/// <summary>
        /// The FPGA is already read in, this time only read wire statements
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        /// <param name="sr"></param>
        public void ParseWire(Tile tile, XDLStreamReaderWithUndo sr, UnresolvedWires unresWires)
            WireList wireList = new WireList();

            string line = "";

            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                if (line.Contains("(wire"))
                    wireList = XDLWireParser.Parse(tile, sr, unresWires);
                else if (line.Contains("tile_summary") && unresWires == null)
                    StoreAndShareWireList(tile, wireList);

                    //consume closing bracket and exit
                    line = sr.ReadLine();

                else if (line.Contains("tile_summary") && unresWires != null)
                    //consume closing bracket and exit
                    line = sr.ReadLine();

        public void ParseTile(string line, XDLStreamReaderWithUndo sr)
            int    yPos;
            int    xPos;
            string location;

            GetTileHeaderData(line, out yPos, out xPos, out location);

            TileKey key  = new TileKey(xPos, yPos);
            Tile    tile = new Tile(key, location);

            SwitchMatrix switchMatrix = new SwitchMatrix();

            //add tile to FPGA

            //read until end of tile
            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                if (line.Contains("pip"))
                    // \t\t(pip TIOB_X1Y63 TIOB_DIFFO_OUT0 -> TIOB_DIFFO_IN1)
                    // scan for the first bracket in case \t is replaced by spaces!
                    int firstBracket = line.IndexOf('(', 0);
                    int firstBlank   = line.IndexOf(' ', firstBracket);
                    int secondBlank  = line.IndexOf(' ', firstBlank + 1);
                    int thirdBlank   = line.IndexOf(' ', secondBlank + 1);
                    int fourthBlank  = line.IndexOf(' ', thirdBlank + 1);

                    //String tileStr = line.Substring(firstBlank + 1, secondBlank - firstBlank);
                    string fromStr     = line.Substring(secondBlank + 1, thirdBlank - secondBlank - 1);
                    string pipOperator = line.Substring(thirdBlank + 1, fourthBlank - thirdBlank - 1);
                    string toStr       = line.Substring(fourthBlank + 1, line.Length - fourthBlank - 2);

                    if (toStr.Contains("(_ROUTE"))
                        toStr = toStr.Replace("(_ROUTE", "# (_ROUTE");

                    Port fromPort = new Port(fromStr);
                    Port toPort   = new Port(toStr);

                    // there are unidirectional and bidirectional wires
                    // save string comparison:
                    // if (pipAtoms[4].Equals("->"))
                    // else if (pipAtoms[4].Equals("=-"))

                    switchMatrix.Add(fromPort, toPort);
                    if (pipOperator.Equals("=-"))
                        switchMatrix.Add(toPort, fromPort);
                else if (line.Contains("conn"))
                else if (line.Contains("wire"))
                else if (line.Contains("primitive_site"))
                    InPortOutPortMapping nextPortMapping = new InPortOutPortMapping();
                    Slice nextSlice = XDLSliceParser.Parse(tile, nextPortMapping, line, sr);

                    // share in out port mappings
                    if (!FPGA.FPGA.Instance.Contains(nextPortMapping))
                    int hashCode = nextPortMapping.GetHashCode();
                    nextSlice.InPortOutPortMappingHashCode = hashCode;
                else if (line.Contains("tile_summary"))
                    StoreAndShareSwitchMatrix(tile, switchMatrix);

                    //consume closing bracket and exit
                    line = sr.ReadLine();
Exemplo n.º 3
        //private static Regex m_closingBrackes = new Regex(@"^\s+\)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
        //private static Regex m_summary = new Regex("(pip)|(tile_summary)", RegexOptions.Compiled);

        public static WireList Parse(Tile containingTile, XDLStreamReaderWithUndo sr, UnresolvedWires unresWires)
            WireList wires = new WireList();


            while (true)
                //          (wire WS5BEG1 3
                //	            (conn INT_BUFS_R_X18Y78 INT_BUFS_WS5B1)
                //	            (conn INT_X18Y78 WS5A1)
                //	            (conn CLBLM_X18Y78 CLB_WS5A1)
                //          )

                string line = sr.ReadLine();
                bool   conn = line.Contains("(conn");
                if (!conn)
                    if (line.Contains("pip") || line.Contains("tile_summary"))

                // skip closing brackets
                //if (WireParser.m_closingBrackes.IsMatch(nextLine))
                if (line.EndsWith(")"))

                int firstBracketWire = line.IndexOf('(', 0);
                int firstBlankWire   = line.IndexOf(' ', firstBracketWire);
                int secondBlankWire  = line.IndexOf(' ', firstBlankWire + 1);

                // e.g. (wire WS5BEG1 3
                // wireName becomes WS5BEG1
                string wireName = line.Substring(firstBlankWire + 1, secondBlankWire - firstBlankWire - 1);
                // wireCount becomes 3
                string wireCountStr = line.Substring(secondBlankWire + 1, line.Length - secondBlankWire - 1);
                int    wireCount    = int.Parse(wireCountStr);

                // wire classification
                bool beginPip = false;
                bool endPip   = false;

                beginPip = containingTile.SwitchMatrix.ContainsRight(new Port(wireName));

                // HasArcs is expensive, only search if the the pip is a not begin pip
                if (!beginPip)
                    endPip = containingTile.SwitchMatrix.ContainsLeft(new Port(wireName));

                for (int i = 0; i < wireCount; i++)
                    line = sr.ReadLine();

                    if (beginPip || endPip)
                        Tile targetTile;
                        Wire w = GetWire(line, containingTile, wireName, beginPip, false, unresWires, out targetTile);
                        if (w == null)

                        bool destinationExists = Navigator.DestinationAndWireExists(containingTile, w);
                        if (destinationExists && unresWires == null)
                            // regular wire (bipartite case: wire, pip, wire, pip)
                        else if (!destinationExists && unresWires != null)
                            // store wire for later
                            unresWires.Add(containingTile, w);
                    else if (unresWires != null)
                        Tile targetTile;
                        Wire w = GetWire(line, containingTile, wireName, beginPip, true, unresWires, out targetTile);
                        if (w == null)

                        // store wire for later
                        unresWires.Add(containingTile, w);

Exemplo n.º 4
        protected override void DoCommandAction()
            if (!HandleUnresolvedWires)
            m_loopWires = 0;

            // create reader & open file
            XDLStreamReaderWithUndo sr = new XDLStreamReaderWithUndo(FileName);
            XDLTileParser           tp = new XDLTileParser();

            UnresolvedWires unresWires = null;

            if (HandleUnresolvedWires)
                unresWires = new UnresolvedWires();

                Regex  tileFilter = new Regex(@"\t+\(tile", RegexOptions.Compiled);
                string line       = "";
                int    tileCount  = 0;
                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    // only consider tiles
                    if (tileFilter.IsMatch(line))
                        ProgressInfo.Progress = ProgressStart + ((int)((double)tileCount++ / (double)FPGA.FPGA.Instance.TileCount * ProgressShare));

                        int    yPos;
                        int    xPos;
                        string location;
                        XDLTileParser.GetTileHeaderData(line, out yPos, out xPos, out location);
                        Tile tile = FPGA.FPGA.Instance.GetTile(location);

                        tp.ParseWire(tile, sr, unresWires);

                        if (HandleUnresolvedWires && tileCount % 10000 == 0)
            catch (Exception error)
                throw error;

            if (!HandleUnresolvedWires)
                // clean up data structures that were used for fast comparing wire list and are now no longer needed
                foreach (WireList wl in FPGA.FPGA.Instance.GetAllWireLists())
                OutputManager.WriteOutput("Added " + m_loopWires + " loop wires");
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected override void DoCommandAction()
            // reset PRIOR to reading to reset high lighter
            CommandExecuter.Instance.Execute(new Reset());

            // create reader & open file
            XDLStreamReaderWithUndo sr = new XDLStreamReaderWithUndo(FileName);


            // XDL is only available with ISE
            FPGA.FPGA.Instance.BackendType = FPGA.FPGATypes.BackendType.ISE;

            XDLTileParser tp = new XDLTileParser();

                string line = "";
                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    // add space not to match tile_summary or tiles
                    if (line.Contains("(tile "))
                        tp.ParseTile(line, sr);

                        if (PrintProgress)
                            ProgressInfo.Progress = (int)((double)FPGA.FPGA.Instance.TileCount / (double)FPGA.FPGA.Instance.NumberOfExpectedTiles * (ReadWireStatements ? 20 : 100));
                    //skip commens
                    else if (line.StartsWith("#"))
                    else if (line.StartsWith("(xdl_resource_report"))
                    else if (line.StartsWith("(tiles"))

            // read wires in second run
            if (ReadWireStatements)
                ReadWireStatements rw = new ReadWireStatements();
                rw.ProgressStart         = 20;
                rw.ProgressShare         = 30;
                rw.FileName              = FileName;
                rw.HandleUnresolvedWires = false;
                rw.PrintProgress         = PrintProgress;
                rw.Profile = Profile;

                // in third run
                rw = new ReadWireStatements();
                rw.ProgressStart         = 50;
                rw.ProgressShare         = 30;
                rw.FileName              = FileName;
                rw.HandleUnresolvedWires = true;
                rw.PrintProgress         = PrintProgress;
                rw.Profile = Profile;

            if (ExcludePipsToBidirectionalWiresFromBlocking)
                ExcludePipsToBidirectionalWiresFromBlocking exclCmd = new ExcludePipsToBidirectionalWiresFromBlocking();
                exclCmd.Profile       = Profile;
                exclCmd.PrintProgress = PrintProgress;
                exclCmd.ProgressStart = 80;
                exclCmd.ProgressShare = 20;
                exclCmd.FileName      = "";

            CommandExecuter.Instance.Execute(new Reset());

            // no LoadFPGAFamilyScript here! LoadFPGAFamilyScript is called through Reset

            // remember for other stuff how we read in this FPGA
            Objects.Blackboard.Instance.LastLoadCommandForFPGA = ToString();
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        ///  Parse the next slice, add it to containingTile and return the added slice
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="containingTile"></param>
        /// <param name="mapping"></param>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        /// <param name="sr"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Slice Parse(Tile containingTile, InPortOutPortMapping mapping, string line, XDLStreamReaderWithUndo sr)
            // (primitive_site SLICE_X0Y79 SLICEM public 50
            char[]   pipSeparator       = { ' ', '(', ')' };
            string[] primitiveSiteAtoms = line.Split(pipSeparator);
            //five elements expected, see above
            if (primitiveSiteAtoms.Length != 6)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected primitive_site found: " + line);

            // get S6, V5, ... slice
            Slice slice = Slice.GetSlice(containingTile, primitiveSiteAtoms[2], primitiveSiteAtoms[3]);


            if (FPGA.FPGA.Instance.Family.Equals(FPGATypes.FPGAFamily.Virtex4))
                // Slice in Virtex4 come in order 0 2 1 3 -> reorder to 0 1 2 3
                if (containingTile.Slices.Count == 4 && IdentifierManager.Instance.IsMatch(containingTile.Location, IdentifierManager.RegexTypes.CLB))
                    Slice temp = containingTile.Slices[2];
                    containingTile.Slices[2] = containingTile.Slices[1];
                    containingTile.Slices[1] = temp;

            //read until end of tile
            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                if (line.Contains("pinwire"))
                    string[] atoms = line.Split(' ', ')');
                    if (atoms.Length != 5)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected pinwire line: " + line);

                    Port p = new Port(atoms[3]);
                    if (mapping.Contains(p))
                        Console.WriteLine("Warning: Port " + p.Name + " already exists in " + containingTile.Location + ". This port will be skipped." + p.GetHashCode());

                    if (atoms[2].Equals("input"))
                        mapping.AddSlicePort(p, FPGATypes.PortDirection.In);
                    else if (atoms[2].Equals("output"))
                        mapping.AddSlicePort(p, FPGATypes.PortDirection.Out);
                    else if (atoms[2].Equals("bidir"))
                        mapping.AddSlicePort(p, FPGATypes.PortDirection.In);
                        mapping.AddSlicePort(p, FPGATypes.PortDirection.Out);
                        throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected slice port " + line);
                //reached end of tile
                else if (m_endOfFile.IsMatch(line))

            // should never be reached
            throw new ArgumentException("Could not parse slice starting with " + line);