Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void setValuebool(TGMessage data, string[] arguments)
            if (arguments.Length > 1)
                var before = arguments[1];
                var after  = before == "true";

                if (before == "true" || before == "false")
                    var success = XenforceRoot.writeGroupConfiguration(data.chat, arguments[0], after);
                    if (!success)
                        data.replySendMessage(string.Format("That didn't work. The configuration item {0} might not exist or is already this value.", arguments[0]));
                        data.replySendMessage(string.Format("Success, set {0} to {1}", arguments[0], before));
                    data.replySendMessage(string.Format("Sorry, I couldn't understand the value '{0}', you need to use a boolean (true/false).", before));
                data.replySendMessage("The usage of this command is: setint <valname> <value>");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void setActivationMessage(TGMessage data, string[] arguments)
            if (arguments.Length < 2)
                data.replySendMessage("Failed to set activation message.  It may optionally include the object %NAME, and must be two words long.");
            var str = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)
                str += arguments[i] + " "; // Combine wordsssss

            var success = XenforceRoot.writeGroupConfiguration(data.chat, "activationmessage", str);

            if (!success)
                data.replySendMessage("Sorry, something went wrong when setting this option. I'd recommend contacting my creator, @xayrga -- I'm sure he can help you.");
            var msg = data.replySendMessage("OK. Successfully set the activation message. I will now print an example, these messages will be cleaned up in 45 seconds -- so please get a good look at them before you walk away.");

            XenforceRoot.AddCleanupMessage(data.chat.id, msg.message_id, 45);
            str = str.Replace("%NAME", "@xenfbot");
            msg = data.replySendMessage(str);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void setWelcomeMessage(TGMessage data, string[] arguments)
            if (arguments.Length < 2)
                data.replySendMessage("Failed to set welcome message. The message must include the object %ACTURL in it. It may optionally include the object %NAME, or %DURATION (Amount of time they have to verify) -- oh, and it needs to be at least two words.");
            var str = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)
                str += arguments[i] + " ";     // Combine wordsssss
            if (!str.Contains("%ACTURL"))
                data.replySendMessage(string.Format("Failed to set welcome message. The message must include the object %ACTURL in it. It may optionally include the object %NAME."));
            var success = XenforceRoot.writeGroupConfiguration(data.chat, "message", str);

            if (!success)
                data.replySendMessage("Sorry, something went wrong when setting this option. I'd recommend contacting my creator, @xayrga -- I'm sure he can help you.");
            var msg = data.replySendMessage("OK. Successfully set the welcome message. I will now print an example, these messages will be cleaned up in 45 seconds -- so please get a good look at them before you walk away.");

            XenforceRoot.AddCleanupMessage(data.chat.id, msg.message_id, 45);
            str = str.Replace("%ACTURL", "http://xayr.ga/xenf2/iamabotandidontneedtoverify");
            str = str.Replace("%DURATION", "30");
            str = str.Replace("%NAME", "@xenfbot");
            msg = data.replySendMessage(str);
            XenforceRoot.AddCleanupMessage(data.chat.id, msg.message_id, 45);
        public static void doURLMediaFilter(TGMessage msg, TGUser usr)
            var chat = msg.chat;                                                                      // grab chat.

            var enabled = XenforceRoot.getGroupConfigurationValue(chat, "kickurlunactivated", false); // Check configuration value.

            if (!enabled)                                                                             // return if not enabled.

            var qsc = "SELECT * FROM xen_activations WHERE activated=0 AND `group`={0} AND `forwho`={1}"; //

            var rqry = string.Format(qsc, chat.id, usr.id);

            SQLQueryInstance QueryInst;
            var  queryok = SQL.Query(rqry, out QueryInst);
            bool onerow  = false;

            if (QueryInst != null && QueryInst.reader.HasRows) // They've already been kicked before. If we return at least one row, then its valid to assume they havent activated
            {                                                  // There can only be one activation index per user per group.
                onerow = true;

            if (QueryInst != null)

            if (!onerow)
                return; // There was no activation
            var wtf = msg.replySendMessage(usr.first_name + " was removed from the chat for sending URL/Media before activating!");

            XenforceRoot.AddCleanupMessage(msg.chat.id, wtf.message_id, 30);
            Telegram.kickChatMember(msg.chat, msg.from, 30);

            var statement =
                string.Format("INSERT INTO xenf_autokick (`group`,`user`,`when`,`why`) VALUES ({0},{1},{2},'{3}')",
            int ra = 0;

            SQL.NonQuery(statement, out ra);
            if (ra < 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Creating autorem incident failed failed. No SQL rows affected.");
                var cmsg = msg.replySendMessage("AutoremAddIncident() FAILED:\n\n Info:\n\n" + SQL.getLastError());
                XenforceRoot.AddCleanupMessage(chat.id, cmsg.message_id, 120);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void getValueBool(TGMessage data, string[] arguments)
            if (arguments.Length > 0)
                //data.replySendMessage("Xen Enforce Bot V3.1.4.5 (Serg--- Circle?)\n\nDocumentation on commands is available at http://www.xayr.ga/xenforce/");
                // throw new Exception("fuuuuck");
                var ok   = XenforceRoot.getGroupConfigurationValue(data.chat, arguments[0], false);
                var repl = "The current value of {0} is {1}";

                data.replySendMessage(string.Format(repl, arguments[0], ok));
                data.replySendMessage("The usage of this command is: getbool <valname>");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void getValueInt(TGMessage data, string[] arguments)
            if (arguments.Length > 0)
                var ok = XenforceRoot.getGroupConfigurationValue(data.chat, arguments[0], -999912);
                if (ok == -999912)
                    data.replySendMessage(string.Format("The configuration attribute {0} doesn't exist.", arguments[0]));

                var repl = "The current value of {0} is {1}";
                data.replySendMessage(string.Format(repl, arguments[0], ok));
                data.replySendMessage("The usage of this command is: getint <valname>");
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static bool namefilter(TGMessage msg, TGUser usr)
            var chat   = msg.chat;
            var enable = XenforceRoot.getGroupConfigurationValue(chat, "autobannames", true);

            if (!enable)
            }                              // Not enabled.
            var qsc  = "SELECT * FROM xenf_autokick WHERE `group`={0} AND `user`={1}";
            var rqry = string.Format(qsc, chat.id, usr.id);

            MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader datar;
            SQLQueryInstance QueryInst;
            var queryok = SQL.Query(rqry, out QueryInst);

            if (QueryInst != null && QueryInst.reader.HasRows) // They've already been kicked before.
            if (QueryInst != null)

            var UserID         = usr.id;
            var GroupID        = msg.chat.id;
            var user_name_full = usr.first_name + " " + usr.last_name;

            var userscore = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < ShitNames.Length; i++)
                var q = user_name_full.Contains(ShitNames[i]);
                if (q)
            if (userscore > 0)
                Telegram.kickChatMember(chat, usr, 120);
                if (XenforceRoot.getGroupConfigurationValue(chat, "announcekicks", 1) > 0)
                    var msgr = msg.replySendMessage(user_name_full + " removed -- name matches common bot.");
                    XenforceRoot.AddCleanupMessage(chat.id, msgr.message_id, 30);
                    var statement =
                        string.Format("INSERT INTO xenf_autokick (`group`,`user`,`when`,`why`) VALUES ({0},{1},{2},'{3}')",
                                      "Name is in blacklist"
                    int ra = 0;
                    SQL.NonQuery(statement, out ra);
                    if (ra < 1)
                        Console.WriteLine("Creating autorem incident failed failed. No SQL rows affected.");
                        var cmsg = msg.replySendMessage("AutoremAddIncident() FAILED:\n\n Info:\n\n" + SQL.getLastError());
                        XenforceRoot.AddCleanupMessage(chat.id, cmsg.message_id, 120);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static bool autorem(TGMessage msg, TGUser usr)
            var chat   = msg.chat;
            var enable = XenforceRoot.getGroupConfigurationValue(chat, "autoban", true);

            if (!enable)
            }                              // Not enabled.
            var qsc  = "SELECT * FROM xenf_autokick WHERE `group`={0} AND `user`={1}";
            var rqry = string.Format(qsc, chat.id, usr.id);

            MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader datar;
            SQLQueryInstance QueryInst;
            var queryok = SQL.Query(rqry, out QueryInst);

            if (QueryInst != null && QueryInst.reader.HasRows) // They've already been kicked before.
            if (QueryInst != null)

            var UserID         = usr.id;
            var GroupID        = msg.chat.id;
            var user_name_full = usr.first_name + " " + usr.last_name;
            var userscore      = 500;

            for (int i = 0; i < user_name_full.Length; i++)
                var wtf = user_name_full[i];
                if (wtf > 0xAF)
                    userscore += 5;
                else if (wtf < 0x80)
                    userscore -= 3;
            var picons = Telegram.getNumProfilePhotos(usr);

            userscore -= picons * 45;
            if (picons == 0)
                userscore += 30;
            if (userscore > 488)
                Telegram.kickChatMember(chat, usr, 120);
                if (XenforceRoot.getGroupConfigurationValue(chat, "announcekicks", 1) > 0)
                    var msgr = msg.replySendMessage(user_name_full + " was automatically removed from the chat -- I think they're a bot.");
                    XenforceRoot.AddCleanupMessage(chat.id, msgr.message_id, 30);
                    var statement =
                        string.Format("INSERT INTO xenf_autokick (`group`,`user`,`when`,`why`) VALUES ({0},{1},{2},'{3}')",
                                      "Bot Score too high"
                    int ra = 0;
                    SQL.NonQuery(statement, out ra);
                    if (ra < 1)
                        Console.WriteLine("Creating autorem incident failed failed. No SQL rows affected.");
                        var cmsg = msg.replySendMessage("AutoremAddIncident() FAILED:\n\n Info:\n\n" + SQL.getLastError());
                        XenforceRoot.AddCleanupMessage(chat.id, cmsg.message_id, 120);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static bool captcha_CheckExpired()
            MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader cur;
            SQLQueryInstance QueryInst;

            var ss = SQL.Query("SELECT * FROM xen_activations WHERE activated=0 OR activation_checked=0", out QueryInst);

            if (!ss)
                Console.WriteLine("Query for activation checks failed {0}", SQL.getLastError());
                if (QueryInst != null)
            Stack <CaptchaActivationIndex> captchaActivationIndices = new Stack <CaptchaActivationIndex>(1024); // hax?

            // totally hax, I have to pull group configuration to check and see if the group has specific features enabled.
            // But I can't do that if I already have an SQL cursor open. So i'll have to read all of the results of it

            cur = QueryInst.reader;
            // before I can make a call to get group configuration.

            var ib = 0;

            while (cur.Read())
                // Console.WriteLine(ib);
                var b = new CaptchaActivationIndex
                    index              = (long)cur["index"],
                    activation_id      = (string)cur["activation_id"],
                    activated          = (int)cur["activated"],
                    forwho             = (long)cur["forwho"],
                    group              = (long)cur["group"],
                    whencreated        = (long)cur["whencreated"],
                    activation_checked = (int)cur["activation_checked"],
                    username           = (string)cur["username"],
                    actmessage         = (long)cur["actmessage"]

            QueryInst.Finish();  // close it up.

            for (int i = 0; i < captchaActivationIndices.Count; i++)
                var CurrentActivation = captchaActivationIndices.Pop();
                var chat = new TGChat();
                var user = new TGUser();
                user.id = CurrentActivation.forwho;
                chat.id = CurrentActivation.group;
                var kicktime = XenforceRoot.getGroupConfigurationValue(chat, "kicktime", 30);
                var announce = XenforceRoot.getGroupConfigurationValue(chat, "announcekicks", 1);
                var unmute   = XenforceRoot.getGroupConfigurationValue(chat, "muteuntilverified", false);
                //Console.WriteLine("Wtf {0} {1}",CurrentActivation.activated,CurrentActivation.activation_checked);
                if (CurrentActivation.activated == 0)
                    if (CurrentActivation.whencreated < Helpers.getUnixTime() - (kicktime * 60))
                        Telegram.deleteMessage(chat, CurrentActivation.actmessage);
                        Telegram.kickChatMember(chat, user, 0); // kick them from the chat.
                        Console.WriteLine("Remove user?");
                        var rar = 0;
                        var ok  = SQL.NonQuery(string.Format("DELETE FROM xen_activations WHERE activation_id='{0}'", CurrentActivation.activation_id), out rar);
                        if (announce > 0)
                            var mymessage = Telegram.sendMessage(chat, CurrentActivation.username + " was removed from the chat for not completing the CAPTCHA.");
                            if (mymessage != null)
                                XenforceRoot.AddCleanupMessage(chat.id, mymessage.message_id, 30); // Clean up after 30 seconds.
                else if (CurrentActivation.activated == 1 && CurrentActivation.activation_checked == 0)
                    Telegram.deleteMessage(chat, CurrentActivation.actmessage);

                    var Oldmsg  = CurrentActivation.username + ", thanks for verifying you're not a robot.";
                    var actiMsg = XenforceRoot.getGroupConfigurationValue(chat, "activationmessage", "%NAME, thanks for verifying you're not a robot.");
                    if (actiMsg == null || actiMsg.Length < 5)
                        actiMsg = Oldmsg;

                    actiMsg = actiMsg.Replace("%NAME", CurrentActivation.username);

                    var mymessage = Telegram.sendMessage(chat, actiMsg);
                    var ra        = 0;
                    var ok        = SQL.NonQuery("UPDATE xen_activations SET activation_checked=1 WHERE activation_id='" + SQL.escape(CurrentActivation.activation_id) + "'", out ra);
                    if (!ok)
                        Console.WriteLine("Updating activation message failed! Might spam!!!?");
                    if (mymessage != null)
                        XenforceRoot.AddCleanupMessage(chat.id, mymessage.message_id, 30); // Clean up after 30 seconds.

                    if (unmute)
                        Telegram.restrictChatMember(chat, user, 0, true, true, true, true);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static bool captcha(TGMessage msg, TGUser usr)
            var UserID         = usr.id;
            var GroupID        = msg.chat.id;
            var ActivationID   = Helpers.Base64Encode(UserID.ToString() + GroupID.ToString());
            var q              = usr.username;
            var user_name_full = usr.first_name + " " + usr.last_name;
            var ko             = 0;

            var ok = SQL.NonQuery(string.Format("DELETE FROM xen_activations WHERE activation_id='{0}'", ActivationID), out ko); // Remove the current activation ID.

            if (q != null)
                user_name_full = "@" + q; // okay okay fine jeez.

            var muteUntilVerified = XenforceRoot.getGroupConfigurationValue(msg.chat, "muteuntilverified", false);
            var kicktime          = XenforceRoot.getGroupConfigurationValue(msg.chat, "kicktime", 30);
            var instance_time     = Helpers.getUnixTime();

            var FullMessageOld = string.Format(
                "Welcome, %NAME. \n" +
                "Please complete a quick captcha within %DURATION minutes to verify you're not a bot: \n\n" +

            var FullMessage = XenforceRoot.getGroupConfigurationValue(msg.chat, "message", FullMessageOld);

            if (FullMessage == null || FullMessage.Length < 10)
                FullMessage = FullMessageOld;

            FullMessage = FullMessage.Replace("%ACTURL", "http://www.xayr.ga/xenf2/?actid=" + ActivationID);
            FullMessage = FullMessage.Replace("%DURATION", kicktime.ToString());
            FullMessage = FullMessage.Replace("%NAME", user_name_full);

            if (muteUntilVerified == true)
                Telegram.restrictChatMember(msg.chat, usr, 0, false, false, false, false); // Restrict until they verify.
                FullMessage += "\n\nYou will not be able to send any messages until you've verified.";

            var message = msg.replySendMessage(FullMessage);

            // INSERT INTO xen_activations (activation_id,group,forwho,whencreated,actmessage,username) VALUES ('{0}',{1},{2},{3},{4},'{5}');

            if (message == null || GroupID == null || instance_time == null || user_name_full == null || ActivationID == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("MESSAGE IS NULL OR SOMETHING");
                    Console.WriteLine("PROBLEM: {0} {1}", message, user_name_full);
                catch { }

                var statement =
                    string.Format("INSERT INTO xen_activations (`activation_id`,`group`,`forwho`,`whencreated`,`actmessage`,`username`) VALUES ('{0}',{1},{2},{3},{4},'{5}')",
                int ra = 0;
                SQL.NonQuery(statement, out ra);
                if (ra < 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Creating activation ID failed. No SQL rows affected.");
                    var cmsg = msg.replySendMessage("CreateActivationID() FAILED:\n\n Info:\n\n" + SQL.getLastError());
                    if (cmsg != null)
                        XenforceRoot.AddCleanupMessage(message.chat.id, cmsg.message_id, 120);
