Exemplo n.º 1
        public static int TExpPet(BaseCreature bc)
            XMLPetLevelAtt petxml = (XMLPetLevelAtt)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(bc, typeof(XMLPetLevelAtt));

            return(petxml.kxp + LevelCore.GetExp(bc));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static int PetLevelXML(Mobile m, Configured c)
            BaseCreature   bc     = m as BaseCreature;
            XMLPetLevelAtt petxml = (XMLPetLevelAtt)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(bc, typeof(XMLPetLevelAtt));

            if (petxml == null)
                int Lvl = petxml.Levell;

Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void PetOnDeath(BaseCreature bc)
            XMLPetLevelAtt   petxml = (XMLPetLevelAtt)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(bc, typeof(XMLPetLevelAtt));
            Mobile           master = bc.ControlMaster;
            ConfiguredPetXML cp     = new ConfiguredPetXML();

            if (master != null && bc.Controlled == true && petxml != null)
                if (cp.LoseExpLevelOnDeath == true)
                    if (cp.LoseStatOnDeath == true)
                        int strloss = bc.Str / cp.PetStatLossAmount;
                        int dexloss = bc.Dex / cp.PetStatLossAmount;
                        int intloss = bc.Int / cp.PetStatLossAmount;
                        if (bc.Str > strloss)
                            bc.Str -= strloss;
                        if (bc.Dex > dexloss)
                            bc.Dex -= dexloss;
                        if (bc.Int > intloss)
                            bc.Int -= intloss;
                    int ExpLoss = petxml.Expp / cp.PetStatLossAmount;
                    int KXPLoss = petxml.kxp / cp.PetStatLossAmount;
                    petxml.Expp -= ExpLoss;
                    petxml.kxp  -= KXPLoss;

                    if (petxml.Expp <= 0)
                        petxml.Levell -= 1;
                        petxml.Expp    = 0;
                        petxml.kxp     = 0;
                    master.SendMessage(38, "Your pet has suffered a 5% stat lose due to its untimely death.");
                    master.SendMessage(64, "Your pet has been killed!");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void AddExp(Mobile m, Mobile k, Party p, Configured c)
            BaseCreature     bc     = (BaseCreature)m;
            XMLPetLevelAtt   petxml = (XMLPetLevelAtt)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(bc, typeof(XMLPetLevelAtt));
            ConfiguredPetXML cp     = new ConfiguredPetXML();
            PlayerMobile     pm     = null;
            LevelHandlerPet  lh     = new LevelHandlerPet();
            Mobile           cm     = bc.ControlMaster;

            double orig = 0;  //Monster Xp
            double fig  = 0;  //Party Xp
            double give = 0;  //Xp To Give

            if (k != null)
                orig = LevelCore.Base(k);

            fig = orig;

            if (fig > 0)
                give = LevelHandlerPet.ExpFilter(m, fig, p, false);

            if (give > 0)
                if (cp.NotifyOnPetExpGain == true)
                    cm.SendMessage("{0} gained " + give + " exp for the kill!", bc.Name);
                petxml.kxp += (int)give;

                if (petxml.Expp >= petxml.ToLevell && petxml.Levell < petxml.MaxLevel)
                    DoLevel(bc, new Configured());
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static int ExpFilter(Mobile m, double o, Party p, bool craft)
            BaseCreature     bc     = (BaseCreature)m;
            XMLPetLevelAtt   petxml = (XMLPetLevelAtt)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(bc, typeof(XMLPetLevelAtt));
            ConfiguredPetXML cp     = new ConfiguredPetXML();
            PlayerMobile     pm     = null;
            BaseCreature     bcc    = null;
            Configured       c      = new Configured();

            double n;
            double New = 0;

            if (p != null && c.PartyExpShare)
                bcc = m as BaseCreature;
                XMLPetLevelAtt petxml3 = (XMLPetLevelAtt)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(bcc, typeof(XMLPetLevelAtt));

                if (petxml3 == null)

                if (petxml3.Expp + o > petxml3.ToLevell && petxml3.Levell >= petxml3.MaxLevel)
                    n   = (o + petxml3.Expp) - petxml3.ToLevell;
                    New = (int)(o - n);
                    New = o;

Exemplo n.º 6
        protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object target)
            BaseCreature   pet    = target as BaseCreature;
            XMLPetLevelAtt petxml = (XMLPetLevelAtt)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(pet, typeof(XMLPetLevelAtt));

            if (petxml == null)
                from.SendMessage("You cannot check this!");

            else if (target == from)
                from.SendMessage("You cannot check yourself!");

            else if (target is Item)
                from.SendMessage("You cannot check that!");

            else if (target is PlayerMobile)
                from.SendMessage("That person gives you a dirty look!");

            else if (Server.Spells.SpellHelper.CheckCombat(from))
                from.SendMessage("You cannot check your pet while you are fighting.");

            else if (null == pet)
                from.SendMessage("That is not a pet!");

            else if ((pet.BodyValue == 400 || pet.BodyValue == 401) && pet.Controlled == false)
                from.SendMessage("That person gives you a dirty look!");

            else if (pet.IsDeadPet)
                from.SendMessage("You cannot check the dead!");

            else if (pet.Summoned)
                from.SendMessage("You cannot check a summoned creature!");

            else if (!m_StaffCommand && pet.Combatant != null && pet.InRange(pet.Combatant, 12) && pet.Map == pet.Combatant.Map)
                from.SendMessage("Your pet is fighting; you cannot check it yet.");

            else if (pet.BodyMod != 0)
                from.SendMessage("You cannot check your pet while it is polymorphed.");

            else if (!m_StaffCommand && pet.Controlled == false)
                from.SendMessage("You cannot not check wild creatures.");

            else if (!m_StaffCommand && pet.ControlMaster != from)
                from.SendMessage("That is not your pet.");

                from.SendGump(new PetLevelGump(from, pet));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public PetLevelGump(Mobile from, BaseCreature target) : base(40, 40)
            m_Pet = target;
            ConfiguredPetXML cp = new ConfiguredPetXML();

            m_Petxml    = (XMLPetLevelAtt)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(m_Pet, typeof(XMLPetLevelAtt));
            m_PetAttack = (XMLPetAttacksBonus)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(m_Pet, typeof(XMLPetAttacksBonus));

            int hue = 1149;

            Closable   = true;
            Disposable = true;
            Dragable   = true;
            Resizable  = false;

            AddBackground(50, 35, 540, 382, 9270);

            int totalBaseStats;

            //custom information
            AddLabel(100, 69, 1153, "You can go anywhere you want in this world with a single blade.");
            AddLabel(262, 56, TitleHue, @" Pet Level Window");

            AddLabel(112, 93, TitleHue, @"Boosted Skills");
            AddLabel(220, 93, TitleHue, @"Required Level");
            AddImage(0, 4, 10440);
            AddImage(554, 4, 10441);

            totalBaseStats = m_Pet.RawStr + m_Pet.RawInt + m_Pet.RawDex;

            AddLabel(300, 380, LabelHue2, @"Stat Total: ");
            AddLabel(370, 380, LabelHue, totalBaseStats.ToString());
            int totalSkill = m_Pet.SkillsTotal;

            totalSkill = totalSkill / 10;

            AddLabel(75, 336, LabelHue2, @"Current Level:");
            AddLabel(164, 336, LabelHue, m_Petxml.Levell.ToString());

            AddLabel(75, 358, LabelHue2, @"Experience:");
            AddLabel(144, 358, LabelHue, m_Petxml.Expp.ToString());

            AddLabel(75, 380, LabelHue2, @"Exp. to next level:");
            AddLabel(191, 380, LabelHue, m_Petxml.ToLevell.ToString());

            AddLabel(394, 93, TitleHue, @"Stats");

            AddButton(300, 116, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID(1, 2), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(337, 117, LabelHue2, @"Strength:");
            AddLabel(407, 117, LabelHue, m_Pet.RawStr.ToString());

            AddButton(300, 138, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID(1, 3), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(337, 139, LabelHue2, @"Intelligence:");
            AddLabel(407, 139, LabelHue, m_Pet.RawInt.ToString());

            AddButton(300, 160, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID(1, 4), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(337, 161, LabelHue2, @"Dexterity:");
            AddLabel(407, 161, LabelHue, m_Pet.RawDex.ToString());

            AddLabel(300, 183, LabelHue2, @"Available stat points: ");
            AddLabel(435, 183, LabelHue, m_Petxml.StatPoints.ToString());

            AddLabel(300, 205, 155, @"Hit Points:");
            AddLabel(435, 205, hue, @"" + m_Pet.Hits);
            AddLabel(465, 205, hue, @"/ " + m_Pet.HitsMax);
            AddLabel(300, 227, 155, @"Mana:");
            AddLabel(435, 227, hue, @"" + m_Pet.Mana);
            AddLabel(465, 227, hue, @"/ " + m_Pet.ManaMax);
            AddLabel(300, 249, 155, @"Stamina:");
            AddLabel(435, 249, hue, @"" + m_Pet.Stam);
            AddLabel(465, 249, hue, @"/ " + m_Pet.StamMax);

            if (m_PetAttack != null)
                if (cp.TelePortToTarget)
                    AddLabel(112, 117, LabelHue2, @"Teleport To Target");
                    AddLabel(230, 117, hue, @": " + cp.TelePortToTargetReq);
                    if (m_Petxml.Levell < cp.TelePortToTargetReq)
                        this.AddImage(75, 116, 5231);
                        if (m_PetAttack.m_TeleToTargetSwitch == true)
                            AddButton(75, 116, 4006, 4005, GetButtonID(1, 5), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                        if (m_PetAttack.m_TeleToTargetSwitch == false)
                            AddButton(75, 116, 4005, 4006, GetButtonID(1, 5), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddLabel(112, 117, LabelHue2, @"Disabled by Admin");
                if (cp.MassProvokeToAtt)
                    AddLabel(112, 139, LabelHue2, @"Mass Provoke");
                    AddLabel(230, 139, hue, @": " + cp.MassProvokeToAttReq);
                    if (m_Petxml.Levell < cp.MassProvokeToAttReq)
                        this.AddImage(75, 138, 5231);
                        m_PetAttack.m_MassProvokeSwitch = false;
                        if (m_PetAttack.m_MassProvokeSwitch == true)
                            AddButton(75, 138, 4006, 4005, GetButtonID(1, 6), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                        if (m_PetAttack.m_MassProvokeSwitch == false)
                            AddButton(75, 138, 4005, 4006, GetButtonID(1, 6), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddLabel(112, 139, LabelHue2, @"Disabled by Admin");
                if (cp.MassPeaceArea)
                    AddLabel(112, 161, LabelHue2, @"Mass Peace Area");
                    AddLabel(230, 161, hue, @": " + cp.MassPeaceReq);
                    if (m_Petxml.Levell < cp.MassPeaceReq)
                        this.AddImage(75, 160, 5231);
                        m_PetAttack.m_MassPeace = false;
                        if (m_PetAttack.m_MassPeace == true)
                            AddButton(75, 160, 4006, 4005, GetButtonID(1, 7), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                        if (m_PetAttack.m_MassPeace == false)
                            AddButton(75, 160, 4005, 4006, GetButtonID(1, 7), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddLabel(112, 161, LabelHue2, @"Disabled by Admin");
                if (cp.BlessedPower)
                    AddLabel(112, 183, LabelHue2, @"Blessed Power");
                    AddLabel(230, 183, hue, @": " + cp.BlessedPowerReq);
                    if (m_Petxml.Levell < cp.BlessedPowerReq)
                        this.AddImage(75, 182, 5231);
                        m_PetAttack.m_BlessedPower = false;
                        if (m_PetAttack.m_BlessedPower == true)
                            AddButton(75, 182, 4006, 4005, GetButtonID(1, 8), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                        if (m_PetAttack.m_BlessedPower == false)
                            AddButton(75, 182, 4005, 4006, GetButtonID(1, 8), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddLabel(112, 183, LabelHue2, @"Disabled by Admin");
                if (cp.AreaFireBlast)
                    AddLabel(112, 205, LabelHue2, @"Area Fire Blast");
                    AddLabel(230, 205, hue, @": " + cp.AreaFireBlastReq);
                    if (m_Petxml.Levell < cp.AreaFireBlastReq)
                        this.AddImage(75, 204, 5231);
                        m_PetAttack.m_AreaFireBlast = false;
                        if (m_PetAttack.m_AreaFireBlast == true)
                            AddButton(75, 204, 4006, 4005, GetButtonID(1, 9), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                        if (m_PetAttack.m_AreaFireBlast == false)
                            AddButton(75, 204, 4005, 4006, GetButtonID(1, 9), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddLabel(112, 205, LabelHue2, @"Disabled by Admin");
                if (cp.AreaIceBlast)
                    AddLabel(112, 227, LabelHue2, @"Area Ice Blast");
                    AddLabel(230, 227, hue, @": " + cp.AreaIceBlastReq);
                    if (m_Petxml.Levell < cp.AreaIceBlastReq)
                        this.AddImage(75, 226, 5231);
                        m_PetAttack.m_AreaIceBlast = false;
                        if (m_PetAttack.m_AreaIceBlast == true)
                            AddButton(75, 226, 4006, 4005, GetButtonID(1, 10), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                        if (m_PetAttack.m_AreaIceBlast == false)
                            AddButton(75, 226, 4005, 4006, GetButtonID(1, 10), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddLabel(112, 227, LabelHue2, @"Disabled by Admin");
                if (cp.AreaAirBlast)
                    AddLabel(112, 249, LabelHue2, @"Area Air Blast");
                    AddLabel(230, 249, hue, @": " + cp.AreaAirBlastReq);
                    if (m_Petxml.Levell < cp.AreaAirBlastReq)
                        this.AddImage(75, 248, 5231);
                        m_PetAttack.m_AreaAirBlast = false;
                        if (m_PetAttack.m_AreaAirBlast == true)
                            AddButton(75, 248, 4006, 4005, GetButtonID(1, 11), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                        if (m_PetAttack.m_AreaAirBlast == false)
                            AddButton(75, 248, 4005, 4006, GetButtonID(1, 11), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddLabel(112, 249, LabelHue2, @"Disabled by Admin");
                if (cp.SuperHeal)
                    if (m_Petxml.Levell < cp.SuperHealReq)
                        AddLabel(75, 271, LabelHue2, @"Disabled :Super Healing");
                        AddLabel(75, 271, LabelHue2, @"Enabled :Super Healing");
                    AddLabel(230, 271, hue, @": " + cp.SuperHealReq);
                    AddLabel(112, 271, LabelHue2, @"Disabled by Admin");

                if (cp.AuraStatBoost)
                    if (m_Petxml.Levell < cp.AuraStatBoostReq)
                        AddLabel(75, 293, LabelHue2, @"Disabled :Aura Stat Boost");
                        AddLabel(75, 293, LabelHue2, @"Enabled :Aura Stat Boost");
                    AddLabel(230, 293, hue, @": " + cp.AuraStatBoostReq);
                    AddLabel(112, 293, LabelHue2, @"Disabled by Admin");
                AddLabel(112, 117, LabelHue2, @"Pet Bonus System Disabled.");
            if (cp.EnableLvLMountChkonPetAtt)
                if (m_Pet is Beetle)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.Beetle);
                if (m_Pet is DesertOstard)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.DesertOstard);
                if (m_Pet is FireSteed)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.FireSteed);
                if (m_Pet is ForestOstard)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.ForestOstard);
                if (m_Pet is FrenziedOstard)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.FrenziedOstard);
                if (m_Pet is HellSteed)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.HellSteed);
                if (m_Pet is Hiryu)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.Hiryu);
                if (m_Pet is Horse)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.Horse);
                if (m_Pet is Kirin)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.Kirin);
                if (m_Pet is LesserHiryu)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.LesserHiryu);
                if (m_Pet is Nightmare)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.Nightmare);
                if (m_Pet is RidableLlama)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.RidableLlama);
                if (m_Pet is Ridgeback)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.Ridgeback);
                if (m_Pet is SavageRidgeback)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.SavageRidgeback);
                if (m_Pet is ScaledSwampDragon)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.ScaledSwampDragon);
                if (m_Pet is SeaHorse)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.SeaHorse);
                if (m_Pet is SilverSteed)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.SilverSteed);
                if (m_Pet is SkeletalMount)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.SkeletalMount);
                if (m_Pet is SwampDragon)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.SwampDragon);
                if (m_Pet is Unicorn)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.Unicorn);
                if (m_Pet is Reptalon)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.Reptalon);
                if (m_Pet is WildTiger)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.WildTiger);
                if (m_Pet is Windrunner)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.Windrunner);
                if (m_Pet is Lasher)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.Lasher);
                if (m_Pet is Eowmu)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.Eowmu);
                if (m_Pet is DreadWarhorse)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.DreadWarhorse);
                if (m_Pet is CuSidhe)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.CuSidhe);
                if (m_Pet is CuSidhe)
                    AddLabel(75, 315, LabelHue2, @"Level Req to Mount Pet");
                    AddLabel(230, 315, hue, @": " + cp.CuSidhe);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void DoLevel(Mobile klr, Configured c)
            BaseCreature     bc     = (BaseCreature)klr;
            XMLPetLevelAtt   petxml = (XMLPetLevelAtt)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(bc, typeof(XMLPetLevelAtt));
            ConfiguredPetXML cs     = new ConfiguredPetXML();
            PlayerMobile     pm     = klr as PlayerMobile;
            LevelHandlerPet  lh     = new LevelHandlerPet();
            ConfiguredSkills css    = new ConfiguredSkills();
            Mobile           cm     = bc.ControlMaster;

            /* Still adding Skill Points for Future Development */

            if (petxml.Expp >= petxml.ToLevell)
                petxml.Expp    = 0;
                petxml.kxp     = 0;
                petxml.Levell += 1;

                int totalStats = bc.RawDex + bc.RawInt + bc.RawStr;

                if (petxml.Levell <= 20)
                    petxml.ToLevell = (int)(petxml.Levell * 20);
                    if (bc.SkillsTotal < cs.SkillsTotal)
                        petxml.SKPoints += cs.Below20;
                    if (totalStats < cs.MaxStatPoints)
                        petxml.StatPoints += cs.Below20Stat;

                else if (petxml.Levell <= 40)
                    petxml.ToLevell = (int)(petxml.Levell * 40);
                    if (bc.SkillsTotal < cs.SkillsTotal)
                        petxml.SKPoints += cs.Below40;
                    if (totalStats < cs.MaxStatPoints)
                        petxml.StatPoints += cs.Below40Stat;
                else if (petxml.Levell <= 60)
                    petxml.ToLevell = (int)(petxml.Levell * 60);
                    if (bc.SkillsTotal < cs.SkillsTotal)
                        petxml.SKPoints += cs.Below60;
                    if (totalStats < cs.MaxStatPoints)
                        petxml.StatPoints += cs.Below60Stat;
                else if (petxml.Levell <= 70)
                    petxml.ToLevell = (int)(petxml.Levell * 80);
                    if (bc.SkillsTotal < cs.SkillsTotal)
                        petxml.SKPoints += cs.Below70;
                    if (totalStats < cs.MaxStatPoints)
                        petxml.StatPoints += cs.Below70Stat;
                else if (petxml.Levell <= 80)
                    petxml.ToLevell = (int)(petxml.Levell * 100);
                    if (bc.SkillsTotal < cs.SkillsTotal)
                        petxml.SKPoints += cs.Below80;
                    if (totalStats < cs.MaxStatPoints)
                        petxml.StatPoints += cs.Below80Stat;
                else if (petxml.Levell <= 90)
                    petxml.ToLevell = (int)(petxml.Levell * 120);
                    if (bc.SkillsTotal < cs.SkillsTotal)
                        petxml.SKPoints += cs.Below90;
                    if (totalStats < cs.MaxStatPoints)
                        petxml.StatPoints += cs.Below90Stat;
                else if (petxml.Levell <= 100)
                    petxml.ToLevell = (int)(petxml.Levell * 140);
                    if (bc.SkillsTotal < cs.SkillsTotal)
                        petxml.SKPoints += cs.Below100;
                    if (totalStats < cs.MaxStatPoints)
                        petxml.StatPoints += cs.Below100Stat;
                else if (petxml.Levell <= 110)
                    petxml.ToLevell = (int)(petxml.Levell * 140);
                    if (bc.SkillsTotal < cs.SkillsTotal)
                        petxml.SKPoints += cs.Below110;
                    if (totalStats < cs.MaxStatPoints)
                        petxml.StatPoints += cs.Below110Stat;
                else if (petxml.Levell <= 120)
                    petxml.ToLevell = (int)(petxml.Levell * 150);
                    if (bc.SkillsTotal < cs.SkillsTotal)
                        petxml.SKPoints += cs.Below120;
                    if (totalStats < cs.MaxStatPoints)
                        petxml.StatPoints += cs.Below120Stat;
                else if (petxml.Levell <= 130)
                    petxml.ToLevell = (int)(petxml.Levell * 150);
                    if (bc.SkillsTotal < cs.SkillsTotal)
                        petxml.SKPoints += cs.Below130;
                    if (totalStats < cs.MaxStatPoints)
                        petxml.StatPoints += cs.Below130Stat;
                else if (petxml.Levell <= 140)
                    petxml.ToLevell = (int)(petxml.Levell * 160);
                    if (bc.SkillsTotal < cs.SkillsTotal)
                        petxml.SKPoints += cs.Below140;
                    if (totalStats < cs.MaxStatPoints)
                        petxml.StatPoints += cs.Below140Stat;
                else if (petxml.Levell <= 150)
                    petxml.ToLevell = (int)(petxml.Levell * 180);
                    if (bc.SkillsTotal < cs.SkillsTotal)
                        petxml.SKPoints += cs.Below150;
                    if (totalStats < cs.MaxStatPoints)
                        petxml.StatPoints += cs.Below150Stat;
                else if (petxml.Levell <= 160)
                    petxml.ToLevell = (int)(petxml.Levell * 180);
                    if (bc.SkillsTotal < cs.SkillsTotal)
                        petxml.SKPoints += cs.Below160;
                    if (totalStats < cs.MaxStatPoints)
                        petxml.StatPoints += cs.Below160Stat;
                else if (petxml.Levell <= 170)
                    petxml.ToLevell = (int)(petxml.Levell * 190);
                    if (bc.SkillsTotal < cs.SkillsTotal)
                        petxml.SKPoints += cs.Below170;
                    if (totalStats < cs.MaxStatPoints)
                        petxml.StatPoints += cs.Below170Stat;
                else if (petxml.Levell <= 180)
                    petxml.ToLevell = (int)(petxml.Levell * 190);
                    if (bc.SkillsTotal < cs.SkillsTotal)
                        petxml.SKPoints += cs.Below180;
                    if (totalStats < cs.MaxStatPoints)
                        petxml.StatPoints += cs.Below180Stat;
                else if (petxml.Levell <= 190)
                    petxml.ToLevell = (int)(petxml.Levell * 190);
                    if (bc.SkillsTotal < cs.SkillsTotal)
                        petxml.SKPoints += cs.Below190;
                    if (totalStats < cs.MaxStatPoints)
                        petxml.StatPoints += cs.Below190Stat;
                else if (petxml.Levell <= 200)
                    petxml.ToLevell = (int)(petxml.Levell * 200);
                    if (bc.SkillsTotal < cs.SkillsTotal)
                        petxml.SKPoints += cs.Below200;
                    if (totalStats < cs.MaxStatPoints)
                        petxml.StatPoints += cs.Below200Stat;

            if (cs.RefreshOnLevel)
                if (bc.Hits < bc.HitsMax)
                    bc.Hits = bc.HitsMax;

                if (bc.Mana < bc.ManaMax)
                    bc.Mana = bc.ManaMax;

                if (bc.Stam < bc.StamMax)
                    bc.Stam = bc.StamMax;

            bc.FixedParticles(0x376A, 1, 31, 9961, 1160, 0, EffectLayer.Waist);
            bc.FixedParticles(0x37C4, 1, 31, 9502, 43, 2, EffectLayer.Waist);

            if (cs.NotifyOnPetlevelUp == true)
                cm.SendMessage("Your Pet level has increased");
            petxml.Expp = 0;
            petxml.kxp  = 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static void Set(Mobile killer, Mobile killed)
            if (killer is PlayerMobile || killed is PlayerMobile)

            ConfiguredPetXML cp     = new ConfiguredPetXML();
            BaseCreature     bc     = (BaseCreature)killer;
            XMLPetLevelAtt   petxml = (XMLPetLevelAtt)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(bc, typeof(XMLPetLevelAtt));
            BaseCreature     klr    = null;
            BaseCreature     klrr   = null;
            Party            pty    = null;
            Configured       c      = new Configured();
            LevelHandlerPet  lh     = new LevelHandlerPet();

            klr  = killer as BaseCreature;
            klrr = killed as BaseCreature;

            if (klr.Summoned == true || klr.Summoned == true)
            if (klrr.Summoned == true || klrr.Summoned == true)

            /* Suggestion: Have the below , when NULL, set to attach if system enabled
             *      then continue.   Pets without the attachment would then not have a level on them yet.
             *      No real reason to really indicate a pet is Level 1...  */

            if (petxml == null)
                if (cp.EnabledLevelPets == true)
                    XmlAttach.AttachTo(bc, new XMLPetLevelAtt());


            if (lh.MemberCount.Count > 0)
                foreach (Mobile il in lh.MemberCount)

            if (klr != null)
                BaseCreature bcr = (BaseCreature)killer;
                pty = Party.Get(klr);
                if (bcr is BaseCreature)

                AddExp(klr, killed, pty, new Configured());