public void copyToText(Text target)
        GameObject gameObject = new GameObject();
        Text       t          = gameObject.AddComponent <Text>();

        t.alignByGeometry = alignByGeometry;
        t.alignment       = alignment;
        t.font            = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Font>(fontPath);
        if (t.font == null)
            Debug.Log("Font not found");
            //set default font
            //UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Font>(GameManager.defaultFontPath); //Might not need since prefab will have default font

        t.fontSize             = fontSize;
        t.fontStyle            = fontStyle;
        t.lineSpacing          = lineSpacing;
        t.resizeTextForBestFit = resizeTextForBestFit;
        t.resizeTextMaxSize    = resizeTextMaxSize;
        t.resizeTextMinSize    = resizeTextMinSize;
        t.supportRichText      = supportRichText;
        t.text = text;

        XMLSerializationManager.copyComponent(t, target);
    public void copyToScrollbar(Scrollbar target)
        GameObject gameObject = new GameObject();
        Scrollbar  sb         = gameObject.AddComponent <Scrollbar>();

        sb.direction = direction;
        //sb.handleRect = handleRect.toRectTransform(null);   //Needs to get the rect transform of the Handle after its instantiated
        sb.numberOfSteps  = numberOfSteps;
        sb.onValueChanged = onValueChanged;
        sb.size           = size;
        sb.value          = value;

        XMLSerializationManager.copyComponent(sb, target);
    //Creates a rect transform using the fields in this RectTransformData and applies it to a parent. While not necessary to specify a parent this
    //is to keep a consistent style with the other components, since Unity gui elements need a parent to initialize

    public void copyToRectTransform(RectTransform target)
        GameObject    gameObject = new GameObject();
        RectTransform rc         = gameObject.AddComponent <RectTransform>();

        rc.anchoredPosition = anchoredPosition;
        rc.anchorMax        = anchorMax;
        rc.anchorMin        = anchorMin;
        rc.offsetMax        = offsetMax;
        rc.offsetMin        = offsetMin;
        rc.pivot            = pivot;
        rc.sizeDelta        = sizeDelta;
        XMLSerializationManager.copyComponent(rc, target);
    public void copyToRawImage(RawImage target)
        GameObject gameObject = new GameObject();
        RawImage   image      = gameObject.AddComponent <RawImage>();

        image.texture = (Texture)UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(sourceImagePath, typeof(Texture));
        if (image.texture == null)
            Debug.Log("Image file not found at: " + sourceImagePath);
            //set a default picture in its place

        image.uvRect = uvRect;
        XMLSerializationManager.copyComponent(image, target);
    public void copyToScrollRect(ScrollRect target)                 //Scroll rect stuff is all kinds of screwed because it needs references to the other gameobjects
        GameObject gameObject = new GameObject();
        ScrollRect rect       = gameObject.AddComponent <ScrollRect>();

        //rect.normalizedPosition = normalizedPosition;
        rect.decelerationRate  = decelerationRate;
        rect.elasticity        = elasticity;
        rect.inertia           = inertia;
        rect.movementType      = movementType;
        rect.horizontal        = false;
        rect.scrollSensitivity = scrollSensitivity;
        rect.velocity          = velocity;
        rect.vertical          = vertical;
        // rect.verticalNormalizedPosition = verticalNormalizedPosition;
        rect.verticalScrollbarSpacing    = verticalScrollbarSpacing;
        rect.verticalScrollbarVisibility = verticalScrollbarVisibility;

        XMLSerializationManager.copyComponent(rect, target);
    public void copyToImage(Image target)
        GameObject gameObject = new GameObject();
        Image      image      = gameObject.AddComponent <Image>();

        image.sprite = (Sprite)UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(sourceImagePath, typeof(Sprite));
        if (image.sprite == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("Image file not found at: " + sourceImagePath);
            //set a default picture in its place

        image.alphaHitTestMinimumThreshold = alphaHitTestMinimumThreshold;
        image.fillAmount     = fillAmount;
        image.fillCenter     = fillCenter;
        image.fillClockwise  = fillClockwise;
        image.fillMethod     = fillMethod;
        image.fillOrigin     = fillOrigin;
        image.preserveAspect = preserveAspect;
        image.type           = type;
        image.color          = color;
        XMLSerializationManager.copyComponent(image, target);