Exemplo n.º 1
        public void LoadAvalonDockLayout(object o)
            lock (lockObj) {
                if (!_dockloaded)
                    _dockmanager = (Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.DockingManager)o;

                    var serializer = new Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.Layout.Serialization.XmlLayoutSerializer(_dockmanager);
                    serializer.LayoutSerializationCallback += (s, args) => {
                        args.Content = args.Content;

                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(Utility.AvalonDock.LayoutInitializer.LAYOUTFILEPATH))
                        try {
                            _dockloaded = true;
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            Logger.Error("Failed to load AvalonDock Layout. Loading default Layout!", ex);
                            using (var stream = new StringReader(Properties.Resources.avalondock)) {
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 ///		Inicializa los datos globales
 /// </summary>
 internal static void Initialize(MainWindow mainWindow, Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.DockingManager dockManager)
     HostController = new HostPluginsController(ApplicationName,
                                                new Controllers.HostViewsController(ApplicationName, mainWindow),
                                                new Controllers.HostViewModelController(ApplicationName),
                                                mainWindow, dockManager);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void InitializeLayout(Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.DockingManager manager)
            XmlLayoutSerializer serializer = new XmlLayoutSerializer(manager);

            serializer.LayoutSerializationCallback += LayoutSerializationCallback;
            try {
            } finally {
                serializer.LayoutSerializationCallback -= LayoutSerializationCallback;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public MDIMainViewModel(Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.DockingManager dockManager) : base(false)
     // Inicializa las propiedades
     DockingController = new AvalonLayout.LayoutDockingController(dockManager);
     DockingController.ActiveDocumentChanged += (sender, args) => ActiveDocument = args.ActiveDocument;
     // Inicializa los comandos
     ConfigurationCommand = new BaseCommand("Configuración", parameter => OpenWindowConfigurate());
     PathPluginsCommand   = new BaseCommand("Plugins", parameter => OpenWindowPathPlugins());
     SaveAllCommand       = new BaseCommand("SaveAll", parameter => ExecuteAction(nameof(SaveAllCommand), parameter),
                                            parameter => CanExecuteAction(nameof(SaveAllCommand), parameter));
     CloseAllWindowsCommand = new BaseCommand("CloseAll", parameter => ExecuteAction(nameof(CloseAllWindowsCommand), parameter),
                                              parameter => CanExecuteAction(nameof(CloseAllWindowsCommand), parameter));
     HelpIndexCommand = new BaseCommand("HelpIndex", parameter => ExecuteAction(nameof(HelpIndexCommand), parameter));
Exemplo n.º 5
 public LayoutDockingController(Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.DockingManager dockManager)
     DockManager = dockManager;
     DockManager.ActiveContentChanged += (sender, evntArgs) =>
         if (DockManager.ActiveContent != null && DockManager.Layout != null && DockManager.Layout.ActiveContent != null)
             ActiveDocument = GetPaneViewModel(DockManager.Layout.ActiveContent.ContentId);
             ActiveDocument = null;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void OpenOrFocusPluginWindow(Type tp)
            bool             pluginWindowIsInitialized = false;
            SinglePluginItem v = null;

            _retainedControls.TryGetValue(tp, out v);
            if (v != null)
                var anchorableTest = v.UiObject as LayoutContent;
                // The plugin is already loaded in the memory. We need to figure out whether it is already loaded in the UI. There are a few things to check before it is certain that the plugin is still there
                // 1. From the Plugin itself whether it is Loaded and Visible
                var plgInW = anchorableTest.Content as Window;
                if (plgInW != null)
                    if (plgInW.IsLoaded && plgInW.IsVisible)
                        return;  // It is already Loaded and Visible

                var plgInUC = anchorableTest.Content as UserControl;
                if (plgInUC != null)
                    if (plgInUC.IsLoaded && plgInUC.IsVisible)
                        return;  // It is already Loaded and Visible, or it is AutoHidden
                    if (anchorableTest.Parent is LayoutDocumentPane || anchorableTest.Parent is LayoutAnchorablePane)
                        // If it is docked under the LayoutDocumentPane or another LayoutAnchorablePane, it should be active there even though it might be Unloaded (e.g. when the Tab is not in focus)

                    // Item might be not in focus as a tab item to any of the possible panel. Search whether it is there
                    if (plgInUC.Parent is Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.DockingManager)
                        Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.DockingManager dockMgr = plgInUC.Parent as Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.DockingManager;
                        if (dockMgr.Layout.Children.Count() > 0)
                            foreach (LayoutElement layoutElem in dockMgr.Layout.Children)
                                // Layout Panel may be recursive
                                if (layoutElem is LayoutPanel)
                                    if (LocateControlInLayoutPanel(layoutElem as LayoutPanel, plgInUC))

                                if (layoutElem is LayoutAnchorSide)
                                    foreach (LayoutAnchorGroup lyG in (layoutElem as LayoutAnchorSide).Children)
                                        foreach (LayoutAnchorable lyGA in lyG.Children)
                                            if (lyGA.Content == plgInUC)
                                                return; // The item is already in a LayoutAnchorGroup, probably is AutoHidden

                // If the status is not any of the above, show the plugin again
                ShowPluginWindow(v.PluginInterface, true);
                IXbimXplorerPluginWindow instance;
                if (_retainedControls.ContainsKey(tp))
                    instance = _retainedControls[tp].PluginInterface;
                        instance = (IXbimXplorerPluginWindow)Activator.CreateInstance(tp);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        var msg = $"Error creating instance of type '{tp}'";
                        Log.Error(msg, ex);
                var menuWindow = ShowPluginWindow(instance, true);
                if (menuWindow == null)
                // if returned the window must be retained.
                var item = new SinglePluginItem()
                    PluginInterface = instance,
                    UiObject        = menuWindow
                if (!_retainedControls.ContainsKey(tp))
                    _retainedControls.Add(tp, item);
                if ((_retainedControls[tp].UiObject as LayoutAnchorable) != null)
                    (_retainedControls[tp].UiObject as LayoutAnchorable).IsActive = true;