNode(XmlNode n) { if (n == null) { return; } if (n.Attributes.GetNamedItem("ID") != null) { Id = n.Attributes.GetNamedItem("ID").InnerText; } Prohibitions = Xml.ParseInnerText(n, "Prohibitions"); Restrictions = Xml.ParseInnerText(n, "Restrictions"); Observations = Xml.ParseInnerText(n, "Observations"); CustomsForms = Xml.ParseInnerText(n, "CustomsForms"); ExpressMail = Xml.ParseInnerText(n, "ExpressMail"); AreasServed = Xml.ParseInnerText(n, "AreasServed"); Postages.Clear(); foreach (XmlNode n2 in n.SelectNodes("Service")) { var p = new InternationalPostage(n2); Postages.Add(p); } }
/// <summary> /// Parse the XML nodes /// </summary> /// <param name="xmlNode">The <Condition></Condition> nodes</param> public void fromXml(XmlNode xmlNode) { String value; Xml.getAttribute(xmlNode, XmlAttributes.ID, true, out value); ConditionType conditionType; if (Enumeration.TryParse <ConditionType>(value, out conditionType)) { setConditionType(conditionType); } else { throw (new Exception("Unable to convert '" + value + "' into a ConditionType" + "\n\n" + xmlNode.InnerXml)); } Xml.getValue(xmlNode, true, out value); setValue(value); if (Xml.getAttribute(xmlNode, XmlAttributes.FLAGS, false, out value)) { setFlag(value); } addValidations(); }
public override int Run(string[] remainingArguments) { var data = Common.ParseArasFeatureManifest(AmlSyncFile); Console.WriteLine("Extracting AML into local files...\n"); foreach (var aml in data.AmlFragments) { Console.WriteLine($" Loading {aml.AmlFile}..."); // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute var amlFile = Path.Combine(data.LocalDirectory, aml.AmlFile); var doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(amlFile); foreach (var node in aml.Nodes) { Xml.ExtractInnerTextToFile(doc, node.File, node.XPath); } } return(0); }
public void Publish(string title = null, string artist = null, string track = null, int length = 0, int rating = 0, string source = null, string uri = null) { length.ThrowIfOutOfRange(0, 0x7fff); rating.ThrowIfOutOfRange(0, 10); XmlElement e = Xml.Element("tune", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)) { e.Child(Xml.Element("title", null).Text(title)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(artist)) { e.Child(Xml.Element("artist", null).Text(artist)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(track)) { e.Child(Xml.Element("track", null).Text(track)); } if (length > 0) { e.Child(Xml.Element("length", null).Text(length.ToString())); } if (rating > 0) { e.Child(Xml.Element("rating", null).Text(rating.ToString())); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source)) { e.Child(Xml.Element("source", null).Text(source)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri)) { e.Child(Xml.Element("uri", null).Text(uri)); } this.pep.Publish("", null, new XmlElement[] { e }); }
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Xml.SetValue(this.m_setupNode, "name", "COM" + ((int)this.nudPort.Value).ToString()); Xml.SetValue(this.m_setupNode, "threshold", ((int)this.nudThreshold.Value).ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (this.m_typeCombos[i].SelectedItem != null) { Xml.SetValue(this.m_setupNode, "Type" + i.ToString(), this.m_typeCombos[i].SelectedItem.ToString()); } else { Xml.SetValue(this.m_setupNode, "Type" + i.ToString(), string.Empty); } if (this.m_addrCombos[i].SelectedItem != null) { Xml.SetValue(this.m_setupNode, "Addr" + i.ToString(), this.m_addrCombos[i].SelectedItem.ToString()); } else { Xml.SetValue(this.m_setupNode, "Addr" + i.ToString(), string.Empty); } } }
private IEnumerable <S22.Xmpp.Extensions.Item> QueryItems(Jid jid) { jid.ThrowIfNull <Jid>("jid"); Iq iq =, jid,, Xml.Element("query", ""), null, -1, ""); if (iq.Type != IqType.Result) { throw new NotSupportedException("Could not query items: " + iq); } XmlElement element = iq.Data["query"]; if ((element == null) || (element.NamespaceURI != "")) { throw new NotSupportedException("Erroneous response: " + iq); } ISet <S22.Xmpp.Extensions.Item> set = new HashSet <S22.Xmpp.Extensions.Item>(); foreach (XmlElement element2 in element.GetElementsByTagName("item")) { string attribute = element2.GetAttribute("jid"); string str2 = element2.GetAttribute("node"); string str3 = element2.GetAttribute("name"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute)) { try { Jid jid2 = new Jid(attribute); set.Add(new S22.Xmpp.Extensions.Item(jid2, string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2) ? null : str2, string.IsNullOrEmpty(str3) ? null : str3)); } catch (ArgumentException) { } } } return(set); }
private void btnGuardar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string identifica = cmbSeIdentifica.SelectedItem.ToString(); int edad = Convert.ToInt32(cmbEdad.SelectedItem.ToString()); try { Encuesta nuevaEncuesta = new Encuesta(cmbSeIdentifica.SelectedItem.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(cmbEdad.SelectedItem.ToString()), cmbProvincia.SelectedItem.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(cmbAniosExperiencia.SelectedItem.ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(cmbPersonalACargo.SelectedItem.ToString()), cmbNivelEstudios.SelectedItem.ToString(), "Completado", cmbPuesto.SelectedItem.ToString(), cmbJornada.SelectedItem.ToString(), Convert.ToDouble(cmbSalarioNeto.SelectedItem.ToString()), cmbRubro.SelectedItem.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(cmbRecomiendaEmpresa.SelectedItem.ToString())); CalculoEstadistica.listaDatosPedidos.Add(nuevaEncuesta); Xml auxXml = new Xml(); auxXml.GuardarDatos(CalculoEstadistica.listaDatosPedidos); } catch (DatoInvalido ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } catch (ValorFueraDeRangoException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } MessageBox.Show("Se registró la encuesta correctamente!"); }
public ListDefinitionLevel CreateLevel(int level, int start, NumberFormat numberFormat, ListNumberAlignment numberAlignment, int indentLeftTw, int hangingTw, string levelText, bool tentative = true, string?tplc = null) { var xml = new XElement(Namespaces.w + "lvl", new XAttribute(Namespaces.w + "ilvl", level), new XAttribute(Namespaces.w + "tentative", tentative ? 1 : 0), new XElement(Namespaces.w + "start", new XAttribute(Namespaces.w + "val", start)), new XElement(Namespaces.w + "numFmt", new XAttribute(Namespaces.w + "val", numberFormat.ToCamelCase())), new XElement(Namespaces.w + "lvlText", new XAttribute(Namespaces.w + "val", levelText)), new XElement(Namespaces.w + "lvlJc", new XAttribute(Namespaces.w + "val", numberAlignment.ToCamelCase())), new XElement(Namespaces.w + "pPr", new XElement(Namespaces.w + "ind", new XAttribute(Namespaces.w + "left", indentLeftTw), new XAttribute(Namespaces.w + "hanging", hangingTw))) ); if (tplc != null) { xml.SetAttributeValue(Namespaces.w + "tplc", tplc); } Xml.Add(xml); return(new ListDefinitionLevel(xml)); }
} // buildMapOfFrequencyBands /// <summary> /// Output configuration /// </summary> /// <param name="xmlData"></param> internal void SaveToXml(ref XmlNode xmlData) { Xml.SetValue(xmlData, m_xmlName_id, m_id); Xml.SetValue(xmlData, m_xmlName_name, Name); Xml.SetValue(xmlData, m_xmlName_usePeakLevels, m_usePeakLevels.ToString()); Xml.SetValue(xmlData, m_xmlName_minBinVariableRange, m_minBinVariableRange.ToString()); Xml.SetValue(xmlData, m_xmlName_maxBinVariableRange, m_maxBinVariableRange.ToString()); Xml.SetValue(xmlData, m_xmlName_clearChannelsOnWrite, m_clearChannelsOnWrite.ToString()); // output frequency settings XmlNode xmlFrequencyData = Xml.GetEmptyNodeAlways(xmlData, m_xmlName_mapOfFrequencyBands); foreach (var frequencyBand in m_mapOfFrequencyBands) { // is this frequency a member of this band? if (true == frequencyBand.Value.Member) { Xml.SetNewValue(xmlFrequencyData, "Frequency", frequencyBand.Value.Name); } } // end process frequency info // output channels that are part of this band // start a new section for the channels XmlNode xmlChannelData = Xml.GetEmptyNodeAlways(xmlData, m_xmlName_mapOfChannels); // save the data for each color organ band foreach (var channel in m_mapOfChannels) { // is the channel part of this band? if (true == channel.Value.Member) { // save the channel ID Xml.SetNewValue(xmlChannelData, "Channel", channel.Value.Id); } // end channel is a member of this band } // end build color organ band list } // SaveToXml
public void BeforeImport(WsdlNS.ServiceDescriptionCollection wsdlDocuments, Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet xmlSchemas, ICollection<Xml.XmlElement> policy) { foreach (WsdlNS.ServiceDescription wsdl in wsdlDocuments) { if (wsdl != null) { foreach (WsdlNS.Binding wsdlBinding in wsdl.Bindings) { if (wsdlBinding != null && wsdlBinding.Extensions != null) { WsdlNS.SoapBinding soapBinding = (WsdlNS.SoapBinding)wsdlBinding.Extensions.Find(typeof(WsdlNS.SoapBinding)); if (soapBinding != null) { string transportUri = soapBinding.Transport; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(transportUri) && transportUri.Equals(UdpConstants.WsdlSoapUdpTransportUri, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { WsdlImporter.SoapInPolicyWorkaroundHelper.InsertAdHocPolicy(wsdlBinding, soapBinding.Transport, this.udpTransportUriKey); } } } } } } }
public Task <JoinRoomResult> JoinRoom(Jid mucService, string roomName, string password = "") { mucService.ThrowIfNull("mucService"); roomName.ThrowIfNull("roomName"); const string ns = ""; var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <JoinRoomResult>(); var roomJid = new Jid(mucService.Domain, roomName, im.Jid.Node); m_pendingRoomJoins[roomJid.ToString().ToLower()] = tcs; var payload = Xml.Element("x", ns); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { payload.Child(Xml.Element("password", ns).Text(password)); } im.SendPresence(new Presence(roomJid, im.Jid, PresenceType.Available, null, null, payload)); return(tcs.Task); }
private void btnLeerXML_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Xml <string> texto = new Xml <string>(); //string nombres = ""; if (texto.Leer(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + ".\\Ensamblados.xml", out string nombres)) { rtbArchivos.Text = nombres; } //Binario<string> binary = new Binario<string>(); ////string nombres = ""; //if (binary.Leer(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + ".\\Ensamblados.bin", out string nombres)) //{ // rtbArchivos.Text = nombres; //} } catch (ArchivoException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
/// <summary> /// Queries the XMPP entity with the specified JID for information. /// </summary> /// <param name="jid">The JID of the XMPP entity to query.</param> /// <returns>An enumerable collection of values from the Extension enumeration /// denoting the XMPP extensions the entity supports.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The jid parameter /// is null.</exception> /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">The query could not be /// performed or the response was invalid.</exception> IEnumerable <Extension> QueryFeatures(Jid jid) { jid.ThrowIfNull("jid"); Iq iq = im.IqRequest(IqType.Get, jid, im.Jid, Xml.Element("query", "")); if (iq.Type != IqType.Result) { throw new NotSupportedException("Could not query features: " + iq); } // Parse the result. var query = iq.Data["query"]; if (query == null || query.NamespaceURI != "") { throw new NotSupportedException("Erroneous response: " + iq); } ISet <string> ns = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (XmlElement e in query.GetElementsByTagName("feature")) { ns.Add(e.GetAttribute("var")); } // Go through each extension we support and see if the entity supports // all of the extension's namespaces. ISet <Extension> feats = new HashSet <Extension>(); foreach (XmppExtension ext in im.Extensions) { if (ns.IsSupersetOf(ext.Namespaces)) { feats.Add(ext.Xep); } } return(feats); }
public string setXml(string json) { //if (!Program.registrado) { return "falha"; } try { Mapa novo = new Mapa(); novo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Mapa>(json); Program.mapa = novo; novo.salvaArquivo(novo); Xml xml = new Xml(novo); if (xml.salvaArquivo()) { return("ok"); } else { return("falha"); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(ex.Message); } }
private void открытьToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } Delete(dataGridView1.RowCount - 2); Xml xmlDeSerializer = new Xml(); HumanTreat = xmlDeSerializer.DeSerializer(openFileDialog1.FileName, HumanTreat); for (int i = 0; i < HumanTreat.Count; i++) { dataGridView1.Rows.Add(); dataGridView1[0, i].Value = HumanTreat.ElementAt(i).Firstname;//[0,i].Value.ToString(); dataGridView1[1, i].Value = HumanTreat.ElementAt(i).Secondname; dataGridView1[2, i].Value = HumanTreat.ElementAt(i).Delivery; dataGridView1[3, i].Value = HumanTreat.ElementAt(i).Sname; dataGridView1[4, i].Value = HumanTreat.ElementAt(i).Product; dataGridView1[5, i].Value = HumanTreat.ElementAt(i).Count; dataGridView1[6, i].Value = HumanTreat.ElementAt(i).Comments; dataGridView1[7, i].Value = HumanTreat.ElementAt(i).Adres; dataGridView1[8, i].Value = HumanTreat.ElementAt(i).Car; } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the search (hoTools SQL file, EA search or LINQ Search). It handles the exceptions. /// It converts wild cards of the <Search Term>. /// - First search for SQL-File /// - Search the LINQ Search if LINQ is supported /// - If no SQL file found run EA Search /// </summary> /// <param name="searchName">EA Search name or SQL file name (uses path to find absolute path)</param> /// <param name="searchTerm"></param> /// <param name="exportToExcel"></param> public string SearchRun(string searchName, string searchTerm, bool exportToExcel = false) { searchName = searchName.Trim(); if (searchName == "") { return(""); } // SQL file? string sqlFile = _globalCfg.GetSqlFileName(searchName); if (sqlFile != "") { // ---------------------SQL Search---------------------------- string sqlString = _globalCfg.ReadSqlFile(searchName); // run sql search searchTerm = UtilSql.ReplaceSqlWildCards(Repository, searchTerm, RepositoryType); return(SqlRun(searchName, sqlString, searchTerm, exportToExcel)); } // LINQPad string linqPadFile = _globalCfg.GetLinqPadQueryFileName(searchName); if (linqPadFile != "") { LinqPad linqPad = new LinqPad(Repository, _globalCfg.LprunPath, _globalCfg.TempFolder, @"html", _globalCfg.UseLinqPadConnection) { UseLinqPadConnections = _globalCfg.UseLinqPadConnection, LinqPadConnections = _globalCfg.LinqPadConnectionPath }; Boolean result = linqPad.Run(linqPadFile, @"html", linqPad.GetArg(Repository, searchTerm)); if (!result) { return(""); } // output target to browser if (_globalCfg.LinqPadOutputHtml) { Process.Start(linqPad.TargetFile); } // HTML to DataTable System.Data.DataTable dtHtml = linqPad.ReadHtml(); if (exportToExcel) { // DataTable to Excel string excelFile = Path.Combine(_globalCfg.TempFolder, $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(linqPadFile)}"); Excel.SaveTableToExcel(ref excelFile, dtHtml); } // Make EA xml string xml = Xml.MakeXmlFromDataTable(dtHtml); // Output to EA Repository.RunModelSearch("", "", "", xml); return(""); } else { // EA Search try { // run SQL search and display in Search Window Repository.RunModelSearch(searchName, searchTerm, "", ""); return(""); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show($@"Can't find search!{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}- MDG hoTools.. enabled?{Environment.NewLine}- SQL path in Settings correct?{Environment.NewLine}- LINQPad support enabled (Settings General)? :{Environment.NewLine}'{searchName}' '{searchTerm}'{Environment.NewLine}- *.sql in path '{_globalCfg.GetSqlPaths()}'{Environment.NewLine}- *.linq in path '{_globalCfg.GetLinqPaths()}'{Environment.NewLine}- EA Search{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}Note:{Environment.NewLine}- Define path in File, Settings{Environment.NewLine}- LINQPad needs a license and has to be installed!{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}{e}", $@"Error start search."); return(""); } } }
protected void InitializeCommonOptions(Xml.LaunchOptions.BaseLaunchOptions source) { if (this.ExePath == null) { string exePath = source.ExePath; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(exePath)) { this.ExePath = exePath; } } if (this.TargetArchitecture == TargetArchitecture.Unknown && source.TargetArchitectureSpecified) { this.TargetArchitecture = ConvertTargetArchitectureAttribute(source.TargetArchitecture); } this.DebuggerMIMode = ConvertMIModeAttribute(source.MIMode); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ExeArguments)) this.ExeArguments = source.ExeArguments; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.WorkingDirectory)) this.WorkingDirectory = source.WorkingDirectory; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.VisualizerFile)) this.VisualizerFile = source.VisualizerFile; this.ShowDisplayString = source.ShowDisplayString; this.WaitDynamicLibLoad = source.WaitDynamicLibLoad; this.SetupCommands = LaunchCommand.CreateCollectionFromXml(source.SetupCommands); if (source.CustomLaunchSetupCommands != null) { this.CustomLaunchSetupCommands = LaunchCommand.CreateCollectionFromXml(source.CustomLaunchSetupCommands); } Debug.Assert((uint)LaunchCompleteCommand.ExecRun == (uint)Xml.LaunchOptions.BaseLaunchOptionsLaunchCompleteCommand.execrun); Debug.Assert((uint)LaunchCompleteCommand.ExecContinue == (uint)Xml.LaunchOptions.BaseLaunchOptionsLaunchCompleteCommand.execcontinue); Debug.Assert((uint)LaunchCompleteCommand.None == (uint)Xml.LaunchOptions.BaseLaunchOptionsLaunchCompleteCommand.None); this.LaunchCompleteCommand = (LaunchCompleteCommand)source.LaunchCompleteCommand; string additionalSOLibSearchPath = source.AdditionalSOLibSearchPath; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(additionalSOLibSearchPath)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.AdditionalSOLibSearchPath)) this.AdditionalSOLibSearchPath = additionalSOLibSearchPath; else this.AdditionalSOLibSearchPath = string.Concat(this.AdditionalSOLibSearchPath, ";", additionalSOLibSearchPath); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.AbsolutePrefixSOLibSearchPath)) this.AbsolutePrefixSOLibSearchPath = source.AbsolutePrefixSOLibSearchPath; if (source.DebugChildProcessesSpecified) { this.DebugChildProcesses = source.DebugChildProcesses; } this.ProcessId = source.ProcessId; this.CoreDumpPath = source.CoreDumpPath; // Ensure that CoreDumpPath and ProcessId are not specified at the same time if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(source.CoreDumpPath) && source.ProcessIdSpecified) throw new InvalidLaunchOptionsException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, MICoreResources.Error_CannotSpecifyBoth, nameof(source.CoreDumpPath), nameof(source.ProcessId))); }
static void Test9() { var user = UserX.FindAllWithCache()[0]; Console.WriteLine(user.RoleName); Console.Clear(); //var bn = new Binary(); //bn.EnableTrace(); var bn = new Xml(); bn.Write(user); var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); var buf = bn.GetBytes(); Console.WriteLine(buf.ToHex()); Console.WriteLine(bn.GetString()); var ms = new MemoryStream(buf); //bn = new Binary(); bn.Stream = ms; //bn.EnableTrace(); var u = bn.Read<UserX>(); foreach (var item in UserX.Meta.AllFields) { if (user[item.Name] == u[item.Name]) Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} <=> {2} 通过", item.Name, user[item.Name], u[item.Name]); else Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} <=> {2} 失败", item.Name, user[item.Name], u[item.Name]); } //var hi = HardInfo.Current; //sw.Stop(); //Console.WriteLine(sw.Elapsed); //Console.WriteLine(hi); //var ci = new ComputerInfo(); //Console.WriteLine(ci); }
private void InitializeServerOptions(Xml.LaunchOptions.LocalLaunchOptions source) { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source.DebugServer)) { DebugServer = source.DebugServer; DebugServerArgs = source.DebugServerArgs; ServerStarted = source.ServerStarted; FilterStderr = source.FilterStderr; FilterStdout = source.FilterStdout; if (!FilterStderr && !FilterStdout) { FilterStdout = true; // no pattern source specified, use stdout } ServerLaunchTimeout = source.ServerLaunchTimeoutSpecified ? source.ServerLaunchTimeout : DefaultLaunchTimeout; } }
static internal LocalLaunchOptions CreateFromXml(Xml.LaunchOptions.LocalLaunchOptions source) { string miDebuggerPath = source.MIDebuggerPath; // If no path to the debugger was specified, look for the proper binary in the user's $PATH if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(miDebuggerPath)) { string debuggerBinary = null; switch (source.MIMode) { case Xml.LaunchOptions.MIMode.gdb: debuggerBinary = "gdb"; break; case Xml.LaunchOptions.MIMode.lldb: debuggerBinary = "lldb-mi"; break; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(debuggerBinary)) { miDebuggerPath = LocalLaunchOptions.ResolveFromPath(debuggerBinary); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(miDebuggerPath)) { throw new InvalidLaunchOptionsException(MICoreResources.Error_NoMiDebuggerPath); } } var options = new LocalLaunchOptions( RequireAttribute(miDebuggerPath, "MIDebuggerPath"), source.MIDebuggerServerAddress, source.Environment); options.InitializeCommonOptions(source); options.InitializeServerOptions(source); options._useExternalConsole = source.ExternalConsole; // when using local options the core dump path must check out if (options.IsCoreDump && !LocalLaunchOptions.CheckFilePath(options.CoreDumpPath)) throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_InvalidLocalExePath, options.CoreDumpPath)); return options; }
private const int DefaultLaunchTimeout = 10 * 1000; // 10 seconds public LocalLaunchOptions(string MIDebuggerPath, string MIDebuggerServerAddress, Xml.LaunchOptions.EnvironmentEntry[] environmentEntries) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MIDebuggerPath)) throw new ArgumentNullException("MIDebuggerPath"); this.MIDebuggerPath = MIDebuggerPath; this.MIDebuggerServerAddress = MIDebuggerServerAddress; List<EnvironmentEntry> environmentList = new List<EnvironmentEntry>(); if (environmentEntries != null) { foreach (Xml.LaunchOptions.EnvironmentEntry xmlEntry in environmentEntries) { environmentList.Add(new EnvironmentEntry(xmlEntry)); } } this.Environment = new ReadOnlyCollection<EnvironmentEntry>(environmentList); }
public EnvironmentEntry(Xml.LaunchOptions.EnvironmentEntry xmlEntry) { this.Name = xmlEntry.Name; this.Value = xmlEntry.Value; }
static internal TcpLaunchOptions CreateFromXml(Xml.LaunchOptions.TcpLaunchOptions source) { var options = new TcpLaunchOptions(RequireAttribute(source.Hostname, "Hostname"), LaunchOptions.RequirePortAttribute(source.Port, "Port"), source.Secure); options.InitializeCommonOptions(source); return options; }
public static MIMode ConvertMIModeAttribute(Xml.LaunchOptions.MIMode source) { Debug.Assert((uint)MIMode.Gdb == (uint)Xml.LaunchOptions.MIMode.gdb, "Enum values don't line up!"); Debug.Assert((uint)MIMode.Lldb == (uint)Xml.LaunchOptions.MIMode.lldb, "Enum values don't line up!"); Debug.Assert((uint)MIMode.Clrdbg == (uint)Xml.LaunchOptions.MIMode.clrdbg, "Enum values don't line up!"); return (MIMode)source; }
public static TargetArchitecture ConvertTargetArchitectureAttribute(Xml.LaunchOptions.TargetArchitecture source) { switch (source) { case Xml.LaunchOptions.TargetArchitecture.X86: case Xml.LaunchOptions.TargetArchitecture.x86: return TargetArchitecture.X86; case Xml.LaunchOptions.TargetArchitecture.arm: case Xml.LaunchOptions.TargetArchitecture.ARM: return TargetArchitecture.ARM; case Xml.LaunchOptions.TargetArchitecture.mips: case Xml.LaunchOptions.TargetArchitecture.MIPS: return TargetArchitecture.Mips; case Xml.LaunchOptions.TargetArchitecture.x64: case Xml.LaunchOptions.TargetArchitecture.amd64: case Xml.LaunchOptions.TargetArchitecture.x86_64: case Xml.LaunchOptions.TargetArchitecture.X64: case Xml.LaunchOptions.TargetArchitecture.AMD64: case Xml.LaunchOptions.TargetArchitecture.X86_64: return TargetArchitecture.X64; case Xml.LaunchOptions.TargetArchitecture.arm64: case Xml.LaunchOptions.TargetArchitecture.ARM64: return TargetArchitecture.ARM64; default: throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_UnknownTargetArchitecture, source.ToString())); } }