public BoundingSphere Transform(XMMatrix m)
            // Load the center of the sphere.
            XMVector v_center =;

            // Transform the center of the sphere.
            XMVector c = XMVector3.Transform(v_center, m);

            XMVector dX = XMVector3.Dot(((XMVector *)&m)[0], ((XMVector *)&m)[0]);
            XMVector dY = XMVector3.Dot(((XMVector *)&m)[1], ((XMVector *)&m)[1]);
            XMVector dZ = XMVector3.Dot(((XMVector *)&m)[2], ((XMVector *)&m)[2]);

            XMVector d = XMVector.Max(dX, XMVector.Max(dY, dZ));

            BoundingSphere result;

            // Store the center sphere.
   = c;

            // Scale the radius of the pshere.
            float scale = (float)Math.Sqrt(d.X);

            result.radius = this.radius * scale;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public ContainmentType Contains(XMVector point)
            XMVector boxCenter  =;
            XMVector boxExtents = this.extents;

            return(XMVector3.InBounds(point - boxCenter, boxExtents) ? ContainmentType.Contains : ContainmentType.Disjoint);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected void UpdateVelocity(double fElapsedTime)
            XMVector vMouseDelta  = m_vMouseDelta;
            XMVector vRotVelocity = vMouseDelta * m_fRotationScaler;

            m_vRotVelocity = vRotVelocity;

            XMVector vKeyboardDirection = m_vKeyboardDirection;
            XMVector vAccel             = vKeyboardDirection;

            // Normalize vector so if moving 2 dirs (left & forward),
            // the camera doesn't move faster than if moving in 1 dir
            vAccel = XMVector3.Normalize(vAccel);

            // Scale the acceleration vector
            vAccel *= m_fMoveScaler;

            if (m_bMovementDrag)
                // Is there any acceleration this frame?
                if (XMVector3.LengthSquare(vAccel).X > 0)
                    // If so, then this means the user has pressed a movement key
                    // so change the velocity immediately to acceleration
                    // upon keyboard input.  This isn't normal physics
                    // but it will give a quick response to keyboard input
                    m_vVelocity = vAccel;

                    m_fDragTimer = m_fTotalDragTimeToZero;

                    m_vVelocityDrag = vAccel / (float)m_fDragTimer;
                    // If no key being pressed, then slowly decrease velocity to 0
                    if (m_fDragTimer > 0)
                        // Drag until timer is <= 0
                        XMVector vVelocity     = m_vVelocity;
                        XMVector vVelocityDrag = m_vVelocityDrag;

                        vVelocity -= vVelocityDrag * (float)fElapsedTime;

                        m_vVelocity = vVelocity;

                        m_fDragTimer -= fElapsedTime;
                        // Zero velocity
                        m_vVelocity = XMVector.Zero;
                // No drag, so immediately change the velocity
                m_vVelocity = vAccel;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public BoundingBox Transform(float scale, XMVector rotation, XMVector translation)
            Debug.Assert(Internal.XMQuaternionIsUnit(rotation), "Reviewed");

            // Load center and extents.
            XMVector boxCenter  =;
            XMVector boxExtents = this.extents;

            XMVector vectorScale = XMVector.Replicate(scale);

            // Compute and transform the corners and find new min/max bounds.
            XMVector corner = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(boxExtents, CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[0], boxCenter);

            corner = XMVector3.Rotate(corner * vectorScale, rotation) + translation;

            XMVector min, max;

            min = max = corner;

            for (int i = 1; i < BoundingBox.CornerCount; i++)
                corner = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(boxExtents, CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[i], boxCenter);
                corner = XMVector3.Rotate(corner * vectorScale, rotation) + translation;

                min = XMVector.Min(min, corner);
                max = XMVector.Max(max, corner);

            // Store center and extents.
            return(new BoundingBox((min + max) * 0.5f, (max - min) * 0.5f));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public ContainmentType Contains(BoundingOrientedBox box)
            if (!box.Intersects(this))

            XMVector boxCenter  =;
            XMVector boxExtents = this.extents;

            // Subtract off the AABB center to remove a subtract below
            XMVector o_center = box.Center - boxCenter;

            XMVector o_extents     = box.Extents;
            XMVector o_orientation = box.Orientation;

            Debug.Assert(Internal.XMQuaternionIsUnit(o_orientation), "Reviewed");

            XMVector inside = XMVector.TrueInt;

            for (int i = 0; i < BoundingOrientedBox.CornerCount; i++)
                XMVector c = XMVector3.Rotate(o_extents * CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[i], o_orientation) + o_center;
                XMVector d = c.Abs();
                inside = XMVector.AndInt(inside, XMVector.LessOrEqual(d, boxExtents));

            return(XMVector3.EqualInt(inside, XMVector.TrueInt) ? ContainmentType.Contains : ContainmentType.Intersects);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void FastIntersectOrientedBoxPlane(
            XMVector center,
            XMVector extents,
            XMVector axis0,
            XMVector axis1,
            XMVector axis2,
            XMVector plane,
            out XMVector outside,
            out XMVector inside)
            // Compute the distance to the center of the box.
            XMVector dist = XMVector4.Dot(center, plane);

            // Project the axes of the box onto the normal of the plane.  Half the
            // length of the projection (sometime called the "radius") is equal to
            // h(u) * abs(n dot b(u))) + h(v) * abs(n dot b(v)) + h(w) * abs(n dot b(w))
            // where h(i) are extents of the box, n is the plane normal, and b(i) are the
            // axes of the box.
            XMVector radius = XMVector3.Dot(plane, axis0);

            radius.Y = XMVector3.Dot(plane, axis1).Y;
            radius.Z = XMVector3.Dot(plane, axis2).Z;
            radius   = XMVector3.Dot(extents, radius.Abs());

            // Outside the plane?
            outside = XMVector.Greater(dist, radius);

            // Fully inside the plane?
            inside = XMVector.Less(dist, -radius);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public bool Intersects(BoundingSphere sh)
            XMVector sphereCenter = sh.Center;
            XMVector sphereRadius = XMVector.Replicate(sh.Radius);

            XMVector boxCenter  =;
            XMVector boxExtents = this.extents;

            XMVector boxMin = boxCenter - boxExtents;
            XMVector boxMax = boxCenter + boxExtents;

            //// Find the distance to the nearest point on the box.
            //// for each i in (x, y, z)
            //// if (SphereCenter(i) < BoxMin(i)) d2 += (SphereCenter(i) - BoxMin(i)) ^ 2
            //// else if (SphereCenter(i) > BoxMax(i)) d2 += (SphereCenter(i) - BoxMax(i)) ^ 2

            XMVector d = XMGlobalConstants.Zero;

            // Compute d for each dimension.
            XMVector lessThanMin    = XMVector.Less(sphereCenter, boxMin);
            XMVector greaterThanMax = XMVector.Greater(sphereCenter, boxMax);

            XMVector minDelta = sphereCenter - boxMin;
            XMVector maxDelta = sphereCenter - boxMax;

            // Choose value for each dimension based on the comparison.
            d = XMVector.Select(d, minDelta, lessThanMin);
            d = XMVector.Select(d, maxDelta, greaterThanMax);

            // Use a dot-product to square them and sum them together.
            XMVector d2 = XMVector3.Dot(d, d);

            return(XMVector3.LessOrEqual(d2, XMVector.Multiply(sphereRadius, sphereRadius)));
        public ContainmentType Contains(BoundingOrientedBox box)
            if (!box.Intersects(this))

            XMVector v_center =;
            XMVector v_radius = XMVector.Replicate(this.radius);
            XMVector radiusSq = v_radius * v_radius;

            XMVector boxCenter      = box.Center;
            XMVector boxExtents     = box.Extents;
            XMVector boxOrientation = box.Orientation;

            Debug.Assert(Internal.XMQuaternionIsUnit(boxOrientation), "Reviewed");

            XMVector insideAll = XMVector.TrueInt;

            for (int i = 0; i < BoundingOrientedBox.CornerCount; i++)
                XMVector c = XMVector3.Rotate(boxExtents * CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[i], boxOrientation) + boxCenter;
                XMVector d = XMVector3.LengthSquare(XMVector.Subtract(v_center, c));
                insideAll = XMVector.AndInt(insideAll, XMVector.LessOrEqual(d, radiusSq));

            return(XMVector3.EqualInt(insideAll, XMVector.TrueInt) ? ContainmentType.Contains : ContainmentType.Intersects);
        public ContainmentType Contains(BoundingBox box)
            if (!box.Intersects(this))

            XMVector v_center =;
            XMVector v_radius = XMVector.Replicate(this.radius);
            XMVector radiusSq = v_radius * v_radius;

            XMVector boxCenter  = box.Center;
            XMVector boxExtents = box.Extents;

            XMVector insideAll = XMVector.TrueInt;

            XMVector offset = boxCenter - v_center;

            for (int i = 0; i < BoundingBox.CornerCount; i++)
                XMVector c = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(boxExtents, CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[i], offset);
                XMVector d = XMVector3.LengthSquare(c);

                insideAll = XMVector.AndInt(insideAll, XMVector.LessOrEqual(d, radiusSq));

            return(XMVector3.EqualInt(insideAll, XMVector.TrueInt) ? ContainmentType.Contains : ContainmentType.Intersects);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static XMVector XMPlaneTransform(XMVector plane, XMVector rotation, XMVector translation)
            XMVector v_normal = XMVector3.Rotate(plane, rotation);
            XMVector vD       = XMVector.SplatW(plane) - XMVector3.Dot(v_normal, translation);

            return(new XMVector(v_normal.X, v_normal.Y, v_normal.Z, vD.W));
Exemplo n.º 11
        public BoundingBox Transform(XMMatrix m)
            // Load center and extents.
            XMVector boxCenter  =;
            XMVector boxExtents = this.extents;

            // Compute and transform the corners and find new min/max bounds.
            XMVector corner = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(boxExtents, CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[0], boxCenter);

            corner = XMVector3.Transform(corner, m);

            XMVector min, max;

            min = max = corner;

            for (int i = 1; i < BoundingBox.CornerCount; i++)
                corner = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(boxExtents, CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[i], boxCenter);
                corner = XMVector3.Transform(corner, m);

                min = XMVector.Min(min, corner);
                max = XMVector.Max(max, corner);

            // Store center and extents.
            return(new BoundingBox((min + max) * 0.5f, (max - min) * 0.5f));
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void InitScene()
            this.cascadedShadow.InitScene(this.selectedMesh, this.cascadeConfig);

            XMVector vMeshExtents = this.cascadedShadow.SceneAABBMax - this.cascadedShadow.SceneAABBMin;
            XMVector vMeshLength  = XMVector3.Length(vMeshExtents);
            float    fMeshLength  = vMeshLength.GetByIndex(0);

            this.Settings.MeshLength = fMeshLength;
Exemplo n.º 13
        public ContainmentType Contains(XMVector point)
            XMVector v_center =;
            XMVector v_radius = XMVector.Replicate(this.radius);

            XMVector distanceSquared = XMVector3.LengthSquare(point - v_center);
            XMVector radiusSquared   = XMVector.Multiply(v_radius, v_radius);

            return(XMVector3.LessOrEqual(distanceSquared, radiusSquared) ? ContainmentType.Contains : ContainmentType.Disjoint);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static void FastIntersectFrustumPlane(
            XMVector point0,
            XMVector point1,
            XMVector point2,
            XMVector point3,
            XMVector point4,
            XMVector point5,
            XMVector point6,
            XMVector point7,
            XMVector plane,
            out XMVector outside,
            out XMVector inside)
            // Find the min/max projection of the frustum onto the plane normal.
            XMVector min, max, dist;

            min = max = XMVector3.Dot(plane, point0);

            dist = XMVector3.Dot(plane, point1);
            min  = XMVector.Min(min, dist);
            max  = XMVector.Max(max, dist);

            dist = XMVector3.Dot(plane, point2);
            min  = XMVector.Min(min, dist);
            max  = XMVector.Max(max, dist);

            dist = XMVector3.Dot(plane, point3);
            min  = XMVector.Min(min, dist);
            max  = XMVector.Max(max, dist);

            dist = XMVector3.Dot(plane, point4);
            min  = XMVector.Min(min, dist);
            max  = XMVector.Max(max, dist);

            dist = XMVector3.Dot(plane, point5);
            min  = XMVector.Min(min, dist);
            max  = XMVector.Max(max, dist);

            dist = XMVector3.Dot(plane, point6);
            min  = XMVector.Min(min, dist);
            max  = XMVector.Max(max, dist);

            dist = XMVector3.Dot(plane, point7);
            min  = XMVector.Min(min, dist);
            max  = XMVector.Max(max, dist);

            XMVector planeDist = -XMVector.SplatW(plane);

            // Outside the plane?
            outside = XMVector.Greater(min, planeDist);

            // Fully inside the plane?
            inside = XMVector.Less(max, planeDist);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public bool Intersects(XMVector v0, XMVector v1, XMVector v2)
            // Load the sphere.
            XMVector v_center =;
            XMVector v_radius = XMVector.Replicate(this.radius);

            // Compute the plane of the triangle (has to be normalized).
            XMVector n = XMVector3.Normalize(XMVector3.Cross(v1 - v0, v2 - v0));

            // Assert that the triangle is not degenerate.
            Debug.Assert(!XMVector3.Equal(n, XMGlobalConstants.Zero), "Reviewed");

            // Find the nearest feature on the triangle to the sphere.
            XMVector dist = XMVector3.Dot(v_center - v0, n);

            // If the center of the sphere is farther from the plane of the triangle than
            // the radius of the sphere, then there cannot be an intersection.
            XMVector noIntersection = XMVector.Less(dist, -v_radius);

            noIntersection = XMVector.OrInt(noIntersection, XMVector.Greater(dist, v_radius));

            // Project the center of the sphere onto the plane of the triangle.
            XMVector point = v_center - (n * dist);

            // Is it inside all the edges? If so we intersect because the distance
            // to the plane is less than the radius.
            XMVector intersection = Internal.PointOnPlaneInsideTriangle(point, v0, v1, v2);

            // Find the nearest point on each edge.
            XMVector radiusSq = v_radius * v_radius;

            // Edge 0,1
            point = Internal.PointOnLineSegmentNearestPoint(v0, v1, v_center);

            // If the distance to the center of the sphere to the point is less than
            // the radius of the sphere then it must intersect.
            intersection = XMVector.OrInt(intersection, XMVector.LessOrEqual(XMVector3.LengthSquare(v_center - point), radiusSq));

            // Edge 1,2
            point = Internal.PointOnLineSegmentNearestPoint(v1, v2, v_center);

            // If the distance to the center of the sphere to the point is less than
            // the radius of the sphere then it must intersect.
            intersection = XMVector.OrInt(intersection, XMVector.LessOrEqual(XMVector3.LengthSquare(v_center - point), radiusSq));

            // Edge 2,0
            point = Internal.PointOnLineSegmentNearestPoint(v2, v0, v_center);

            // If the distance to the center of the sphere to the point is less than
            // the radius of the sphere then it must intersect.
            intersection = XMVector.OrInt(intersection, XMVector.LessOrEqual(XMVector3.LengthSquare(v_center - point), radiusSq));

            return(XMVector4.EqualInt(XMVector.AndComplementInt(intersection, noIntersection), XMVector.TrueInt));
        public void Update(ITimer timer)
            float t = timer == null ? 0.0f : (float)timer.TotalSeconds;
            float d = timer == null ? 0.0f : (float)timer.ElapsedSeconds;

            this.worldMatrix = XMMatrix.RotationY(t);

            // Rotate the second light around the origin
            XMMatrix rotate = XMMatrix.RotationY(-2.0f * d);

            this.lightDirs[1] = XMVector3.Transform(this.lightDirs[1], rotate);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public static BoundingBox CreateFromSphere(BoundingSphere sh)
            XMVector sp_Center = sh.Center;
            XMVector sh_Radius = XMVector.Replicate(sh.Radius);

            XMVector min = XMVector.Subtract(sp_Center, sh_Radius);
            XMVector max = XMVector.Add(sp_Center, sh_Radius);

            Debug.Assert(XMVector3.LessOrEqual(min, max), "Reviewed");

            return(new BoundingBox((min + max) * 0.5f, (max - min) * 0.5f));
Exemplo n.º 18
        public ContainmentType Contains(BoundingSphere sh)
            XMVector center1 =;
            float    r1      = this.radius;

            XMVector center2 =;
            float    r2      = sh.radius;

            XMVector v = XMVector.Subtract(center2, center1);

            XMVector dist = XMVector3.Length(v);
            float    d    = dist.X;

            return((r1 + r2 >= d) ? ((r1 - r2 >= d) ? ContainmentType.Contains : ContainmentType.Intersects) : ContainmentType.Disjoint);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public bool Intersects(XMVector origin, XMVector direction, out float distance)
            Debug.Assert(Internal.XMVector3IsUnit(direction), "Reviewed");

            XMVector v_center =;
            XMVector v_radius = XMVector.Replicate(this.radius);

            // l is the vector from the ray origin to the center of the sphere.
            XMVector l = v_center - origin;

            // s is the projection of the l onto the ray direction.
            XMVector s = XMVector3.Dot(l, direction);

            XMVector l2 = XMVector3.Dot(l, l);

            XMVector r2 = v_radius * v_radius;

            // m2 is squared distance from the center of the sphere to the projection.
            XMVector m2 = l2 - (s * s);

            XMVector noIntersection;

            // If the ray origin is outside the sphere and the center of the sphere is
            // behind the ray origin there is no intersection.
            noIntersection = XMVector.AndInt(XMVector.Less(s, XMGlobalConstants.Zero), XMVector.Greater(l2, r2));

            // If the squared distance from the center of the sphere to the projection
            // is greater than the radius squared the ray will miss the sphere.
            noIntersection = XMVector.OrInt(noIntersection, XMVector.Greater(m2, r2));

            // The ray hits the sphere, compute the nearest intersection point.
            XMVector q  = (r2 - m2).Sqrt();
            XMVector t1 = s - q;
            XMVector t2 = s + q;

            XMVector originInside = XMVector.LessOrEqual(l2, r2);
            XMVector t            = XMVector.Select(t1, t2, originInside);

            if (XMVector4.NotEqualInt(noIntersection, XMVector.TrueInt))
                // Store the x-component to *pDist.
                t.StoreFloat(out distance);

            distance = 0.0f;
        public MainGameComponent()
            var vLightDir = new XMFloat3(-1, 1, -1);

            this.LightDirection = XMVector3.Normalize(vLightDir);

            XMVector eye           = new XMVector(0.0f, 0.0f, -100.0f, 0.0f);
            XMVector at            = new XMVector(0.0f, 0.0f, -0.0f, 0.0f);
            XMVector up            = new XMVector(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            float    fObjectRadius = 378.15607f;
            XMVector radius        = XMVector3.Normalize(at - eye).Scale(fObjectRadius * 3.0f);

            this.ViewMatrix = XMMatrix.LookAtLH(eye, at, up) * XMMatrix.TranslationFromVector(radius);

            this.WorldMatrix = XMMatrix.Identity;
Exemplo n.º 21
        public ContainmentType Contains(BoundingFrustum fr)
            if (!fr.Intersects(this))

            XMVector v_center =;
            XMVector v_radius = XMVector.Replicate(this.radius);
            XMVector radiusSq = v_radius * v_radius;

            XMVector v_origin      = fr.Origin;
            XMVector v_orientation = fr.Orientation;

            Debug.Assert(Internal.XMQuaternionIsUnit(v_orientation), "Reviewed");

            // Build the corners of the frustum.
            XMVector v_rightTop    = new XMVector(fr.RightSlope, fr.TopSlope, 1.0f, 0.0f);
            XMVector v_rightBottom = new XMVector(fr.RightSlope, fr.BottomSlope, 1.0f, 0.0f);
            XMVector v_leftTop     = new XMVector(fr.LeftSlope, fr.TopSlope, 1.0f, 0.0f);
            XMVector v_leftBottom  = new XMVector(fr.LeftSlope, fr.BottomSlope, 1.0f, 0.0f);
            XMVector v_near        = XMVector.Replicate(fr.Near);
            XMVector v_far         = XMVector.Replicate(fr.Far);

            XMVector[] corners = new XMVector[BoundingFrustum.CornerCount];
            corners[0] = v_rightTop * v_near;
            corners[1] = v_rightBottom * v_near;
            corners[2] = v_leftTop * v_near;
            corners[3] = v_leftBottom * v_near;
            corners[4] = v_rightTop * v_far;
            corners[5] = v_rightBottom * v_far;
            corners[6] = v_leftTop * v_far;
            corners[7] = v_leftBottom * v_far;

            XMVector insideAll = XMVector.TrueInt;

            for (int i = 0; i < BoundingFrustum.CornerCount; i++)
                XMVector c = XMVector3.Rotate(corners[i], v_orientation) + v_origin;
                XMVector d = XMVector3.LengthSquare(XMVector.Subtract(v_center, c));
                insideAll = XMVector.AndInt(insideAll, XMVector.LessOrEqual(d, radiusSq));

            return(XMVector3.EqualInt(insideAll, XMVector.TrueInt) ? ContainmentType.Contains : ContainmentType.Intersects);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public static void FastIntersectAxisAlignedBoxPlane(XMVector center, XMVector extents, XMVector plane, out XMVector outside, out XMVector inside)
            // Compute the distance to the center of the box.
            XMVector dist = XMVector4.Dot(center, plane);

            // Project the axes of the box onto the normal of the plane.  Half the
            // length of the projection (sometime called the "radius") is equal to
            // h(u) * abs(n dot b(u))) + h(v) * abs(n dot b(v)) + h(w) * abs(n dot b(w))
            // where h(i) are extents of the box, n is the plane normal, and b(i) are the
            // axes of the box. In this case b(i) = [(1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)].
            XMVector radius = XMVector3.Dot(extents, plane.Abs());

            // Outside the plane?
            outside = XMVector.Greater(dist, radius);

            // Fully inside the plane?
            inside = XMVector.Less(dist, -radius);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public BoundingSphere Transform(float scale, XMVector rotation, XMVector translation)
            // Load the center of the sphere.
            XMVector v_center =;

            // Transform the center of the sphere.
            v_center = XMVector3.Rotate(v_center * XMVector.Replicate(scale), rotation) + translation;

            BoundingSphere result;

            // Store the center sphere.
   = v_center;

            // Scale the radius of the pshere.
            result.radius = this.radius * scale;

        public override void SetViewParams(XMVector vEyePt, XMVector vLookatPt)
            base.SetViewParams(vEyePt, vLookatPt);

            // Propogate changes to the member arcball
            XMMatrix mRotation = XMMatrix.LookAtLH(vEyePt, vLookatPt, XMVector.FromFloat(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
            XMVector quat      = XMQuaternion.RotationMatrix(mRotation);


            // Set the radius according to the distance
            XMVector vEyeToPoint = XMVector.Subtract(vLookatPt, vEyePt);
            float    len         = XMVector3.Length(vEyeToPoint).X;


            // View information changed. FrameMove should be called.
            m_bDragSinceLastUpdate = true;
Exemplo n.º 25
        public static BoundingBox CreateMerged(BoundingBox b1, BoundingBox b2)
            XMVector b1_Center  =;
            XMVector b1_Extents = b1.extents;

            XMVector b2_Center  =;
            XMVector b2_Extents = b2.extents;

            XMVector min = XMVector.Subtract(b1_Center, b1_Extents);

            min = XMVector.Min(min, XMVector.Subtract(b2_Center, b2_Extents));

            XMVector max = XMVector.Add(b1_Center, b1_Extents);

            max = XMVector.Max(max, XMVector.Add(b2_Center, b2_Extents));

            Debug.Assert(XMVector3.LessOrEqual(min, max), "Reviewed");

            return(new BoundingBox((min + max) * 0.5f, (max - min) * 0.5f));
        protected override void CreateDeviceDependentResources()


            float fObjectRadius = 378.15607f;

            // Setup the camera's view parameters
            XMFloat3 vecEye = new XMFloat3(0.0f, 0.0f, -100.0f);
            XMFloat3 vecAt  = new XMFloat3(0.0f, 0.0f, -0.0f);

  , vecAt);
   * 3.0f, fObjectRadius * 0.5f, fObjectRadius * 10.0f);

            var vLightDir = new XMFloat3(-1, 1, -1);

            vLightDir = XMVector3.Normalize(vLightDir);
Exemplo n.º 27
        public ContainmentType Contains(XMVector v0, XMVector v1, XMVector v2)
            if (!this.Intersects(v0, v1, v2))

            XMVector boxCenter  =;
            XMVector boxExtents = this.extents;

            XMVector d      = XMVector.Subtract(v0, boxCenter).Abs();
            XMVector inside = XMVector.LessOrEqual(d, boxExtents);

            d      = XMVector.Subtract(v1, boxCenter).Abs();
            inside = XMVector.AndInt(inside, XMVector.LessOrEqual(d, boxExtents));

            d      = XMVector.Subtract(v2, boxCenter).Abs();
            inside = XMVector.AndInt(inside, XMVector.LessOrEqual(d, boxExtents));

            return(XMVector3.EqualInt(inside, XMVector.TrueInt) ? ContainmentType.Contains : ContainmentType.Intersects);
Exemplo n.º 28
        public static XMVector PointOnLineSegmentNearestPoint(XMVector s1, XMVector s2, XMVector p)
            XMVector dir        = s1 - s1;
            XMVector projection = XMVector3.Dot(p, dir) - XMVector3.Dot(s1, dir);
            XMVector lengthSq   = XMVector3.Dot(dir, dir);

            XMVector t     = projection * lengthSq.Reciprocal();
            XMVector point = s1 + (t * dir);

            // t < 0
            XMVector selectS1 = XMVector.Less(projection, XMGlobalConstants.Zero);

            point = XMVector.Select(point, s1, selectS1);

            // t > 1
            XMVector selectS2 = XMVector.Greater(projection, lengthSq);

            point = XMVector.Select(point, s2, selectS2);

Exemplo n.º 29
        private static void LoadParticles(Random rand, Particle[] pParticles, int startIndex, XMFloat3 center, XMFloat4 velocity, float spread, int numParticles)
            for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
                XMFloat3 delta = new XMFloat3(spread, spread, spread);

                while (XMVector3.LengthSquare(delta).X > spread * spread)
                    delta.X = RPercent(rand) * spread;
                    delta.Y = RPercent(rand) * spread;
                    delta.Z = RPercent(rand) * spread;

                pParticles[startIndex + i].pos.X = center.X + delta.X;
                pParticles[startIndex + i].pos.Y = center.Y + delta.Y;
                pParticles[startIndex + i].pos.Z = center.Z + delta.Z;
                pParticles[startIndex + i].pos.W = 10000.0f * 10000.0f;

                pParticles[startIndex + i].velo = velocity;
Exemplo n.º 30
        public static XMVector PointOnPlaneInsideTriangle(XMVector p, XMVector v0, XMVector v1, XMVector v2)
            // Compute the triangle normal.
            XMVector n = XMVector3.Cross(v2 - v0, v1 - v0);

            // Compute the cross products of the vector from the base of each edge to
            // the point with each edge vector.
            XMVector c0 = XMVector3.Cross(p - v0, v1 - v0);
            XMVector c1 = XMVector3.Cross(p - v1, v2 - v1);
            XMVector c2 = XMVector3.Cross(p - v2, v0 - v2);

            // If the cross product points in the same direction as the normal the the
            // point is inside the edge (it is zero if is on the edge).
            XMVector zero    = XMGlobalConstants.Zero;
            XMVector inside0 = XMVector.GreaterOrEqual(XMVector3.Dot(c0, n), zero);
            XMVector inside1 = XMVector.GreaterOrEqual(XMVector3.Dot(c1, n), zero);
            XMVector inside2 = XMVector.GreaterOrEqual(XMVector3.Dot(c2, n), zero);

            // If the point inside all of the edges it is inside.
            return(XMVector.AndInt(XMVector.AndInt(inside0, inside1), inside2));