/// <summary>
    /// Remove a specific word behaviour from list and optionally destroy game object.
    /// This might also remove a template, i.e. no further trackables will be augmented for a specific word or for a template
    /// </summary>
    public override void DestroyWordBehaviour(WordBehaviour behaviour, bool destroyGameObject = true)
        var keys = mWordBehaviours.Keys.ToArray();

        foreach (var key in keys)
            if (mWordBehaviours[key].Contains(behaviour))

                // no behaviours left - delete whole list
                if (mWordBehaviours[key].Count == 0)

                if (destroyGameObject)
                    IEditorWordBehaviour editorTrackableBehaviour = behaviour;
Exemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Remove a specific word behaviour from list and optionally destroy game object.
    /// This might also remove a template, i.e. no further trackables will be augmented for a specific word or for a template
    /// </summary>
    public override void DestroyWordBehaviour(WordBehaviour behaviour, bool destroyGameObject = true)
        var keys = mWordBehaviours.Keys.ToArray();
        foreach (var key in keys)
            if (mWordBehaviours[key].Contains(behaviour))

                // no behaviours left - delete whole list
                if (mWordBehaviours[key].Count == 0)

                if (destroyGameObject)
                    IEditorWordBehaviour editorTrackableBehaviour = behaviour;
    private WordBehaviour AssociateWordBehaviour(WordResult wordResult, WordBehaviour wordBehaviourTemplate)
        if (mActiveWordBehaviours.Count >= mMaxInstances)

        var word = wordResult.Word;

        var wordBehaviour = wordBehaviourTemplate;
        var ewb           = (IEditorWordBehaviour)wordBehaviour;


        mActiveWordBehaviours.Add(word.ID, wordBehaviour);

    /// <summary>
    /// Associate multiple words with word behaviours. This function prefers word results that are already in the waiting queue over new words.
    /// </summary>
    private void AssociateWordResultsWithBehaviours()
        //first handle all items in the waiting queue (has to be copied because it will be changed)
        //new values will be added to the waiting queue inside AssociateWordBehaviour
        var waitingQueue = new List <Word>(mWaitingQueue);

        foreach (var word in waitingQueue)
            if (mTrackedWords.ContainsKey(word.ID))
                var wr = mTrackedWords[word.ID];
                //the word can be removed from the waiting list because it has been associated with a behaviour
                if (AssociateWordBehaviour(wr) != null)
                //word is not tracked anymore

        //handle new word results that are currently tracked
        foreach (WordResult wordResult in mNewWords)
            WordBehaviour wordBehaviour = AssociateWordBehaviour(wordResult);

            //no corresponding word prefab was found. put tracked word result to waiting list
            if (wordBehaviour == null)
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a text-mesh and a rectangular mesh. The size of the rectangle depends on the size of the text.
    /// </summary>
    private static void UpdateMesh(WordBehaviour behaviour)
        var gameObject = behaviour.gameObject;
        var editorBehaviour = (IEditorWordBehaviour) behaviour;

        //get existing child-object with name "Text" or create new one
        GameObject childGameObject;
        var child = gameObject.transform.FindChild("Text");
        if (!child)
            childGameObject = new GameObject("Text");
            childGameObject.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;
            childGameObject = child.gameObject;
        childGameObject.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
        childGameObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90.0f, Vector3.right);
        childGameObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;

        //disable editor-functionality including the transform-handles in the 3d editor
        //childGameObject.hideFlags = HideFlags.NotEditable;

        //get or create text-mesh
        var textMesh = childGameObject.GetComponent<TextMesh>();
        if (!textMesh)
            textMesh = childGameObject.AddComponent<TextMesh>();

        //load default font from resources
        var fontPath = QCARUtilities.GlobalVars.FONT_PATH;
        var font = (Font)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(fontPath + "SourceSansPro.ttf", typeof(Font));
        if (font != null)
            textMesh.fontSize = 0;
            textMesh.font = font;
            //fallback when font is not available: use built-in font from unity, won't work on Android and Unity 3.5
            Debug.LogWarning("Standard font for Word-prefabs were not found. You might not be able to use it during runtime.");
            textMesh.font = Resources.Load("Arial", typeof(Font)) as Font;
            textMesh.fontSize = 36;

        //get or create renderer and assign material for rendering texture and set font color to black
        var renderer = childGameObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
        if (!renderer)
            renderer = childGameObject.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();

        //copy font-material to get persistent color and shader
        var material = new Material(textMesh.font.material);
        material.color = Color.black;
        material.shader = Shader.Find("Custom/Text3D");
        renderer.sharedMaterial = material;

        //define text for mesh
        textMesh.text = editorBehaviour.IsTemplateMode ? "\"AnyWord\"" : editorBehaviour.SpecificWord;
        //textMesh.transform.hideFlags = HideFlags.NotEditable;

        //set transformation to identity for computing correct axis-aligned bounding box
        var tempRotation = gameObject.transform.localRotation;
        var tempScale = gameObject.transform.localScale;
        var tempPosition = gameObject.transform.localPosition;
        gameObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
        gameObject.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
        gameObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;

        //compute axis-aligned bounding box for resizing rectangle
        var bounds = GetBoundsForAxisAlignedTextMesh(textMesh);

        UpdateRectangleMesh(gameObject, bounds);

        //set transformation to original value
        gameObject.transform.localRotation = tempRotation;
        gameObject.transform.localScale = tempScale;
        gameObject.transform.localPosition = tempPosition;
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the word behaviour that is associated with a currently tracked word
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="word">trackable</param>
 /// <param name="behaviour">resulting word behaviour, might be null if specified word is not associated to a behaviour</param>
 /// <returns>returns true if word behaviour exists for specified word trackable</returns>
 public abstract bool TryGetWordBehaviour(Word word, out WordBehaviour behaviour);
 /// <summary>
 /// Remove a specific word behaviour from list and optionally destroy game object.
 /// This might also remove a template, i.e. no further trackables will be augmented for a specific word or for a template
 /// </summary>
 public abstract void DestroyWordBehaviour(WordBehaviour behaviour, bool destroyGameObject = true);
    private WordBehaviour AssociateWordBehaviour(WordResult wordResult, WordBehaviour wordBehaviourTemplate)
        if (mActiveWordBehaviours.Count >= mMaxInstances)
            return null;

        var word = wordResult.Word;

        var wordBehaviour = wordBehaviourTemplate;
        var ewb = (IEditorWordBehaviour) wordBehaviour;


        mActiveWordBehaviours.Add(word.ID, wordBehaviour);

        return wordBehaviour;
 /// <summary>
 /// create a new instance of the input word behaviour
 /// </summary>
 private static WordBehaviour InstantiateWordBehaviour(WordBehaviour input)
     var go = Object.Instantiate(input.gameObject) as GameObject;
     return go.GetComponent<WordBehaviour>();
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the word behaviour that is associated with a currently tracked word
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="word">trackable</param>
 /// <param name="behaviour">resulting word behaviour, might be null if specified word is not associated to a behaviour</param>
 /// <returns>returns true if word behaviour exists for specified word trackable</returns>
 public override bool TryGetWordBehaviour(Word word, out WordBehaviour behaviour)
     return mActiveWordBehaviours.TryGetValue(word.ID, out behaviour);
Exemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Remove a specific word behaviour from list and optionally destroy game object.
 /// This might also remove a template, i.e. no further trackables will be augmented for a specific word or for a template
 /// </summary>
 public abstract void DestroyWordBehaviour(WordBehaviour behaviour, bool destroyGameObject = true);
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the word behaviour that is associated with a currently tracked word
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="word">trackable</param>
 /// <param name="behaviour">resulting word behaviour, might be null if specified word is not associated to a behaviour</param>
 /// <returns>returns true if word behaviour exists for specified word trackable</returns>
 public abstract bool TryGetWordBehaviour(Word word, out WordBehaviour behaviour);
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the word behaviour that is associated with a currently tracked word
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="word">trackable</param>
 /// <param name="behaviour">resulting word behaviour, might be null if specified word is not associated to a behaviour</param>
 /// <returns>returns true if word behaviour exists for specified word trackable</returns>
 public override bool TryGetWordBehaviour(Word word, out WordBehaviour behaviour)
     return(mActiveWordBehaviours.TryGetValue(word.ID, out behaviour));
    /// <summary>
    /// create a new instance of the input word behaviour
    /// </summary>
    private static WordBehaviour InstantiateWordBehaviour(WordBehaviour input)
        var go = Object.Instantiate(input.gameObject) as GameObject;

        return(go.GetComponent <WordBehaviour>());
Exemplo n.º 15
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a text-mesh and a rectangular mesh. The size of the rectangle depends on the size of the text.
    /// </summary>
    private static void UpdateMesh(WordBehaviour behaviour)
        var gameObject      = behaviour.gameObject;
        var editorBehaviour = (IEditorWordBehaviour)behaviour;

        //get existing child-object with name "Text" or create new one
        GameObject childGameObject;
        var        child = gameObject.transform.FindChild("Text");

        if (!child)
            childGameObject = new GameObject("Text");
            childGameObject.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;
            childGameObject = child.gameObject;
        childGameObject.transform.localScale    = Vector3.one;
        childGameObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90.0f, Vector3.right);
        childGameObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;

        //disable editor-functionality including the transform-handles in the 3d editor
        //childGameObject.hideFlags = HideFlags.NotEditable;

        //get or create text-mesh
        var textMesh = childGameObject.GetComponent <TextMesh>();

        if (!textMesh)
            textMesh = childGameObject.AddComponent <TextMesh>();

        //load default font from resources
        var fontPath = QCARUtilities.GlobalVars.FONT_PATH;
        var font     = (Font)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(fontPath + "SourceSansPro.ttf", typeof(Font));

        if (font != null)
            textMesh.fontSize = 0;
            textMesh.font     = font;
            //fallback when font is not available: use built-in font from unity, won't work on Android and Unity 3.5
            Debug.LogWarning("Standard font for Word-prefabs were not found. You might not be able to use it during runtime.");
            textMesh.font     = Resources.Load("Arial", typeof(Font)) as Font;
            textMesh.fontSize = 36;

        //get or create renderer and assign material for rendering texture and set font color to black
        var renderer = childGameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

        if (!renderer)
            renderer = childGameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();

        //copy font-material to get persistent color and shader
        var material = new Material(textMesh.font.material);

        material.color          = Color.black;
        material.shader         = Shader.Find("Custom/Text3D");
        renderer.sharedMaterial = material;

        //define text for mesh
        textMesh.text = editorBehaviour.IsTemplateMode ? "\"AnyWord\"" : editorBehaviour.SpecificWord;
        //textMesh.transform.hideFlags = HideFlags.NotEditable;

        //set transformation to identity for computing correct axis-aligned bounding box
        var tempRotation = gameObject.transform.localRotation;
        var tempScale    = gameObject.transform.localScale;
        var tempPosition = gameObject.transform.localPosition;

        gameObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
        gameObject.transform.localScale    = Vector3.one;
        gameObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;

        //compute axis-aligned bounding box for resizing rectangle
        var bounds = GetBoundsForAxisAlignedTextMesh(textMesh);

        UpdateRectangleMesh(gameObject, bounds);

        //set transformation to original value
        gameObject.transform.localRotation = tempRotation;
        gameObject.transform.localScale    = tempScale;
        gameObject.transform.localPosition = tempPosition;