private void DrawTransmissionSettings(MaterialEditor materialEditor)
     showSubsurface = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Transmission", showSubsurface);
     if (showSubsurface)
         materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Thickness Map", "Thickness Map, used to mask areas where transmission can happen"), _ThicknessMap);
         materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetThickness, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Thickness Map"), 2);
         XSStyles.constrainedShaderProperty(materialEditor, _SSColor, new GUIContent("Transmission Color", "Transmission Color"), 2);
         materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SSDistortion, new GUIContent("Transmission Distortion", "How much the Transmission should follow the normals of the mesh and/or normal map."), 2);
         materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SSPower, new GUIContent("Transmission Power", "Subsurface Power"), 2);
         materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SSScale, new GUIContent("Transmission Scale", "Subsurface Scale"), 2);
 private void DrawOutlineSettings(MaterialEditor materialEditor)
     if (isOutlined)
         showOutlines = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Outlines", showOutlines);
         if (showOutlines)
             materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_OutlineLighting, new GUIContent("Outline Lighting", "Makes outlines respect the lighting, or be emissive."));
             materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_OutlineAlbedoTint, new GUIContent("Outline Albedo Tint", "Includes the color of the Albedo Texture in the calculation for the color of the outline."));
             materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Outline Mask", "Outline width mask, black will make the outline minimum width."), _OutlineMask);
             materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_OutlineWidth, new GUIContent("Outline Width", "Width of the Outlines"));
             XSStyles.constrainedShaderProperty(materialEditor, _OutlineColor, new GUIContent("Outline Color", "Color of the outlines"), 0);
    private void DrawShadowSettings(MaterialEditor materialEditor, Material material)
        showShadows = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Shadows", showShadows);
        if (showShadows)
            materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Ramp Selection Mask", "A black to white mask that determins how far up on the multi ramp to sample. 0 for bottom, 1 for top, 0.5 for middle, 0.25, and 0.75 for mid bottom and mid top respectively."), _RampSelectionMask);

            if (_RampSelectionMask.textureValue != null)
                string          rampMaskPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(_RampSelectionMask.textureValue);
                TextureImporter ti           = (TextureImporter)TextureImporter.GetAtPath(rampMaskPath);
                if (ti.sRGBTexture)
                    if (XSStyles.HelpBoxWithButton(new GUIContent("This texture is not marked as Linear.", "This is recommended for the mask"), new GUIContent("Fix Now")))
                        ti.sRGBTexture = false;
                        AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(rampMaskPath, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate);

            materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Shadow Ramp", "Shadow Ramp, Dark to Light should be Left to Right"), _Ramp);
            materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ShadowSharpness, new GUIContent("Shadow Sharpness", "Controls the sharpness of recieved shadows, as well as the sharpness of 'shadows' from Vertex Lighting."));

            materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Occlusion Map", "Occlusion Map, used to darken areas on the model artifically."), _OcclusionMap);
            XSStyles.constrainedShaderProperty(materialEditor, _OcclusionColor, new GUIContent("Occlusion Tint", "Occlusion shadow tint."), 2);
            materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetOcclusion, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Occlusion Texture"), 2);

            XSStyles.constrainedShaderProperty(materialEditor, _ShadowRim, new GUIContent("Shadow Rim", "Shadow Rim Color. Set to white to disable."), 0);
            materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ShadowRimAlbedoTint, new GUIContent("Shadow Rim Albedo Tint", "How much the Albedo texture should effect the Shadow Rim color."));
            materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ShadowRimRange, new GUIContent("Range", "Range of the Shadow Rim"), 2);
            materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ShadowRimThreshold, new GUIContent("Threshold", "Threshold of the Shadow Rim"), 2);
            materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ShadowRimSharpness, new GUIContent("Sharpness", "Sharpness of the Shadow Rim"), 2);
Exemplo n.º 4
    public override void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] props)
        Material material = as Material;
        Shader   shader   = material.shader;

        isCutout   ="Cutout") && !"A2C");
        isOutlined ="Outline");

        //Find all material properties listed in the script using reflection, and set them using a loop only if they're of type MaterialProperty.
        //This makes things a lot nicer to maintain and cleaner to look at.
        foreach (var property in GetType().GetFields(bindingFlags))
            if (property.FieldType == typeof(MaterialProperty))
                property.SetValue(this, FindProperty(property.Name, props));

            if (!isCutout)            // Do this to make sure that if you're using AlphaToCoverage that you fallback to cutout with 0.5 Cutoff if your shaders are blocked.
                material.SetFloat("_Cutoff", 0.5f);

            XSStyles.ShurikenHeaderCentered("XSToon v" + XSStyles.ver);

            showMainSettings = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Main Settings", showMainSettings);
            if (showMainSettings)
                materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Main Texture", "The Main Texture."), _MainTex, _Color);
                if (isCutout)
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Cutoff, new GUIContent("Cutoff", "The Cutoff Amount"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetAlbedo, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Albedo Texture"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Saturation, new GUIContent("Saturation", "Controls saturation of the final output from the shader."));
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Culling, _Culling.displayName);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_AdvMode, "Shader Mode");

            showShadows = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Shadows", showShadows);
            if (showShadows)
                materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Shadow Ramp", "Shadow Ramp, Dark to Light should be Left to Right, or Down to Up"), _Ramp);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ShadowSharpness, new GUIContent("Shadow Sharpness", "Only affects recieved shadows and self shadows. Does not affect shadow ramp. You need a realtime directional light with shadows to see changes from this!"));

                materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Occlusion Map", "Occlusion Map, used to darken areas on the model artifically."), _OcclusionMap);
                XSStyles.constrainedShaderProperty(materialEditor, _OcclusionColor, new GUIContent("Occlusion Tint", "Occlusion shadow tint."), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetOcclusion, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Occlusion Texture"), 2);

                XSStyles.constrainedShaderProperty(materialEditor, _ShadowRim, new GUIContent("Shadow Rim", "Shadow Rim Color. Set to white to disable."), 0);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ShadowRimRange, new GUIContent("Range", "Range of the Shadow Rim"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ShadowRimThreshold, new GUIContent("Threshold", "Threshold of the Shadow Rim"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ShadowRimSharpness, new GUIContent("Sharpness", "Sharpness of the Shadow Rim"), 2);

            if (isOutlined)
                showOutlines = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Outlines", showOutlines);
                if (showOutlines)
                    materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Outline Mask", "Outline width mask, black will make the outline minimum width."), _OutlineMask);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_OutlineWidth, new GUIContent("Outline Width", "Width of the Outlines"));
                    XSStyles.constrainedShaderProperty(materialEditor, _OutlineColor, new GUIContent("Outline Color", "Color of the outlines"), 0);

            showNormalMapSettings = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Normal Maps", showNormalMapSettings);
            if (showNormalMapSettings)
                materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Normal Map", "Normal Map"), _BumpMap);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_BumpScale, new GUIContent("Normal Strength", "Strength of the main Normal Map"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetNormal, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Normal Map"), 2);

                materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Detail Normal Map", "Detail Normal Map"), _DetailNormalMap);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_DetailNormalMapScale, new GUIContent("Detail Normal Strength", "Strength of the detail Normal Map"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetDetNormal, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Detail Normal Map"), 2);

                materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Detail Mask", "Mask for Detail Normal Map"), _DetailMask);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetDetMask, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Detail Mask"), 2);

            showSpecular = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Specular", showSpecular);
            if (showSpecular)
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SpecMode, new GUIContent("Specular Mode", "Specular Mode."));
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SpecularStyle, new GUIContent("Specular Style", "Specular Style."));
                materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Specular Map(R,G,B)", "Specular Map. Red channel controls Intensity, Green controls how much specular is tinted by Albedo, and Blue controls Smoothness (Only for Blinn-Phong, and GGX)."), _SpecularMap);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetSpecular, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Specular Map"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SpecularIntensity, new GUIContent("Specular Intensity", "Specular Intensity."), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SpecularAlbedoTint, new GUIContent("Specular Albedo Tint", "How much the specular highlight should derive color from the albedo of the object."), 2);
                if (_SpecMode.floatValue == 0 || _SpecMode.floatValue == 2)
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SpecularArea, new GUIContent("Specular Area", "Specular Area."), 2);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_AnisotropicAX, new GUIContent("Anisotropic Width", "Anisotropic Width"), 2);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_AnisotropicAY, new GUIContent("Anisotropic Height", "Anisotropic Height"), 2);

            showReflection = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Reflections", showReflection);
            if (showReflection)
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ReflectionMode, new GUIContent("Reflection Mode", "Reflection Mode."));
                if (_ReflectionMode.floatValue == 0)                 // PBR
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ReflectionBlendMode, new GUIContent("Reflection Blend Mode", "Blend mode for reflection. Additive is Color + reflection, Multiply is Color * reflection, and subtractive is Color - reflection"));
                    materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Fallback Cubemap", " Used as fallback in 'Unity' reflection mode if reflection probe is black."), _BakedCubemap);
                    materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Metallic Map", "Metallic Map, Metallic on Red Channel, Smoothness on Alpha Channel"), _MetallicGlossMap);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetMetallic, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the MetallicSmoothness Map"), 2);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Metallic, new GUIContent("Metallic", "Metallic, set to 1 if using metallic map"), 2);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Glossiness, new GUIContent("Smoothness", "Smoothness, set to 1 if using metallic map"), 2);
                else if (_ReflectionMode.floatValue == 1)                 //Baked cube
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ReflectionBlendMode, new GUIContent("Reflection Blend Mode", "Blend mode for reflection. Additive is Color + reflection, Multiply is Color * reflection, and subtractive is Color - reflection"));
                    materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Baked Cubemap", "Baked cubemap."), _BakedCubemap);
                    materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Metallic Map", "Metallic Map, Metallic on Red Channel, Smoothness on Alpha Channel"), _MetallicGlossMap);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetMetallic, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the MetallicSmoothness Map"), 2);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Metallic, new GUIContent("Metallic", "Metallic, set to 1 if using metallic map"), 2);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Glossiness, new GUIContent("Smoothness", "Smoothness, set to 1 if using metallic map"), 2);
                else if (_ReflectionMode.floatValue == 2)                 //Matcap
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ReflectionBlendMode, new GUIContent("Reflection Blend Mode", "Blend mode for reflection. Additive is Color + reflection, Multiply is Color * reflection, and subtractive is Color - reflection"));
                    materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Matcap", "Matcap Texture"), _Matcap);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Glossiness, new GUIContent("Matcap Blur", "Matcap blur, blurs the Matcap, set to 1 for full clarity"), 2);
                    material.SetFloat("_Metallic", 0);
                    material.SetTexture("_MetallicGlossMap", null);
                if (_ReflectionMode.floatValue != 3)
                    materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Reflectivity Mask", "Mask for reflections."), _ReflectivityMask);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetReflectivity, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Reflectivity Mask"), 2);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Reflectivity, new GUIContent("Reflectivity", "The strength of the reflections."), 2);
                if (_ReflectionMode.floatValue == 3)
                    material.SetFloat("_Metallic", 0);
                    material.SetFloat("_ReflectionBlendMode", 0);

            showEmission = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Emission", showEmission);
            if (showEmission)
                materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Emission Map", "Emissive map. White to black, unless you want multiple colors."), _EmissionMap, _EmissionColor);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetEmission, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Emission Map"), 2);

            showRimlight = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Rimlight", showRimlight);
            if (showRimlight)
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_RimIntensity, new GUIContent("Rimlight Intensity", "Strnegth of the Rimlight."));
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_RimRange, new GUIContent("Range", "Range of the Rim"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_RimThreshold, new GUIContent("Threshold", "Threshold of the Rim"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_RimSharpness, new GUIContent("Sharpness", "Sharpness of the Rim"), 2);

            showSubsurface = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Subsurface Scattering", showSubsurface);
            if (showSubsurface)
                materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Thickness Map", "Thickness Map, used to mask areas where subsurface can happen"), _ThicknessMap);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetThickness, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Thickness Map"), 2);

                XSStyles.constrainedShaderProperty(materialEditor, _SSColor, new GUIContent("Subsurface Color", "Subsurface Scattering Color"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SSDistortion, new GUIContent("Subsurface Distortion", "How much the subsurface follows the normals of the mesh, Normal map."), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SSPower, new GUIContent("Subsurface Power", "Subsurface Power"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SSScale, new GUIContent("Subsurface Scale", "Subsurface Scale"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SSSRange, new GUIContent("Subsurface Range", "Subsurface Range"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SSSSharpness, new GUIContent("Subsurface Sharpness", "Subsurface Sharpness"), 2);

            if (_AdvMode.floatValue == 1)
                showAdvanced = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Advanced Settings", showAdvanced);
                if (showAdvanced)
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Stencil, _Stencil.displayName);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_StencilComp, _StencilComp.displayName);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_StencilOp, _StencilOp.displayName);

Exemplo n.º 5
    public override void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] props)
        Material material = as Material;
        Shader   shader   = material.shader;

        isCutout   ="Cutout") && !"A2C");
        isOutlined ="Outline");

        //Find all material properties listed in the script using reflection, and set them using a loop only if they're of type MaterialProperty.
        //This makes things a lot nicer to maintain and cleaner to look at.
        foreach (var property in GetType().GetFields(bindingFlags))
            if (property.FieldType == typeof(MaterialProperty))
                property.SetValue(this, FindProperty(property.Name, props));

            if (!isCutout)// Do this to make sure that if you're using AlphaToCoverage that you fallback to cutout with 0.5 Cutoff if your shaders are blocked.
                material.SetFloat("_Cutoff", 0.5f);

            XSStyles.ShurikenHeaderCentered("XSToon v" + XSStyles.ver);
            materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_AdvMode, new GUIContent("Shader Mode", "Setting this to 'Advanced' will give you access to things such as stenciling, and other expiremental/advanced features."));
            materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Culling, new GUIContent("Culling Mode", "Changes the culling mode. 'Off' will result in a two sided material, while 'Front' and 'Back' will cull those sides respectively"));
            materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_TilingMode, new GUIContent("Tiling Mode", "Setting this to Merged will tile and offset all textures based on the Main texture's Tiling/Offset."));

            showMainSettings = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Main Settings", showMainSettings);
            if (showMainSettings)
                materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Main Texture", "The Main Texture."), _MainTex, _Color);
                if (isCutout)
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Cutoff, new GUIContent("Cutoff", "The Cutoff Amount"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetAlbedo, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Albedo Texture"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Saturation, new GUIContent("Saturation", "Controls saturation of the final output from the shader."));

            showShadows = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Shadows", showShadows);
            if (showShadows)
                materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Ramp Selection Mask", "A black to white mask that determins how far up on the multi ramp to sample. 0 for bottom, 1 for top, 0.5 for middle, 0.25, and 0.75 for mid bottom and mid top respectively."), _RampSelectionMask);

                if (_RampSelectionMask.textureValue != null)
                    string          rampMaskPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(_RampSelectionMask.textureValue);
                    TextureImporter ti           = (TextureImporter)TextureImporter.GetAtPath(rampMaskPath);
                    if (ti.sRGBTexture)
                        if (XSStyles.HelpBoxWithButton(new GUIContent("This texture is not marked as Linear.", "This is recommended for the mask"), new GUIContent("Fix Now")))
                            ti.sRGBTexture = false;
                            AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(rampMaskPath, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate);

                materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Shadow Ramp", "Shadow Ramp, Dark to Light should be Left to Right, or Down to Up"), _Ramp);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ShadowSharpness, new GUIContent("Shadow Sharpness", "Controls the sharpness of recieved shadows, as well as the sharpness of 'shadows' from Vertex Lighting."));

                materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Occlusion Map", "Occlusion Map, used to darken areas on the model artifically."), _OcclusionMap);
                XSStyles.constrainedShaderProperty(materialEditor, _OcclusionColor, new GUIContent("Occlusion Tint", "Occlusion shadow tint."), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetOcclusion, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Occlusion Texture"), 2);

                XSStyles.constrainedShaderProperty(materialEditor, _ShadowRim, new GUIContent("Shadow Rim", "Shadow Rim Color. Set to white to disable."), 0);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ShadowRimRange, new GUIContent("Range", "Range of the Shadow Rim"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ShadowRimThreshold, new GUIContent("Threshold", "Threshold of the Shadow Rim"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ShadowRimSharpness, new GUIContent("Sharpness", "Sharpness of the Shadow Rim"), 2);

            if (isOutlined)
                showOutlines = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Outlines", showOutlines);
                if (showOutlines)
                    materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Outline Mask", "Outline width mask, black will make the outline minimum width."), _OutlineMask);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_OutlineWidth, new GUIContent("Outline Width", "Width of the Outlines"));
                    XSStyles.constrainedShaderProperty(materialEditor, _OutlineColor, new GUIContent("Outline Color", "Color of the outlines"), 0);

            showNormalMapSettings = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Normal Maps", showNormalMapSettings);
            if (showNormalMapSettings)
                materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Normal Map", "Normal Map"), _BumpMap);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_BumpScale, new GUIContent("Normal Strength", "Strength of the main Normal Map"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetNormal, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Normal Map"), 2);

                materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Detail Normal Map", "Detail Normal Map"), _DetailNormalMap);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_DetailNormalMapScale, new GUIContent("Detail Normal Strength", "Strength of the detail Normal Map"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetDetNormal, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Detail Normal Map"), 2);

                materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Detail Mask", "Mask for Detail Normal Map"), _DetailMask);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetDetMask, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Detail Mask"), 2);

            showSpecular = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Specular", showSpecular);
            if (showSpecular)
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SpecMode, new GUIContent("Specular Mode", "Specular Mode."));
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SpecularStyle, new GUIContent("Specular Style", "Specular Style."));
                materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Specular Map(R,G,B)", "Specular Map. Red channel controls Intensity, Green controls how much specular is tinted by Albedo, and Blue controls Smoothness (Only for Blinn-Phong, and GGX)."), _SpecularMap);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetSpecular, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Specular Map"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SpecularIntensity, new GUIContent("Specular Intensity", "Specular Intensity."), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SpecularAlbedoTint, new GUIContent("Specular Albedo Tint", "How much the specular highlight should derive color from the albedo of the object."), 2);
                if (_SpecMode.floatValue == 0 || _SpecMode.floatValue == 2)
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SpecularArea, new GUIContent("Specular Area", "Specular Area."), 2);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_AnisotropicAX, new GUIContent("Anisotropic Width", "Anisotropic Width, makes anistropic relfections more horizontal"), 2);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_AnisotropicAY, new GUIContent("Anisotropic Height", "Anisotropic Height, makes anistropic relfections more vertical"), 2);

            showReflection = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Reflections", showReflection);
            if (showReflection)
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ReflectionMode, new GUIContent("Reflection Mode", "Reflection Mode."));

                if (_ReflectionMode.floatValue == 0) // PBR
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ReflectionBlendMode, new GUIContent("Reflection Blend Mode", "Blend mode for reflection. Additive is Color + reflection, Multiply is Color * reflection, and subtractive is Color - reflection"));
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ClearCoat, new GUIContent("Clearcoat", "Clearcoat"));
                    materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Fallback Cubemap", " Used as fallback in 'Unity' reflection mode if reflection probe is black."), _BakedCubemap);
                    materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Metallic Map", "Metallic Map, Metallic on Red Channel, Smoothness on Alpha Channel. \nIf Clearcoat is enabled, Clearcoat Smoothness on Green Channel, Clearcoat Reflectivity on Blue Channel."), _MetallicGlossMap);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetMetallic, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Metallic Smoothness Map"), 2);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Metallic, new GUIContent("Metallic", "Metallic, set to 1 if using metallic map"), 2);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Glossiness, new GUIContent("Smoothness", "Smoothness, set to 1 if using metallic map"), 2);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ClearcoatSmoothness, new GUIContent("Clearcoat Smoothness", "Smoothness of the clearcoat."), 2);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ClearcoatStrength, new GUIContent("Clearcoat Reflectivity", "The strength of the clearcoat reflection."), 2);
                else if (_ReflectionMode.floatValue == 1) //Baked cube
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ReflectionBlendMode, new GUIContent("Reflection Blend Mode", "Blend mode for reflection. Additive is Color + reflection, Multiply is Color * reflection, and subtractive is Color - reflection"));
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ClearCoat, new GUIContent("Clearcoat", "Clearcoat"));
                    materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Baked Cubemap", "Baked cubemap."), _BakedCubemap);
                    materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Metallic Map", "Metallic Map, Metallic on Red Channel, Smoothness on Alpha Channel. \nIf Clearcoat is enabled, Clearcoat Smoothness on Green Channel, Clearcoat Reflectivity on Blue Channel."), _MetallicGlossMap);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetMetallic, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the MetallicSmoothness Map"), 2);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Metallic, new GUIContent("Metallic", "Metallic, set to 1 if using metallic map"), 2);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Glossiness, new GUIContent("Smoothness", "Smoothness, set to 1 if using metallic map"), 2);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ClearcoatSmoothness, new GUIContent("Clearcoat Smoothness", "Smoothness of the clearcoat."), 2);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ClearcoatStrength, new GUIContent("Clearcoat Reflectivity", "The strength of the clearcoat reflection."), 2);
                else if (_ReflectionMode.floatValue == 2) //Matcap
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ReflectionBlendMode, new GUIContent("Reflection Blend Mode", "Blend mode for reflection. Additive is Color + reflection, Multiply is Color * reflection, and subtractive is Color - reflection"));
                    materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Matcap", "Matcap Texture"), _Matcap, _MatcapTint);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Glossiness, new GUIContent("Matcap Blur", "Matcap blur, blurs the Matcap, set to 1 for full clarity"), 2);
                    material.SetFloat("_Metallic", 0);
                    material.SetFloat("_ClearCoat", 0);
                    material.SetTexture("_MetallicGlossMap", null);
                if (_ReflectionMode.floatValue != 3)
                    materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Reflectivity Mask", "Mask for reflections."), _ReflectivityMask);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetReflectivity, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Reflectivity Mask"), 2);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Reflectivity, new GUIContent("Reflectivity", "The strength of the reflections."), 2);
                if (_ReflectionMode.floatValue == 3)
                    material.SetFloat("_Metallic", 0);
                    material.SetFloat("_ReflectionBlendMode", 0);
                    material.SetFloat("_ClearCoat", 0);

            showEmission = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Emission", showEmission);
            if (showEmission)
                materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Emission Map", "Emissive map. White to black, unless you want multiple colors."), _EmissionMap, _EmissionColor);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetEmission, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Emission Map"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_EmissionToDiffuse, new GUIContent("Tint To Diffuse", "Tints the emission to the Diffuse Color"), 2);

                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ScaleWithLight, new GUIContent("Scale w/ Light", "Scales the emission intensity based on how dark or bright the environment is."));
                if (_ScaleWithLight.floatValue == 0)
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ScaleWithLightSensitivity, new GUIContent("Scaling Sensitivity", "How agressively the emission should scale with the light."));

            showRimlight = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Rimlight", showRimlight);
            if (showRimlight)
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_RimColor, new GUIContent("Rimlight Tint", "The Tint of the Rimlight."));
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_RimIntensity, new GUIContent("Rimlight Intensity", "Strength of the Rimlight."));
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_RimRange, new GUIContent("Range", "Range of the Rim"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_RimThreshold, new GUIContent("Threshold", "Threshold of the Rim"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_RimSharpness, new GUIContent("Sharpness", "Sharpness of the Rim"), 2);

            showSubsurface = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Subsurface Scattering", showSubsurface);
            if (showSubsurface)
                materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Thickness Map", "Thickness Map, used to mask areas where subsurface can happen"), _ThicknessMap);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetThickness, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Thickness Map"), 2);

                XSStyles.constrainedShaderProperty(materialEditor, _SSColor, new GUIContent("Subsurface Color", "Subsurface Scattering Color"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SSDistortion, new GUIContent("Subsurface Distortion", "How much the subsurface follows the normals of the mesh, Normal map."), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SSPower, new GUIContent("Subsurface Power", "Subsurface Power"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SSScale, new GUIContent("Subsurface Scale", "Subsurface Scale"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SSSRange, new GUIContent("Subsurface Range", "Subsurface Range"), 2);
                materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SSSSharpness, new GUIContent("Subsurface Sharpness", "Subsurface Sharpness"), 2);

            if (_AdvMode.floatValue == 1)
                showAdvanced = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Advanced Settings", showAdvanced);
                if (showAdvanced)
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Stencil, _Stencil.displayName);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_StencilComp, _StencilComp.displayName);
                    materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_StencilOp, _StencilOp.displayName);
