Exemplo n.º 1
        void handle()
            // This packet is complicated, so I will comment the process.
            // Let's get the data off the line first..

            string serverID  = sock.readString();
            short  keyLength = sock.readShort();
            short  verifyLength;

            byte[] key;
            byte[] token;
            key          = sock.readByteArray(keyLength);
            verifyLength = sock.readShort();
            token        = sock.readByteArray(verifyLength);

            //Here, we need some random bytes to use as a shared key with the server.

            RandomNumberGenerator random = RandomNumberGenerator.Create();


            // AsnKeyParser is a part of the cryptography.dll, which is simply a compiled version
            // of SMProxy's Cryptography.cs, with the server side parts stripped out.
            // You pass it the key data and ask it to parse, and it will
            // Extract the server's public key, then parse that into RSA for us.

            AsnKeyParser  keyParser = new AsnKeyParser(key);
            RSAParameters Dekey     = keyParser.ParseRSAPublicKey();

            // Now we create an encrypter, and encrypt the token sent to us by the server
            // as well as our newly made shared key (Which can then only be decrypted with the server's private key)
            // and we send it to the server.
            RSACryptoServiceProvider cryptoService = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

            byte[] EncryptedSecret = cryptoService.Encrypt(myform.sharedkey, false);
            byte[] EncryptedVerfy  = cryptoService.Encrypt(token, false);

            // I pass this information back up (Unencrypted) to the main form.
            // This allows me to have it ready for when I need this later.

            myform.ServerID  = serverID;
            myform.token     = token;
            myform.PublicKey = key;

            if (serverID != "-" && myform.onlineMode)
                // Verify with Minecraft.net, if need be.
                // At this point, the server requires a hash containing the server id,
                // shared key, and original public key. So we make this, and then pass to Minecraft.net

                List <byte> hashlist = new List <byte>();
                byte[] hashData = hashlist.ToArray();
                string hash     = JavaHexDigest(hashData);
                myform.serverHash = hash;

                Minecraft_Net_Interaction verify = new Minecraft_Net_Interaction();
                if (!verify.VerifyName(myform.username, myform.sessionId, hash))
                    myform.puts("Failed to verify name with minecraft.net");
                    myform.sessionId = null;
                // Skip Verification, user is not online.
                myform.puts("Skipping verification.");

            // Sets up the socket for encryption, but does not enable it yet.

            // Respond to server.
            EncResponse Response = new EncResponse(sock, myform, EncryptedVerfy, EncryptedSecret, true);