Exemplo n.º 1
        public static WorkflowDetailRespObj LoadWorkflowDetails(WorkflowDetailSearchObj regObj, string username)
            var response = new WorkflowDetailRespObj
                Status = new APIResponseStatus
                    IsSuccessful = false,
                    Message      = new APIResponseMessage(),

                var apiResponse = new APIHelper(APIEndpoints.LOAD_WORKFLOW_DETAILS_ENDPOINT, username, Method.POST).ProcessAPI <WorkflowDetailSearchObj, WorkflowDetailRespObj>(regObj, out var msg);
                if (msg.Code == 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.TechMessage) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.Message))

                response.Status.Message.FriendlyMessage  = msg.Message;
                response.Status.Message.TechnicalMessage = msg.TechMessage;
            catch (Exception ex)
                UtilTools.LogE(ex.StackTrace, ex.Source, ex.GetBaseException().Message);
                response.Status.Message.FriendlyMessage  = "Error Occurred! Please try again later";
                response.Status.Message.TechnicalMessage = "Error: " + ex.GetBaseException().Message;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public JsonResult ProcessAddWorkflowDetailRequest(RegWorkflowDetailObj model)
                #region model validations
                var userData = MvcApplication.GetUserData(User.Identity.Name) ?? new UserData();
                if (userData.UserId < 1)
                    return(Json(new { IsSuccessful = false, Error = "Your session has expired", IsAuthenticated = false }));
                if (model.Status < 1)
                    return(Json(new { IsSuccessful = false, Error = "Task Status required to save changes", IsAuthenticated = true }));
                if (model.Recommendation.Length < 5)
                    return(Json(new { IsSuccessful = false, Error = "Minimium of five characters for recommendation required", IsAuthenticated = true }));

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Recommendation) || model.Recommendation.Length < 1 || model.Recommendation.Length == 0)
                    return(Json(new { IsSuccessful = false, Error = "Recommendation field required to save changes", IsAuthenticated = true }));

                #region current task session check
                var currentTask = (WorkflowTaskObj)Session["_CurrentSelWorkflowTask_"];
                if (currentTask == null)
                    return(Json(new { IsSuccessful = false, Error = "Your session has expired", IsAuthenticated = false }));

                #region build request object

                var requestObj = new RegWorkflowDetailObj
                    ClientId             = currentTask.ClientId,
                    ProductId            = currentTask.ProductId,
                    AdminUserId          = userData.UserId,
                    ApprovalLevelId      = currentTask.ApprovalLevelId,
                    AssigneeId           = currentTask.AssigneeId,
                    ExpenseRequisitionId = currentTask.ExpenseRequisitionId,
                    IsEmailSent          = currentTask.IsEmailSent,
                    Recommendation       = model.Recommendation.Trim(),
                    RequestType          = currentTask.RequestType,
                    TaskTitle            = currentTask.TaskTitle,
                    TimeStampRegistered  = DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd-mmmm-yyyy"),
                    WorkflowTaskId       = currentTask.WorkflowTaskId,
                    Status = model.Status,


                #region Request and response validations

                var response = WorkflowDetailServices.AddWorkflowDetail(requestObj, userData.Username);
                if (response?.Status == null)
                    return(Json(new { IsAuthenticated = true, IsSuccessful = false, IsReload = false, Error = "Error Occurred! Please try again later" }));

                if (!response.Status.IsSuccessful)
                    return(Json(new { IsAuthenticated = true, IsSuccessful = false, IsReload = false, Error = string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.Status.Message.TechnicalMessage) ? "Process Failed! Unable to add nomination Source" : response.Status.Message.TechnicalMessage }));

                var searchObj = new WorkflowDetailSearchObj
                    AdminUserId      = userData.UserId,
                    WorkflowDetailId = 0,
                    Status           = -2

                var retVal = WorkflowDetailServices.LoadWorkflowDetails(searchObj, userData.Username);
                if (retVal?.Status != null && retVal.WorkflowDetails != null)
                    var WorkflowDetails = retVal.WorkflowDetails.OrderBy(m => m.WorkflowDetailId).Where(m => m.ClientId == currentTask.ClientId && m.ProductId == currentTask.ProductId).ToList();
                    Session["_WorkflowDetailList_"] = WorkflowDetails;


                return(Json(new { IsAuthenticated = true, IsSuccessful = true, IsReload = false, Error = "" }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                UtilTools.LogE(ex.StackTrace, ex.Source, ex.Message);
                return(Json(new { IsAuthenticated = true, IsSuccessful = false, IsReload = false, Error = "Process Error Occurred! Please try again later" }));
        public PartialViewResult RecommendationList(int ExpenseRequisitionId)
                ViewBag.Error        = "";
                ViewBag.SessionError = "";
                #region current user session check

                var userData = MvcApplication.GetUserData(User.Identity.Name) ?? new UserData();
                if (userData.UserId < 1)
                    ViewBag.SessionError = "Your session has expired! Please re-login";
                    return(PartialView(new List <WorkflowDetailObj>()));


                #region Id check
                if (ExpenseRequisitionId < 1)
                    ViewBag.Error = "Invalid selection";
                    return(PartialView(new List <WorkflowDetailObj>()));

                #region get approval work flow level name from session or service if session is empty

                if (Session["_ApprovalLevels_"] is List <WorkFlowApprovalLevelObj> WorkFlowApprovalLevelList && WorkFlowApprovalLevelList.Any())
                    Session["_ApprovalLevels_"] = WorkFlowApprovalLevelList.ToList();
                    var reqObjAppLvel = new WorkFlowApprovalLevelSearchObj
                        AdminUserId             = userData.UserId,
                        StartDate               = " ",
                        Status                  = -2,
                        StopDate                = "",
                        WorkFlowApprovalLevelId = 0,
                    var retValForAppLv = ExpenseLookUpServices.LoadWorkFlowApprovalLevels(reqObjAppLvel, userData.Username);
                    var appLevels      = retValForAppLv.WorkflowApprovalLevels.ToList();
                    Session["_ApprovalLevels_"] = appLevels;


                #region return Approval levels comment if session is not null
                if (Session["_WorkflowComments_"] is List <WorkflowDetailObj> WorkflowDetailList && WorkflowDetailList.Any())
                    return(PartialView(WorkflowDetailList.Where(m => m.ExpenseRequisitionId == ExpenseRequisitionId && m.Status != (int)WorkflowStatus.Processing).ToList()));

                #region requests  for approval level comments and response  check
                var reqObj = new WorkflowDetailSearchObj
                    AdminUserId      = userData.UserId,
                    StartDate        = " ",
                    Status           = -2,
                    StopDate         = "",
                    WorkflowDetailId = 0,
                var retVal = WorkflowDetailServices.LoadWorkflowDetails(reqObj, userData.Username);

                var thisWorkflowComments = retVal.WorkflowDetails.Where(m => m.ExpenseRequisitionId == ExpenseRequisitionId && m.Status != (int)WorkflowStatus.Processing).ToList();
                if (thisWorkflowComments == null || !thisWorkflowComments.Any())
                    ViewBag.Error = "Error Occurred! Unable to process selected item";
                    return(PartialView(new List <WorkflowDetailObj>()));
                Session["_WorkflowComments_"] = thisWorkflowComments;


            catch (Exception ex)
                ViewBag.Error = "Error Occurred! Please try again later";
                UtilTools.LogE(ex.StackTrace, ex.Source, ex.Message);
                return(PartialView(new List <WorkflowDetailObj>()));