private void btnStyles_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            SaveBook(book =>
                // get the sheet that was created by default, give it a name
                var sheet = book.Sheets[0];

                // create styles for odd and even values
                var styleOdd       = new XLStyle(book);
                styleOdd.Font      = new XLFont("Tahoma", 9, false, true);
                styleOdd.ForeColor = Colors.Blue;

                var styleEven       = new XLStyle(book);
                styleEven.Font      = new XLFont("Tahoma", 9, true, false);
                styleEven.ForeColor = Colors.Red;
                styleEven.BackColor = Colors.Yellow;

                // step 3: write content and format into some cells
                for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
                    XLCell cell = sheet[i, 0];
                    cell.Value  = i + 1;
                    cell.Style  = ((i + 1) % 2 == 0) ? styleEven : styleOdd;
        private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // step 1: create a new workbook
            C1XLBook book = new C1XLBook();

            // step 2: get the sheet that was created by default, give it a name
            XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0];

            sheet.Name = "Hello World";

            // step 3: create styles for odd and even values
            XLStyle styleOdd = new XLStyle(book);

            styleOdd.Font      = new Font("Tahoma", 9, FontStyle.Italic);
            styleOdd.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
            XLStyle styleEven = new XLStyle(book);

            styleEven.Font      = new Font("Tahoma", 9, FontStyle.Bold);
            styleEven.ForeColor = Color.Red;

            // step 3: write content and format into some cells
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                XLCell cell = sheet[i, 0];
                cell.Value = i + 1;
                cell.Style = ((i + 1) % 2 == 0)? styleEven: styleOdd;

            // step 4: save the file
            string fileName = Application.StartupPath + @"\hello.xls";

        private void _btnHello_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // step 1: create a new workbook
            _book = new C1XLBook();

            // step 2: get the sheet that was created by default, give it a name
            XLSheet sheet = _book.Sheets[0];

            sheet.Name = Strings.SheetName;

            // step 3: create styles for odd and even values
            XLStyle styleOdd = new XLStyle(_book);

            styleOdd.Font      = new XLFont("Tahoma", 9, false, true);
            styleOdd.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 255);
            XLStyle styleEven = new XLStyle(_book);

            styleEven.Font      = new XLFont("Tahoma", 9, true, false);
            styleEven.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0);

            // step 4: write content and format into some cells
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                XLCell cell = sheet[i, 0];
                cell.Value = i + 1;
                cell.Style = ((i + 1) % 2 == 0) ? styleEven : styleOdd;

            // step 5: allow user to save the file
            _tbContent.Text = Strings.DataCreatedTip;
        public void exportarConsolidado(DataTable dtDatos, string ruta)
            this.oBook      = new C1XLBook();
            this.sheet      = this.oBook.Sheets[0];
            this.sheet.Name = "Migración de Inventarios";
            string empty = string.Empty;

            for (int index1 = 0; index1 < dtDatos.Rows.Count; ++index1)
                for (int index2 = 0; index2 < dtDatos.Columns.Count; ++index2)
                    string str = dtDatos.Rows[index1][index2].ToString();
                    new XLColumn().Width = 125;
                    XLCell  xlCell  = this.sheet[index1 + 3, index2];
                    XLStyle xlStyle = new XLStyle(this.oBook);
                    xlStyle.WordWrap = false;
                    if (index2 == 3 || index2 == 4 || (index2 == 5 || index2 == 6) || index2 == 7 || index2 == 8)
                        xlStyle.Format    = "0,0.0";
                        xlStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Right;
                        xlCell.Value      = (object)(string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) ? Decimal.Zero : Convert.ToDecimal(str));
                        xlStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
                        xlCell.Value      = (object)str;
                    xlCell.Style = xlStyle;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void TransposeRange(int squareSide)
            var cellsToInsert  = new Dictionary <XLSheetPoint, XLCell>();
            var cellsToDelete  = new List <XLSheetPoint>();
            var rngToTranspose = Worksheet.Range(
                RangeAddress.FirstAddress.RowNumber + squareSide - 1,
                RangeAddress.FirstAddress.ColumnNumber + squareSide - 1);

            Int32 roCount = rngToTranspose.RowCount();
            Int32 coCount = rngToTranspose.ColumnCount();

            for (Int32 ro = 1; ro <= roCount; ro++)
                for (Int32 co = 1; co <= coCount; co++)
                    var oldCell = rngToTranspose.Cell(ro, co);
                    var newKey  = rngToTranspose.Cell(co, ro).Address;
                    // new XLAddress(Worksheet, c.Address.ColumnNumber, c.Address.RowNumber);
                    var newCell = new XLCell(Worksheet, newKey, oldCell.GetStyleId());
                    newCell.CopyFrom(oldCell, true);
                    cellsToInsert.Add(new XLSheetPoint(newKey.RowNumber, newKey.ColumnNumber), newCell);
                    cellsToDelete.Add(new XLSheetPoint(oldCell.Address.RowNumber, oldCell.Address.ColumnNumber));

            cellsToDelete.ForEach(c => Worksheet.Internals.CellsCollection.Remove(c));
            cellsToInsert.ForEach(c => Worksheet.Internals.CellsCollection.Add(c.Key, c.Value));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void Add(Int32 row, Int32 column, XLCell cell)

            IncrementUsage(RowsUsed, row);
            IncrementUsage(ColumnsUsed, column);

            Dictionary <int, XLCell> columnsCollection;

            if (!rowsCollection.TryGetValue(row, out columnsCollection))
                columnsCollection = new Dictionary <int, XLCell>();
                rowsCollection.Add(row, columnsCollection);
            columnsCollection.Add(column, cell);
            if (row > MaxRowUsed)
                MaxRowUsed = row;
            if (column > MaxColumnUsed)
                MaxColumnUsed = column;

            HashSet <Int32> delHash;

            if (deleted.TryGetValue(row, out delHash))
Exemplo n.º 7
 private void LoadSheet(XLSheet sheet)
     // load cells
     grdView.Sheets[1].RowCount = sheet.Rows.Count;
     //grdView.Sheets[0].ColumnCount = sheet.Columns.Count;
     for (int r = 0; r < sheet.Rows.Count; r++)
         //String aaa = "";
         for (int c = 0; c < sheet.Columns.Count; c++)
             // get cell
             XLCell cell = sheet.GetCell(r, c);
             if (cell == null)
             // apply content
             //flex[r + frows, c + fcols] = cell.Value;
             grdView.Sheets[1].Cells[r, c].Value = cell.Value;
             if (c % 2 == 0)
                 grdView.Sheets[1].Rows[r].BackColor = Color.Yellow;
             // apply style
             ////CellStyle cs = StyleFromExcel(flex, cell.Style);
             ////if (cs != null)
             ////    flex.SetCellStyle(r + frows, c + fcols, cs);
     grdView.ActiveSheetIndex = 1;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public string WriteExcle(FlexigridParam param, dynamic[] query, int from = 1)
            var      names   = param.QType.GetString().Split(',');
            var      cols    = param.Cols.GetString().Split(',');
            C1XLBook _book   = new C1XLBook();
            string   path    = @"~/Files/a.xls";
            string   xlsPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(path);

            string  guid         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string  saveFileName = xlsPath.Path(guid);
            XLSheet sheet        = _book.Sheets[0];
            XLCell  cell         = sheet[0, 0];
            Dictionary <string, string> propertyName;

            PropertyInfo[] properties;
            for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
                cell = sheet[0, i];
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(names[i]))
                    cell.Value = names[i]; //列值
            for (int i = 0; i < query.Length; i++)
                propertyName = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                if (query[i] == null)
                Type type = query[i].GetType();
                properties = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
                foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
                    object o = property.GetValue(query[i], null);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.Name) && o != null)
                        propertyName.Add(property.Name, o.ToString());
                int j = 0;
                cols.All(a =>
                    cell = sheet[i + from, j];
                    if (propertyName.ContainsKey(a))  //列名
                        cell.Value = propertyName[a]; //列值
            LogClassModels.WriteServiceLog(LogType.Operation, string.Format("../../../Files/{0}.xls", guid) + ",", "导出数据",
                                           Result.Succeed);        //写入日志
            return(string.Format("../../../Files/{0}.xls", guid)); //path.Replace("b",guid);
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void Initialize(XLCell cell)
            Author    = cell.Worksheet.Author;
            Container = this;
            Anchor    = XLDrawingAnchor.MoveAndSizeWithCells;
            Style     = new XLDrawingStyle();
            Int32  pRow       = cell.Address.RowNumber;
            Double pRowOffset = 0;

            if (pRow > 1)
                double prevHeight = cell.CellAbove().WorksheetRow().Height;
                if (prevHeight > 7)
                    pRowOffset = prevHeight - 7;
            Position = new XLDrawingPosition
                Column       = cell.Address.ColumnNumber + 1,
                ColumnOffset = 2,
                Row          = pRow,
                RowOffset    = pRowOffset

            ZOrder = cell.Worksheet.ZOrder++;
            .ColorsAndLines.SetFillColor(XLColor.FromArgb(255, 255, 225))

            _cell   = cell;
            ShapeId = cell.Worksheet.Workbook.ShapeIdManager.GetNext();
        public void Add(Int32 row, Int32 column, XLCell cell)

            IncrementUsage(RowsUsed, row);
            IncrementUsage(ColumnsUsed, column);

            _cellsDictionary.Add(new XLSheetPoint(row, column), cell);
            if (row > MaxRowUsed) MaxRowUsed = row;
            if (column > MaxColumnUsed) MaxColumnUsed = column;
            var sp = new XLSheetPoint(row, column);
            if (Deleted.Contains(sp))
 public void CrearArchivo(DataTable dtDatos, string ruta, bool pVerCosto)
         this.oBook      = new C1XLBook();
         this.sheet      = this.oBook.Sheets[0];
         this.sheet.Name = "Migración de Inventarios";
         string empty = string.Empty;
         for (int index1 = 0; index1 < dtDatos.Rows.Count; ++index1)
             for (int index2 = 0; index2 < dtDatos.Columns.Count; ++index2)
                 if ((index2 != 20 || pVerCosto) && (index2 != 21 || pVerCosto))
                     string str = dtDatos.Rows[index1][index2].ToString();
                     new XLColumn().Width = 125;
                     XLCell  xlCell  = this.sheet[index1 + 3, index2];
                     XLStyle xlStyle = new XLStyle(this.oBook);
                     xlStyle.WordWrap = false;
                     if (index2 == 2 || index2 == 3 || (index2 == 4 || index2 == 5) || index2 == 20 || index2 == 21)
                         xlStyle.Format    = "0,0.0";
                         xlStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Right;
                         xlCell.Value      = (object)(string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) ? Decimal.Zero : Convert.ToDecimal(str));
                     else if (index2 == 22 || index2 == 23)
                         xlStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Right;
                         xlCell.Value      = (object)(string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(str));
                         xlStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left;
                         xlCell.Value      = (object)str;
                     xlCell.Style = xlStyle;
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new Exception(ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 12
        internal void AdjustFormulas(XLCell baseCell, XLCell targetCell)
            var keys = Values.Keys.ToList();

            foreach (var key in keys)
                if (Values[key] == null || !Values[key].IsFormula)

                var r1c1 = baseCell.GetFormulaR1C1(Values[key].Value);
                Values[key] = new XLFormula {
                    _value = targetCell.GetFormulaA1(r1c1), IsFormula = true
 private static EnumValue<CellValues> GetCellValue(XLCell xlCell)
     switch (xlCell.DataType)
         case XLCellValues.Text:
             return xlCell.ShareString ? CvSharedString : CvInlineString;
         case XLCellValues.Number:
             return CvNumber;
         case XLCellValues.DateTime:
             return CvDate;
         case XLCellValues.Boolean:
             return CvBoolean;
         case XLCellValues.TimeSpan:
             return CvNumber;
             throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void Add(Int32 row, Int32 column, XLCell cell)

            IncrementUsage(RowsUsed, row);
            IncrementUsage(ColumnsUsed, column);

            Dictionary<int, XLCell> columnsCollection;
            if (!rowsCollection.TryGetValue(row, out columnsCollection))
                columnsCollection = new Dictionary<int, XLCell>();
                rowsCollection.Add(row, columnsCollection);
            columnsCollection.Add(column, cell);
            if (row > MaxRowUsed) MaxRowUsed = row;
            if (column > MaxColumnUsed) MaxColumnUsed = column;

            HashSet<Int32> delHash;
            if (deleted.TryGetValue(row, out delHash))
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void Add(Int32 row, Int32 column, XLCell cell)

            IncrementUsage(RowsUsed, row);
            IncrementUsage(ColumnsUsed, column);

            _cellsDictionary.Add(new XLSheetPoint(row, column), cell);
            if (row > MaxRowUsed)
                MaxRowUsed = row;
            if (column > MaxColumnUsed)
                MaxColumnUsed = column;
            var sp = new XLSheetPoint(row, column);

            if (Deleted.Contains(sp))
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Format a cell as a string before we pass to the type converter, so any formatting done in Excel
        /// is properly applied to the string result that is then sent to the users parser.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cell">Cell in the Excel file being formatted</param>
        /// <param name="row">Row in the excel file</param>
        /// <param name="index">Column in the excel file</param>
        /// <param name="capitalBoolean">True to use capital boolean format, false to use C# style</param>
        /// <returns>Cell value formatted as a string, or the original value if not</returns>
        private string FormatValueAsString(
            XLCell cell,
            int row,
            int index,
            bool capitalBoolean)
            var value = cell.Value;

            if (value != null)
                // For compatibility with old PHP code, format TRUE and FALSE for boolean values
                if (value.GetType() == typeof(bool))
                    if ((bool)value)
                        return(capitalBoolean ? "TRUE" : "True");
                    return(capitalBoolean ? "FALSE" : "False");

                // Format value if cell has a style with format set
                if (value is IFormattable formatValue)
                    var style = cell.Style ?? (_sheet.Rows[row].Style ?? _sheet.Columns[index].Style);
                    if (style != null && style.Format.Length > 0)
                        var fmt = XLStyle.FormatXLToDotNet(style.Format.ToUpperInvariant());
                        return(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fmt) ? formatValue.ToString(fmt, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Trim() : formatValue.ToString().Trim());

            // Always return empty strings, not nulls
        private static StringValue GetCommentStyle(XLCell cell)
            var c = cell.Comment;
            var sb = new StringBuilder("position:absolute; ");

            sb.Append(c.Visible ? "visible" : "hidden");

            sb.Append(Math.Round(c.Style.Size.Width * 7.5, 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            sb.Append(Math.Round(c.Style.Size.Height, 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));


            return sb.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 18
 public XLComment(XLCell cell, XLFormattedText <IXLComment> defaultComment, IXLFontBase defaultFont, IXLDrawingStyle style)
     : base(defaultComment, defaultFont)
     Initialize(cell, style);
 private static Vml.Stroke GetStroke(XLCell c)
     var lineDash = c.Comment.Style.ColorsAndLines.LineDash;
     var stroke = new Vml.Stroke
         LineStyle = c.Comment.Style.ColorsAndLines.LineStyle.ToOpenXml(),
         DashStyle =
             lineDash == XLDashStyle.RoundDot || lineDash == XLDashStyle.SquareDot
                 ? "shortDot"
                 : lineDash.ToString().ToCamel()
     if (lineDash == XLDashStyle.RoundDot)
         stroke.EndCap = Vml.StrokeEndCapValues.Round;
     if (c.Comment.Style.ColorsAndLines.LineTransparency < 1)
         stroke.Opacity =
             Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(c.Comment.Style.ColorsAndLines.LineTransparency), 2).ToString(
     return stroke;
        private static Anchor GetAnchor(XLCell cell)
            var c = cell.Comment;
            var cWidth = c.Style.Size.Width;
            var fcNumber = c.Position.Column - 1;
            var fcOffset = Convert.ToInt32(c.Position.ColumnOffset * 7.5);
            var widthFromColumns = cell.Worksheet.Column(c.Position.Column).Width - c.Position.ColumnOffset;
            var lastCell = cell.CellRight(c.Position.Column - cell.Address.ColumnNumber);
            while (widthFromColumns <= cWidth)
                lastCell = lastCell.CellRight();
                widthFromColumns += lastCell.WorksheetColumn().Width;

            var lcNumber = lastCell.WorksheetColumn().ColumnNumber() - 1;
            var lcOffset = Convert.ToInt32((lastCell.WorksheetColumn().Width - (widthFromColumns - cWidth)) * 7.5);

            var cHeight = c.Style.Size.Height; //c.Style.Size.Height * 72.0;
            var frNumber = c.Position.Row - 1;
            var frOffset = Convert.ToInt32(c.Position.RowOffset);
            var heightFromRows = cell.Worksheet.Row(c.Position.Row).Height - c.Position.RowOffset;
            lastCell = cell.CellBelow(c.Position.Row - cell.Address.RowNumber);
            while (heightFromRows <= cHeight)
                lastCell = lastCell.CellBelow();
                heightFromRows += lastCell.WorksheetRow().Height;

            var lrNumber = lastCell.WorksheetRow().RowNumber() - 1;
            var lrOffset = Convert.ToInt32(lastCell.WorksheetRow().Height - (heightFromRows - cHeight));
            return new Anchor
                Text = string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}",
                    fcNumber, fcOffset,
                    frNumber, frOffset,
                    lcNumber, lcOffset,
                    lrNumber, lrOffset
        #region ** Save a C1FlexGrid into an XLSheet
        private void SaveSheet(C1FlexGrid flex, XLSheet sheet, bool fixedCells)
            // account for fixed cells
            int frows = flex.Rows.Fixed;
            int fcols = flex.Cols.Fixed;

            if (fixedCells)
                frows = fcols = 0;

            // copy dimensions
            int lastRow = flex.Rows.Count - frows - 1;
            int lastCol = flex.Cols.Count - fcols - 1;

            if (lastRow < 0 || lastCol < 0)
            XLCell cell = sheet[lastRow, lastCol];

            // set default properties
            sheet.Book.DefaultFont   = flex.Font;
            sheet.DefaultRowHeight   = C1XLBook.PixelsToTwips(flex.Rows.DefaultSize);
            sheet.DefaultColumnWidth = C1XLBook.PixelsToTwips(flex.Cols.DefaultSize);

            // prepare to convert styles
            _styles = new Hashtable();

            // set row/column properties
            for (int r = frows; r < flex.Rows.Count; r++)
                // size/visibility
                Row   fr = flex.Rows[r];
                XLRow xr = sheet.Rows[r - frows];
                if (fr.Height >= 0)
                    xr.Height = C1XLBook.PixelsToTwips(fr.Height);
                xr.Visible = fr.Visible;

                // style
                XLStyle xs = StyleFromFlex(fr.Style);
                if (xs != null)
                    xr.Style = xs;
            for (int c = fcols; c < flex.Cols.Count; c++)
                // size/visibility
                Column   fc = flex.Cols[c];
                XLColumn xc = sheet.Columns[c - fcols];
                if (fc.Width >= 0)
                    xc.Width = C1XLBook.PixelsToTwips(fc.Width);
                xc.Visible = fc.Visible;

                // style
                XLStyle xs = StyleFromFlex(fc.Style);
                if (xs != null)
                    xc.Style = xs;

            // load cells
            for (int r = frows; r < flex.Rows.Count; r++)
                for (int c = fcols; c < flex.Cols.Count; c++)
                    // get cell
                    cell = sheet[r - frows, c - fcols];

                    // apply content
                    cell.Value = flex[r, c];

                    // apply style
                    XLStyle xs = StyleFromFlex(flex.GetCellStyle(r, c));
                    if (xs != null)
                        cell.Style = xs;
        // VML Shape for Comment
        private static Vml.Shape GenerateShape(XLCell c, string shapeTypeId)
            var rowNumber = c.Address.RowNumber;
            var columnNumber = c.Address.ColumnNumber;

            var shapeId = String.Format("_x0000_s{0}", c.Comment.ShapeId);
            // Unique per cell (workbook?), e.g.: "_x0000_s1026"
            var anchor = GetAnchor(c);
            var textBox = GetTextBox(c.Comment.Style);
            var fill = new Vml.Fill {Color2 = "#" + c.Comment.Style.ColorsAndLines.FillColor.Color.ToHex().Substring(2)};
            if (c.Comment.Style.ColorsAndLines.FillTransparency < 1)
                fill.Opacity =
                    Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(c.Comment.Style.ColorsAndLines.FillTransparency), 2).ToString(
            var stroke = GetStroke(c);
            var shape = new Vml.Shape(
                new Vml.Shadow {On = true, Color = "black", Obscured = true},
                new Vml.Path {ConnectionPointType = ConnectValues.None},
                new ClientData(
                    new MoveWithCells(c.Comment.Style.Properties.Positioning == XLDrawingAnchor.Absolute
                        ? "True"
                        : "False"), // Counterintuitive
                    new ResizeWithCells(c.Comment.Style.Properties.Positioning == XLDrawingAnchor.MoveAndSizeWithCells
                        ? "False"
                        : "True"), // Counterintuitive
                    new HorizontalTextAlignment(c.Comment.Style.Alignment.Horizontal.ToString().ToCamel()),
                    new Vml.Spreadsheet.VerticalTextAlignment(c.Comment.Style.Alignment.Vertical.ToString().ToCamel()),
                    new AutoFill("False"),
                    new CommentRowTarget {Text = (rowNumber - 1).ToString()},
                    new CommentColumnTarget {Text = (columnNumber - 1).ToString()},
                    new Locked(c.Comment.Style.Protection.Locked ? "True" : "False"),
                    new LockText(c.Comment.Style.Protection.LockText ? "True" : "False"),
                    new Visible(c.Comment.Visible ? "True" : "False")
                    ) {ObjectType = ObjectValues.Note}
                Id = shapeId,
                Type = "#" + shapeTypeId,
                Style = GetCommentStyle(c),
                FillColor = "#" + c.Comment.Style.ColorsAndLines.FillColor.Color.ToHex().Substring(2),
                StrokeColor = "#" + c.Comment.Style.ColorsAndLines.LineColor.Color.ToHex().Substring(2),
                StrokeWeight = String.Format("{0}pt", c.Comment.Style.ColorsAndLines.LineWeight),
                InsetMode = c.Comment.Style.Margins.Automatic ? InsetMarginValues.Auto : InsetMarginValues.Custom
            if (!XLHelper.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(c.Comment.Style.Web.AlternateText))
                shape.Alternate = c.Comment.Style.Web.AlternateText;

            return shape;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public XLComment(XLCell cell, IXLFontBase defaultFont = null, int?shapeId = null)
     : base(defaultFont ?? XLFont.DefaultCommentFont)
     Initialize(cell, shapeId: shapeId);
Exemplo n.º 24
        // load sheet into grid
        private void LoadSheet(C1FlexGrid flex, XLSheet sheet, bool fixedCells)
            // account for fixed cells
            int frows = flex.Rows.Fixed;
            int fcols = flex.Cols.Fixed;

            // copy dimensions
            flex.Rows.Count = sheet.Rows.Count + frows;
            flex.Cols.Count = sheet.Columns.Count + fcols;

            // initialize fixed cells
            if (fixedCells && frows > 0 && fcols > 0)
                flex.Styles.Fixed.TextAlign = TextAlignEnum.CenterCenter;
                for (int r = 1; r < flex.Rows.Count; r++)
                    flex[r, 0] = r;
                for (int c = 1; c < flex.Cols.Count; c++)
//					string hdr = string.Format("{0}", (char)('A' + c - 1));
//					flex[0, c] = hdr;
                    flex[0, c] = c;

            // set default properties
            flex.Font             = sheet.Book.DefaultFont;
            flex.Rows.DefaultSize = C1XLBook.TwipsToPixels(sheet.DefaultRowHeight);
            flex.Cols.DefaultSize = C1XLBook.TwipsToPixels(sheet.DefaultColumnWidth);

            // prepare to convert styles
            _styles = new Hashtable();

            // set row/column properties
            for (int r = 0; r < sheet.Rows.Count; r++)
                // size/visibility
                Row   fr = flex.Rows[r + frows];
                XLRow xr = sheet.Rows[r];
                if (xr.Height >= 0)
                    fr.Height = C1XLBook.TwipsToPixels(xr.Height);
                fr.Visible = xr.Visible;

                // style
                CellStyle cs = StyleFromExcel(flex, xr.Style);
                if (cs != null)
                    //cs.DefinedElements &= ~StyleElementFlags.TextAlign; // << need to fix the grid
                    fr.Style = cs;
            for (int c = 0; c < sheet.Columns.Count; c++)
                // size/visibility
                Column   fc = flex.Cols[c + fcols];
                XLColumn xc = sheet.Columns[c];
                if (xc.Width >= 0)
                    fc.Width = C1XLBook.TwipsToPixels(xc.Width);
                fc.Visible = xc.Visible;

                // style
                CellStyle cs = StyleFromExcel(flex, xc.Style);
                if (cs != null)
                    //cs.DefinedElements &= ~StyleElementFlags.TextAlign; // << need to fix the grid
                    fc.Style = cs;

            // load cells
            for (int r = 0; r < sheet.Rows.Count; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < sheet.Columns.Count; c++)
                    // get cell
                    XLCell cell = sheet.GetCell(r, c);
                    if (cell == null)

                    // apply content
                    flex[r + frows, c + fcols] = cell.Value;

                    // apply style
                    CellStyle cs = StyleFromExcel(flex, cell.Style);
                    if (cs != null)
                        flex.SetCellStyle(r + frows, c + fcols, cs);
Exemplo n.º 25
 public XLComment(XLCell cell, IXLFontBase defaultFont)
     : base(defaultFont)
Exemplo n.º 26
 public static void Set_Cell(XLCell cell, String st, XLStyle style)
     cell.Value = st;
     cell.Style = style;
Exemplo n.º 27
 public XLComment(XLCell cell, String text, IXLFontBase defaultFont)
     : base(text, defaultFont)
Exemplo n.º 28
 public static void Set_CellNumber(XLCell cell, object obj, XLStyle style)
     cell.Value = obj;
     cell.Style = style;
Exemplo n.º 29
 public XLComment(XLCell cell, XLFormattedText <IXLComment> defaultComment, IXLFontBase defaultFont)
     : base(defaultComment, defaultFont)
Exemplo n.º 30
 public void Add(XLSheetPoint sheetPoint, XLCell cell)
     Add(sheetPoint.Row, sheetPoint.Column, cell);
Exemplo n.º 31
        private void Initialize(XLCell cell, IXLDrawingStyle style = null, int?shapeId = null)
            style   = style ?? XLDrawingStyle.DefaultCommentStyle;
            shapeId = shapeId ?? cell.Worksheet.Workbook.ShapeIdManager.GetNext();

            Author    = cell.Worksheet.Author;
            Container = this;
            Anchor    = XLDrawingAnchor.MoveAndSizeWithCells;
            Style     = new XLDrawingStyle();
            Int32  previousRowNumber = cell.Address.RowNumber;
            Double previousRowOffset = 0;

            if (previousRowNumber > 1)

                if (cell.Worksheet.Internals.RowsCollection.TryGetValue(previousRowNumber, out XLRow previousRow))
                    previousRowOffset = Math.Max(0, previousRow.Height - 7);
                    previousRowOffset = Math.Max(0, cell.Worksheet.RowHeight - 7);

            Position = new XLDrawingPosition
                Column       = cell.Address.ColumnNumber + 1,
                ColumnOffset = 2,
                Row          = previousRowNumber,
                RowOffset    = previousRowOffset

            ZOrder = cell.Worksheet.ZOrder++;

            _cell   = cell;
            ShapeId = shapeId.Value;
Exemplo n.º 32
 internal CloseXMLExcelCell(XLCell obj)
     _cell = obj;
Exemplo n.º 33
        private void TransposeRange(int squareSide)
            var cellsToInsert = new Dictionary<XLSheetPoint, XLCell>();
            var cellsToDelete = new List<XLSheetPoint>();
            var rngToTranspose = Worksheet.Range(
                RangeAddress.FirstAddress.RowNumber + squareSide - 1,
                RangeAddress.FirstAddress.ColumnNumber + squareSide - 1);

            Int32 roCount = rngToTranspose.RowCount();
            Int32 coCount = rngToTranspose.ColumnCount();
            for (Int32 ro = 1; ro <= roCount; ro++)
                for (Int32 co = 1; co <= coCount; co++)
                    var oldCell = rngToTranspose.Cell(ro, co);
                    var newKey = rngToTranspose.Cell(co, ro).Address;
                        // new XLAddress(Worksheet, c.Address.ColumnNumber, c.Address.RowNumber);
                    var newCell = new XLCell(Worksheet, newKey, oldCell.GetStyleId());
                    newCell.CopyFrom(oldCell, true);
                    cellsToInsert.Add(new XLSheetPoint(newKey.RowNumber, newKey.ColumnNumber), newCell);
                    cellsToDelete.Add(new XLSheetPoint(oldCell.Address.RowNumber, oldCell.Address.ColumnNumber));

            cellsToDelete.ForEach(c => Worksheet.Internals.CellsCollection.Remove(c));
            cellsToInsert.ForEach(c => Worksheet.Internals.CellsCollection.Add(c.Key, c.Value));
 internal CloseXMLExcelCell(XLCell obj)
     _cell = obj;
 public void Add(XLSheetPoint sheetPoint, XLCell cell)
     Add(sheetPoint.Row, sheetPoint.Column, cell);