Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void MessageForMycall(RecentMessage recentMessage,
                                              bool directlyToMe, string callQsled,
                                              short band, bool autoStart, IsConversationMessage onUsed)
            XDpack77.Pack77Message.ReceivedMessage rm = recentMessage.Message;
            var           inProgList = qsosPanel.QsosInProgressDictionary;
            QsoInProgress inProgress = null;
            bool          used       = false;

            if (inProgList.TryGetValue(QsoInProgress.GetKey(rm, band), out inProgress))
                used = inProgress.AddMessageOnMatch(rm, directlyToMe, callQsled);
            if (used)
                // we have an ongoing QSO for this message
                ((Qso2MessageSequencer)(inProgress.Sequencer)).OnReceived(directlyToMe, rm.Pack77Message);
            else if (autoStart && directlyToMe)
                // wasn't one we already had. but we autostart with any call
                InitiateQso(recentMessage, band, false);
            else if (null != inProgress)
                if ((null != inProgress.Sequencer) && !inProgress.Sequencer.IsFinished && !inProgress.InLoggedInactiveState)
                    onUsed(Conversation.Origin.TO_OTHER); // make it show up in the conversation history
Exemplo n.º 2
        const int MAX_RECEIVED_LOOKBACK = 10000; // number of entries in the history listbox

        public void OnReceived(XDpack77.Pack77Message.ReceivedMessage m)
            while (listBoxReceived.Items.Count > MAX_RECEIVED_LOOKBACK)
            listBoxReceived.Items.Add(new DisplayReceivedMessage(m));
            int visibleItems = listBoxReceived.ClientSize.Height / listBoxReceived.ItemHeight;

            listBoxReceived.TopIndex = Math.Max(listBoxReceived.Items.Count - visibleItems + 1, 0);

            if (null != iwaterfall)
                var call = m.Pack77Message as XDpack77.Pack77Message.ToFromCall;
                if (null != call)
                    int tag      = 1;
                    var tgString = m.TimeTag;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tgString))
                        Int32.TryParse(tgString, out tag);
                    if (null != annotations)
                        annotations.AddAnnotation(tag, (int)m.Hz, call.FromCall, 0);
Exemplo n.º 3
        // call here every for every incoming message that might be relevant to us
        public override void MessageForMycall(RecentMessage recentMessage,
                                              bool directlyToMe, string callQsled, short band,
                                              bool autoStart, IsConversationMessage onUsed)
            XDpack77.Pack77Message.ReceivedMessage rm = recentMessage.Message;
            var           inProgList = qsosPanel.QsosInProgressDictionary;
            QsoInProgress inProgress = null;
            bool          used       = false;

            if (inProgList.TryGetValue(QsoInProgress.GetKey(rm, band), out inProgress))
                used = inProgress.AddMessageOnMatch(rm, directlyToMe, callQsled);
            if (used)
                // we have an ongoing QSO for this message
                QsoSequencer sequencer = inProgress.Sequencer as QsoSequencer;
                onUsed(directlyToMe ? Conversation.Origin.TO_ME : Conversation.Origin.TO_OTHER);
                // What's in the message? an exchange and/or an acknowledgement?
                bool hasExchange = ExchangeFromMessage(rm.Pack77Message) != null;
                XDpack77.Pack77Message.Roger roger = rm.Pack77Message as XDpack77.Pack77Message.Roger;
                bool ack = false;
                if (roger != null)
                    ack = roger.Roger;    // if the message has a roger bit, use it
                if (!hasExchange && !ack) // but if no exchange, allow QSL to also set ack
                {                         // if the message can QSO prior, see if can apply to us
                    if ((String.Equals("ALL", callQsled) && inProgress.CanAcceptAckNotToMe) ||
                        String.Equals(myCall, callQsled) ||
                        String.Equals(myBaseCall, callQsled))
                        ack = true;

                if (hasExchange)
                else if (ack)
            else if (autoStart && directlyToMe)
                // wasn't one we already had. but we autostart with any call
                InitiateQso(recentMessage, band, false);
            else if (null != inProgress)
                if ((null != inProgress.Sequencer) && !inProgress.Sequencer.IsFinished)
                    onUsed(Conversation.Origin.TO_OTHER); // make it show up in the conversation history
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void OnReceived(XDpack77.Pack77Message.ReceivedMessage m)
            while (listBoxReceived.Items.Count > MAX_RECEIVED_LOOKBACK)
            listBoxReceived.Items.Add(new DisplayReceivedMessage(m));
            int visibleItems = listBoxReceived.ClientSize.Height / listBoxReceived.ItemHeight;

            listBoxReceived.TopIndex = Math.Max(listBoxReceived.Items.Count - visibleItems + 1, 0);
            mostRecentMessageTimeTag = m.TimeTag;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public DisplayReceivedMessage(XDpack77.Pack77Message.ReceivedMessage rm)
     m = rm;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public RecentMessage(XDpack77.Pack77Message.ReceivedMessage m, bool dupe, bool mult)
     msg = m; this.dupe = dupe; this.mult = mult;