Exemplo n.º 1
        public bool Gift(GameObject who, bool FromDialog)

            Inventory part2 = XRLCore.Core.Game.Player.Body.GetPart <Inventory>();
            List <XRL.World.GameObject> ObjectChoices = new List <XRL.World.GameObject>();
            List <string> ChoiceList = new List <string>();
            List <char>   HotkeyList = new List <char>();
            char          ch         = 'a';

            part2.ForeachObject(delegate(XRL.World.GameObject GO)
                ch = (char)(ch + 1);
            if (ObjectChoices.Count == 0)
                Popup.Show("You have no gifts to give.");
            int num12 = Popup.ShowOptionList(string.Empty, ChoiceList.ToArray(), HotkeyList.ToArray(), 0, "Select a gift to give.", 60, bRespectOptionNewlines: false, bAllowEscape: true);

            if (num12 < 0)
            int result = (int)((assessGift(ObjectChoices[num12], who).amount + (Stat.Rnd2.Next(1, 4) - 1.5f)) * 10);

            XRL.World.Event event2 = XRL.World.Event.New("SplitStack", "Number", 1);
            event2.AddParameter("OwningObject", XRLCore.Core.Game.Player.Body);
            if (!part2.FireEvent(XRL.World.Event.New("CommandRemoveObject", "Object", ObjectChoices[num12])))
                Popup.Show("You can't give that object.");
            ObjectChoices[num12].SetStringProperty("GiftedTo", ParentObject.id);
            ParentObject.GetPart <Inventory>().AddObject(ObjectChoices[num12]);
            ParentObject.pBrain.AdjustFeeling(who, result);
            if (who.IsPlayer())
                Popup.Show(ParentObject.The + ParentObject.DisplayNameOnlyDirect + (result > 0?"&Y likes the " + ObjectChoices[num12].pRender.DisplayName + ".":"&r is unimpressed by the " + ObjectChoices[num12].pRender.DisplayName + "."));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override bool FireEvent(XRL.World.Event E)
            // bail out if not the event we want
            if (E.ID != EVENT_NAME)

            // get list of known location categories
            System.Collections.Generic.List <string> categories = Qud.API.JournalAPI.GetMapNoteCategories();
            // if no locations known, pop up an informational message and abort
            if (categories.Count <= 0)
                XRL.UI.Popup.ShowSpace("No location categories known yet. Go forth and explore!");
            // build list of category choices
            string[] catArray = new string[categories.Count + 1];
            catArray[0] = "All Known Categories";
            categories.CopyTo(catArray, 1);
            // query the user for category choice
            int catChoice = XRL.UI.Popup.ShowOptionList(
                Title:       "Map Pin Toggle - Location",
                Options:     catArray,
                Intro:       "Which location category's map pins would you like to toggle?\n",
                AllowEscape: true

            // abort if player escaped out
            if (catChoice < 0)
            // query the user for toggle action choice
            int actChoice = XRL.UI.Popup.ShowOptionList(
                Title:       "Map Pin Toggle - Action",
                Options:     TOGGLE_ACTIONS,
                Intro:       "What action would you like to perform for " +
                (catChoice == 0 ?
                 " all known categories" :
                 catArray[catChoice]) +
                AllowEscape: true

            // abort if player escaped out
            if (actChoice < 0)
            // player has committed to a change
            // derive action flags from player choice
            //  -1 => disable
            //   0 => no change
            //   1 => enable
            ActE actUnv = ActE.NA;
            ActE actVis = ActE.NA;

            switch (actChoice)
            case 0: { actUnv = ActE.OF; actVis = ActE.OF; } break;

            case 1: { actUnv = ActE.OF; actVis = ActE.NA; } break;

            case 2: { actUnv = ActE.OF; actVis = ActE.ON; } break;

            case 3: { actUnv = ActE.NA; actVis = ActE.OF; } break;

            case 4: { actUnv = ActE.NA; actVis = ActE.ON; } break;

            case 5: { actUnv = ActE.ON; actVis = ActE.OF; } break;

            case 6: { actUnv = ActE.ON; actVis = ActE.NA; } break;

            case 7: { actUnv = ActE.ON; actVis = ActE.ON; } break;
            // iterate over all revealed map notes
            foreach (Qud.API.JournalMapNote mapNote in
                         (Qud.API.JournalMapNote item) =>
                         item.revealed &&
                         (catChoice == 0 ||
                          item.category == catArray[catChoice])
                // apply chosen action(s)
                switch (VisitedNote(mapNote) ? actVis : actUnv)
                case ActE.OF: mapNote.tracked = false; break;

                case ActE.NA: /* do nothing */ break;

                case ActE.ON: mapNote.tracked = true;  break;

            XRL.World.Zone z = XRL.Core.XRLCore.Core?.Game?.Player?.Body?.CurrentCell?.ParentZone;
            if (z != null && z.IsWorldMap())

            // toggle categories per configured behavior
            switch (GetCategoryBehavior())
            case CatE.ALL:
                // enable all categories since we're managing individual entries
                // otherwise disabled categories may override visibility
                foreach (string catString in categories)
                    Qud.API.JournalAPI.SetCategoryMapNoteToggle(catString, true);

            case CatE.NONE:
                // do nothing

            case CatE.SYNC:
                // add categories with tracked notes to hash set
                System.Collections.Generic.HashSet <string> catSet = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet <string>();
                foreach (Qud.API.JournalMapNote mapNote in Qud.API.JournalAPI.GetMapNotes(
                             (Qud.API.JournalMapNote item) => item.revealed && item.tracked))
                // now iterate over all categories and toggle based on set presence
                foreach (string catString in categories)
                    Qud.API.JournalAPI.SetCategoryMapNoteToggle(catString, catSet.Contains(catString));

Exemplo n.º 3
        public override bool FireEvent(XRL.World.Event E)
            // bail out if not the event we want
            if (E.ID != EVENT_NAME)

            // get list of known location categories
            System.Collections.Generic.List <string> categories = Qud.API.JournalAPI.GetMapNoteCategories();
            // if no locations known, pop up an informational message and abort
            if (categories.Count <= 0)
                XRL.UI.Popup.ShowSpace("No location categories known yet. Go forth and explore!");
            // build list of category choices
            string[] catArray = new string[categories.Count + 1];
            catArray[0] = "All Known Categories";
            categories.CopyTo(catArray, 1);
            // query the user for category choice
            int catChoice = XRL.UI.Popup.ShowOptionList(
                Title:       "Map Pin Toggle - Location",
                Options:     catArray,
                Intro:       "Which location category's map pins would you like to toggle?\n",
                AllowEscape: true

            // abort if player escaped out
            if (catChoice < 0)
            // query the user for toggle action choice
            int actChoice = XRL.UI.Popup.ShowOptionList(
                Title:       "Map Pin Toggle - Action",
                Options:     TOGGLE_ACTIONS,
                Intro:       "What action would you like to perform for " +
                (catChoice == 0 ?
                 " all known categories" :
                 categories[catChoice - 1]) +
                AllowEscape: true

            // abort if player escaped out
            if (actChoice < 0)
            // derive action flags from player choice
            //  -1 => disable
            //   0 => no change
            //   1 => enable
            ActE actUnv = ActE.NA;
            ActE actVis = ActE.NA;

            switch (actChoice)
            case 0: { actUnv = ActE.OF; actVis = ActE.OF; } break;

            case 1: { actUnv = ActE.OF; actVis = ActE.NA; } break;

            case 2: { actUnv = ActE.OF; actVis = ActE.ON; } break;

            case 3: { actUnv = ActE.NA; actVis = ActE.OF; } break;

            case 4: { actUnv = ActE.NA; actVis = ActE.ON; } break;

            case 5: { actUnv = ActE.ON; actVis = ActE.OF; } break;

            case 6: { actUnv = ActE.ON; actVis = ActE.NA; } break;

            case 7: { actUnv = ActE.ON; actVis = ActE.ON; } break;
            // iterate over all revealed map notes
            foreach (Qud.API.JournalMapNote mapNote in
                         (Qud.API.JournalMapNote item) =>
                         item.revealed &&
                         (catChoice == 0 ||
                          item.category == categories[catChoice - 1])
                // apply chosen action(s)
                switch (VisitedNote(mapNote) ? actVis : actUnv)
                case ActE.OF: mapNote.tracked = false; break;

                case ActE.NA: /* do nothing */ break;

                case ActE.ON: mapNote.tracked = true;  break;

            XRL.World.Zone z = XRL.Core.XRLCore.Core?.Game?.Player?.Body?.CurrentCell?.ParentZone;
            if (z != null && z.IsWorldMap())
