Exemplo n.º 1
        protected async void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // define the Bucket, DWG and PDF file names
            string bucketName  = "designautomationsample-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string dwgFileName = FileUpload1.FileName;
            string pdfFileName = dwgFileName.Replace(".dwg", ".pdf");

            // upload from client/browser to my server
            string fileSavePath = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data"), dwgFileName);


            IAmazonS3 client = new AmazonS3Client(Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USWest2);

            // create AWS Bucket
            if (!await client.DoesS3BucketExistAsync(bucketName))
                await client.EnsureBucketExistsAsync(bucketName);

            // Upload file from Server to S3 bucket
            client.UploadObjectFromFilePath(bucketName, FileUpload1.FileName, fileSavePath, null);

            // delete files from server
            Directory.Delete(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileSavePath), true);

            // OAuht 2-legged on Forge
            TwoLeggedApi apiInstance = new TwoLeggedApi();
            dynamic      bearer      = await apiInstance.AuthenticateAsync(Config.FORGE_CLIENT_ID, Config.FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET, Autodesk.Forge.oAuthConstants.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS, Config.FORGE_SCOPE_DESIGN_AUTOMATION);

            // generate URLs for Design Automation to access (download & upload) S3 files
            Uri downloadFromS3 = new Uri(client.GeneratePreSignedURL(bucketName, dwgFileName, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(90), null));

            Dictionary <string, object> props = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            props.Add("Verb", "PUT");
            Uri uploadToS3 = new Uri(client.GeneratePreSignedURL(bucketName, pdfFileName, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10), props));

            // prepare WorkItem (based on the built-in "PlotToPDF" activity")
            WorkItemsApi workItemsApi = new WorkItemsApi();

            workItemsApi.Configuration.AccessToken = bearer.access_token;
            JObject arguments = new JObject
                new JProperty(
                    "InputArguments", new JArray
                    new JObject
                        new JProperty("Resource", downloadFromS3.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path)),
                        new JProperty("Headers", MakeHeaders(WebRequestMethods.Http.Get, downloadFromS3)),
                        new JProperty("Name", "HostDwg")
                new JProperty(
                    "OutputArguments", new JArray
                    new JObject
                        new JProperty("Name", "Result"),
                        new JProperty("HttpVerb", "PUT"),
                        new JProperty("Resource", uploadToS3.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path)),
                        new JProperty("Headers", MakeHeaders(WebRequestMethods.Http.Put, uploadToS3)),
                        new JProperty("StorageProvider", "Generic")

            // submit the workitem...
            dynamic workitem = await workItemsApi.CreateWorkItemAsync(new Autodesk.Forge.Model.WorkItem(string.Empty, arguments, null, null, null, "PlotToPDF"));

            // wait...
            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); // wait 1 second
            // get the status
            string  id     = workitem.Id;
            dynamic status = await workItemsApi.GetWorkItemAsync(id); // Due an issue with the .NET SDK, this is not working (#17)

            // download the PDF from S3 to our server
            fileSavePath = fileSavePath.Replace(".dwg", ".pdf");
            client.DownloadToFilePath(bucketName, pdfFileName, fileSavePath, null);

            // send the PDF file to the client (DO NOT expose a direct URL to S3, but send the bytes)
            Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"" + pdfFileName + "\"");

            // delete files on S3
            await client.DeleteObjectAsync(bucketName, dwgFileName);

            await client.DeleteObjectAsync(bucketName, pdfFileName);

            await client.DeleteBucketAsync(bucketName);

            // delete PDF file from server
            Directory.Delete(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileSavePath), true);
 public void Init()
     instance = new WorkItemsApi();