protected override void DoCommandAction()

            StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();

            buffer.AppendLine("################ GoAhead ################ GoAhead ################");

            foreach (string netlistContainerName in NetlistContainerNames)
                string anchor;
                List <XDLContainer> nlcs = new List <XDLContainer>();
                bool anchorFound = XDLContainer.GetAnchor(nlcs, out anchor);

                buffer.AppendLine("INST \"*inst_" + netlistContainerName + "\" LOC = \"" + anchor + "\"; # generated_by_GoAhead");

            // write to file
            if (File.Exists(FileName))
                TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(FileName);

            // write to gui
        protected override void DoCommandAction()

            if (TileSelectionManager.Instance.NumberOfSelectedTiles == 0)
                OutputManager.WriteOutput("Warning: No tiles selected");

            // read file
            DesignParser parser = DesignParser.CreateDesignParser(XDLInFile);
            // into design
            NetlistContainer inContainer = new XDLContainer();

            parser.ParseDesign(inContainer, this);

            // store selected parts in outDesign
            XDLContainer outContainer = (XDLContainer)inContainer.GetSelectedDesignElements();

            // write design to file
            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(XDLOutFile, false);


            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BinaryNetlist))
                SaveXDLLibraryElementAsBinaryLibraryElement saveCmd = new SaveXDLLibraryElementAsBinaryLibraryElement();
                saveCmd.FileName    = BinaryNetlist;
                saveCmd.XDLFileName = XDLOutFile;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void CutOffISE()
            XDLContainer nlc      = (XDLContainer)GetNetlistContainer();
            int          netsDone = 0;

            foreach (XDLNet n in nlc.Nets)
                ProgressInfo.Progress = (int)((double)netsDone++ / (double)nlc.NetCount * 100);
                int pipCount = n.PipCount;

                //List<XDLPip> removedPips =
                n.Remove(p => Remove(p));
                n.RemoveAllPinStatements(np => Remove(np, nlc));

                // pip count changed -> probably a PRLink that may be decomposed
                if (pipCount != n.PipCount)
                    n.PRLink = true;

            nlc.Remove(inst => Remove(inst));
            // remove all nets that are now empty
            nlc.Remove(n => n.PipCount == 0 && n.InpinCount == 0 && n.OutpinCount == 0);
        protected override void DoCommandAction()

            XDLContainer nlc = (XDLContainer)GetNetlistContainer();

            AddTemplate(nlc, Template, Location, PrimitiveIndex);
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected override void DoCommandAction()

            Slice where = FPGA.FPGA.Instance.Current.Slices[SliceNumber];
            XDLMacroPort addedPort        = new XDLMacroPort(PortName, new Port(PortString), where);
            XDLContainer netlistContainer = (XDLContainer)GetNetlistContainer();

Exemplo n.º 6
        private void RemovePipsFromNet(XDLContainer netlistContainer, Dictionary <string, bool> targetLocations, XDLNet net)
            int pipCount = net.PipCount;

            net.Remove(p => targetLocations.ContainsKey(p.Location));
            net.RemoveAllPinStatements(np => targetLocations.ContainsKey(netlistContainer.GetInstance(np).Location));

            // pip count changed -> probably a PRLink that may be decomposed
            if (pipCount != net.PipCount)
                net.PRLink = true;
        protected override void DoCommandAction()

            // read file
            DesignParser parser = DesignParser.CreateDesignParser(FileName);

            XDLContainer container = new XDLContainer();

            // into design
            parser.ParseDesign(container, this);

            // derive name from file
            string elementName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName);

            if (container.ModuleCount != 0)
                // find ports to block and assign them to slices
                // as we want to either
                // connect these ports (if used) or
                // drive a '1' to (if unused)
                foreach (XDLModule module in container.Modules)
                    // new library element to be added to library
                    LibraryElement libElement = new LibraryElement();
                    libElement.Containter    = module;
                    libElement.Name          = elementName;
                    libElement.PrimitiveName = elementName;
                    libElement.LoadCommand   = ToString();

                    // add lib element to library, BEFORE deriving block data as command SaveXDLLibraryElementAsBinaryLibraryElement access the element in the library
                // new library element to be added to library
                LibraryElement libElement = new LibraryElement();
                libElement.Containter    = container;
                libElement.Name          = elementName;
                libElement.PrimitiveName = elementName;
                libElement.LoadCommand   = ToString();

                // add lib element to library, BEFORE deriving block data as command SaveXDLLibraryElementAsBinaryLibraryElement access the element in the library
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected override void DoCommandAction()

            XDLContainer netlistContainer = (XDLContainer)GetNetlistContainer();
            Port         from             = new Port(From);
            Port         to = new Port(To);

            if (!FPGA.FPGA.Instance.Current.SwitchMatrix.Contains(from, to))
                throw new ArgumentException("Tile " + FPGA.FPGA.Instance.Current + " does not contain arc " + from + " -> " + to);

            if (FPGA.FPGA.Instance.Current.IsPortBlocked(from) && !((XDLNet)netlistContainer.LastNetAdded).Contains(FPGA.FPGA.Instance.Current, from))
                throw new ArgumentException("Port " + from + " on slice " + FPGA.FPGA.Instance.Current + " is blocked by another net");
            if (FPGA.FPGA.Instance.Current.IsPortBlocked(to) && !((XDLNet)netlistContainer.LastNetAdded).Contains(FPGA.FPGA.Instance.Current, to))
                throw new ArgumentException("Port " + to + " on slice " + FPGA.FPGA.Instance.Current + " is blocked by another net");

            if (netlistContainer == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("No current macro");
            if (netlistContainer.LastNetAdded == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("No current net");

            ((XDLNet)netlistContainer.LastNetAdded).Add(FPGA.FPGA.Instance.Current, from, to);
            if (!FPGA.FPGA.Instance.Current.IsPortBlocked(from))
                FPGA.FPGA.Instance.Current.BlockPort(from, Tile.BlockReason.Blocked);
            if (!FPGA.FPGA.Instance.Current.IsPortBlocked(to))
                FPGA.FPGA.Instance.Current.BlockPort(to, Tile.BlockReason.Blocked);
Exemplo n.º 9
        protected override void DoCommandAction()

            XDLContainer design  = (XDLContainer)GetNetlistContainer();
            XDLContainer blocker = new XDLContainer();

            // read file
            DesignParser parser = DesignParser.CreateDesignParser(Blocker);

            // into design
            parser.ParseDesign(blocker, this);

             * only the blocker net is deleted, the blocker instance remains part of the static design
             * foreach (XDLInstance inst in blocker.Instances)
             * {
             *  if (design.HasInstanceBySliceName(inst.SliceName))
             *  {
             *      this.OutputManager.WriteOutput("Resource conflict on instance " + inst.Name);
             *  }
             * }*/

            foreach (XDLNet net in blocker.Nets)
                foreach (XDLPip pip in net.Pips)
                    Tile t = FPGA.FPGA.Instance.GetTile(pip.Location);
                    if (t.IsPortBlocked(pip.From))
                        OutputManager.WriteOutput("In net " + net.Name + ": resource conflict on FROM port " + pip);
                    if (t.IsPortBlocked(pip.To))
                        OutputManager.WriteOutput("In net " + net.Name + ": resource conflict on TO port " + pip);
        public static void AddTemplate(XDLContainer netlistContainer, string template, string location, int primitiveIndex)
            StreamReader sr        = new StreamReader(template);
            string       wholeFile = sr.ReadToEnd();


            Tile            t = FPGA.FPGA.Instance.GetTile(location);
            MatchCollection instanceMatches = m_regExpInstance.Matches(wholeFile);

            foreach (Match match in instanceMatches)
                string instanceCode = match.Groups[1].Value;

                instanceCode = instanceCode.Replace("_LOCATION_", t.Location);
                instanceCode = instanceCode.Replace("_SLICENAME_", t.Slices[primitiveIndex].SliceName);
                instanceCode = instanceCode.Replace("_SLICETYPE_", t.Slices[primitiveIndex].SliceType);

                // attach usage
                t.Slices[primitiveIndex].Usage = FPGATypes.SliceUsage.Blocker;

            MatchCollection netMatches = m_regExpNets.Matches(wholeFile);

            foreach (Match netMatch in netMatches)
                string netCode = netMatch.Groups[1].Value;

                // DSP and BRAM templates only use _LOCATION_
                netCode = netCode.Replace("_LOCATION_", t.Location);
                // SLICEX templates only use _SLICENAME_
                netCode = netCode.Replace("_SLICENAME_", t.Slices[primitiveIndex].SliceName);

        protected override void DoCommandAction()

            DesignParser parser    = DesignParser.CreateDesignParser(XDLFile);
            XDLContainer container = new XDLContainer();

            parser.ParseDesign(container, this);

            VHDLParser       moduleParser = new VHDLParser(VHDLModule);
            VHDLParserEntity ent          = moduleParser.GetEntity(0);

            Dictionary <int, List <Signal> > east = new Dictionary <int, List <Signal> >();
            Dictionary <int, List <Signal> > west = new Dictionary <int, List <Signal> >();

            double xCenter, yCenter;

            TileSelectionManager.Instance.GetCenterOfSelection(t => TileSelectionManager.Instance.IsSelected(t.TileKey), out xCenter, out yCenter);

            foreach (HDLEntitySignal signal in ent.InterfaceSignals)
                foreach (XDLNet net in container.Nets.Where(n => n.Name.StartsWith(signal.SignalName) && ((XDLNet)n).HasIndex()).OrderBy(n => ((XDLNet)n).GetIndex()))
                    Tile fromTile;
                    Tile toTile;
                    GetSourceAndSink(container, net, out fromTile, out toTile);

                    GetSourceAndSink(container, net, out fromTile, out toTile);

                    Tile   innerTile  = null;
                    Tile   outerTile  = null;
                    string signalMode = "";
                    if (!TileSelectionManager.Instance.IsSelected(fromTile.TileKey) && TileSelectionManager.Instance.IsSelected(toTile.TileKey))
                        innerTile  = toTile;
                        outerTile  = fromTile;
                        signalMode = "in";
                    else if (TileSelectionManager.Instance.IsSelected(fromTile.TileKey) && !TileSelectionManager.Instance.IsSelected(toTile.TileKey))
                        outerTile  = toTile;
                        innerTile  = fromTile;
                        signalMode = "out";
                        throw new ArgumentException("Expecting an instance inside the current selection");

                    FPGATypes.InterfaceDirection dir = outerTile.TileKey.X < (int)xCenter ? FPGATypes.InterfaceDirection.East : FPGATypes.InterfaceDirection.West;

                    Dictionary <int, List <Signal> > signalCollection = dir.Equals(FPGATypes.InterfaceDirection.East) ? east : west;
                    if (!signalCollection.ContainsKey(innerTile.TileKey.Y))
                        signalCollection.Add(innerTile.TileKey.Y, new List <Signal>());

                    Signal s = new Signal();
                    s.Column          = -1;
                    s.SignalDirection = dir;
                    s.SignalMode      = signalMode;
                    s.SignalName      = net.Name;


                    // weiter: vor verlaesst das gummiband die partielle flaeche?
                    // vektoren nach osten oder westen?

            bool interleaveEast = east.Any(t => t.Value.Count > 4);
            bool interleaveWest = west.Any(t => t.Value.Count > 4);

            Dictionary <FPGA.FPGATypes.Direction, Dictionary <int, List <Signal> > > interfaces = new Dictionary <FPGATypes.Direction, Dictionary <int, List <Signal> > >();

            interfaces.Add(FPGATypes.Direction.East, new Dictionary <int, List <Signal> >());
            interfaces[FPGATypes.Direction.East][0] = new List <Signal>();
            interfaces[FPGATypes.Direction.East][1] = new List <Signal>();
            interfaces.Add(FPGATypes.Direction.West, new Dictionary <int, List <Signal> >());
            interfaces[FPGATypes.Direction.West][0] = new List <Signal>();
            interfaces[FPGATypes.Direction.West][1] = new List <Signal>();

            if (interleaveEast)
                int columnIndex = 0;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <Signal> > tupel in east)
                    foreach (Signal s in tupel.Value)
                        Signal copy = new Signal(s.SignalName, s.SignalMode, s.SignalDirection, "", columnIndex);

                        columnIndex %= 2;

        private void RelocateInstancesForXDL(LibraryElement libElement, Tile anchorCLB, XDLContainer netlistContainer)
            // reli
            foreach (Tuple <Instance, Tile> tileSliceTupel in libElement.GetInstanceTiles(anchorCLB, libElement))
                int   sliceNumber = tileSliceTupel.Item1.SliceNumber;
                Slice slice       = tileSliceTupel.Item2.Slices[sliceNumber];

                string xdlCode = tileSliceTupel.Item1.ToString();

                /* in TODO init.goa auslagern
                 * @"placed.*SLICE_X\d+Y\d+";
                 * @"placed.*TIEOFF_X\d+Y\d+";
                 * @"placed.*RAMB16_X\d+Y\d+"

                if (IdentifierManager.Instance.IsMatch(tileSliceTupel.Item1.Location, IdentifierManager.RegexTypes.CLB))
                    // replace placement information in: inst "right" "SLICEX", placed CLEXL_X9Y33 SLICE_X13Y33
                    string newPlacement = "placed " + tileSliceTupel.Item2.Location + " " + slice.SliceName;
                    string oldPlacement = @"placed.*SLICE_X\d+Y\d+";
                    xdlCode = Regex.Replace(xdlCode, oldPlacement, newPlacement);
                else if (IdentifierManager.Instance.IsMatch(tileSliceTupel.Item1.Location, IdentifierManager.RegexTypes.Interconnect))
                    string newPlacement = "placed " + tileSliceTupel.Item2.Location + " " + slice.SliceName;
                    string oldPlacement = @"placed.*TIEOFF_X\d+Y\d+";
                    xdlCode = Regex.Replace(xdlCode, oldPlacement, newPlacement);
                else if (IdentifierManager.Instance.IsMatch(tileSliceTupel.Item1.Location, IdentifierManager.RegexTypes.DSP))
                    int    underScoreLocation = tileSliceTupel.Item2.Location.IndexOf("_");
                    string locationPrefix     = tileSliceTupel.Item2.Location.Substring(0, underScoreLocation);

                    string newPlacement = "placed " + tileSliceTupel.Item2.Location + " " + slice.SliceName;
                    string oldPlacement = "placed.*" + locationPrefix + @"_X\d+Y\d+.*" + tileSliceTupel.Item1.SliceName;

                    xdlCode = Regex.Replace(xdlCode, oldPlacement, newPlacement);
                else if (IdentifierManager.Instance.IsMatch(tileSliceTupel.Item1.Location, IdentifierManager.RegexTypes.BRAM))
                    int    underScoreLocation = tileSliceTupel.Item2.Location.IndexOf("_");
                    string locationPrefix     = tileSliceTupel.Item2.Location.Substring(0, underScoreLocation);

                    string newPlacement = "placed " + tileSliceTupel.Item2.Location + " " + slice.SliceName;
                    string oldPlacement = "placed.*" + locationPrefix + @"_X\d+Y\d+.*" + tileSliceTupel.Item1.SliceName;
                    //String oldPlacement = @"placed.*RAMB16_X\d+Y\d+";
                    xdlCode = Regex.Replace(xdlCode, oldPlacement, newPlacement);

                if (InsertPrefix)
                    // insert instance prefix
                    // remove greedy between double quotes
                    MatchCollection matches         = Regex.Matches(xdlCode, "(\".*?\")");
                    string          oldInstanceName = matches[0].ToString();
                    oldInstanceName = Regex.Replace(oldInstanceName, "\"", "");
                    string newInstanceName = InstanceName + Regex.Replace(oldInstanceName, "\"", "");

                    // replace both the instance name AND slice configuration
                    xdlCode = xdlCode.Replace("\"" + oldInstanceName, "\"" + newInstanceName);

                    if (IdentifierManager.Instance.IsMatch(tileSliceTupel.Item1.Location, IdentifierManager.RegexTypes.BRAM))
                        xdlCode = xdlCode.Replace("RAMB16BWER:" + oldInstanceName, "RAMB16BWER:" + newInstanceName);

                    // XDL Shape??
                    xdlCode = xdlCode.Replace("Shape_", InstanceName + "Shape_");

        private void RelocateNetsForXDL(LibraryElement libElement, Tile anchorCLB, XDLContainer netlistContainer)
            foreach (XDLNet net in libElement.Containter.Nets)
                // insert instance prefix
                XDLNet relocatedNet = new XDLNet(InstanceName + net.Name);
                relocatedNet.HeaderExtension = net.HeaderExtension;

                foreach (NetPin pin in net.NetPins)
                    NetPin copy = NetPin.Copy(pin);
                    if (InsertPrefix)
                        // insert instance prefix
                        // remove greedy between double quotes
                        string oldInstanceName = pin.InstanceName;
                        string newInstanceName = "\"" + InstanceName + Regex.Replace(oldInstanceName, "\"", "") + "\"";
                        //xdlCode = Regex.Replace(xdlCode, oldInstanceName, newInstanceName);
                        copy.InstanceName = newInstanceName;
                        copy.InstanceName = copy.InstanceName.Replace("\"", "");

                //foreach (NetSegment seg in originalNet.GetAllSegments())
                foreach (XDLPip pip in net.Pips)
                    string targetLocation;
                    bool   success = libElement.GetTargetLocation(pip.Location, anchorCLB, out targetLocation);

                    Tile targetTile = null;
                    if (FPGA.FPGA.Instance.Contains(targetLocation))
                        targetTile = FPGA.FPGA.Instance.GetTile(targetLocation);
                        throw new ArgumentException("Error during relocation of pip " + pip + " to " + targetLocation);

                    XDLPip relocatedSegment = null;
                    if (targetTile.SwitchMatrix.Contains(pip.From, pip.To))
                        // we do not need to transform identifiers
                        relocatedSegment = new XDLPip(targetTile.Location, pip.From, pip.Operator, pip.To);
                        // naming fun
                        relocatedSegment = FPGATypes.RelocatePip(targetTile, pip, relocatedNet);

                    if (relocatedSegment == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Could not relocate " + pip.ToString() + " to tile " + targetLocation);

                    if (!targetTile.SwitchMatrix.Contains(relocatedSegment.From, relocatedSegment.To))
                        throw new ArgumentException("Could not relocate " + pip.ToString() + " to tile " + targetLocation);


                if (netlistContainer.Nets.Any(n => n.Name.Equals(relocatedNet.Name)))
                    throw new ArgumentException("A net named " + relocatedNet.Name + " is alredy inserted to netlist " + netlistContainer.Name + ". Did you try to join two instances of the same macro in one?");

Exemplo n.º 14
 private bool Remove(NetPin np, XDLContainer netlistContainer)
Exemplo n.º 15
        protected override void DoCommandAction()

            XDLContainer nlc = (XDLContainer)GetNetlistContainer();

            List <string> fixedSliceConfigurations = new List <string>();

            foreach (XDLInstance inst in nlc.Instances)
                // A5LUT:Inst_PE/Mmult_OPA[31]_OPB[31]_MuLt_17_OUT_Madd10_cy<6>:#LUT -> A5LUT::#LUT
                string originalCode = inst.ToString();
                string fixedCode    = originalCode;
                if (!fixedCode.Contains("A5LUT::#OFF"))
                    fixedCode = Regex.Replace(fixedCode, " A5LUT:(.+?):#LUT:", " A5LUT::#LUT:");
                if (!fixedCode.Contains("B5LUT::#OFF"))
                    fixedCode = Regex.Replace(fixedCode, " B5LUT:(.+?):#LUT:", " B5LUT::#LUT:");
                if (!fixedCode.Contains("C5LUT::#OFF"))
                    fixedCode = Regex.Replace(fixedCode, " C5LUT:(.+?):#LUT:", " C5LUT::#LUT:");
                if (!fixedCode.Contains("D5LUT::#OFF"))
                    fixedCode = Regex.Replace(fixedCode, " D5LUT:(.+?):#LUT:", " D5LUT::#LUT:");
                if (!fixedCode.Contains("A6LUT::#OFF"))
                    fixedCode = Regex.Replace(fixedCode, " A6LUT:(.+?):#LUT:", " A6LUT::#LUT:");
                if (!fixedCode.Contains("B6LUT::#OFF"))
                    fixedCode = Regex.Replace(fixedCode, " B6LUT:(.+?):#LUT:", " B6LUT::#LUT:");
                if (!fixedCode.Contains("C6LUT::#OFF"))
                    fixedCode = Regex.Replace(fixedCode, " C6LUT:(.+?):#LUT:", " C6LUT::#LUT:");
                if (!fixedCode.Contains("D6LUT::#OFF"))
                    fixedCode = Regex.Replace(fixedCode, " D6LUT:(.+?):#LUT:", " D6LUT::#LUT:");
                // neu
                // A5FF:Inst_PE/Mmult_OPA[31]_OPB[31]_MuLt_18_OUT_OPA,OPB<20>_x_OPA,OPB<62>_mand1_FRB: -> A5FF::
                if (!fixedCode.Contains("A5FF::"))
                    fixedCode = Regex.Replace(fixedCode, "A5FF:(.+?):", "A5FF::");
                if (!fixedCode.Contains("B5FF::"))
                    fixedCode = Regex.Replace(fixedCode, "B5FF:(.+?):", "B5FF::");
                if (!fixedCode.Contains("C5FF::"))
                    fixedCode = Regex.Replace(fixedCode, "C5FF:(.+?):", "C5FF::");
                if (!fixedCode.Contains("D5FF::"))
                    fixedCode = Regex.Replace(fixedCode, "D5FF:(.+?):", "D5FF::");

                // BFF:Inst_PE/config_data_en_0:#FF --> BFF::#FF
                if (!fixedCode.Contains("AFF::#OFF") && !fixedCode.Contains("AFF::#FF"))
                    fixedCode = Regex.Replace(fixedCode, "AFF:(.+?):", "AFF::");
                if (!fixedCode.Contains("BFF::#OFF") && !fixedCode.Contains("BFF::#FF"))
                    fixedCode = Regex.Replace(fixedCode, "BFF:(.+?):", "BFF::");
                if (!fixedCode.Contains("CFF::#OFF") && !fixedCode.Contains("CFF::#FF"))
                    fixedCode = Regex.Replace(fixedCode, "CFF:(.+?):", "CFF::");
                if (!fixedCode.Contains("DFF::#OFF") && !fixedCode.Contains("DFF::#FF"))
                    fixedCode = Regex.Replace(fixedCode, "DFF:(.+?):", "DFF::");


            nlc.Remove(delegate(Instance i) { return(true); });
            foreach (string xdlCode in fixedSliceConfigurations)
Exemplo n.º 16
        protected override void DoCommandAction()

            // read file
            DesignParser parser = DesignParser.CreateDesignParser(XDLInFile);
            // into design
            XDLContainer container = new XDLContainer();

            parser.ParseDesign(container, this);

            XDLNet netWithOutPin = (XDLNet)container.Nets.FirstOrDefault(n => n.OutpinCount == 1 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(((XDLNet)n).HeaderExtension));

            if (netWithOutPin == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("No net with outpin found");

            List <string> namesOfNetsWithoutOutpin = new List <string>();

            foreach (Net net in container.Nets.Where(n => n.OutpinCount == 0))

            foreach (string netName in namesOfNetsWithoutOutpin)
                XDLNet net = (XDLNet)container.Nets.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name.Equals(netName));
                if (net == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Net " + netName + " not found");
                foreach (XDLPip pip in net.Pips)

            System.IO.TextWriter tw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(XDLOutFile, false);

            foreach (XDLModule mod in container.Modules)

            foreach (XDLPort p in container.Ports)

            foreach (XDLInstance inst in container.Instances)

            foreach (XDLNet net in container.Nets)