Exemplo n.º 1
        public string invokeStrutsRules_Variation_2_loadAllFiles()
            string webAppRoot         = @"...\_OunceApplication\O2Data\xml config files";
            string baseO2FindingsFile = @"...\_OunceApplication\O2Data\OSA - ...  11-3-09 807PM.ozasmt";
            string webXml             = Path.Combine(webAppRoot, @"web.xml");
            string strutsConfigXml    = Path.Combine(webAppRoot, @"struts-config.xml");
            string tilesDefinitionXml = Path.Combine(webAppRoot, @"tiles-definitions.xml");
            string validationXml      = Path.Combine(webAppRoot, @"validation.xml");

            // make sure webAppRoot directory exists
            Assert.That(Directory.Exists(webAppRoot), "Could not find webAppRoot directory:\r\n    " + webAppRoot);

            // make sure files exist
            Assert.That(File.Exists(baseO2FindingsFile), "Could not find file with baseO2FindingsFile:\r\n    " + baseO2FindingsFile);
            Assert.That(File.Exists(webXml), "Could not find file with webXml:\r\n    " + webXml);
            Assert.That(File.Exists(strutsConfigXml), "Could not find file with strutsConfig:\r\n    " + strutsConfigXml);
            Assert.That(File.Exists(tilesDefinitionXml), "Could not find file with tilesDefinitionXml:\r\n    " + tilesDefinitionXml);
            //Assert.That(File.Exists(validationXml), "Could not find file with validationXml:\r\n    " + validationXml);  // Dinis note: in my local examples I don't have this file

            // load assessment file
            var baseO2Findings = XUtils_Findings_v0_1.loadFindingsFile(baseO2FindingsFile);

            // make sure there were findings loaded
            Assert.That(baseO2Findings != null, "baseO2Findings == null");
            Assert.That(baseO2Findings.Count > 0, "there were no findings loaded in baseO2Findings");

            // create struts mapping object
            var strutsMappings = StrutsMappingsHelpers.calculateStrutsMapping(webXml, strutsConfigXml, tilesDefinitionXml, validationXml);

            // make sure struts mapping was loaded ok
            Assert.That(strutsMappings != null, "strutsMappings was null");
            Assert.That(strutsMappings.actionServlets.Count > 0, "in strutsMappings, actionServlets.Count ==0");

            // TaintSources and FinalSinks RegEx
            var taintSources_SourceRegEx = @"getParameter\(java.lang.String\)";
            var taintSources_SinkRegEx   = @"setAttribute\(java.lang.String";

            var finalSinks_SourceRegEx = @"getAttribute\(java.lang.String\)";
            var finalSinks_SinkRegEx   = @"print";

            // calcuate struts findings
            var xRuleStuts = new XUtils_Struts_Joins_V0_1()
                findingsWith_BaseO2Findings = baseO2Findings,
                StrutsMappings           = strutsMappings,
                TaintSources_SourceRegEx = taintSources_SourceRegEx,
                TaintSources_SinkRegEx   = taintSources_SinkRegEx,
                FinalSinks_SourceRegEx   = finalSinks_SourceRegEx,
                FinalSinks_SinkRegEx     = finalSinks_SinkRegEx,
                JoinPointFilter          = XRule_Struts.joinPointFilter


            // get list of findings calculated
            var results = xRuleStuts.getResults();

            // make sure there are findings in the results list
            Assert.That(results.Count > 0, " there were no findings in the results list");
            return("All OK, number of results calculated: " + results.Count);
        public string invokeStrutsRules_Variation_2_loadAllFiles()
            string webAppRoot = @"...\_OunceApplication\O2Data\xml config files";
            string baseO2FindingsFile = @"...\_OunceApplication\O2Data\OSA - ...  11-3-09 807PM.ozasmt";
            string webXml = Path.Combine(webAppRoot,@"web.xml"); 	
            string strutsConfigXml = Path.Combine(webAppRoot,@"struts-config.xml"); 	
            string tilesDefinitionXml = Path.Combine(webAppRoot,@"tiles-definitions.xml"); 	    		
            string validationXml = Path.Combine(webAppRoot,@"validation.xml"); 	
            // make sure webAppRoot directory exists
            Assert.That(Directory.Exists(webAppRoot), "Could not find webAppRoot directory:\r\n    " + webAppRoot); 
            // make sure files exist
            Assert.That(File.Exists(baseO2FindingsFile), "Could not find file with baseO2FindingsFile:\r\n    " + baseO2FindingsFile); 
            Assert.That(File.Exists(webXml), "Could not find file with webXml:\r\n    " + webXml);
            Assert.That(File.Exists(strutsConfigXml), "Could not find file with strutsConfig:\r\n    " + strutsConfigXml);
            Assert.That(File.Exists(tilesDefinitionXml), "Could not find file with tilesDefinitionXml:\r\n    " + tilesDefinitionXml);        	
            //Assert.That(File.Exists(validationXml), "Could not find file with validationXml:\r\n    " + validationXml);  // Dinis note: in my local examples I don't have this file
            // load assessment file		
            var baseO2Findings = XUtils_Findings_v0_1.loadFindingsFile(baseO2FindingsFile);
            // make sure there were findings loaded
            Assert.That(baseO2Findings != null, "baseO2Findings == null");
            Assert.That(baseO2Findings.Count >0, "there were no findings loaded in baseO2Findings");
            // create struts mapping object
            var strutsMappings = StrutsMappingsHelpers.calculateStrutsMapping(webXml, strutsConfigXml, tilesDefinitionXml,validationXml);
            // make sure struts mapping was loaded ok
            Assert.That(strutsMappings != null, "strutsMappings was null");
            Assert.That(strutsMappings.actionServlets.Count >0 , "in strutsMappings, actionServlets.Count ==0");
            // TaintSources and FinalSinks RegEx
            var taintSources_SourceRegEx = @"getParameter\(java.lang.String\)";
            var taintSources_SinkRegEx = @"setAttribute\(java.lang.String";

            var finalSinks_SourceRegEx = @"getAttribute\(java.lang.String\)";
            var finalSinks_SinkRegEx = @"print";
            // calcuate struts findings			
            var xRuleStuts = new XUtils_Struts_Joins_V0_1()
                                     findingsWith_BaseO2Findings = baseO2Findings,
                                     StrutsMappings = strutsMappings,
                                     TaintSources_SourceRegEx = taintSources_SourceRegEx,
                                     TaintSources_SinkRegEx = taintSources_SinkRegEx,
                                     FinalSinks_SourceRegEx = finalSinks_SourceRegEx,
                                     FinalSinks_SinkRegEx = finalSinks_SinkRegEx,
                                     JoinPointFilter = XRule_Struts.joinPointFilter
            // get list of findings calculated
            var results = xRuleStuts.getResults();
            // make sure there are findings in the results list
            Assert.That(results.Count > 0 , " there were no findings in the results list");
            return "All OK, number of results calculated: " + results.Count;						